Vocabulary Test - JochenEnglish

Vocabulary Test

1. Keep the given order of the numbers.

2. When you do not know something, write only the corresponding number and leave the rest of the line empty. Do not leave any blank lines (Leerzeilen).

3. When an English phrase/sentence is given, write down only the missing word(s). Take care that the word fits grammatically into the sentence (third-person/plural -s, tense etc.). When the first (or last) letter of a word is given, your answer must also begin (or end) with this letter.

The text under a photo or cartoon is called c~.

Answer: caption

4. When a German phrase/sentence is given, you must translate the WHOLE phrase or sentence. When the first letter of a word is given, your answer must also begin with this letter.

eine witzige (w~) Bildunterschrift

Answer: a witty caption

5. D: (= Deutsch) means that you must translate the WHOLE phrase/sentence into German.

D: a witty caption

Answer: eine witzige Bildunterschrift

6. When a definition of a word is given, you only write down the missing word that is explained.

c~: the text under a photo or cartoon

Answer: caption

7. When you are asked a question, you answer it.

What do you call the text under e.g. a photo or a cartoon?

Answer: caption

8. When the phonetic transcription of a word is given, you write down the word as it is normally spelt.


Answer: caption

9. Make sure that your handwriting is legible (lesbar). Pay special attention to vowels. Do not write one letter over another. Cross out the wrong letter and write the correct one above. In case of doubt (Zweifelsfall) write the whole word again. Do NOT use “Tintenkiller”.

10. Make up your mind (sich entscheiden), do NOT give any alternatives.


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