Gate-level Test Generation utilizing Register-Transfer Level …

Gate-level Test Generation using

Spectral Methods at Register-Transfer Level

PhD Thesis Proposal,

Nitin Yogi

Abstract - A growing problem in VLSI testing nowadays is the exponential rise in the test generation complexity, due to the ever growing design complexity of the digital circuits. Another problem coming to the forefront is the difficulty of dealing with the testability issues in digital circuits, which is generally left for the end of the design cycle. Test generation at the Register-Transfer Level (RTL) has been seen with great hopes to alleviate some of these problems. This research advances a new approach of RTL test generation using spectral methods. By interpreting the test generation information in the spectral or frequency domain, our method attempts to achieve reduced test generation times with enhanced gate-level fault coverages. We also propose a RTL Design-for-Testability (DFT) method to address the issues of testability early in the design cycle. This proposal explains the method and some preliminary results. Further it also sketches the research work to be conducted in the near future and a plan for completion of the thesis.

1. Introduction

With the increase in the integration and the design complexity of the digital circuits, motivated by the chip cost reduction from the scaling down of the CMOS technology, testing faces several problems. Two main challenges that VLSI testing has always wrestled with are; reducing the test generation complexity and generating high quality test sets. With the exponential increase in the design size nowadays, these problems have only gone from bad to worse.

Several gate level techniques have been developed. Majority of the circuits in the digital world are sequential. Testability of sequential circuits is affected by low combinational controllability and observability of the memory elements. As a means to increase the testability of the circuits and also to reduce the automatic test pattern generation (ATPG) complexity, design-for-testability (DFT) techniques like scan are widely used. Scan-based DFT simplifies the test generation of sequential circuits to combinational test generation. However, there are downsides to using scan. There is an area overhead and performance penalty associated with it. Also, there are some issues with the generation and application of at-speed scan tests, which detect delay faults. Launch-on-shift (LOS) and launch-on-capture (LOC) are two methods used for at-speed scan testing. Each method has its pros and cons. LOS has good transition delay fault coverage, but requires additional hardware for a fast scan enable signal. LOC requires no special scan hardware but it achieves lower coverage. Since scan test vectors are non-functional tests, the problem of false paths and multi-cycle paths needs to be considered in the generation of at-speed scan tests, as the tests can cause unacceptable yield loss by failing functionally good circuits. This requires analysis of paths using static and dynamic timing analysis tools, which makes the problem complex.

On the other extreme, we have sequential test generation i.e. test generation for sequential circuits without any DFT technique. With sequential test generation, at-speed functional tests can be generated as it does not modify the state machine of the circuit. Different works [Maxwell00, McCluskey00, Nigh97] have attempted to show the effectiveness of functional tests over structural scan tests in detecting chip faults and hence having a better defect coverage. Thus functional tests can be said to have better quality that non-functional tests. However, the complexity of sequential test generation is very high as compared to combinational test generation. Hence on one end we have scan-based combinational test generation with reduced complexity, but with low defect coverage and on the other end we have sequential test generation with high test complexity, but with higher defect coverage. So the challenge in obtaining affordable high quality (high defect coverage) test vectors is in reducing the complexity of sequential test generation.

Testing at the Register-Transfer Level (RTL) or higher levels of abstraction has been viewed with great hope in the past for reducing some of the problems in testing of digital circuits. One main advantage is the significant reduction in test generation complexity as the amount of information to be processed is far lower as opposed to that at the gate-level, which consists of millions or billions of gates and interconnects. Hence RTL test generation seems to offer promise in dealing with the challenge of reducing sequential test generation complexity. Another advantage of doing test generation at levels higher than the gate-level is that it becomes possible to deal with the testability issues early in the design cycle as opposed to struggling with them later at the gate-level where the complexity is large.

Although RTL test generation alludes to low test generation complexity, an established method of test generation does not exist. Several research works have been published on fault models and test generation at the behavioral level and RTL. Ravi and Jha [Ravi01], Ghosh and Fujita [Ghosh99], Kim and Hayes [Kim98] and Goloubeva et al. [Goloubeva02] use pre-computed test sets for RTL constructs like adders, multiplexers, etc., and derive test vectors for the whole circuit. Pre-computed test sets either make some assumptions about the gate-level synthesis of the design or use a superset of the actually required test vectors. They use some kind of data structure or metrics to derive the RTL test sets, which have implications of large memory and computation overheads. Thaker et al. [Thaker03] show that a set of stuck-at faults of variables in high-level synthetic operators and at the boundaries of RTL modules serve as a statistical sample for the gate-level coverage analysis. Recent work by Kang et al. [Kang07] uses a set of stuck-at faults called the sensitization faults whose detection is implied by the detection of primary input stuck-at faults at primary outputs. The coverage of sensitization faults is shown to correlate well with the stuck-at fault coverage in any gate-level implementation. However test generation effort is higher for such faults as compared to ordinary stuck-at faults. Many of these methods have difficulties either in closing the gap between the high level coverage and the fault coverage at the gate level or suffer from high test generation effort. Hence we need an efficient method of test generation, which effectively utilizes the RTL information for high fault coverage at the gate-level with the least effort and complexity.

