GBA 578 Web Design Take Home Midterm Exam Fall 2002

MSIT 588 Web Design Take Home Midterm Exam Fall 2004


This exam consists of 3 parts. Part A – is a combination of multiple choice and fill in the blank questions.

Part B - which asks questions in which you are to provide written answers (of which no question should be longer than 1 –3 paragraphs).

Part C asks you to replicate given application examples in addition to applying certain web concepts discussed in class.

This exam must be completed by 7 PM on Wednesday November 3, 2004.

____ 1. How are Web pages viewed in Dreamweaver?

|a. |HTML code |c. |HTML code and design |

|b. |Design, as in a browser |d. |All of the above |

____ 2. To view the design and the code of a Dreamweaver page at the same time, you:

|a. |Choose Tile from the Window menu |

|b. |Choose Source from the View menu |

|c. |Click the Show Code and Design views button |

|d. |You cannot view the design and code of a page at the same time |

____ 3. When naming Web folders, avoid

|a. |Capital letters |c. |Special characters |

|b. |Spaces |d. |All of the above |

____ 4. The folder that stores your entire site is referred to as:

|a. |Home |c. |Assets |

|b. |Root |d. |Parent |

____ 5. An ISP hosts a Web site. ISP stands for:

|a. |Internet Site Protocol |c. |Internet Service Provider |

|b. |Internet Site Provider |d. |Internet Service Protocol |

____ 6. The Dreamweaver panel used to add, delete, move and rename files is

|a. |Assets |c. |Root |

|b. |Files |d. |Structure |

____ 7. The large white area in the Dreamweaver program window where you create and edit Web pages is called:

|a. |home page |c. |asset view |

|b. |document window |d. |properties window |

____ 8. The estimated download time of an open page is displayed in the

|a. |Status bar |c. |Code view |

|b. |Property inspector |d. |Site panel |

____ 9. You can view HTML code in Dreamweaver using ____.

|a. |Code view |c. |Code inspector |

|b. |Code and Design views |d. |All of the above |

____ 10 You can change the default color of text used in a Web page’s:

|a. |unvisited links |c. |unlinked text in the body |

|b. |visited links |d. |all of the above |

____ 11. A strong color contrast should exist between:

|a. |background and text |c. |unvisited and visited links |

|b. |text and links |d. |all of the above |

____ 12. A Web page’s keywords are viewed:

|a. |in the Web page navigation bar |c. |in a search engine |

|b. |in the Web page’s title bar |d. |none of the above |

____ 13. You can use the Code inspector to modify a page’s:

|a. |HTML |c. |text formatting |

|b. |Navigation bar |d. |all of the above |

____ 14. A rollover is:

|a. |a special effect that changes the appearance of an object |

|b. |a selection of tasks in the History panel |

|c. |a separate floating window that displays the current page in Code view |

|d. |an interactive Web form |

____ 15. Helpful information about code is available using:

|a. |comments |c. |Code view |

|b. |the Reference panel |d. |all of the above |

____ 16. You can set a date object to automatically update each time you:

|a. |open a page |c. |upload a page |

|b. |save a page |d. |view a page in a browser |

____ 17. A Web page that does not need testing:

|a. |was sufficiently planned |c. |does not include JavaScript |

|b. |has been uploaded |d. |does not exist |

____ 18. Viewers appreciate Web pages that are:

|a. |placeholders |

|b. |full of broken links |

|c. |contain entertaining under construction graphics |

|d. |provide enough information to make it worth the trip |

____ 19. To wrap text around an image:

|a. |align the text |c. |set Runaround properties |

|b. |align the image |d. |it wraps by default |

____ 20. To change the file size of an image:

|a. |modify the attributes of the file in an image editor |

|b. |modify the height and width in the property inspector |

|c. |modify the download time in the status bar |

|d. |all of the above |

____ 21. How many Navigation Bars can you have on a page?

|a. |1 |c. |10 |

|b. |4 |d. |unlimited |

22. __________________ are HTML codes that include information about the page.

23. You must design the content of a Web site with the ______________ in mind.

24. The default base font is size ____________.

25. The two classifications of fonts are serif and ___________.

26. A good rule of thumb is to limit each Web site to no more than ___________ font variations.

27. ______________________ is a language that allows a Web developer to write code statements that control the style of elements on a Web page.

28. If you need to define a style for only a single HTML tag, use a(n) ______________________ style sheet.

29. The ______________________ is the part of the style statement that identifies how the elements should display.

30. White space is an option that can be controlled within the ______________________ property.

31. External style sheets should be saved as text files with a(n) ______________________ extension.

32. A(n) ______________________ font is one that is slated to the right by the browser.

33. A(n) ______________________ is the result of a user's action.

34. When you write a method, ______________________ are the items or instructions the method uses and are placed in parentheses.

35. The ______________________ function opens a new window.

36. User-defined functions can be called by other JavaScript code or from event handlers that are ______________________ in the HTML tags.

37. The JavaScript statement, ______________________, automatically adds 1 to a variable.

38. To determine if the current value of the beginPos variable is greater than the length of the message, use the ______________________ statement.

39. The ______________________ loop relies on a conditional statement using numeric values.

40. To call a user-defined function, Calc(), by clicking the Calculate button, you must associate a(n) ______________________ with the Calculate button.

PART B Short Answer Questions


Question 1

According to the article by Chen and Wells, received an Ast score of 60, which according to the article is a medium score. Explain how a site might receive this score and what possibilities might exist to help that site achieve a high Ast score.

Question 2

Why do we even care about Ast scores? (Hint –what does it mean—where did it come from?)


Question 3

When you build a website it is generally not for yourself but for your ‘web’ customers. Discuss some of the principles for getting to know your customers. You should also include mention of the meaning of the term customer-centered design.

Question 4

Provide an explanation of the web development process overview.

Question 5

What is a process funnel? What are some web design elements you can employ and utilize to maximize the goal of a process funnel?


Question 6

Explain why is it challenging to design a site that all visitors can successfully access.

Question 7

Name three questions that you must ask yourself before you start designing your site.

Question 8

Explain why the content site must display changes with considerable frequency and why the quantity of content plays an important role for these sites.

Question 9

Why do large retail-oriented companies like BMW invest in brochure sites?

Question 10

What are some important qualities of a navigation bar?

Question 11

What is DNS and how can one register their site (or what does registering the site mean)? Check out at least 3 sites that offer website registration—list their URLs, their prices, and services they offer.

Question 12

Explain the difference between an absolute and relative path. Give an example of each.

Question 13

When should text be created as a graphic? What are two major disadvantages of using text as graphics?

Question 14

List/Describe at least three possible sources you would consider using to locate graphics for a Web site.

Question 15

What makes Fireworks effective for creating Web graphics?

Question 16

What are the advantages of building several small tables rather one large one?

Question 17

Discuss the role the Layers panel plays in managing a document.

Question 18

Name three kinds of testing you should conduct to ensure your Web page is portable and accessible to most users.

Question 19

You’re designing an online ad for your company. Explain how using styles can save you time creating the ad.

Question 20

What are some of the most common mistakes that web developers make? (that is what are some items that web developers should pay attention to?)

Part C- Web Design Application

This part of the exam is to test your ability to actual replicate the assignments and in-class exercises.

Replicate the following page as shown below—you’ll find the picture and text files located at the following URL


Other items—

1. add a rollover image (any image you find will work fine) on the red rose image in the upper right hand corner.

2. include a welcome message on the status bar.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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