I. Academic/Professional Background

A. Name: Mark C. Stafford Title: Professor and Doctoral Program Director, School of Criminal


B. Educational Background

|Degree |Year |University |Major |Thesis/Dissertation |

|Ph.D. |1979 |University of Arizona |Sociology |Deterrence and Group Delinquency |

|M.A. |1974 |University of Arizona |Sociology |N/A |

|B.A. |1971 |Southern Methodist University|Sociology |N/A |

C. University Experience

|Position |University |Dates |

|Doctoral Program Director, School of Criminal Justice |Texas State University |2009-2012 and |

| | |2013-Present |

|Interim Director, School of |Texas State University |2012-2013 |

|Criminal Justice | | |

|Core Doctoral Faculty, School of Criminal |Texas State University |2009-Present |

|Justice | | |

|Professor, School of Criminal Justice |Texas State University |2008-Present |

|Professor, Department of Sociology |University of Texas at Austin |1995-2008 |

|IEAT-FORD Chair of Criminality, Violence and Public Policy |Institute of Interdisciplinary Advanced Studies at |2006 |

| |Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, | |

| |Brazil | |

|Undergraduate Adviser, Department of Sociology |University of Texas at Austin |2006-2008 |

|Associate Chair, Department of Sociology |University of Texas at Austin |1996-2000, |

| | |2005-2006 |

|Graduate Adviser, Department of Sociology |University of Texas at Austin |1997-2000, |

| | |2004 |

|Director, Shaw-Cotera Consortium on Youth Violence |University of Texas at Austin |1997-2003 |

|Faculty Research Associate in Center for Criminology and |University of Texas at Austin |1996-2008 |

|Criminal Justice Research | | |

|Faculty Research Associate in Population Research Center |University of Texas at Austin |1995-2002 |

|Professor, Department of Sociology |Washington State University |1995 |

|Rural Sociologist |Washington State University |1995 |

|Associate Rural Sociologist |Washington State University |1989-1995 |

|Associate Professor, Department of Sociology |Washington State University |1986-1995 |

|Visiting Scholar, Center for the Study and Prevention of |University of Colorado at Boulder |1993-1994 |

|Violence | | |

|Director of Graduate Studies |Washington State University |1988-1990 |

|Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences|Stanford University |1986-1987 |

|Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology |Washington State University |1980-1986 |

|Summer Scholar, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral |Stanford University |1982 |

|Sciences | | |

|Instructor, Department of Sociology |University of Texas at Austin |1977-1980 |

D. Relevant Professional Experience

|Position |Entity |Dates |

|N/A |N/A |N/A |


A. Teaching Honors and Awards:

Favorite Professor as Noted by the Graduate Inductees to the Alfred H. Nolle Chapter of the Alpha Chi National College Honor Society, 2013

Nominated as Outstanding Faculty Member-1st Order of Omega and Gamma Sigma Alpha, University of Texas at Austin

Nominated for the Friar Centennial Teaching Fellowship, University of Texas at Austin

B. Courses Taught:

Texas State University (**Graduate):

Instructional Assistant Supervision** (CJ7101), each semester through Spring, 2012

Advanced Research for Planning and Evaluation** (CJ7322), Spring, 2014

Law and Behavioral Science** (CJ7331), Fall, 2010; Summer, 2011; Summer, 2012; Summer, 2014

Survey Research Methods for Criminal Justice** (CJ7336), Summer, 2010; Fall, 2011; Fall, 2013

Proseminar** (CJ7210), each fall

Administration of Justice** (CJ5310), Summer, 2008, 2009; Spring 2011

Advanced Crime Theory** (CJ5335), Fall, 2008, 2009; Fall, 2012; Summer, 2014

Special Problems in the Criminal Justice System (CJ4310), Spring, 2014

Crime Theory and Victimization (CJ4340), Summer 2008; Fall, 2008; Spring, 2009; Summer, 2009; Spring, 2013

University of Texas at Austin and Washington State (**Graduate):