For several years, research has being conducted on the nature and characteristics of test vectors, which will provide high quality, high defect coverage test sets. Initially, experiments were performed using random vectors and were found to give good results. Later a class of random pattern resistant circuits were discovered [Eichelberger83], which made it difficult to use random vectors. Research then shifted towards weighted random [Brglez90, Ha92, Wunderlich97] and other types of property based test generation [Guo99]. Some of these methods did work, but not satisfactorily for all circuits. In the quest to determine appropriate characteristics of test vectors with high defect coverage and to find a method of test generation, the proposed research in this thesis attempts to look at the periodicities required for the test vectors by analyzing information in the frequency or the spectral domain. We allege that good quality test vectors, which give high fault coverage, exhibit certain frequency related characteristics. By preserving these characteristics good quality high defect coverage test vectors can be generated.

Spectral methods for test generation have a long history since the development of complex VLSI circuits. In 1983, Susskind [Susskind83] showed that Walsh spectrum can be used for testing a digital circuit. General properties and applications of digital spectra can be found in the published literature [Beauchamp84, Falkowski02, Hurst85, Thornton01]. Hsiao and Seth [Hsiao84] further expanded that work to compact testing. More recently, Giani et al. [Giani01a, Giani01b] have reported spectral techniques for sequential ATPG and built-in self-test. Hsiao's group at Virginia Tech has published further work on spectrum-based self test and core test [Chen02, Chen06, Kasturirangan02]. Khan and Bushnell [Khan06] have designed hardware signature analyzers using spectral components. Zhang et al. [Zhang04] further refined the method of extracting the spectra from a digital signal using a selfish gene algorithm. Recent work suggests that wavelet transforms can also be used for similar application [Devanathan06].

2. Background

In this proposal we describe a method of test generation for gate-level faults utilizing relevant RTL information. To obtain this RTL information, we define faults at the RTL and generate vectors to detect these faults. Our method of test generation for the gate-level faults is based on the premise that the vectors that detect RTL faults reflect important characteristics of the circuit. These characteristics may include spatial and temporal correlations among the bits of primary input vector sequences and the necessary sequence length to sensitize paths between primary inputs and outputs of a sequential circuit. However, any high level test sequence has, besides containing the relevant information, some amount of noise, which corresponds to the don't care bits in the tests for the target faults. We analyze the spectrum or frequency information in the vectors which detect the RTL faults, analyze the noise level, and generate new vectors using the spectrum to which noise samples are added. We use frequency decomposition, in which any bit-stream or signal can be projected on to or represented using a set of orthogonal functions.

We use Walsh functions [Weisstein] for frequency decomposition because they have been used for testing with effective results. Walsh functions are a set of orthogonal functions. They consist of trains of square pulses having +1s and -1s as the allowed states and can only change at fixed intervals of a unit time step. The Walsh functions include patterns with varying periodicities which can be likened to the sine and cosine functions in the analogue domain. Hence Walsh functions can be thought of as digital counterparts of analog frequencies. Figure 2.1 shows the schematic diagram of Walsh functions of order eight. Any digital bit-stream can be uniquely represented as a linear combination of the orthogonal Walsh functions. This is analogous to the analog domain where any continuous signal can be uniquely represented as a linear combination of the sine and the cosine functions. Thus, by analyzing the digital signals using Walsh functions, we are actually looking into the frequency or sequency characteristics of the digital waveforms. Frequencies refer to periodicities for analog signals, while sequencies refer to bit-flipping along with their periodicities for digital waveforms [Weisstein].

For an order n, i.e., for a sequence of n time steps, there are 2n Walsh functions given by the rows of a 2n x 2n Hadamard matrix H(n) [Weisstein], when arranged in the so-called didactic order [Weisstein]. The Hadamard matrix is a symmetric matrix with each row being a unique Walsh orthogonal function, also called as the basis function bit-streams. Since it consists of only +1s and -1s, it is a good choice for the signals in VLSI testing (+1 = logic 1, -1 = logic 0). Also,


Time period

Figure 2.1: Walsh functions of order eight

multiplications can essentially be computed using integer additions and subtractions. Hadamard matrices can be generated using the following recurrence relation:

[pic] … (1)

where H(0) = 1 and 2n is the dimension of the nth order Hadamard matrix, H(n). For example, for n = 1 and n = 2, we have:

[pic] … (2)

[pic] … (3)

The Hadamard matrix is an orthogonal matrix, which gives H(n) x H(n)T = n x In, where superscript T means transpose of the matrix and In is the 2n x 2n identity matrix. This simplifies reconstruction of the test vectors from the spectral domain. Any bit-stream of k bits can be represented as a linear combination of the basis bit-streams from the Hadamard matrix, H(log2 k). The multiplicands used are the projections of the object bit-stream on the basis bit-streams. We shall refer to them as Hadamard coefficients. By analyzing these Hadamard coefficients we will be able to determine the major contributing basis bit-streams in an original signal, which we shall regard as important basis bit-stream functions.

3. Spectral RTL Test Generation

In this section we explain the proposed Spectral RTL test generation approach [Yogi06b]. Our approach consists of the following steps:

1. Spectral characterization

2. Spectral vector generation

3. Test set minimization

3.1 Spectral Characterization

In this step we retrieve important test related information from the circuit at the RTL. For this we define faults at the RTL called RTL faults. These faults can be defined as faults from conventional fault models like stuck-at, transition delay, etc. or can be any other user-defined fault model. We have experimented with both stuck-at and transition delay faults and have achieved satisfactory results as our results section will exhibit. The RTL faults are defined as faults on primary inputs and outputs of the circuit and on inputs and outputs of all RTL modules which include the memory elements like flip-flops. This RTL fault model is very similar to the fault model proposed in [Thaker03] by Thaker et. al. except that their fault model also includes behavioral constructs like variables. Such constructs if available can be incorporated in our fault model. However behavioral constructs do not always align well with the gate-level implementation, sometimes losing their identity in the gate-level netlist.


