PSYA1 – Research Methods

Component 2 Research Methods

Use the table below to define key terms, and other two mark answers that you will need for research methods questions.

|Method |Definition |

|Laboratory Experiment | |

|Field Experiment | |

|Natural Experiment | |

| | |

|Correlation Study | |

| | |

|Naturalistic Observation | |

|Controlled Observation | |

|Self Reported Data | |

|Questionnaire | |

| | |

|Interview | |

|Content Analysis | |

|Case Study | |

| | |

|Method |Advantages and Disadvantages |

|Laboratory Experiment | |

|Field Experiment | |

|Natural Experiment | |

| | |

|Correlation Study | |

| | |

|Naturalistic Observation | |

|Controlled Observation | |

|Self Reported Data | |

|Questionnaire | |

| | |

|Interview | |

|Content Analysis | |

|Case Study | |

| | |

|Investigation |Definition |

|Hypothesis – Directional | |

|Hypothesis – Non-directional | |

|Null Hypothesis | |

|Experimental Design | |

|Independent Groups | |

|Repeated Measures | |

|Matched Pairs | |

|Design of Questionnaires | |

|Design of Natural Observations | |

|Design of Interviews | |

|Operationalised Variables | |

|Independent Variable | |

|Dependent Variable | |

|Pilot Studies | |

|Extraneous Variable | |

|Confounding Variable | |

| | |

|Reliability | |

| | |

|Test-Retest Reliability | |

|Split-Half Reliability | |

|Inter-Rater reliability | |

|Validity | |

| | |

|Experimental Validity | |

|Ecological validity | |

|Content Validity | |

| | |

|Concurrent Validity | |

| | |

|Construct Validity | |

| | |

|Ethical Issues |Definitions |

|BPS Code | |

|Ethical Issues – Protection from Harm| |

|Ethical Issues – Valid Consent | |

|Ethical Issues – Deception | |

|Ethical Issues – Right to withdraw | |

|Ethical Issues – Confidentiality | |

|Ethical Issues – | |

|Privacy | |

|Ethical Issues – | |

|Ethical Committees | |

|Ethical Issues |Evaluation and Dealing With issues |

|BPS Code | |

|Ethical Issues – Protection from Harm| |

| | |

|Ethical Issues – Valid Consent | |

|Ethical Issues – Deception | |

|Ethical Issues – Right to withdraw | |

| | |

|Ethical Issues – Confidentiality | |

| | |

|Ethical Issues – | |

|Privacy | |

|Ethical Issues – | |

|Ethical Committees | |

|Ethical Issues – | |

| | |

|Debriefing | |

| |Participant Selection |

|Random Sampling | |

|Voluntary Sample | |

|Opportunity Sample | |

|Stratified Sample | |

|Quota Sample | |

|Demand Characteristics | |

|Investigator Effects | |

| | |

|Data |Definition |

|Quantitative Data | |

| | |

|Qualitative Data | |

| | |

|Bar Charts | |

| | |

|Histograms | |

|Scattergraphs | |

|Tables | |

| | |

|Measures of Central Tendency | |

|Mean | |

| | |

|Median | |

|Mode | |

|Measures of Dispersion – Standard | |

|Deviation | |

|Range | |

|Analysis of Correlational Data | |

|Presentation of Qualitative Data | |

|Content Analysis | |

|Coding System | |

|Categorisation | |

|Descriptive Statistics | |

|Inferential Statistical Test | |

|Levels of Measurement | |

|Nominal Data | |

|Ordinal Data | |

|Interval Data | |

|Ratio Data | |

|Level of Significance | |

|Chi- Squared Test | |

|Mann-Whitney U-Test | |

|Sign Test | |

|Wlcoxon Matched Pairs- Signed Ranks | |

|Test | |

|Spearman’s Rank Order Correlation | |

|Coefficient | |


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