Crime and Delinquency**



Interpersonal Violence**

Juvenile Delinquency

Theory Construction

Law and Society

Problems of Deviance Theory**

Research Methods**

Social Control and Deviance

Theories of Crime Causation**

Criminal Law and Morality

C. Graduate Theses/Dissertations or Exit Committees (if supervisor, please indicate):

Texas State University:

Jaclyn Schildkraut, “Mass Murder and the Mass Media: An Examination of the Media Discourse on U.S. Rampage Shootings, 2000-2012,” 2014, Supervisor (Ph.D. Dissertation)

Erin Cole, “Predictors of Female Criminality: An Examination of Females’ Trajectory to Crime,” 2014, Member (MSCJ Professional Paper)

Steve Boehm, “Exploring the Process of Desistance in Two High-Risk Probation Populations,” 2013, Member (Ph.D. Dissertation)

Judy Grigsby, “Foster Care Runaways: A Comprehensive Look at Who They Are, Why They Run, and How to Reduce Elopement,” 2013, Member (MSCJ Professional Paper)

Sarah Scott, “An Examination of Frame of Reference and Self-Control in Alcohol and Drug Addicts,” 2013, Supervisor (Ph.D. Dissertation)

Danette DeLeon, “An Examination of Students’ Personal Interactions and Rape Perceptions,” 2013, Member (MSCJ Thesis)

Justin McNutt, “Gun Control in the United States: A Broad Examination,” 2013, Member (MSCJ Professional Paper)

Tyler Vaughan, “Testing Revised Low Self-Control Theory: Results from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, 1994,” 2013, Supervisor (MSCJ Thesis)

Joe McKenna, “School Disorder and the Current Strategies Utilized: An Analysis of Texas Schools,” 2013, Member (MSCJ Thesis)

Melanie Escamilla, “An Analysis of the Types of Recidivism by Sexual Offenders,” 2012, Member (MSCJ Professional Paper)

Rodolfo Gonzalez, “A Secondary Analysis of Social Disorganization Theory in Urban Neighborhoods in Mexico City,” 2012, Member (MSCJ Professional Paper)

Carlos Montemayor, “Assessing Female Needs in Risk Assessment,” 2012, Member (MSCJ Professional Paper)

Yvonne Troyano, “Exploring Female Sex Offenders and Violence,” 2011, Member (MSCJ Professional Paper)

Cynthia Garcia, “Misconceptions of the Clergy Men within the Catholic Church,” 2011, Member (MSCJ Professional Paper)

Georgianna Brain, “A Comparison of the Nature and Prevalence of Sexual Fantasies Between Sex Offenders and Non-Offenders,” 2011, Supervisor (MSCJ Thesis)

Jami Powell, “Female Serial Killing: Exploring the History, Preferences, and Methodology in Comparison to Male Serial Killing,” 2010, Supervisor (MSCJ Professional Paper)

David Martinez, “School Resource Officers and their Effects on School Campuses,” 2010, Member (MSCJ Professional Paper)

Anjelica Ruiz, “Comparing Male and Female Sex Offender Typologies: Can Male-Based Risk Assessments Be Used for Evaluating Female Sex Offenders?” 2010, Member (MSCJ Professional Paper)

Natasha Hale, “Exploring Criminological Theories to Explain American Indian Substance Use,” 2010, Supervisor (MSCJ Professional Paper)

Tamika Ware, “Juvenile Female Sex Offenders: Examining Characteristics of Female Sex Offenders, Assessment, and Treatment Issues,” 2010, Member (MSCJ Professional Paper)

Elizabeth Kanode, “Cynicism in Police Officers: Correlates and Consequences,” 2009, Member (MSCJ Thesis)

Jennifer Carreon, “An Examination of Organized Crime as a Threat to National Security,” 2009, Supervisor (MSCJ Thesis)

Valerie Hollier, “Russian Organized Crime: Within the Parameters of a National Security Threat,” 2009, Supervisor (MSCJ Thesis)

Katie Schick, “Interviewing Gone Wrong: Children’s False Claims of Sexual Abuse,” 2009, Member (MSCJ Professional Paper)