Figure 3.1: RTL faults modeled in a typical sequential circuit

Figure 3.1 shows the modeled RTL faults in a typical sequential circuit. These faults remain invariant through logic synthesis and thus represent true RTL or higher level faults. We obtain test vectors which detect these RTL faults at the primary output of the circuit. An RTL ATPG would be required to generate tests for these faults. In our case, we did not have access to a RTL ATPG tool. Hence as a substitute, we used a gate-level sequential ATPG tool and used a synthesized netlist of the RTL circuit as its input. Only the RTL faults, as defined earlier, were given to the sequential ATPG tool for test generation. Throughout this proposal, we will use this substitute methodology to show the efficacy of the proposed technique.

We will refer to the vectors generated for these RTL faults as RTL vectors. When these RTL vectors are applied to the gate-level netlist, only a fraction of the total gate-level faults are detected. Hence there is a need to generate more vectors which will have similar characteristics as the RTL vectors. To determine these characteristics, the RTL vectors are analyzed in the frequency domain using Hadamard matrix to find the major spectral components. When the RTL vectors are being applied to the circuit, a different set of bit-streams are being applied to each of the inputs. Since we are dealing with sequential circuits, there is correlation or periodicity information among the bits entering each of the inputs and it needs to be extracted. Hence we shall analyze the bit-streams entering each of the inputs separately.

To analyze a bit-stream, initially the 0s and 1s in a bit-stream are changed to -1s and +1s, respectively. To find the coefficients for the bit-stream corresponding to an input, the bit-stream is multiplied with the Hadamard matrix. The multiplication operation is basically a projection of the bit-stream onto each of the basis bit-streams. A high value of the coefficient corresponds to a high correlation of the bit-stream to the corresponding basis bit-stream and vice-versa.


Figure 3.2: Spectral analysis of a stream of 8-bits. The essential Walsh component in this bit-stream has magnitude 6 and is represented by the second row of Hadamard matrix, H(3).


Figure 3.3: Power spectrum of an input bit-stream obtained from RTL vectors for a test circuit.

Hence basis bit-streams exhibiting high coefficient values are considered as important or essential components and others are treated as noise.

Figure 3.2 shows an example of generation of coefficients by projecting a bit-stream onto the basis bit-streams and determining the essential component(s). In this example, a bit-stream of 8 bits (0s and 1s in the original sequence being changed to -1s and +1s) is analyzed by multiplying by a third order 8 x 8 Hadamard matrix H(3). The resulting matrix gives the Hadamard coefficients. In this example, we obtained a single coefficient with high correlation, which we shall treat as an essential component and others will be treated as noise. The determination of a threshold which separates the essential components from the noise is crucial in retrieving the required characteristics of the bit-stream. Figure 3.3 shows the normalized power spectrum for a input signal in a test circuit. The power spectrum was obtained by squaring the spectral coefficients. The high rising bars show high correlation of the bit-stream with the corresponding basis bit-streams and these are considered essential. For an arbitrary random bit-stream we would expect the total power to be distributed equally among all the coefficients. This is represented by a dotted line in figure 3.3 and is the average noise level. If we use this noise level or a few multiples of this level as a threshold, then we shall be able to differentiate between the essential and the noise components.

The above described spectral analysis is performed for each of the input bit-streams and a corresponding spectra i.e. a set of spectral coefficients is obtained for each input. For each spectra corresponding to an input of the circuit, the essential and the noise components are determined using the threshold level.

3.2 Spectral Vector Generation

As discussed in the previous section, the RTL test vectors detect only a fraction of the total gate-level faults. Hence we need to generate new test vectors replicating some of the essential characteristics of the RTL vectors. New test vectors for gate-level faults are generated essentially by generating new bit-streams entering each of the inputs of the circuit from the respective spectras of the RTL input bit-streams. The essential spectral coefficients having magnitudes above some threshold are retained and others, considered noise, are perturbed in terms of magnitude and/or in phase to generate new coefficients. The amount of perturbation corresponds to the amount of randomness to be added. Bit-streams can easily be generated from the coefficients by multiplying the coefficient matrix with the Hadamard matrix again.

Figure 3.4 shows an example of reconstruction of a bit-stream. By generating a new bit-stream for each input we get a new set of bit-streams or a vector sequence V, different from the original RTL vector sequence. Suppose the number of spectral components obtained for each input is ‘n’. We generate ‘M’ different vector sequences, V1, V2, .., VM, each of length n, such that their coverage as determined by fault simulation of the gate-level circuit either reaches some target value or simply saturates.


Figure 3.4: Bit-stream generation by perturbing the spectra. Note that the essential component having a magnitude 6 is not perturbed.

3. Test Set Minimization

From the spectral vector generation step we generate a set of M perturbed vector sequences, V1, V2, .., VM by adding random noise samples, such that the fault coverage of the combined set for the gate-level circuit either reaches some target value or simply saturates. However, all of these sequences are not required as some sequences may be detecting faults already covered by other sequences. Hence we need to perform a test set minimization step. Given a set of test vector sequences { V1, V2, … VM}, our goal is to obtain a minimized set of vector sequences {V1, V2, … VK) such that the fault coverage of the minimized set is equal to the original set. We perform minimization using an integer linear programming (ILP) formulation, in a similar way as has been reported in the literature [Drineas03, Kantipudi06, Marques98].

