A. Name: G. Lynn Crossett Title: Director, Legal Studies Program,

Associate Professor

B. Educational Background

|Degree |Year |University |Major |Thesis/Dissertation |

|J.D. |1997 |Texas Tech University |Law |NA |

|B.B.A. |1992 |University of Texas - Austin |Accounting |NA |

C. University Experience

|Position |University |Dates |

|Professor |Texas State University |2011-present |

|Director, Legal Studies Program |Texas State University - San Marcos |Fall 2007 - present |

| | | |

|Assistant Professor |Texas State University - San Marcos |Fall 2005 to 2011 |

| | | |

|Lecturer |Texas State University - San Marcos |Fall 2001 to Fall 2005 |

D. Relevant Professional Experience

|Position |Entity |Dates |

|In-House Counsel |Southern Union Company |May 2000 to October 2001, |

| |Practiced general corporate transactional law and litigation management for an international |Summer 2002 |

| |natural gas distribution company that was publicly traded on the NYSE; experience included | |

| |mergers and acquisitions, drafting and negotiation of various contracts, and providing advice| |

| |and counsel regarding a wide range of issues affecting the corporation, including various | |

| |intellectual property, high tech and website issues; supervision of paralegals | |

|Associate Attorney|Fritz, Byrne, & Head, L.L.P. |September 1997 to April 2000 |

| |Practiced commercial and employment litigation, with full responsibility for own docket of | |

| |cases ranging from simple breach of contract cases to complex high tech or securities fraud | |

| |actions; experience in all phases of litigation, including drafting complex pleadings, | |

| |motions and written discovery, taking and defending depositions, arguing and defending | |

| |motions, participating in mediation, and trying cases; transactional experience drafting | |

| |employment and independent contractor agreements, an employee handbook, real estate documents| |

| |and various business agreements and legal documents; | |

| |supervision of paralegals | |

|Summer Law Intern |U.S. Department of Justice - Antitrust Division |Summer 1996 |

| |Completed a substantial amount of legal research and writing, interviewed potential victims | |

| |of antitrust violations, drafted various legal documents, and worked closely with lead | |

| |counsel as part of a small team in charge of a major price fixing investigation | |

|Volunteer Law |Federal Public Defender's Office for the Northern District of Texas |Spring 1995 through Summer |

|Clerk | |1995 |

E. Other Professional Credentials (licensure, certification, etc.)

|Attorney & Counselor at Law |Supreme Court of Texas |Since 1997 |

|Admitted to Practice |U.S. District Courts – Northern and Southern Districts of Texas |Since 1998 |


A. Teaching Honors and Awards:

B. Courses Taught:

Political Science 5392: Business Organizations - Fall 2001, Spring 2003, Fall 2003, Fall 2004

Political Science 5394: Litigation - Summer 2003, Fall 2004, Summer 2005, Summer 2006

Political Science 5383: Advanced Litigation - Summer 2004, Sp 2005, Fall 2005, Spring 2006,

Summer 2006, Spring 2007, Spring 2008

Political Science 5387: Legal Research - Summer 2003, Summer 2004, Spring 2005, Summer

2005, Fall 2006, Fall 2007

Political Science 5379: Legal Drafting - every full semester since Fall 2001

Political Science 5386: Legal Theory and Analysis - Fall 2002, Fall 2003, Fall 2004, Fall 2005,

Spring 2005, Spring 2006

Political Science 5395: Real Estate Law - Spring 2002

Political Science 5393: Wills and Estates - Spring 2002, Spring 2003, Spring 2004, Spring 2005

Political Science 5381: Advanced Legal Research and Writing - Spring 2006

Political Science 5389: Law Office Internship - every semester since Summer 2008

Political Science 5398: Directed Readings - 2012

C. Graduate Theses/Dissertations, Honors Theses, or Exit Committees (if supervisor, please


Oral Review Committee – Legal Studies Program: serving as second reader of Applied Research Project papers submitted for Master of Arts Degree from the Legal Studies Program, which includes reviewing and editing papers, advising, and serving on the oral review committee each semester and summer session

Thesis Committee – Political Science Department: serving on comprehensive oral review committee of M.A. in Political Science graduate candidates

Comprehensive Oral Review Committee – History Department: providing comprehensive essay examination and serving on review committee for M.A. in History graduate candidate (Summer 2005)

Thesis/Dissertation Direction:

Jennifer Hine – Spring 2013

Scott Fee, Summer 2013

Margie Hilmo, Summer 2013

Ashley Cole, Summer 2013

Kit Weatherwax, Fall 2013

Kimberlee King, Fall 2013

Tammy Rhodes, Fall 2013

Lavonia Horne-Williams, Fall 2013

Marvin Agumagu, Fall 2013

Crystal Urech, Fall, 2013

Thesis/Dissertation Committees:

Adrian Metzger, Spring 2013

Jennifer Hine, Spring 2013

Ambrose Austin, Spring 2013

Danielle Alvarez, Spring 2013

Scott Fee, Summer 2013

Margie Hilmo, Summer 2013

Ashley Cole, Summer 2013

Kit Weatherwax, Fall 2013

Kimberlee King, Fall 2013

Tammy Rhodes, Fall 2013

Lavonia Horn-Williams, Fall 2013

Hillary Henderson, Fall 2013

Jason Kroll-Rosen, Fall 2013

Taylor Cobarruvias, Fall 2013

Kathleen Yanock, Fall 2013

Marvin Agumagu, Fall 2013

Crystal Urech, Fall 2013

Hannah Ging, Fall 2013

Peggy Halamicek, Fall 2013

Yvonne Flores-Cale, Fall 2013

Deborah Borden, Fall 2013

Thesis/Dissertation Direction:

Elizabeth Canfield – Spring 2012

Craig Scallan – Spring 2012

Andrea Gonzalez – Spring 2012

Laura Porterfield – Spring 2012

Jerrica Wilks – Summer 2012

Sunny Cox – Fall 2012

Erin DeBooy – Fall 2012

Brandi Beck – Fall 2012

Hillary Hennessee – Fall 2012

Michael Siever – Fall 2012

Wendy Laird – Fall 2012

Thesis/Dissertation Committees:

Kenyatta Clay – Spring 2012

Susan Spears – Spring 2012

Christeen Milmo – Spring 2012

Jennifer Salinas – Spring 2012

Elizabeth Canfield – Spring 2012

Craig Scallan – Spring 2012

Andrea Gonzalez – Spring 2012

Laura Porterfield – Spring 2012

Jerrica Wilks – Summer 2012

Sunny Cox – Fall 2012

Erin DeBooy – Fall 2012

Brandi Beck – Fall 2012

Hillary Hennessee – Fall 2012

Michael Siever – Fall 2012

Wendy Laird – Fall 2012

Ashley Minton – Fall 2012

Claire Labit – Fall 2012

Delee Skipper – Fall 2012

Tri Truong – Fall 2012

Jennifer Ervin – Fall 2012

Kelly Kerekgyarto – Fall 2012

Eric Adcock – Fall 2012

Edna de la Garza – Fall 2012

D. Courses Prepared and Curriculum Development:

Political Science 5392: Business Organizations

Political Science 5383: Advanced Litigation

Political Science 5379: Legal Drafting

Political Science 5386: Legal Theory and Analysis

Political Science 5395: Real Estate Law

Political Science 5393: Wills and Estates

Political Science 5389: Law Internship

E. Funded External Teaching Grants and Contracts:

F. Submitted, but not Funded, External Teaching Grants and Contracts:

G. Funded Internal Teaching Grants and Contracts:

H. Submitted, but not Funded, Internal Teaching Grants and Contracts:

I. Other:


A. Works in Print (including works accepted, forthcoming, in press)

1. Books (if not refereed, please indicate)

R – William P. Statsky & Lynn Crossett, The Texas Paralegal: Essential Rules, Documents, and Resources (Cengage 2010)

[a blind, peer-reviewed book for which I had primary manuscript responsibility for most of the book, as detailed in the attached letter from my co-author]

a. Scholarly Monographs:

b. Textbooks:

c. Edited Books:

d. Chapters in Books:

Lynn Crossett, “The Current Status of Paralegal Regulation Nationwide.” Paralegal Professionalism Anthology. Robert Mongue, ed. Durham: Carolina Academic Press (2011).

e. Creative Books:

2. Articles

a. Refereed Journal Articles:

R - Lynn Crossett, "TBJ Online: Paralegal Regulation in Other States," 69 Texas Bar Journal 883 (2006)

[a refereed article under the Department of Political Science Tenure and Promotion PPS]

R - Lynn Crossett, Note, "Do Public School Athletes Shed Their Constitutional Rights at the Locker Room Door? The Supreme Court Upholds Random Urinalysis Drug Testing of Public School Athletes," 27 Texas Tech Law Review 327 (1996)