Megan Sainz, “The Unintended Consequences of Sex Offender Legislation,” 2009, Member (MSCJ Professional Paper)

University of Texas at Austin:

Michele Burman, “Resocializing and Repairing Homies within the Texas Prison System: A Case Study on Security Threat Group Management, Administrative Segregation, Prison Gang Renunciation and Safety for All,” 2012, Member (Ph.D. Dissertation)

Richard Morley, “Cerebello-Striatal Connectivity and Implicit Learning in Autism Spectrum Disorders,” 2012, Member (Ph.D. Dissertation)

Elyshia Aseltine, “Juvenile Justice in the Shadows: Texas Municipal Courts and the Criminalization of Student Misbehavior,” 2010, Member (Ph.D. Dissertation)

Tammy Macy Perham, “Youth in Adult Prisons: An Evaluation of the Youthful Offender Program and Therapeutic Community in Texas,” 2009, Member (Ph.D. Dissertation)

Kimberly Francis, “Gender Differences in Delinquency and Health Risk Behaviors,” 2007, Supervisor (Ph.D. Dissertation)

Melinda Ward, “Conformity When Delinquency is the Norm,” 2007, Supervisor (M.A. Thesis)

Christine Edwards, “Do You See What I See? Delinquent Girls, Families, and Juvenile Justice,” 2006, Member (Ph.D. Dissertation)

Meredith Worthen, “The Effects of Male Childhood Sexual Experiences on Initiation of Unwanted Sex Acts and Belief in Rape Myths,” 2006, Supervisor (M.A. Thesis)

Gini Deibert, “Teens, Drugs, and Delinquency,” 2005, Supervisor (Ph.D. Dissertation)

Kristen Hitchens, “The Rorschach Assessment of Aggressive Preoccupation and Aggressive Behavior in Psychiatric Inpatients With Depression and Paranoia: A Psychoanalytic Framework,” 2005, Member (Ph.D. Dissertation)

Edward Barker, “Male and Female Reports of Intimate Couple Aggression: The Influence of Method and Social Desirability,” 2003, Member (Ph.D. Dissertation)

Paulina Carrasco, “The Combined Impact of Religion and Prison Programs on Recidivism,” 2003, Supervisor (M.A. Thesis)

John Stickels, “Victim Satisfaction: A Model of the Criminal Justice System,” 2003, Member (Ph.D. Dissertation)

Michele Moczygemba Connolly, “A Critical Examination of Actuarial Offender-Based Prediction Assessments,” 2003, Member (Ph.D. Dissertation)

Corinne Rodrigues, “Favela Justice,” 2002, Supervisor (Ph.D. Dissertation)

Samuel Field, “Examining the Incivilities Thesis: A Spatial and Temporal Analysis of the Relationship Between Public Order Crime and More Serious Crime,” 2002, Member (Ph.D. Dissertation)

Tiffany Streett, “Physical and Sexual Abuse of Children by their Parents,” 2002, Supervisor (M.A. Thesis)

Danielle Toussaint, “Risk-Taking and Homicide Victimization,” 2002, Supervisor (Ph.D. Dissertation)

James Clark, “The Effects of Race, Ethnicity, and Citizenship on Departures from the Federal Sentencing Guidelines,” 2001, Supervisor (M.A. Thesis)

Laurie Drapela, “Does Leaving High School Before Graduation Cause Delinquency?” 2001, Supervisor (Ph.D. Dissertation)

Sarah Goodrum, “Murder, Bereavement, and the Criminal Justice System,” 2001, Supervisor (Ph.D. Dissertation)

Tracey Kyckelhahn, “Race, Religion, and Political Beliefs,” 2000, Supervisor (M.A. Thesis)

Tammy Macy, “The Effects of Stakes in Conformity on Participation in Prison-Based Drug Treatment,” 2000, Supervisor (M.A. Thesis)

