VITA - Baylor University

CURRICULUM VITAEHELEN ELISABETH WILSON HARRIS827 Cattle DriveCrawford, Texas 76638(254) 486-2146 (Home)(254) 710-6233 (Office)Email: Helen_Harris@baylor.eduEDUCATION 2011 Ed.D. University of Mary Hardin-BaylorBelton, TexasDissertation: Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder or Grief: A Study Exploring the Association between Childhood Loss and Grief and a Diagnosis of AD/HD in Elementary Aged Children in Central Texas 1979MSWOur Lady of the Lake University San Antonio, Texas 1975BASociology/Behavioral Sciences Teacher Certification, Secondary Social Sciences Mary Hardin-Baylor CollegeBelton, Texas(Summa Cum Laude; Student Government President, Easter Pageant Director) EXPERIENCETeaching & Leadership RolesLecturer/Senior Lecturer/Tenure-TrackGarland School of Social WorkBaylor University 1997-CurrentHonorsOutstanding Faculty Award, Lecturer2011Baylor Faculty Fellow2012 AdjunctCollege of EducationUniversity of Mary Hardin-Baylor 2012-2014Health EducationBaylor University1993-1997 Chair: CSWE Self StudiesBaylor University SSW2010-2012Director of Graduate Field EducationBaylor University SSW2005-2007Director of Field EducationBaylor University SSW1997-2005Courses Taught at BaylorPhDHigher Educational Teaching and Learning in Social WorkTeaching PracticumGraduateField Internship I and II Foundation SeminarField Internship Advanced Practice Seminar-HealthField Internship Advanced Practice Seminar-Children and FamiliesHealth and Human WellnessAdvanced Practice: Health Care ConcentrationAdvanced Practice: Clinical ConcentrationAdvanced Practice: Health TrackGraduate Capstone SeminarLoss and MourningBaccalaureateDying and Death EducationHuman Behavior IHuman Behavior IIPractice IIField Internship IField Internship IIBaccalaureate Capstone SeminarCare for the DyingCounseling Grieving AdultsCounseling Bereaved ChildrenCounseling Older AdultsComplicated MourningCourses taught at University of Mary Hardin-BaylorThe American College and University Professor (doctoral course on teaching)Doctoral Education Committee WorkChair: Regina Trammel-Successfully Defended June 29, 2016 Christian-Informed Mindfulness: A Theoretical and Empirical ExplorationCommittees:Melissa IshioChristen ArguetaBecky ScottPUBLICATIONS+Peer Reviewed~ Single Authored*Authored with Student(s)Peer-Reviewed Articles+*Harris, H., Yancey, G., & Myers, D., Deimler, J., Walden, D. (2017). Ethicalintegration of faith and practice in social work field education: A multi-year exploration in one program. Religions, 8(9), 177. DOI: 10.3390/rel/8090177. Harris, H., Hess, B., Polson, E. C. (2017). Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and grief: Diagnosis and differentiation in primary care medicine. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 7. DOI:10.1080/15325024.2017.1360583Cole, C. & Harris, H. W. (2017). The lived experiences of people who identify as LGBT Christians: Considerations for social work helping. Social Work & Christianity: An International Journal, 44(1-2), 31-52Harris, H. W., & Yancey, G. (2017). Values, dissonance, and rainbows: Practice tipsfor Christian social workers in a polarized world. Social Work & Christianity: An International Journal, 44(1-2), 123-142*Harris, H., & Ellor, J. W. (2016). Lessons from the vertical limit: Valuing olderadults. Journal of Gerontology & Geriatric Research, 5(6), DOI: 10.4172/2167-7182.1000364.+Harris, H., Ellor, J. W., & Yancey, G. I. (2016). DSM-5: The intersectionality of spirituality, culture, & aging. Journal of Religion, Spirituality &Aging, 29(1), 3-17, DOI: 10.1080/15528030.2016.1243502+Harris, H., Rogers, R., & Singletary, J. (2016). Competency-based education and Shared academic freedom for transformational education. European Journal of Educational Sciences, 3(3).+Blinka, D., & Harris, H. W. (2016). Moral injury in warriors and veterans: The challenge to social work. Social Work & Christianity: An International Journal, 43(3), 7-28.+Harris, H., Yancey, G., & Myers, D. (2016). Social work field education in and with congregations and religiously-affiliated organizations in a Christian context. Religions, 7(52). doi-10.3290+*Harris, H., & Kramer, C. (2015). ?Perinatal loss and grief: Part one-The pain and the promise.?The Journal of Family and Community Ministries, 28(1), 108-129 +*Harris, H., & Kramer, C. (2015). Perinatal loss and grief: Part two-An awakeningspiritual role and response.?The Journal of Family and Community Ministries, 28(1), 130-145+*Harris, H., Lee, C., & Yancey, G. (2015). Cognition in adult bereavement: Preliminary findings from five hospice bereavement focus groups.?Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life & Palliative Care, 11(3-4),?283-306. +~Harris, H. (2015). Much to do about protest: The Keith-Lucas theory for mourning. ?Social Work & Christianity: An International Journal, 42(4), 413-429.+*Harris, H., & Scheibner, A. (2015). Learning to give voice in ministry to personswith dementia: Student monologues. Journal of Religion, Spirituality &Aging, 27(1), 34-47 ISSN: 1552-8030 +*Harris, H., Hale, J., Harris, B., & Hale, C. (2014). Four narratives of adoption: Creating family. The Journal of Family and Community Ministries, 27, 13-28+*Harris, H., & Custable, V. (2013). Suicide in the professional literature: An annotated bibliography. The Journal of Family and Community Ministries, 26(1), 49-65.+Harris, H., & Myers, D. (2013). Student perceptions of integrative field seminar: Acomparison of three models. Journal of Administrative Issues: Education, Practice and Research, 3(2), 2-16.Pre Tenure Track+Harris, H. W., & Zipperlen, M. (2011. Childhood loss and AD/HD: Program implications for education administrators. Administrative Issues Journal: Education, Practiceand Research, 1(2), 11-22.+Harris, H., & Harris, B. (2011). Faith and adoption: Applying the principles of Alan Keith-Lucas. Social Work & Christianity: An International Journal, 38(1), 51-63.+~Harris, H. (2010). A look back for the future: Applying the wisdom of Alan Keith-Lucasfor child care services today. Social Work & Christianity: An International Journal, 37(3), 292-304+Ellor, J. W., Harris, H. W., Myers, D. R., & Russell, I. (2009). Guardianship of frail elders: Student supported process for legislative change.Educational Gerontology, 35(7), 596-609+~Harris, Helen. (2008). Application to the church: Response to elderly and living alone in rural Mississippi. The Journal of Family and CommunityMinistries, 22(3), 37.+~Harris, Helen. (2008). Growing while going: Spiritual formation at the end of life.Journal of Religion, Spirituality & Aging, 20(3), 227-245. +Singletary, J. Harris, H., Myers, D., & Scales, L. (2006).? Studentnarratives of social work as a calling. Arete, 30(1)+Myers, D., Roff, L., Harris, H., Klemmack, D., & Parker, M. (2004). A feasibility study of a parent care planning model with two faith-based communities. Journal of Religion, Spirituality & Aging, 17 (?), 39-55. +Harris, H. (2003). What is a congregation to do? Grief in family congregational life.Family Ministry: Empowering Through Faith. 17(2), 12-28+Harris, H. (2003). Caring for children in crisis. Christian Reflection: A Series in Faith and Ethics. The Center for Christian Ethics. Baylor University. +Harris, Helen. (2003). What is a congregation to do? Dying in family congregational life. Family Ministry: Empowering Through Faith, 17(1), 39-54+Harris, H., & Myers, D. (2002). A response to: A slice of the sandwich generation. Family Ministry: Empowering Through Faith, 16(3), 15-23+Harris, Helen. (2000). Congregational care for the chronically ill, dying and bereaved.Family Ministry: Empowering Through Faith, 14(1)BOOK CHAPTERS~Harris, H. (2016). The helping process and Christian beliefs: Insights from AlanKeith-Lucas. In T .L. Scales and M. Kelly, Editors (Eds). Christianity and social work: Readings on the Integration of Christian Faith and Social Work Practice (5th ed). New York, NY: North American Association of Christians in Social WorkPre Tenure Track~Harris, H. (2012). The helping process and Christian beliefs: Insights from Alan Keith-Lucas. In T. L. Scales and M. Kelly, Editors (Eds).Christianity and social work: Readings on the integration of Christian faith and social work practice, (4thed.), pp. 281-300. New York, NY: North American Christians in Social Work. Scales, T. L., Harris, H. W., Myers, D., & Singletary, J. (2012). Journeys towardintegrating faith and practice: Students, practitioners, and faculty?share their stories. In T. L. Scales and M. Kelly, Editors (Eds).Christianity and social work: Readings on the integration of Christian faith and social work practice (4th ed.). pp. 129-152. New York, NY: North American