3.3.1 Integer Linear Programming (ILP)

An integer linear programming (ILP) problem is a special case of a linear programming (LP) problem. An LP problem [Noyes] is an optimization problem in which we minimize or maximize an objective function for a given a set of constraints. The objective function and constraints are both expressed as linear functions of a set of variables. A LP problem formulation consists of three parts: a set of real valued variables are defined, a set of constraints on those variables are specified and an objective function consisting of a linear function of variables is defined to be minimized or maximized. The solution consists of values assigned to the variables which satisfy the constraints and meet the objective function goals. An ILP problem is one, in which the variables are integers as opposed to being real numbers. LP problems are less complex to solve as compared to the ILP. The complexity of LP is P class while for ILP, it is NP-hard [Kantipudi07]. An ILP can be converted to an LP, known as relaxed LP, by redefining integer variables as real numbers. The relaxed LP [Kantipudi07], then leads to an approximate but polynomial time solution of ILP.

3.3.2 ILP Test Minimization

To perform test set minimization we first do fault simulation of all the generated sequences to determine the faults detected by each. During fault simulation, at the beginning of each vector sequence the complete fault list is restored and the circuit is set to an unknown state. Thus, the coverage obtained for a sequence remains valid irrespective to the order in which it is applied. The fault simulator identifies the set of vector sequences that detects each fault.

Next, the ILP formulation for test minimization consists of three parts:

1. Integer variables {xi}; i = 1 to M (total number of sequences). Variables {xi} have the following properties:

a. One variable is defined for each sequence {Vi}

b. Variables {xi} can take values {0,1}

c. A value ‘0’ signifies that the sequence is to be dropped from the minimized set, while a value ‘1’ signifies that the sequence is selected.

2. A set of constraints {yj}; j = 1 to F (total number of faults). Constraints {yj} have the following properties:

a. One constraint is defined for each fault {Fj}

b. To illustrate the constraint, say the fault Fk is detected by sequences V3, V4, and V11.

Then the corresponding ILP constraint yk is: x3 + x4 + x11 ≥ 1

This constraint means that at least one sequence among V3, V4, and V11 is needed to detect the fault Fk.

3. An objective function given by:

[pic] … (5)

where M is the total number of vector sequences generated. This objective function signifies that a minimum number of variables in {xi} need to be assigned the value 1, which means that the least number of sequences needs to be selected.

We used the ILP software contained in the AMPL mathematical programming package [Fourer93] to perform the test sequence compaction. In the ILP solution, the smallest possible number of x's is assigned the value 1 and all others are assigned 0. The sequences with their x's set to 1 form the minimized test set.

3.3.3 Hybrid LP – ILP

As discussed in Section 3.3.1, the ILP problems have very high computation complexity. Correspondingly, the time complexity of solving ILP problems is higher than LP problems. Much research work has been published on reducing the complexity of solving ILP problems by settling for a sub-optimal solution. As discussed earlier, an ILP can be converted to an LP, known as relaxed LP, by redefining integer variables as real numbers. The relaxed LP [Kantipudi07], then leads to an approximate but polynomial time solution of ILP. Here we propose a modified version of the relaxed LP called the hybrid LP-ILP method [Yogi07b]. The algorithm is as follows:

1. Formulate the ILP problem

2. All variables redefined as real [0,1] real variables (LP model)

3. Loop :

1. Solve the LP

2. Round variables to add constraints

1. Round to 0 if ( 0.0 < variables ≤ 0.1)

2. Round to 1 if ( 0.9 ≤ variables < 1.0)

3. Exit loop if no variables are rounded

4. Reconvert variables to [0,1] integers and solve ILP

We experimented with this algorithm for minimization of test vectors for multiple fault models on some combinational and scan-inserted ISCAS’89 benchmark circuits to achieve satisfactory results. Since we round variables on both sides, i.e., to 0 and to 1, the procedure can lead to an intermediate solution that may not satisfy all remaining constraints. In such a case, the problem can be solved by the previously proposed recursive-LP algorithm [Kantipudi07], which guarantees a solution. We believe that, whenever a solution is possible, the hybrid LP-ILP will be faster than the recursive-LP.


Test generation for RTL faults has an additional advantage other than characterizing the circuit for gate-level fault coverage. It reveals the bottlenecks in the testability of the circuit. Analysis of hard to detect RTL faults gives an idea of the hard to test parts of the circuit. Hence, by improving the testability of such faults, we can expect to increase the testability of the overall circuit. Furthermore, it helps to introduce testability enhancement in the early stages of the design and alleviate the possible problems arising toward the end of the design cycle.

The testability of signals can be improved by increasing their controllability and/or observability. Several methods [Hayes73, Iyengar89] of design for testability add control and observation points. Adding control points requires adding extra gates in the normal signal paths of the circuit, which may affect the performance. Also adding control points changes the state machine of the circuit, thus creating non-functional tests. As discussed in Section 1, we would like to discourage non-functional vectors to prevent unnecessary yield loss. Hence, we shall constrain ourselves to addition of observation points because they are less intrusive. One option is to add latches for all observation points and connect them through a scan-out chain. This structure is often used for design debugging and can help in improving the fault coverage of tests [Josephson05]. Another option is to use an XOR tree to condense the logic values at various observation points [Davidson81, Eichelberger83, Fox77, Rudnick92]. In this case an XOR tree connects together all hard-to-observe fault sites together and condenses them into a single primary output. Since the XOR tree requires less hardware, we use it as the RTL design for testability (DFT) methodology [Yogi07]. Also since it does not modify the state machine of the circuit, it does not create non-functional tests. Figure 4.1 shows an example of an XOR tree used to condense hard-to-observe RTL faults. The hard-to-observe RTL faults are obtained after the RTL test generation and the analysis of the undetected faults.