[a peer-reviewed, student-authored law review article considered a refereed article under the Department of Political Science Tenure and Promotion PPS]

b. Non-refereed Articles:

Lynn Crossett, “What Ethics Code Governs Texas Paralegals and What Attorney Ethical Provisions Are Most Relevant to Paralegals,” Texas Paralegal Journal, Winter/Spring 2010

3. Conference Proceedings

a. Refereed Conference Proceedings:

R – Lynn Crossett, "Common Legal Writing Errors:  Developing Tools for Assessment and Feedback," delivered at the International College Teaching and Learning Conference in Mazatlan, Mexico on March 28, 2007

b. Non-refereed:

4. Abstracts:

5. Reports:

6. Book Reviews:

7. Other Works in Print:

Lynn Crossett & Stonewall Van Wie III, Texas State Supplement to Daniel Hinkel, Practical Real Estate Law (6th ed., Cengage 2010)

Mentored student publication in National Intellectual Property Law Journal: Robert Lee Dickens, "Finding Common Ground in the World of Electronic Contracts: The Consistency of Legal Reasoning in Clickwrap Cases," Marquette University Intellectual Property Law Review, Volume 11, Summer 2007

Lynn Crossett, Texas State Supplement to Daniel Hinkel, Practical Real Estate Law (4th ed., West 2004)

B. Works not in Print

1. Papers Presented at Professional Meetings:

“How to Prepare for an ABA Site Visit”, American Association for Paralegal Education, Phoenix, AZ, 2013.

“Best Practices for Effective Paralegal Utilization,” delivered February 24, 2012, at the Texas Forum XXX for the State Bar of Texas

“Research Tools: The Bluebook vs. ALWD,” delivered as a panel presentation at the National Conference of the American Association for Paralegal Education in Indianapolis, Indiana, on October 29, 2010

“Legal Studies as an Alternative to Law School for Students Who are Not Interested in Becoming Lawyers,” presented at the 2008 National Conference of the Pre Law Advisor’s National Council in Las Vegas, Nevada, on October 16, 2008

"The Current Status of Paralegal Regulation Nationwide," presented as part of a panel presentation entitled "Issues Related to Licensure and Governmental Regulation of Paralegals" at the National Conference of the American Association for Paralegal Education in Baltimore, Maryland, on October 26, 2007

"Evolution of Paralegal Definitions/Regulation Nationwide," delivered November 23, 2006, at the Texas Forum XXIV for the State Bar of Texas

"Common Legal Writing Errors: Developing Tools for Assessment and Feedback," delivered at Joint Meeting of the American Association for Paralegal Education Southeast and South Central Regional Conference, hosted by the University of New Orleans on March 19, 2004

Lynn Crossett, Kristy D. Clark, Mariela Cawthon, and Laura Rogers, “Best Practices for Effective Paralegal Utilization.” 30th Annual Texas Forum of the State Bar of Texas Standing Committee on Paralegals and Paralegal Division, Dallas, TX

Lynn Crossett and Janice Walter, “How to Prepare for an ABA Site Visit.” American Association for Paralegal Education, Savannah, GA

2. Invited Talks, Lectures, and Presentations:

“What is a Legal Studies Education and Why Not Just Go to Law School? Legal Studies as an Alternative to Law School for Students Who are Not Interested in Becoming Lawyers,” presented at the Fall 2008 Inklings Gathering for the Department of Political Science on October 29, 2008

"How Texas Paralegal Programs Are Preparing Paralegals," moderator and panelist on a panel of paralegal program directors for the Texas Forum XXV for the State Bar of Texas, on November 9, 2007, Austin, Texas

"Sixty Educational Websites in Sixty Minutes," delivered as a joint presentation at the National Conference of the American Association for Paralegal Education in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on October 23, 2004

"Paralegal Utilization," panel presentation and moderation at the Texas Forum XXIII for the State Bar of Texas, delivered October 8, 2004, Austin, Texas

3. Consultancies:

4. Workshops:

5. Other Works not in Print:

a. Works “submitted” or “under review”

b. Works “ in progress”

c. Other works not in print

C. Grants and Contracts

1. Funded External Grants and Contracts:

2. Submitted, but not Funded, External Grants and Contracts:

3. Funded Internal Grants and Contracts:

4. Submitted, but not Funded, Internal Grants and Contracts:

D. Fellowships, Awards, Honors:

Chaired Texas Paralegal Educators meeting at the 30th Annual Texas Forum of the State Bar of Texas Standing Committee on Paralegals and Paralegal Division


A. Institutional

1. University:

2009 College of Liberal Arts Dean Nominee for Presidential Award for Excellence in Service

Program Learning Outcomes Assessment for the Legal Studies Program - developing new evaluation grids, updating and revising the program learning outcomes, methods of evaluation, and action plans, and preparing the Program Learning Outcomes Assessment Evaluation each year since 2007

Graduate Advisor, Legal Studies Program, Department of Political Science, from Fall 2007 to present

Equity and Access Investigating Committee, member from 2003 to present of active committee investigating complaints of discrimination within the University and conducting hearings

Law School Admissions Information Presentation, February 11, 2009 -- organized presentation sponsored by Phi Alpha Delta pre-law fraternity

LSAT Weekend Workshop, September 22-23, 2007 -- assisted in organizing workshop to help prepare students for Law School Admission Test

College Day – representing the Political Science Department providing pre-law advising

Bobcat Days – providing pre-law advising and Political Science Department representation every year since 2002

Program for Excellence in Teaching and Learning 2005-2006 – participating in a series of six workshops on teaching excellence

Graduate College Fairs – representing the Legal Studies Program

Graduate College Orientation – presenting orientations to new Legal Studies students

2. College:

3. Department/School:

Director, Legal Studies Program, Department of Political Science, Fall 2007 to the present

American Bar Association Re-approval Site Visit, June 2010 - organized three-day visit by site team as part of the re-approval process

American Bar Association Re-approval Report 2008 - prepared the self-study report required to maintain approval status for the Legal Studies Program

Chair, Legal Studies Program Advisory Board, Fall 2007 to the present

Student Intern Sponsor, Legal Studies Program, Summer 2007

Advisory Board Meeting for Legal Studies Program - Spring 2007

Acting Co-Director for Legal Studies Program – Summer 2005

Oral Review Committees – Legal Studies Program: serving as second reader of Applied Research Project papers submitted for Master of Arts Degree from the Legal Studies Program, which includes reviewing and editing papers, advising, and serving on the oral review committee each semester and summer session

Thesis Committee – Political Science Department: serving on comprehensive oral review committee of M.A. in Political Science graduate candidates

Comprehensive Oral Review Committee – History Department: providing comprehensive essay examination and serving on review committee for M.A. in History graduate candidate (Summer 2005)

Legal Writing Assessment: development of assessment tool used by the Legal Studies Program for grading legal writing

IRAC: The Structure of Legal Analysis -- developed handout to assist teaching and learning of legal writing and analysis for the Legal Studies Program

Meet the Professors – Discourse in Democracy Event

Prepared Legal Studies Portion of Academic Program Review Report for the Department

Graduate Assistant Hiring Committee

Conducted faculty peer teaching evaluation

Chaired Legal Studies Advisory Board meetings

Chaired Legal Studies faculty meetings

B. Professional:

American Bar Association Approval Commission member, which includes four on-site accreditation visits and site visit reports each year and semi-annual meetings; also, service on the ABA Guidelines Interpretation Subcommittee

State Bar of Texas Standing Committee on Paralegals - active member since Spring 2007, including service on the Articles Subcommittee, Texas Forum Subcommittee, and semi-annual meetings

Organized the Texas Forum XXV for the State Bar of Texas, a joint conference of the State Bar of Texas Standing Committee on Paralegals and the Paralegal Division of the State Bar, November 9, 2007

Interviewed for feature article in national trade journal: Collins, Allyson T., "So You Want to Teach?" Legal Assistant Today, Jan-Feb. 2007

Presented research regarding Paralegal Definitions/Regulation Nationwide at the Texas Forum XXIV for the State Bar of Texas, November 3, 2006

Moderated a panel presentation on “Paralegal Utilization” at the Texas Forum XXIII for the State Bar of Texas, October 8, 2004, Austin, Texas

Admitted to State Bar of Texas: 1997

Admitted to U.S. District Courts for the Northern and Western Districts of Texas: 1998

C. Community:

Work with state and local paralegal associations to maintain relationships between academia and paralegal profession

D. Service Honors and Awards:

Crossett, Lynn. Alpha Chi Favorite Professor Award, The Alfred H. Nolle Chapter of the Alpha Chi National College Honor Society

E. Service Grants and Contracts

1. Funded External Service Grants and Contracts:

2. Submitted, but not Funded, External Service Grants and Contracts:

3. Funded Internal Service Grants and Contracts:

4. Submitted, but not Funded, Internal Service Grants and Contracts:

Updated 4/1/2014


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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