Vocabulary Test- Honors English 9

Vocabulary Test- Honors English 9

Step 1: While you are reading To Kill a Mockingbird, write down any vocabulary words that are new to you and that you would like to learn in the VOCAB section of your notebook. By the end of the novel, you should have AT LEAST 40 vocabulary words TOTAL. As you find the words, write down the word, page number from the book, and then look up the definition either in the text book or in a dictionary. This is an INDIVIDUAL assignment.

Step 2: You are going to create your own vocabulary test, using the words you found throughout TKAM. After turning in your test and test answers, you will then TAKE your test in class.

Part I: Choose 25 words from your list that you think would be good for the test.

Part II: Design a vocabulary test covering the definitions of these 25 words. Along with definitions, you might want to test on using the words in the sentence, the parts of speech (verb, noun, or adjective), or the synonyms and antonyms of the words. Make sure you give directions! (

-You may use different types of questions, but MUST have 25 questions minimum, covering all 25 of your chosen words.

-You may NOT use more than 10 of a certain type of question. Use the following chart to help you:

|Types of |Multiple Choice |Matching |Fill in the Blank |Synonyms and Antonyms |Labeling |

|Questions: | | |(with word bank) | | |

| | | |Verbatim |Which of the following | |

| |__B__6. the unkempt |_C_1. bere |Opulent |words is a SYNONYM for |__NOUN___1. The students |

| |room |_A_2. deploy |13. The ___________ banker |“gored” |were not asking questions in|

|Examples: |a. tidy b. |_B_3. adulterate |was known for donating his |slept |class, giving no intimation |

| |sloppy | |riches to charity. |ate |of their understanding of |

| |c. decorated |a. to position or |14. You can be accused of |stabbed |the literary elements, so |

| |d. empty |arrange; to utilize |plagiarism if you copy off |pushed |the teacher did not know |

| | |b. to change, alter |of a website | |what to help them with. |

| | |c. deprived of |_______________. | | |

Part III: Key. After creating a 25 question quiz, using at least 3 types of questions from the chart, then print out a second copy of the quiz and fill in the answers (as given in the examples).


The image to the left shows you a possible format to use for your test. You will also be shown examples in class for help. You will want to type it up for full credit, make it neat and organized, and make it look “official”. On the separate key, it would be a good idea to mark the answers directly in a different color to make them stand out, or just write the numbers 1-25 with answers in a list-type format.


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