J. Nicholas McRee, “Astride Sexual Maturity and Social Competence,” 1999, Member (Ph.D. Dissertation)

Carter Hay, “Parental Authority and Delinquency,” 1999, Supervisor (Ph.D. Dissertation)

Daniel Mears, “Evaluating Juvenile Justice Reform: An Analysis of Prosecutorial Discretion and Determinate Sentencing in Texas,” 1998, Member (Ph.D. Dissertation)

Marla Craig, “A Reconsideration of Family Structure and Delinquency,” 1997, Supervisor (M.A. Thesis)

William Swearingen, “Environmental City? The Historical Emergence of Austin’s Environmental Meaning,” 1997, Member (Ph.D. Dissertation)

Isaac Eberstein, “Intercommunity Sustenance Flow and the Metropolitan Hierarchy,” 1979, Member (Ph.D. Dissertation)

Member of Many M.A. Thesis Committees at University of Texas at Austin, 1995-2008

Washington State University:

Robin Sowell, “Deterrence and Morality,” 1998, Supervisor (Ph.D. Dissertation)

Leslie Atkins, “Legal Processing of Rape Cases,” 1995, Supervisor (Ph.D. Dissertation)

Yousef AlRomaih, “Social Control and Delinquency in Saudi Arabia,” 1993, Supervisor (Ph.D. Dissertation)

Andrea Greenberg, “Applying a Choice Behavior Model to the Stay/Leave Decision of Abused Women,” 1990, Supervisor (M.A. Thesis)

Marilyn Howell, “Husbands Who Harm,” 1985, Supervisor (Ph. D. Dissertation)

Member of Many M.A. Thesis Committees at Washington State University, 1980-1995

D. Courses Prepared and Curriculum Development:


E. Funded External Teaching Grants and Contracts:


F. Submitted, but not Funded, External Teaching Grants and Contracts:


G. Funded Internal Teaching Grants and Contracts:


H. Submitted, but not Funded, Internal Teaching Grants and Contracts:


I. Other:

Featured Expert on “Juvenile Justice System” for History of American Criminal Justice, distributed by Promedion Productions, 2008


A. Works in Print

1. Books (if not refereed, please indicate)

a. Scholarly Monographs:


b. Textbooks:

Empey, L.T. & Stafford, M.C. (1991). American Delinquency: Its Meaning and Construction, 3rd

Ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Co.

Empey, L.T., Stafford, M.C., & Hay, C.H. (1999). American Delinquency: Its Meaning and Construction, 4th Ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Co.

c. Edited Books:


d. Chapters in Books:

“Juvenile Delinquency: An International Perspective,” in Handbook of International Social Problems, George Ritzer (ed.), Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, 2004.

“Juvenile Delinquency,” in Child Development, Neil J. Salkind (ed.), New York: Macmillan, 2002.

“Rehabilitation in America: The Philosophy and Methods, From Past to Present,” in Punishing

Juveniles: Principle and Critique, Antony Duff and Ido Weijers (eds.), Oxford: Hart, 2002.

“Comparative Juvenile Justice: United States,” in Comparative Juvenile Justice (second

edition), John A. Winterdyk (ed.), Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press, Inc., 2002.

"Comparative Juvenile Justice: United States," in Comparative Juvenile Justice, John A.

Winterdyk (ed.), Toronto: Canadian Scholars' Press, Inc., 1997.

"A Theory About Disputes and the Efficacy of Control," in Aggression and Violence: Social

Interactionist Perspectives, Richard B. Felson and James T. Tedeschi (eds.), Washington, D.C.:

American Psychological Association, 1993.

"Stigma, Deviance, and Social Control: Some Conceptual Issues," in The Dilemma of

Difference: A Multidisciplinary View of Stigma, Stephen C. Ainlay et al. (eds.), New York:

Plenum, 1986.

"Gang Delinquency," in Major Forms of Crime, Robert F. Meier (ed.), Beverly Hills: Sage

Publications, 1984.

e. Creative Books:


2. Articles

a. Refereed Journal Articles:

“Researching Professionals or Professional Researchers? A Comparison of Professional

Doctorate and PhD Programs in Criminology and Criminal Justice,” American Journal of

Criminal Justice, Published Online, February 14, 2014.

