
Topics in Algebra Syllabus 2020-2021Mrs. DePuy · mdepuy@albany.k12.ny.us Ms. Osgood · mosgood@albany.k12.ny.usCourse Description: Topics is a pre-algebra course which focuses on the key concepts and theories in mathematics that provides a foundation for Common Core Algebra based on skills from 8th grade math. The goal is to increase students’ mathematical literacy, problem solving and critical thinking skills that students learned in middle school. The essential learning focuses on properties of real numbers, solving equations and inequalities, polynomials and graphing systems of linear equations and inequalities. This course is worth one credit and does not have a regents exam at the end of the year.19050013906500Text @dgach7d to 81010 to receive important text messages about class and communicate with your teachersGRADING POLICY:Instruction………………..………30%Unit Tests ….……….…………....40%Quizzes………..…….………….. .20%Benchmark Exams….……………10%Visit schooltool.albany.k12.ny.us to view gradesClass Website: Required MaterialsPens and pencilsGraphing Calculator Texas Instruments TI-84Chromebook extension Calculate84 (iPhone)Wabbitemu (Android) Instruction: You will be asked to complete a variety of tasks to facilitate your learning, including but not limited to: warm ups, class work, independent work, etc. This work can be synchronous or asynchronous. Quizzes: You will have one quiz each unit. If you are absent the day of a quiz, you must make it up upon return. You will have until the following test or quiz (whichever comes first) to make up the missing quiz. Unit Tests: A test will be given at the end of every unit. If you are absent the day of a test, the make-up rules are the same as for quizzes. Make-up tests will only be allowed with a legal excuse for the absence. If are absent for the review, you are still expected to take the test on time.Benchmark: A benchmark test will be given once a quarter with the last being the NYS Regents Exam in June. All benchmarks are cumulative. Make-ups follow the same guidelines for quizzes and unit tests. 30Remote Learning ExpectationsAcademic Honesty27527259128Academic honesty and personal integrity are fundamental components of a student’s education and character development.? Students should bring an open mind and positive attitude to learning every day. Students are expected to be prepared to learn, work to the best of their ability in all academic areas, strive towards their highest level of achievement possible, challenge themselves, seek help when needed, and ask questions when they don’t understand.??Academic dishonesty includes plagiarism; copying another’s work; altering records and cheating by providing, receiving or viewing answers to quiz or test items or independent assignments; or using texts, documents, notes, or notebooks during tests without permission from a staff member.? Academic dishonesty will result in progressive discipline consequences as a level I, II, or III offense as outlined in the CSDA Student Code of Conduct.? Students may also receive a failing grade for the assignment.The well-being of the entire school community depends on the student accepting responsibility for personal conduct in both social and academic endeavors.LATE/ABSENT POLICIES:If you are absent from class you are expected to make up all missing work. Zeros are assigned for incomplete assignments until they are made up. 327660000-635Joining Google ClassroomTo join our Google Classroom, enter the class code qilvkii at classroom..0-175895Topics in Algebra Units of Study Unit 1: Evaluating ExpressionsUnit 2: Solving One & Two Step Equations Unit 3: Solving Multi-Step EquationsUnit 4: Linear Functions & Graphing Unit 5: Systems of Linear Equations Unit 6: Solving Inequalities Unit 7: Graphing Inequalities & Systems Unit 8: Operations with Polynomials = Math Facts =You are REQUIRED to pass both Algebra and the regents exam in order to graduate from high school. This class will provide you with the foundations to be successful in Algebra next year. You need to pass three math classes, including this one, in order to graduate from high school.The school day begins at 9:15 am and ends at 3:30 pm. Algebra help is available during teacher Office Hours after Period 9 on Day 2.As the teacher, I reserve the right to amend the syllabus throughout the course of the year.All students will be made fully aware of any changes to the syllabus. ................

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