Christians in Social Work. Ellor, J., & Harris, H. (2009). Denial of death. In C.D. Bryant & D. L. Peck (Eds.). Encyclopedia of death and the human experience, pp. 350-353. Thousand Oaks: Sage Press. Harris, H., & Ellor. J. (2009). Survivor guilt. In C.D. Bryant & D. L. Peck (Eds.). Encyclopedia of death and the human experience, pp. 922-924. Thousand Oaks: Sage Press. Harris, H. (2009). Spiritual formation at the end of life.In J. W. Ellor (Ed). Methods in religion, spirituality and aging, pp. 218-237. London: Routledge Press. +~Harris, H. (2008). The helping process and Christian beliefs: Insights from Alan Keith-Lucas. In B. Hugen & T. L. Scales (Eds). Christianity and social work, pp. 313-333. Botsford, CT: North American Christians in Social Work. Scales, T. L., Harris, H. W., Myers, D., & Singletary, J. (2008). Integrating Christian faith and social work practice: Students’ views of the journey. InB. Hugen, & T. L. Scales (Eds.) Christianity and social work, pp. 43-59. Botsford, CT: North American Christians in Social Work Harris, H. (2006). Assignments and syllabus: When mourning is complicated In E. L. Csikai & B. Jones, Barbara. Social work in end-of-life and palliativecare: A compendium of syllabi and teaching resources, pp. 61-62. Chicago, IL: Lyceum Books, Inc. Harris, H. (2006). Twice a victim….In English please. In T. L. Scales & T. A. Wolfer (Eds.). Decision cases for generalist social work practice: Thinking like a social worker, pp. 39-47. Belmont, Ca: Thomson/Brooks/Cole.Harris, H. (2002).These things happen: Confronting dual responsibilities. In Scales, T. L., T. Wolfer, D. Sherwood, D. Garland, B. Hugen, & S. Pittman (Eds.). Spirituality and religion in social work practice, pp. 127-137. Alexandria, VA: The Council on Social Work Education. Harris, H. (2001). Beginning griefwork with children, Theophilus, Waco, TX: BaylorUniversity. PRESENTATIONS (past 10 years; others available on request)+Peer ReviewedHarris, H. & Cole, C. (2016). Lived Experiences of Christians Who Identify as LGBT. NACSW annual conference. Cincinnati, Ohio. Harris, H. (2016). Value Dissonance: Practice Tips. NACSW annual conference. Cincinnati, Ohio. Harris, H. & Blinka, D. (2016). EMDR and Social Work. NASW Annual Conference. Dallas, Texas.Harris, H. (2016). Loss and Grief in Foster Care and Adoption. Buckner Benevolences. Dallas Texas.Harris, H. (2016). Ethics in Health Care. Children’s Hospital, Dallas, TexasHarris, H. (2016). Grief, Depression, and Suicide. Peace of Mind Conference. Dallas, TexasHarris, H. (2016). The Integration of Faith and Learning in Higher Education. Innovations Conference. University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, Belton: Texas.Harris, H. & Blinka, D. (2016). EMDR and Social Work. NASW Annual Conference. Dallas, Texas.Harris, H. (2016). Loss and Grief in Foster Care and Adoption. Buckner Benevolences. Dallas Texas.Harris, H. (2016). Ethics in Health Care. Children’s Hospital, Dallas, TexasHarris, H. (2016). Grief, Depression, and Suicide. Peace of Mind Conference. Dallas, TexasHarris, H. (2016). The Integration of Faith and Learning in Higher Education. Innovations Conference. University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, Belton: Texas.+Harris, H. (2015). Lived Experiences of People who identify as LGBT and Christian. Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting. Denver, Colorado.Harris, H. (2015). Ethics in Teams: Compass or Code. Children’s Hospital. Dallas, Texas+Harris, H. (2015). The Cognitive Impact of Grief in Children: ADHD or????. Association for Death Education and Counseling, San Antonio, Texas.+Harris, H., Ellor, J. & Yancey, G. (2014).Religion as Culture: DSM 5 Assessment and Intervention Considerations. NASW Texas. San Marcos, Texas.+Harris, H. & Lee, C. (2014).Exploring the Cognitive Impact of Grief in Adults. NASW Texas. San Marcos, Texas.+Harris, H., Ellor, J. & Yancey, G. (2014). Client Spiritual Concerns in Light of DSM 5 NACSW. Annapolis, Maryland+Harris, H. & Singletary, J. (2014).NACSW. Ethical Social Work Practice with LGBT Clients: Sinners and Saints. Annapolis, Maryland+Harris, H. & Yancey, G. (2014).NACSW. The Integration of Faith and Practice: A Three-Legged Stool. Annapolis, Maryland+Harris, H. (2013). Grief and ADHD in Children. CSWE APM. Dallas, Texas.