Wofford College

Wofford College

Finance 321: Business Finance


Professor: Andrew F. Green

Office: Olin 107 D

Office Email: greenaf@wofford.edu

Office Phone: 597-4372

Cell Phone: 864-680-0685

Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday 10:30-11:30 am

Thursday 2:35-3:35 pm

Other Hours: You are welcome to stop by my office anytime or to schedule an appointment.


Textbook: Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Sixth Edition by Eugene F. Brigham and Joel F. Houston (Thomson South-Western, 2009). NOTE: This is a new edition of the text for this semester.

Calculator (required): Texas Instruments BAII Plus is the calculator recommended for this course. A tutorial for the calculator is available on Public Folders under “Discussion.” Other financial calculators will perform the same functions, but my experience indicates you will benefit by having the calculator being used in the class.

COURSE OBJECTIVES: This course is designed to introduce the key concepts involved in business finance. Since this is a survey course, we will cover a lot of ground. While these concepts are used heavily in the sophisticated world of corporate finance, many of the concepts are just as applicable in our day-to-day lives when, for example, we borrow money to buy a car or save money for our first house.

The chief objectives of the course are:

1. To introduce you to the world of finance. Anyone involved with the management of a business needs to have a knowledge of business finance. This is true not only for financial careers, but also for sales people, attorneys, doctors, etc.

2. To introduce you to basic financial concepts such as the time value of money, asset valuation, and risk and return.

My hope is that you will gain an understanding of the basic principles of finance and that you go beyond memorizing facts and formulas. Doing so will provide you a solid framework for subsequent finance courses.


Attendance: Class attendance is required. Please arrive on time. Late arrivals disrupt the flow of the class. Please sign the attendance sheet upon arrival at class.

Students will receive extra credit or deduction toward the full semester grade average based on attendance as follows:

0 – 2 Classes Missed Add 1 point

3 – 5 Classes Missed ---

6 – 8 Classes Missed Deduct 5 points

9 or more Classes Missed Failing grade

While no distinction is made between excused and unexcused absences, students are encouraged to email me when you know in advance that you will be absent.

Cell phone use: I expect you to turn your cell phone OFF during class, i.e., not on vibrate or silence. Cell phone use during class, including text messaging, is impolite and disruptive for me.

Class Schedule: Periodically, I will distribute a class schedule indicating the topic and assignments for upcoming class sessions.

Class Structure: Class sessions will combine lecture with problem solving. The lecture will cover major points covered in the text. I recommend that you print out and bring to class a copy of my Powerpoint presentations (available on Public Folders) upon which you can take your own notes. Reading the assigned chapter and preparing the homework ahead of time is necessary to understand the lecture.

Class Preparation: You are expected to complete the assigned reading PRIOR TO class. Come to class prepared with:

1) textbook

2) calculator

3) completed homework

Participation: You may ask questions anytime during class.

Homework: In addition to the reading, you have assigned problems to prepare for each class session. I will review most of these homework problems during my lectures to demonstrate the applicable financial principles. Although I do not check homework, I strongly recommend that you prepare the homework problems prior to the lecture. You will understand the calculations much better if you have practiced by doing the homework problems.

Exams: The tests and final exam will focus on both conceptual ideas and financial calculations. The final exam will be cumulative. You are allowed both sides of five 3x5 note cards (one for each test) for reference during exams. If you are unable to take an exam due to an emergency, you must call me (office or cell phone) prior to the exam.


Course grades will be based on a weighted composite as follows:

Tests (five tests at 14% per test) 70%

Final exam 30%

Grades are assigned on the following scale. I do not round numerical grades.

92.5 – 100 A

90.0 – 92.4 A-

87.5 – 89.9 B+

82.5 – 87.4 B

80.0 – 82.4 B-

77.5 – 79.9 C+

72.5 – 77.4 C

70.0 – 72.4 C-

60.0 – 69.9 D

Below 60 F


Students are to include their signature with the word “pledged” on all work submitted. Adhering to the Honor Code is an integral part of our collective life as an academic community.


I have an “open door” policy so you are welcome to come to my office at anytime to discuss the class, your career, or any other matter. My office hours are listed above, but feel free to stop by anytime or to schedule an appointment.

*The instructor reserves the right to modify this syllabus during the semester*


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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