Dr Mahmoud M. S. Abdallah - ed

[Pages:203]Assiut University Faculty of Education Curriculum & Instruction Dept.


Dr Mahmoud M. S. Abdallah

Associate Professor of Curriculum & TESOL/TEFL Methodology Faculty of Education, Assiut University 2019

TEFL/TESOL Methodology 2: Advanced Language Teaching/Learning Strategies (2nd Edition)

TEFL/TESOL Methodology 2: Advanced Language Teaching/Learning Strategies (2nd Edition)

Copyright ? 2019, by Dr Mahmoud M. S. Abdallah (2nd Edition)

All Rights Reserved by the Author No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form ? or by any means ? without prior written permission of the author (copyright owner).

Dr Mahmoud Mohammad Sayed Abdallah (PhD in Education, University of Exeter, England, UK)

Associate Professor of Curriculum & TESOL/TEFL Methodology, Curriculum & Instruction Department Faculty of Education Assiut University, 71515 Assiut, Egypt Office: (002) 088-2423843 Mobile: (+2) 01011953743 Exeter University Homepage: Academic Profile: Scholar: Assiut University Homepage: English: Arabic: Social Networking: Twitter: Facebook:


Dr Mahmoud M. S. Abdallah


As I mentioned in the 1st edition, I feel so grateful to 4th-year EFL student teachers at Assiut University Faculty of Education during the 1st semester of the academic year 2014/2015. I wholeheartedly thank them for their creative ideas and active participation while studying the TESOL/TEFL Methodology 2 course, which inspired and helped me while writing this book. I consider them my co-authors, as I employed here much of the summaries, oral discussions and written reports they enthusiastically made during the lectures, workshops and online! Also, I'd like to thank all those active MA and PhD researchers who willingly contributed to the book with some excerpts of the theoretical background sections in their theses. Finally, I'd like to thank my colleague, Dr Rehab A. Elsayed, lecturer of Curriculum & TESOL at Faculty of Education, Assiut University, for her insightful input on Virtual Language Learning (VLL) in Chapter Seven.


TEFL/TESOL Methodology 2: Advanced Language Teaching/Learning Strategies (2nd Edition)


TEFL/TESOL Methodology 2: Advanced Language Teaching/Learning Strategies (2nd Edition) is a language methodology course with a modern touch. In other words, it is a combination of the most commonly used language teaching approaches, strategies and/or techniques in modern schools nowadays. In particular, it is intended to be used both as (1) an EFL teaching guide that complements (and builds on) the previous TEFL/TESOL Methodology 1 course, and (2) an Advanced Language Teaching/Learning Strategies post-graduate course for TESOL/TEFL specialists (some parts and chapters were written for this specific audience). Thus, it aims at acquainting senior (4th-year) EFL student teachers and post-graduate students (majoring in Curriculum & TESOL/TEFL) with the knowledge and skills required for teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL) at Egyptian schools, with specific reference to secondary schools.

Moreover, the course explores some important language learning issues and teaching/learning strategies, techniques and scenarios, which have emerged to reinforce students' language learning, and address many language-learning problems and/or difficulties. Thus, the main topics include: (1) introducing some problematic educational (language learning) terms (i.e. epistemology, approach, methodology, method, procedure, technique and strategy) (Chapter One), and other commonly used language learning terms (Chapter Eleven); This includes guiding senior EFL student teachers into how to deal with secondary-stage students, and help them to learn the English language effectively, and how to employ EFL teacher observation checklist/sheet prepared by the author during their practicum (Chapter One); (2) how to employ effective and successful classroom management inside the classroom (Chapter Two); (3) how to use and employ many modern language learning/teaching strategies, such as: situated language learning scenarios/tasks (Chapter Three); Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) including online (Web-based) learning strategies, Web-Mediated Language Learning or WMLL (Chapter Nine), and Virtual Language Learning or VLL (Chapter Seven, prepared by my colleague, Dr Rehab A. Elsayed); Multiple Intelligences-Based Language Learning Strategies (Chapter Ten); (4) how to employ Facebook (and other social networks) for a variety of language learning/teaching purposes (Chapter Five); (5) using assessment and English language testing, including alternative assessment strategies and/or techniques (Chapter Four); (6) how to develop students' advanced writing skills, especially while using computers and IT (Chapter Eight); and (7) how to use fun and humour in formal English language teaching/learning settings (Chapter Six).