+Harris, H., Rogers, R., & Singletary, J. (2013). Curricular Revision, Evaluation, and Reaffirmation: Assessing Transformational Education. CSWE APM. Dallas, Texas.+Harris, H., Hale, J., Harris, B., & Hale, C. (2013). Four Narratives of Adoption. NACSW Annual Conference. Atlanta, Georgia.+Harris, H. (2013). Cognitive Impact of Grief: Practice Implications. NASW. Austin, Texas.+Harris, H., Ellor, J. & Yancey, G. (2013). Client Spiritual Concerns in Light of DSM 5 and 2013 Community Imperatives. NASW. Austin, Texas.+Harris, H. (2012). Cognitive Impact of Grief in Children/ADD: Why Should Churches Care? NACSW. St. Louis, Missouri. October 25, 2012.+Harris, H. (2012). Addiction as Disease: The Science and the Church. NACSW. St. Louis, Missouri. October 26, 2012.Gusukuma, I. and Harris, H. (2011). Life Transitions, Culture and Ethics. Dyer Workshop. Waco, Texas. November 1, 2011.+Harris, H. and Gusukuma, I. (2011). End of Life Issues, Ethics, and Social Work Practice. National Association of Social Workers-Texas Annual Conference. Dallas, Texas. October 10, 2011.+Harris, H. (2011). Supervision and Conflict. National Association of Social Workers-Texas Annual Conference. Dallas, Texas. October 9, 2011.Harris, H. (2010). Life Endings and Ethics. The University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, Belton, Texas. April 14, 2010.+Harris, H. (2010) with Elisabeth Harris. Faith and Adoption. National Association of Christians in Social Work Annual Conference, Durham, North Carolina. November 12, 2010.+Harris, H. (2010) with David Gibson. Applying the Principles of Alan Keith-Lucas to Child Welfare Services Today. Pre-Conference Institute for National Association of Christians in Social Work, in Durham, North Carolina. November 11, 2010.+Harris, H. (2010) with David Gibson. Applying the Principles of Alan Keith-Lucas to Child Welfare Services Today. National Audio Conference for National Association of Christians in Social Work, in Waco, Texas. October 19, 2010.Harris, H. (2009). Non Profit Ethics: Professionalism 101. Presbyterian Children’s Home and United Way. Corsicana, Texas. August 11, 2009.Harris, H. (2009). Adolescent Refugees and Immigrants: Loss and Mourning. Catholic Charities, Fort Worth, Texas. July 31, 2009.+Harris, H. and Bledsoe, Christie. (2009). Mastery Learning. TxATE Annual Conference. Austin, Texas. June 6, 2009.Harris, H. (2009). Loss and Opportunities for Congregational Response. Center for Family and Community Ministries. Waco, Texas. May 21, 2009.+Harris, H. and Triana, Viviana. (2007). Field Education in Faith Based Organizations and Congregations. National Association of Christians in Social Work, Dallas, Texas, March 9, 2007.+Harris, H. The Helping Relationship According to Alan Keith-Lucas. (2007). National Association of Christians in Social Work, Dallas, Texas, March 9, 2007.+Ellor, Jim and Harris, H. (2007). Those Who Can, Teach: Curricular Innovations in Gerontological Education. Council on Social Work Education, GeroEd Forum, Charleston, South Carolina, February 3, 2007.+Gusukuma, I. and Harris, H. (2006). Strengthening the field education program: Field instructor’s self-assessment on program objectives. Council on Social Work Education, Chicago, Illinois, February 17, 2006.+Myers, D., Ellor, J., and Harris, H. (2006). Impoverished elders and guardianships: Activating protective and humane responses. Council on Social Work Education, Chicago, Illinois, February 17, 2006.+Harris, H. and Ellor, J. E. (2005). Texas Guardianship: A Method for Macro Change. National Association of Social Workers/Texas Chapter; Galveston, Texas.+Harris, H. and Gusukuma, I. (2005). Faith Based Organizations: A Resource for the Placement of Students in Field. Baccalaureate Program Directors Annual Program Meeting. Austin, TexasHarris, H. and Scales T. L. (2005). Using Case Method in the Social Work Classroom. Program Directors Annual Program Meeting. Austin, Texas.Harris, H. and Gusukuma, I. (2005). Diversity and Cultural Competence. Texas Baptist Children’s Home, Round Rock, TexasHarris, H. (2005). Gardens of Hope: Making a Difference in Foster Care. Methodist Children’s Home: Foster Parent Retreat. Waco, TexasHarris, H. (2005). Legacies: Building on the Rock. South Texas Children’s Home. Beeville, TexasHarris, H. (2005). Alan Keith-Lucas and Family Centered Care. Hand in Hand Conference.Dallas, Texas Harris, H. and Scales, T. L. (2005). The Changing Role of One Religiously Affiliated Children’s Home. Hand in Hand Conference. Dallas, TexasHarris, H., Ellor, J. and Myers, D. (2005). Religion, Faith, and Spirituality in Professional Practice Curricula. AGHE. Chicago, IllinoisGRANTSWesley Woods, Dementia Care Competency Training$40002007-2008WMU, Mary Hill Davis Offering Internship Grant$12,0002006-2007Hartford Foundation, Practicum Partnership Grant$750002006-2009Tip Grant for Continuing Education in Gerontology2005-2006$1000“Go Therefore Into All the World: Social Work in Moldova2005Women’s Missionary UnionEstimated: $9000“Social Work Career Choice and Christian Vocation: Student Narratives on the Significance of Faith and Calling”With Dennis Myers, Jon Singletary, Laine ScalesVocations Grant, Lilly Foundation2004-2006$28,000 Geriatric Enrichment in Social Work Education; The Hartford Foundation 2001-2004Council on Social Work Education$60, 000 over three yearsWith Dr. Dennis MyersOral History of the South Texas Children’s HomeSummer 2003Oral History; Baylor University$2500With Dr. Laine Scales“Living Water in a Thirsty Land”2003-2004Women’s Missionary Union; Internship StipendsEstimated $10,000“Living Water in a Thirsty Land” 2002-2003Women’s Missionary Union; Internship Stipends$8000LICENSURE:LCSW-S, State of Texas # 9514Board Approved SupervisorCERTIFICATIONS: ACSW-NASWDCSW: Diplomate, Certified Social WorkerCertified EMDR ProviderTrained Prolonged Exposure Therapy ProviderSERVICE:New Program Development:MSW Field Education program—GSSW at Baylor University The MSW program was accredited in record time with several commendations for the field education program. Group supervision model for field educators in the Central Texas area. CommitteesUniversityCivil Rights Committee2009-2011Technology Committee2016-CurrentLecturer Policy Committee2008Co-Chair Diversity Enhancement Dialog2015-2016Garland School –Committee Assignments (3-5 per year)Trauma Initiative ChairField Education CommitteeField Curriculum TeamAdministrative Committee, MemberCurriculum Committee, MemberEvaluation and Accreditation Committee, Member and ChairHospitality Committee, MemberInstitute for Gerontological Studies Committee, MemberAlumni Relations CommitteeCongregational Social Work InitiativeGerontology InitiativeHealth Concentration Curriculum Team, MemberAdmissionsFaculty DevelopmentPhDGuest EditorHarris, H., & Myers, D. Guest Editors. (Winter Issue 2003-2004). Family Ministry Editorial StaffEditor-Reflections: Journal of Social Work in End of Life and Palliative Care2016-CurrentEditorial Board: Journal of Social Work in End of Life and Palliative Care 2014-CurrentGrief Section Editor: Journal of Family and Community Ministries-Baylor2012-CurrentReviewer: Journal of Religion, Spirituality and Aging 2014-CurrentAssociate Editor: Social Work and Christianity2017Professional WritingItem Writer for National Intermediate National Exam2001-2006VolunteerVolunteer Grief Therapist: Providence HospiceVolunteer Grief Therapist: First Baptist Church Woodway Diversity Enhancement Dialog, Baylor UniversityCSWE: Abstract Reviews for Council on Social Work Education, Annual Program Meeting 2004 2005, 2007Texas Field Educator’s Consortia, Past Chair 2005Member, First Baptist Church WoodwayCommunity Race Relations CoalitionSocial Work Clinical PracticeHospiceHillcrest1984-1997Providence Hospice VolunteerProvidence-grief counseling2014-2016Children’s HomeMethodist Children’s Home1984Foster Care South Texas Children’s Home1976-1983Crisis InterventionArmy Community Services1975-1976MEMBERSHIPS:EMDRIAUniversity Committee MemberAdvocacy Committee MemberNational Association of Social WorkersNational Association of Christians in Social WorkAssociate Editor: Social Work and Christianity JournalCouncil on Social Work EducationNational Alliance for Grieving ChildrenAssociation for Death Education and CounselingDistance Education Committee MemberPhi Alpha Honor Society Alumni Association, University of Mary Hardin-BaylorPresident’s Circle: UMHB Community Race Relations Coalition First Baptist Church, WoodwaySubstitute Sunday School TeacherCaregiver Committee MemberHONORS:2013Outstanding Faculty Award, Lecturer2012Baylor Faculty Fellow 2002 Girl Scouts of America, Woman of Distinction ................

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