“Breaking News of Social Problems: Examining Media Consumption and Student Beliefs About

School Shootings,” Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law and Society, Vol. 15 (2): 31-42, 2014.

“Rational Choice, Deterrence, and Theoretical Integration,” Journal of Applied Social

Psychology, Vol. 36 (March): 571-85, 2006.

Reprinted in Recent Developments in Criminal Theory, Stuart Henry and Scott A. Lukas (eds.), Farnham, Surrey, UK: Ashgate Publishing (2009).

“The Management of Emotions in the Criminal Justice System,” Sociological Focus, Vol. 36

(August): 179-96, 2003.

“Central Analytical Issues in the Generation of Cumulative Sociological Knowledge,”

Sociological Focus, Vol. 35 (February): 5-24, 2002.

“Choice Models of Deterrence: Another Look,” Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Vol. 31

(November): 2292-300, 2001.

"Children's Legal Rights in the U.S.," Marriage and Family Review, Vol. 21 (Nos. 3/4): 121-40,


"Deterrence, Opportunity, and Choice," Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Vol.24 (October):

1777-93, 1994.

"A Theory of Problem-Solving Behavior," Social Psychology Quarterly, Vol. 56 (September):

157-77, 1993.

"A Reconceptualization of General and Specific Deterrence," Journal of Research in Crime and

Delinquency, Vol. 30 (May): 123-35, 1993.

Reprinted in Boundaries: Readings in Deviance, Crime and Criminal Justice, Bradley R.E. Wright and Ralph B. McNeal, Jr. (eds.), Boston: Pearson Custom Publishing (2004-2010).

Reprinted in Criminological Theory, Past to Present: Essential Readings, Francis T. Cullen and Robert Agnew (eds.), Los Angeles: Roxbury (now Oxford University Press) (2003, 2006, 2010, and 2013).

Reprinted in Contemporary Criminological Theory, Larry Siegel and Peter Cordella (eds.), Boston: Northeastern University Press (1996).

"Urban Theory, Urbanism, and Suburban Residence," Social Forces, Vol. 70 (March): 725-44,


"Rewards and Punishments in Complex Human Choices," Social Psychology Quarterly, Vol. 54 (December): 318-29, 1991.

"The Influence of Delinquent Peers: What They Think Or What They Do?" Criminology, Vol. 29 (November): 851-66, 1991.

Reprinted in Crime and Criminals: Contemporary and Classic Readings in Criminology, Frank R. Scarpitti and Amie L. Nielsen (eds.), Los Angeles: Roxbury (1999).

Reprinted in Exploring Delinquency: Causes and Control, Dean G. Rojek and Gary F. Jensen (eds.), Los Angeles: Roxbury Publishing Co. (1996).

"Lifestyle Changes and Risks of Criminal Victimization," Journal of Quantitative Criminology,

Vol. 6 (December): 357-76, 1990.

"Marital Status and Suicide: Within-Column Tests of the Status Integration Theory," Family Perspective, Vol. 24 (No. 1): 15-31, 1990.

"Changing Age Pattern of U.S. Male and Female Suicide Rates, 1934-1983," Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, Vol. 18 (Summer): 149-63, 1988.

"Change in the Relation Between Marital Integration and Suicide Rates," Social Forces, Vol. 66 (June): 1060-79, 1988.

"On Choice Behavior in Individual and Social Situations," Social Psychology Quarterly, Vol. 51 (March): 58-65, 1988.

"Social Differentiation in Criminal Victimization: A Test of Routine Activities/Lifestyle

Theories," American Sociological Review, Vol. 52 (April): 184-94, 1987 - Also see Errata in

American Sociological Review, Vol. 52 (October, 1987).

"Modeling the Deterrent Effects of Punishment," Social Psychology Quarterly, Vol. 49 (December): 338-47, 1986.

"Sanctions, Modeling, and Deviant Behavior," Journal of Criminal Justice, Vol. 14 (No. 6): 501-8, 1986.