Figure 4.1: XOR tree used to condense hard-to-observe RTL faults.

5. Results

We applied our RTL test generation and DFT technique to several benchmark circuits with satisfactory results. Primarily, we have experimented with the ISCAS’89 sequential benchmark circuits and the ITC’99 benchmark circuits. The ISCAS’89 benchmark circuits are available as gate-level netlists. The ITC’99 benchmark circuits are available as high-level behavioral descriptions and we synthesized them using the Mentor Graphics synthesis tool Leonardo Spectrum.

Another circuit we experimented with was a simple accumulator-based processor named Parwan [Navabi93] to demonstrate our method's effectiveness. As shown in the schematic diagram of Figure 5.1, it includes the following components: accumulator (AC), arithmetic logic unit (ALU), shifter unit (SHU), status register (SR), instruction register (IR), program counter (PC), memory address register (MAR) and a control unit (CTRL). It has an 8-bit databus with a 12-bit address bus (addressing 4K memory). The circuit has around 800 gates and 53 flip-flops. Currently our tools do not handle bidirectional pins. Hence, we split the bidirectional buses into separate input and output buses. Also, we added a reset signal to initialize the circuit for testing. We modeled a total of 737 RTL faults, which were all the faults on the inputs-outputs of the different components (e.g. ALU, SHU, etc.), inputs-outputs of the registers (e.g. IR, PC, etc.) and the faults on tri-state drivers.

As discussed earlier in Section 3.1, in the absence of a RTL ATPG, we use a gate-level sequential ATPG tool, Mentor Graphics FlexTest [FlexTest04] and use synthesized gate-level netlists of RTL descriptions. The RTL faults, defined either using stuck-at fault model or transition delay fault model, are given to FlexTest [FlexTest04] for test generation. We experimented with the RTL faults defined using the stuck-at fault model for the ISCAS’89 circuits, ITC’99 circuits and Parwan processor [Yogi06b]. For the Parwan processor we also experimented with RTL faults defined using the transition delay fault model [Yogi07a]. The following sections describe the results of RTL spectral test generation for RTL faults defined using stuck-at fault model and transition delay fault model.

We applied the spectral technique of RTL-ATPG to four ITC'99 RTL benchmark circuits, four ISCAS'89 benchmark circuits and the PARWAN processor [Navabi93] using the stuck-at fault model. Three off the four ITC'99 RTL benchmark circuits were synthesized in two ways, by optimizing area and by optimizing delay.


Figure 5.1: Schematic diagram of PARWAN processor

5.2 RTL Spectral Test Generation using Stuck-at Fault Model

Test vectors for RTL faults were obtained using the Mentor Graphics tool FlexTest [FlexTest04] which is a sequential ATPG system with a built in fault simulator. Those RTL vectors were analyzed for their spectrum, new vector sequences were generated using the technique discussed in Section 3 and finally they were minimized. Results were obtained on Sun Ultra 5 machines with 256MB RAM. Table 5.1 shows the characteristics of the RTL test vectors generated for the circuits. Column 1 lists the circuit name. Here b01-A and b01-D are the area and delay optimized

implementations of the b01 ITC'99 benchmark. ISCAS'89 benchmarks are already at the gate-level. For s5378 and s9234, we created additional versions by adding a global reset input in the original circuits. These are denoted with an asterisk (*).

Column 3 of Table 5.1 lists the number of RTL stuck-at faults, which are the faults at the primary inputs, primary outputs, and the inputs and outputs of ip-ops. Next, in Table 5.1 appear the number of RTL test vectors, test generation time (CPU s) and the number of spectral components. For the ITC'99 benchmarks this was done for two gate-level versions, one synthesized with area optimization and the other with delay optimization. The number of spectral components in the sixth column is the number of RTL vectors rounded off to the nearest power of 2.

Table 5.1: Spectral characterization of circuits by RTL vectors.


* global reset added

The last two columns of Table 5.1 show the fault coverages of the RTL vectors. RTL Coverage is the coverage of just the RTL faults and gate-level coverage is the coverage of all stuck-at faults in the gate-level implementation. As expected, the gate-level coverage is often lower than the RTL coverage and falls below the normal requirement of being close to 100%. We will use the RTL DFT technique to enhance this coverage. The low coverage of the RTL faults, however, may indicate a testability problem, which could limit our ability to increase the coverage either by the spectral technique or by gate-level ATPG. As observed in the table, a relatively low RTL coverage is obtained for the circuit s9234. This was primarily due to the inherent uninitializability of the circuit. We observe that by adding a global reset signal both the RTL and the gate-level coverage improved. We further believe that employing the proposed RTL DFT technique for this circuit will enhance the fault coverages.

Table 5.2: Comparison of RTL ATPG and Sequential gate-level ATPG results


* global reset added

Table 5.2 gives a comparison of the proposed RTL ATPG method with gate-level sequential ATPG. The first two columns give the circuit name and the number of gate level single stuck-at faults. The circuits with an added global reset input are denoted with an asterisk (*). The performances of RTL ATPG{spectral tests, gate-level ATPG, and random vectors can be compared by examining the data in the subsequent columns.

