Meeting of November 4, 2013

North Campus Building – 1st Floor Public Meeting Room

1106 Clayton Lane, Austin, Texas

Summary of Minutes

Presiding Officer, Glenda Jemison called the meeting to order at 9:13 a.m.

Presiding Officer, Glenda Jemison called roll. Board members present were Glenda Jemison, Daired Ogle, Gordon Logan, Ron Robinson, Diane Salazar and Aleshia Rivera. Marisela Higgins joined the meeting at 9:37 a.m. Board member Pamela Gold was absent. A quorum was present.

Presiding Officer, Glenda Jemison moved to agenda item C., Approval of minutes – January 28, 2013. Board member, Gordon Logan, seconded by Aleshia Rivera, made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. The motion passed by a unanimous vote.

Presiding Officer, Glenda Jemison moved to agenda item D., Public Comment. The Board heard public comment from: Jan Exposito, Peggy Barron, and Mary Lindsey.

Presiding Officer, Glenda Jemison moved to agenda item E., Staff Reports, and heard the Executive Office Staff Report from Bill Kuntz, Executive Director. The Board also heard Staff Reports from Elizabeth Perez, Compliance Division; Marineula LaFluer, Education and Examination Division; Sharesa Alexander, Enforcement Division; Joyce Hennington, Licensing Division; and Tanya Gautheruax, Field Operations.

Presiding Officer, Glenda Jemison moved to agenda item F., Education and Examination work group reports on the number of theory hours that may be earned by cosmetology students through distance learning. Ron Robinson asked to table this discussion until the next meeting. No recommendation on the Distance Learning curriculum in lieu of reviewing the Departments proposed rules, and postponement of the review of internship practicum to consider further information presented to the Board.

Presiding Officer, Glenda Jemison returned to agenda item E.3., Staff Reports. Don Dudley answered questions from Board member Aleshia Rivera on the pass rate based on exam retesting.

Presiding Officer, Glenda Jemison moved to agenda item G., Discussion and possible recommendation regarding proposed rule amendments, new rules, and/or repeals at 16 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 83, to implement Senate Bill 362, House Bill 2095 and House Bill 619, 83rd Legislature, Regular Session (2013), the Department’s fee review pursuant to Texas Occupations Code §51.202, and the Commission’s general rulemaking authority to administer the Cosmetology program. Pamela Legate, Assistant General Counsel outlined the rule making process and explained staff recommendation on the proposed rules. There were no comments responsive to the rules. The Board discussed the proposed rules and heard public comment from Ron Jemison, Erwin Caldwell, Mary Lindsey, Ron Jemison, Jr., and Elaine Willingham. Board member Marisela Higgings, seconded by Ron Robinson, made a motion to recommend the proposed rules to the Commission for adoption.

Presiding Officer, Glenda Jemison moved to agenda item I. Discussion regarding possible safety issues regarding hair straightening products containing formaldehyde. Elizabeth Perez reported on research performed by the Department on the use of formaldehyde for hair straightening products. Daired Ogle spoke to the safe use of formaldehyde in the straightening process and the possible dangers associated with the use of the products from a health and safety perspective. Board and staff discussed the use of the product and how to safely proceed. This matter will be referred to the Health and Safety Work Group to review if the procedure is safe and acceptable and how the procedure can be safely performed.

Presiding Officer, Glenda Jemison moved to agenda item L., Recommendations for agenda items for next Board meeting. The Board decided to place the following items in the next agenda Health and Safety Work Group report on the Keratin straighten products, Education and Examination Work Group report on distance learning, shaving issues and internship by practicum.

Presiding Officer, Glenda Jemison moved to agenda item M., Discussion of date, time and location of next Board meeting. The Board decided to hold the next meeting January or February 2014, in Austin, Texas.

Presiding Officer, Glenda Jemison moved to agenda item N., Adjournment. Presiding Officer adjourned the meeting at 11:18 a.m.

Glenda Jemison, Presiding Officer

Advisory Board on Cosmetology


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