"Public Perceptions of Social Problems: Some Propositions and a Test," Journal of Applied

Behavioral Science, Vol. 21 (August): 307-16, 1985.

"Observational and Experiential Effects in Probability Learning: The Case of a Deviant Behavior," Social Psychology Quarterly, Vol. 48 (March): 78-85, 1985.

"A Major Problem With the Theory of Status Integration and Suicide," Social Forces, Vol. 63 (March): 643-60, 1985.

"The Normative Erosion Hypothesis: The Latent Consequences of Juvenile Justice Practices," Sociological Quarterly, Vol. 25 (Summer): 373-84, 1984.

"Victimization Rates, Exposure to Risk, and Fear of Crime," Criminology, Vol. 22 (May): 173-85, 1985.

"Public Goals of Punishment and Support for the Death Penalty," Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Vol. 21 (May): 95-111, 1984.

"Fear of Victimization: A Look at the Proximate Causes," Social Forces, Vol. 61 (June): 1033-43, 1983.

Reprinted in Essays and Readings in Criminology, Robert D. Crutchfield et al. (eds.), Thousand Oaks: Pine Forge Press (1996).

"On Social Learning and Deviant Behavior: A Reappraisal of the Findings" (A Comment on Akers et al.), American Sociological Review, Vol. 47 (February): 167-69, 1982.

"Crime Rates in an Ecological Context: Extension of a Proposition," Social Science Quarterly, Vol. 61 (December): 653-65, 1980.

b. Non-refereed Articles:

“Deterrence Theory,” in International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, second edition,” James D. Wright (ed.), Oxford: Elsevier, 2014.

“Deterrence Theory,” in The Concise Encyclopedia of Sociology, George Ritzer and J. Michael Ryan (eds.), New York: Blackwell, 2011.

“Jack P. Gibbs: Deterrence Theory,” in Encyclopedia of Criminological Theory, Francis T. Cullen and Pamela Wilcox (eds.), Thousands Oaks: Sage, 2010.

“Kirk R. Williams and Richard Hawkins: Deterrence Theory and Non-Legal Sanctions,” in Encyclopedia of Criminological Theory, Francis T. Cullen and Pamela Wilcox (eds.), Thousands Oaks: Sage, 2010.

“Causation in Criminological Theories and Research,” Federal University of Minas Gerais Press, 2010.

“Deterrence Theory,” in Encyclopedia of Sociology, George Ritzer (ed.), New York: Blackwell, 2006.

“Deterrence Theory,” in International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Neil

J. Smelser and Paul B. Baltes (eds.), London: Elsevier, 2001.

"Concept of Deterrence," in Encyclopedia of Criminology and Deviant Behavior: Volume One,

Historical, Conceptual, and Theoretical Issues, Peter Adler et al. (eds.), London: Taylor &

Francis, 2000.

3. Abstracts:


4. Reports:

“Evaluation of Children’s Aftercare Re-Entry Experience (CARE)” for the Texas Department of Juvenile Justice, 2013.

“Evaluation of Children’s Aftercare Re-Entry Experience (CARE)” for the Texas Department of Juvenile Justice, 2012.

“Proposed Methodology for Sex Offender Deregistration” (with Matthew L. Ferrara) – Prepared for Texas Council on Sex Offender Treatment and Approved by Council Vote in October, 2010.

5. Book Reviews:

Howard B. Kaplan and Robert J. Johnson, Social Deviance: Testing A General

Theory for American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 108 (January):934-35, 2003.

George S. Bridges and Martha A. Myers, Inequality, Crime, and Social Control for

Contemporary Sociology, Vol. 24 (May): 374-75, 1995.

Marvin E. Wolfgang, Terence P. Thornberry, and Robert M. Figlio, From Boy to Man, From

Delinquency to Crime for The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science,

Vol. 505 (September): 188-89, 1989.

Ruth R. Kornhauser, Social Sources of Delinquency: An Appraisal of Analytic Models for

Contemporary Sociology, