BE IT REMEMBERED THAT ON THIS 14TH DAY OF JANUARY, 2019 there came to be held a Regular Session of Commissioners Court of Moore County, Texas in the Commissioners Courtroom in the Courthouse in Dumas, Texas. The following persons were present to-wit: Rowdy Rhoades, County Judge; Daniel Garcia, Commissioner Precinct 1; Dee Vaughan, Commissioner Precinct 3; Lynn Cartrite, Commissioner Precinct 4; and County Clerk, Brenda McKanna.


Commissioner Mixon was absent from the meeting.


Court having been opened according to law the following proceedings were had to wit:


Motion was made by Commissioner Vaughan to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 10, 2018. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Cartrite. Motion carried. Commissioner Garcia “ABSTAINED.”

Motion was made by Commissioner Garcia to approve the minutes of the Special Called Meeting of January 1, 2019. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Vaughan. Motion carried.


.Motion was made by Commissioner Cartrite to approve the Temporary Cash Investments dated January 14, 2019 as presented by James Allen, County Auditor, be approved and the County Treasurer’s Report of Cash Disbursements of the same date be approved and duly recorded in the Commissioner’s Court Minutes. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Garcia. Motion carried. Copies of the Report and the Temporary Cash Investments are attached and made a part hereof by references.


Motion was made by Commissioner Garcia that the bills as presented by James Allen, County Auditor, be approved for payment and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to issue warrant-checks thereof. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Cartrite. Motion carried.


Motion was made by Commissioner Vaughan to approve the 2019 Exemptions for Moore County, FC&LR and Special Roads as presented by Nikki McDonald, Tax Assessor Collector. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Garcia. Motion carried. Copy of exemption attached and made a part hereof by references.


Motion was made by Commissioner Cartrite to approve the 2019 Exemptions for Amarillo College-Moore County Campus as presented by Nikki McDonald, Tax Assessor Collector. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Vaughan. Motion carried. Copy of exemptions attached and made a part hereof by references.


There was one bid presented for the purchase of Lot 135 Double Diamond Estates Unit 1 in the amount of $138.00. Motion was made by Commissioner Cartrite to accept the bid from Dean Ray Lantelme and Rhonda Gail Lantelme in the amount of $138.00 for Lot 135 Double Diamond Estate Unit 1 in the amount of $138.00. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Garcia. Motion carried. Copy of bid attached and made a part hereof by references.


There was one bid presented for the purchase of Lot 136 Double Diamond Estates Unit 1 in the amount of $252.00. Motion was made by Commissioner Garcia to accept the bid from Dean Ray Lantelme and Rhonda Gail Lantelme in the amount of $252.00 for Lot 136 Double Diamond Estate Unit 1 in the amount of $138.00. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Vaughan. Motion carried. Copy of bid attached and made a part hereof by references.


Nikki McDonald, Tax Assessor presented her Continuing Education Transcript for January 1, 2018-December 31, 2018. Copy of transcript attached and made a part hereof by references.


Motion was made by Commissioner Cartrite to approve the transfer of a 2002 Durango from the County Judge to Emergency Management. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Garcia. Motion carried.


Motion was made by Commissioner Cartrite to approve the expenditure of $6,766.19 to outfit the 2002 Durango for Emergency Management use with expenditure to be paid from Capital Outlay. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Vaughan. Motion carried. Copy of cost breakdown attached and made a part hereof by references.


Motion was made by Commissioner Vaughan to approve the purchase of 2 computers for public use stations in the County Clerk’s Office in the amount of $2,179.98 to be paid from County Clerk’s Technology Fund. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Cartrite. Motion carried.


Motion was made by Commissioner Cartrite to approve the purchase of blinds for windows at the airport office in the amount of $1,785.00 to be paid from RAMP grant funds. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Garcia. Motion carried.


Motion was made by Commissioner Garcia to approve the purchase of new countertops, sinks and faucets in the airport office bathrooms in the amount of $2,660.00 to be paid from RAMP grant funds. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Vaughan. Motion carried.


Motion was made by Commissioner Cartrite to increase the salary of the airport assistant to $23.04 per hour effective January 21, 2019. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Vaughan. Motion carried.


Motion was made by Commissioner Cartrite to allow Commissioner Cartrite and Chief Hightower to look at what would be the best resolution and report back to the court with a recommendation in regards to placing a stop sign at the intersection of Road E and Light Plant Road. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Vaughan. Motion carried.


Motion was made by Commissioner Vaughan to set a public hearing on the speed limit on FFA Lane and Stallwitz Road with the recommendations of setting the speed limit to 35 mph on FFA Lane and 45 mph on Stallwitz Road going southbound. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Cartrite. Motion carried.


Travis Smith, Road & Bridge Supervisor gave an update on the department. Travis stated they are working on Stone Road and will strip seal it next week. Commissioner Garcia stated there were some problems on Road G he would like Travis to look at and Commissioner Cartrite stated there are some problems on Cemetery Road also. Travis presented some information on a road widener that he will place on the next agenda for approval.


It appears there is no other business to come before the court. Motion was made by Commissioner Cartrite to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Vaughan. Motion carried.



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Commissioner Precinct 1, J. Daniel Garcia Commissioner Precinct 2, Miles Mixon

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Commissioner Precinct 3, Dee Vaughan Commissioner Precinct 4, Lynn Cartrite

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ATTEST: Brenda McKanna, County Clerk County Judge, Rowdy Rhoades


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