For RTL ATPG, the number of vectors is the total number vectors in the compacted test sequences. Gate-level test coverage provided by the fault simulator of FlexTest [FlexTest04] is shown in column 2 of Table 5.2. Note that the test coverage of FlexTest is an upward adjusted coverage, accounting for faults that are found to be untestable as detected. The ATPG time in column 5 includes the times for RTL characterization (Table 5.1), perturbed spectral sequence generation, fault simulation, and ILP compaction. Of these, RTL characterization and fault simulation are the dominant components, the other two being negligible. As we move down in Table 5.2, circuits become larger and we observe that RTL ATPG provides about the same test coverage and vector lengths as the gate-level ATPG, but its time increases slower. Moreover, the RTL faults used for circuit characterization and vector generation are implementation independent. Notably, the test coverage of random vectors tends to drop as circuits become larger. s9234 circuit as discussed earlier has uninitializability and testability issues which are reflected in the results of Table 5.2.


Figure 5.2: Test coverage of RTL ATPG (spectral vectors) for area optimized b11-A circuit.

Figure 5.2 gives the test coverage against the number of vectors for the circuit b11-A, for RTL spectral ATPG vectors, gate-level ATPG vectors and random vectors. The gate-level coverage of RTL vectors (generated to cover RTL faults only) are also shown by a point in the graph. As observed the coverage of RTL ATPG is about 2 to 4% higher, vector lengths about double and CPU times about 30 to 50% when compared to the gate-level ATPG.

We applied the RTL DFT technique to the Parwan processor. After the RTL test generation step, we analyzed the undetected RTL faults and found all 10 faults classified as unobservable by FlexTest. The remaining faults were either untestable or potentially tested. We selected the 10 unobservable fault sites as observation points and inserted a tree of nine XOR gates whose output was made into an added primary output. Thus, a DFT version of the processor was created. All RTL faults were now either detected or potentially detected by the same original RTL vectors.

Table 5.3: Spectral RTL ATPG for processor circuits


Table 5.3 gives the results of the RTL spectral ATPG method. In these results, faults in the clock network were not included. We achieve better test coverage as compared to the gate-level sequential ATPG in lower test generation time. The coverage is slightly lower than 100% because some faults were potentially testable and were given 50% credit [Raina97]. Since the RTL ATPG covered almost all faults in the original circuit, the benefit of DFT was small. However, the benefits of DFT were more for gate-level ATPG and random vectors. The test coverage plots of the original circuit and the circuit with DFT are shown in Figures 5.3 and 5.4. Observing the positive results of the RTL DFT technique, we plan to experiment it on circuits like s9234 where the RTL fault coverage was low.

5.2 RTL Spectral Test Generation for Transition Delay Fault Model

We applied the RTL spectral test generation method using RTL faults defined for the transition delay fault model on the Parwan processor [Yogi07]. The test vectors for RTL transition delay faults were obtained using the Mentor Graphics tool FlexTest [FlexTest04]. Those RTL vectors were analyzed for their spectrum, new vector sequences were generated using the technique discussed above and finally they were minimized. Results were obtained on Sun Ultra 5 machines with 256MB RAM.


Figure 5.3: Test coverages for the original Parwan circuit [Navabi93].


Figure 5.4: Test coverages for the Parwan circuit.

Table 5.4: Spectral characterization of Parwan by RTL vectors for transition delay fault model. [pic]

Table 5.4 shows the characteristics of RTL test vectors. Transition delay faults in the clock and reset network were not included and a 50% credit was given to potentially testable faults [Raina97]. Coverage is defined as the ratio of the number of detected faults to the total number of detectable faults as reported by FlexTest. The last column gives the fault coverage of the 160 RTL vectors for collapsed gate-level faults in the entire circuit, excluding clock and reset faults.

After the RTL test generation for the transition delay faults, an examination of the undetected RTL transition delay faults of the Parwan processor revealed 24 unobservable faults. The remaining undetected faults were untestable or potentially testable. The circuit used tri-state drivers for driving buses and to detect their faults we modeled the high-impedance state as the previous logic state to improve its testability. It was observed that almost all of the undetected RTL faults were on the terminals of tri-state drivers. This could be because of the functional constraints of the processor and such faults could be functionally redundant delay faults. We applied our RTL DFT method, selected the 24 unobservable fault sites as observation points, condensed them using a 23 XOR gate tree and fed its output to an added output pin. All RTL transition delay faults were now either detected or potentially detected by the same original RTL vectors.

Table 5.5: Spectral RTL ATPG for transition delay faults for processor circuits.


Figure 5.6: Stuck-at fault coverage of transition fault vectors.


Table 5.5 gives the results for transition delay faults for Parwan processor. Table 5.6 gives the corresponding stuck-at fault coverages of the transition delay test vectors. As observed in the tables, we achieve better test coverage as compared to the gate-level sequential ATPG in lower test generation time for both stuck-at and transition delay faults. Also the stuck-at fault coverages obtained are close to what we achieved in the earlier section. In most cases though they are slightly lower than what we obtained in table 5.3 because the transition delay vectors were not targeted for the stuck-at faults. Note that the highest achievable test coverage cannot be 100% as there was a small fraction of undetectable faults due to fault-induced uninitializability. These are possibly (or potentially) testable faults and were given a detection credit of 50% [Raina97].

6. Future Work

6.1 FFT analysis of digital waveforms

Another way of analyzing the digital bit-streams apart from Walsh function is using Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) [Weisstein]. A binary bit-stream can be assumed to be a sampled waveform of an analog signal and represented in the frequency domain. The bit-stream of ‘n’ bits can be transformed into the frequency domain by performing an ‘n’ point DFT on the signal. In the frequency domain, the highest frequency represented will be half of the sampling frequency; the sampling frequency (fs) being the reciprocal of the time period at which bits are being applied. For example consider a bit stream of length 8 with consecutive flipped bits. In the frequency domain it will contain a single frequency component at (fs/2). Similarly a constant bit-stream of 0s or 1s will only have a D.C. component at f=0.

We can use the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) in place of the Walsh functions and use a similar methodology for RTL Spectral test generation as has been discussed in the pervious sections. There are pros and cons of doing so. An advantage of DFT is that it is invariant to time shifts whereas Walsh functions are not. This means that a time shift of a signal will have the same spectral decomposition as the original signal for a DFT, but not for Walsh functions. This is a significant advantage in retrieving the periodicities and bit flipping probabilities of the signals. The absence of a time shift relation for Walsh functions has repercussions in the convolution theorem. For a DFT, the products of DFT transforms represent convolution in time domain. However for Walsh functions, such straightforward relation does not exist. Hence DFT could be better utilized in characterizing signals and systems than Walsh functions.

A disadvantage of DFT over Walsh functions is that, DFT computations are not easy and their hardware implementations are consequently complex. This makes Walsh functions and their computations easier and faster in digital hardware. However, if the use of DFT is constrained at the algorithmic level of test generation rather than using it at the hardware level, DFT could be efficiently utilized in spectral information retrieval.

In the proposed work we plan to investigate further the different aspects of the two transforms, viz. DFT and Walsh. Also we would investigate the use of DFT in the previously proposed RTL spectral test generation method.

6.2 Spectral BIST

A well known technique of testing of digital circuits with system level test control is Built-In Self Test or BIST. This technique can apply test vectors at-speed and obtain a better defect coverage. In a typical BIST scheme, additional hardware is inserted to generate test vectors and to sample the outputs and decide whether the circuit under test is good or bad. One of the biggest challenges that BIST faces is of generating good quality test vectors. This is because simple hardware test generators lack the necessary intelligence and information required to generate test vectors with particular characteristics which efficiently test the circuit. In the past several BIST techniques have been implemented, which performed satisfactorily for many circuits, but not all. Random test vector generation is a popular technique where pseudo random bit-streams are generated and applied to the circuit under test. However, such a technique does not perform well for random pattern resistant circuits [Eichelberger83]. The technique was then enhanced to weighted random test vector generation where random vectors were generated with certain probabilities of being logic ‘0’ or ‘1’ [Brglez90, Ha92, Wunderlich97]. This technique again had its shortcomings.

A spectral BIST technique can be implemented, in which the test generation logic would have the information to generate vectors of certain characteristics which would test the circuit efficiently. The characteristic information would primarily be the spectral information, which would carry with it the relevant periodicity and the bit-flipping probability information. This spectral information can be obtained using RTL test generation as discussed in the earlier sections. Test vectors could be generated to cover the RTL faults, and then these vectors could be analyzed using Walsh spectra or DFT to retrieve the spectral information. Figure 6.1 shows an example DFT of a RTL test bit-stream generated for a test circuit. The middle point of 0 corresponds to D.C. value and the positive and negative frequencies spread toward either direction. As can be seen in the figure, the RTL test bit-stream exhibits certain high magnitude frequency components represented by tall bars. If we are generate a bit-stream from some arbitrary source with similar frequency characteristics, then we believe we shall be able to test the circuit efficiently. For this, we propose a test generation scheme for BIST that will try to imitate the spectral characteristics.


Figure 6.1: Frequency spectrum of a RTL test bit-stream generated for a test circuit.

A possible test generation scheme is shown in figure 6.2. It consists of a Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) that generates pseudo-random bit-streams, one for each input of the circuit. These random bit-streams are then passed through a set of spectral filters, which is designed to amplify/attenuate frequencies based on the spectral information required for each input. One spectral filter is designed for each input of the circuit. The filtered bit-streams are then applied to the circuit under test (CUT).

A convenient way of implementing a spectral filter would be to use digital filter design techniques. Primarily there are two techniques of designing digital filters: Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) and Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter design [Weisstein].


Figure 6.2: Proposed test generation technique for BIST.

Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filter design:

Mathematically, the IIR transfer function can be represented as:

y(n) = f (y(n-1), y(n-2), ….. y(n-k), x(n), x(n-1),x(n-2), … x(n-p)) … (1)


y: output of filter

x: input of filter

n: time period

p: order of the filter

The current output y(n) of the filter is a function of one or more previous time period outputs and/or one or more previous time period inputs.

Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter design:

The transfer function for an FIR filter can be represented as:

y(n) = f (x(n), x(n-1),x(n-2), … x(n-p)) … (2)


y: output of filter

x: input of filter

n: time period

p: order of the filter

The current output y(n) of the filter is a function of only the inputs.

FIR and IIR filter design techniques have their own advantages and disadvantages. Since IIR filter transfer function is a function of both the inputs ‘x’ as well as the outputs ‘y’, more memory elements would be required to store the data bits than for an FIR filter where only the inputs ‘x’ need to be stored. Hence in the proposed method we use an FIR filter.

From Figure 6.2 we observe that the input ‘x’ from previous time periods can be stored in a LFSR, if we use an external feedback LFSR which has an in-built shift register. Figure 6.3 shows a schematic diagram of an external feedback LFSR being used as an input to the FIR filter. The data bits which are generated by the external feedback network constitute the random bit-stream and would represent the current value of ‘x’. The previous time period values of ‘x’ would be stored in the shift register.


Figure 6.3: External feedback LFSR for the use of FIR filter design

As an example, we consider an FIR filter with an order 31 designed for the frequency spectrum shown in Figure 6.1. The frequency response of the designed filter is as shown in Figure 6.4.


