English IV / Florida College Prep - Blog

Study Guide for Unit 1: Chasing Success“A Walk to the Jetty” from Annie John by Jamaica KincaidWhy is Annie John going to England?What is ironic about Annie’s last look around her bedroom (lines 23–39)?On the morning of Annie’s voyage how does Annie’s mother indicate that this is a special day?What does Annie mean when she says she shows “the proper amount” of joy and sorrow as she says goodbye to her mother’s friends? (lines 151–154).What does Annie mean when she says she places Miss Dulcie, the seamstress for whom she once worked, on the “dustheap” of her life.Why were Annie’s hornrimmed sunglasses important for her to have?What does the story about Annie’s mother reading a library book about Louis Pasteur reveal about her mother?Why does Annie feel her “old fear of slipping between the boards . . . and falling into the dark-green water” as she approaches the jetty?“Don’t Eat Fortune’s Cookie” a speech by Michael LewisWho is the audience for Michael Lewis’s speech?The tone of Lewis’s speech can best be described as?Why does Lewis state that when he graduated from college he did not feel prepared for the job market?When did Lewis first realize that he wanted to be a writer?Lewis says he was hired for a prestigious position with a Wall Street investment firm because of what event?Why did Lewis quit his high-paying Wall Street job?For his book Moneyball, Lewis studied how baseball teams hired players. An important lesson he learned is that team managers often misjudge a player’s value because they fail to consider the role of what?According to Lewis, what experiment showed that when people are “blind to their own luck,” they believe they deserve extra rewards?“Marita’s Bargain” from Outliers by Malcolm GladwellWhat is KIPP Academy and where is it located?The KIPP Academy’s success is due primarily to what?Karl Alexander’s study of students’ test scores showed that summer vacation hurts which student population the most?Why do students in KIPP schools have more instructional time?In lines 372–373, Marita tells her friend that she spends long hours on her KIPP schoolwork because?Vocabulary in context – know the meaning of the following words in context of the selections.arbitrarily hypocritedegenerate motleycognitiveinviolatecounterintuitivedesultory implicit innateengendercohortmalleable ................

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