Dr Mahmoud M. S. Abdallah

Along with the basic knowledge that senior EFL student teachers need to gain and the teaching skills they need to develop, the book also conveys my understanding of how TESOL/TEFL should be tackled within the Egyptian context in the light of the new technologies, and their subsequent literacy challenges imposed by the 21st century, and the new literacy and language theories that have been recently influencing language teaching and learning. Therefore, in addition to its primary goal of developing and advancing EFL students teachers' knowledge and understanding of language learning in today's world, the course is also intended to be used by them as a guide that should help with choosing the appropriate language learning strategies, approaches and/or techniques based on the specific requirements of their teaching/learning situations. Mahmoud Abdallah Assiut, Egypt (June 2019)


TEFL/TESOL Methodology 2: Advanced Language Teaching/Learning Strategies (2nd Edition)

Course Specifications

English Language Teaching Methods (2) or "TEFL/TESOL

Methodology 2"

1- Course Details:

Code: CURR411

Major: Bachelor of Arts & Education (English Section) Aims:

Course Title: English Level: 4th Language Teaching Methods semester) (2) No. of Units: Lecture (2 hours) Sessions/Workshops (1 hour)

year (1st Practical

Student teachers are expected to analyze the major theories and principles behind the methods, techniques, and strategies that would help them to teach language skills.

Teaching and Learning Methods

Teaching and Learning Methods for Low & Gifted Learners

Lecturing Discussion Micro-teaching and practical workshops Online learning Giving them special exercises and written assignment Discussing their mistakes privately after class Online learning (for gifted learners) Reflective learning (for gifted learners)

Evaluation: a) Tools b) Time Schedule

Mid-term written test Final- term written test Oral presentations Online reports -A lecture every week, with each chapter/topic being covered either in one lecture or in two successive lectures depending on the length of each chapter


Dr Mahmoud M. S. Abdallah

c) Grading System List of References: a- Course Notes

-The last 2 weeks are allocated for revision

- Mid-term exam

week 7

-Final exam

week 16

Semester work=25 Oral=25 Written exam=75 Total=125

Notes in Methods of TEFL/TESOL:

Abdallah, M. M. S. (2019). TEFL/TESOL

Methodology 2: Advanced Language Teaching/Learning Strategies (2nd ed). Faculty of

Education, Assiut University, Egypt.

b- Required Books Books)

c- Reference Books d- Periodicals


- Abdallah, M. M. S. (2011). Teaching English as a Foreign Language from a New Literacy Perspective: A Guide for Egyptian EFL Student Teachers. VDM Verlag Dr. M?ller, Saarbr?cken, Germany. - Abdallah, M. M. S. (2016). TEFL/TESOL Methodology Two: A Guide for Egyptian Senior EFL Student Teachers. Assiut University College of Education, Egypt. -Shawer, S. (2007). The Complete Step by Step Guide to Test Design, Administration Scoring, Analysis, and Interpretation. Cairo: Dar El-Fekr ElAraby. Spotlight on Primary English Education Resources (SPEER) A Resource Text for Egyptian Primary English Educators, Supervisors and Teachers. Academy for Educational Development. 2002 Arab Republic of Egypt. Ministry of Education English Teaching Forum; Arab World English Journal (AWEJ); TESOL Quarterly


TEFL/TESOL Methodology 2: Advanced Language Teaching/Learning Strategies (2nd Edition)


Acknowledgement ......................................................................2 Preface......................................................................................... 3 Contents ......................................................................................7 CHAPTER ONE .........................................................................11 Teaching English at the Secondary School............................11

1.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................11 1.2 Nature of English Courses at the Secondary Stage.........................................13 1.3 Knowledge Acquisition & Language Learning Methodology........................15

1.3.1 Epistemology: How one gets knowledge.....................................................16 1.3.2 Approach (Theoretical Perspective) ............................................................19 1.3.3 Methodology................................................................................................20 1.3.4 Procedures & Techniques ............................................................................22 1.4 Language Learning Strategies ..........................................................................25 1.4.1 Metacognitive language learning strategies.................................................27 1.4.2 Socio-cultural Language Learning Strategies ..........................................38 1.5 Caring for Individual Learners.........................................................................41 1.6 EFL Teacher Evaluation/Observation Checklist.............................................41 1.7 Summary & Main Highlights.............................................................................47 1.8 For Workshops ..................................................................................................48 1.9 Appendix: Teacher's Guide-Introduction ........................................................50 CHAPTER TWO ........................................................................57 Classroom Management .........................................................57 2.1 Meaning and Rationale .....................................................................................57 2.2 Classroom Management and Teacher's Roles................................................58 2.3 Classroom Management in the Language Class ..............................................59 2.4 Effective Classroom Management....................................................................60 2.5 Summary & Main Highlights.............................................................................61 2.6 For Workshops ..................................................................................................62 CHAPTER THREE.....................................................................63 Situated Language Learning ...................................................63 3.1 Language and Participation..............................................................................63 3.2 Meaning of Situated Language Learning .........................................................64 3.3 Importance and Significance ............................................................................66 3.4 Forms of Situated Language Learning.............................................................68 3.5 Summary & Main Highlights.............................................................................70



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