Figure 6.4: Frequency response of FIR filter of order 31

To demonstrate the filtering properties of the designed filter, we generate a random bit-stream in software and pass it through the designed filter. Figure 6.5 shows the frequency spectrum of the random bit-stream. The frequency spectrum of the bits obtained at the output of the filter is shown in Figure 6.6. By comparing Figure 6.1 and Figure 6.6, we find certain similar characteristics. Thus using the FIR filter, we obtained a bit-stream which has similar spectral characteristics as the original bit-stream.

We experimented with two ISCAS’89 benchmark circuits, s382 and s526. We generated test vectors for the RTL stuck-at faults (as defined in previous sections) and obtained the DFT of the bit-streams going into each of the inputs. We then designed an FIR filter for each input to imitate the frequency distributions. We generated a total of 65000 random vectors in software, passed them through the FIR filters designed for each of the inputs and then applied it to the circuit under test. Tables 6.1 and 6.2 give the results for the two circuits. We compare the number of faults detected by this method with those detected by Mentor Graphics sequential ATPG tool FlexTest


Figure 6.5: Frequency spectrum of a random bit-stream.


Figure 6.6: Frequency spectrum of a random bit-stream after passing through FIR filter.

and random vectors. As observed in the tables, the proposed method detects equal or greater number of faults than those detected by FlexTest. The random vectors exhibit a spectrum with no particular characteristics. The filtered vectors exhibit spectral characteristics conforming to those of their respective inputs. Thus by shaping the bit-streams to exhibit certain spectral properties, a significant enhancement in the number of detected faults can be achieved as compared to random vectors. Figures 6.7 and 6.8 show test coverages versus number of vectors applied, for both the proposed method and random vectors, for s382 and s526, respectively. With these encouraging preliminary results we plan to investigate this method further for larger circuits. Also as described earlier, the random patterns were generated using software. Experimentation on an LFSR-based implementation of the method is required.

|Test Set |No. of faults |Total no. of |

| |detected |faults |

|Flextest vectors |364 |485 |

|Random vectors |44 |485 |

|Filtered vectors |364 |485 |

Table 6.1 Experimental results for s382

|Test Set |No. of faults |Total no. of |

| |detected |faults |

|Flextest vectors |448 |639 |

|Random vectors |55 |639 |

|Filtered vectors |450 |639 |

Table 6.2 Experimental results for s526


Figure 6.7: Test coverage versus number of vectors for s382


Figure 6.8: Test coverage versus number of vectors for s382

7. Conclusion

In this work we have presented a new method of RTL test generation using spectral techniques. Test vectors for RTL faults are analyzed using Hadamard matrix to extract important features and new vectors are generated retaining those features. We observe improved test coverage and lower test generation time as compared to a sequential gate-level ATPG tool. Since the method is based on RTL test generation, it has the advantages of lower memory and test generation time complexities. It enables the testability appraisal at RTL, and hence efforts can be made to improve testability when the design is conceptualized at higher levels of abstraction. An XOR observability tree designed at the RT level improved the gate-level fault coverage. Thus, RTL test methodology effectively reveals the bottlenecks in the testability of the circuit. Further, RTL ATPG enables the testing of cores for whom only the functional information is known.

As a future work, we plan to pursue the investigation of FFT analysis of bit-streams for RTL spectral test generation. We plan to probe the idea of a spectral test generator for BIST. This would involve comparing the BIST aspects of Walsh, DFT and weighted random vectors. Furthermore we plan on conducting research on BIST signature analysis using Walsh or DFT.

Work Time-table

|May 2007 |June 2007 |

|FFT analysis of |Spectral BIST research | | | | |

|bit-streams | | | | | |


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Research Papers :

N. Yogi and V. D. Agrawal, “High-Level Test Generation for Gate-Level Fault Coverage," in 15th IEEE North Atlantic Test Workshop, May 2006.

N. Yogi and V. D. Agrawal, “Spectral Characterization of Functional Vectors for Gate-Level Fault Coverage Tests," in Proc. 10th VLSI Design and Test Symposium, Aug. 2006, pp. 407-417.

N. Yogi and V. D. Agrawal, .Spectral RTL Test Generation for Gate-Level Stuck-at Faults,. in Proc. 15th Asian Test Symposium, Nov. 2006, pp. 83.88.

N. Yogi and V. D. Agrawal, “Spectral RTL Test Generation for Microprocessors”, in Proc. 20th International Conf. VLSI Design, Jan. 2007, pp. 473.478.

N. Yogi and V. D. Agrawal, “Transition Delay Fault Testing of Microprocessors by Spectral Method," in Proc. 39th Southwestern Symp. on System Theory, Mar. 2007, pp. 283-287.

N. Yogi and V. D. Agrawal, “Optimizing Tests for Multiple Fault Models”, in 16th IEEE North Atlantic Test Workshop, May 2007.



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h(ù5?CJ hzZDhˆkN5?

Circuit Under Test (CUT)

Spectral Filter




External feedback network

LFSR ((p-1)-bit shift register)

Generated Random bit-stream


+ve frequencies

-ve frequencies.



FIR Filter

(One filter per input of CUT)


Normalized Frequency (0 to fs/2) →

Gain, dB



- (fs/2)

+ (fs/2)



+ (fs/2)

- (fs/2)


-ve frequencies.

+ve frequencies


+ (fs/2)

- (fs/2)


-ve frequencies.

+ve frequencies


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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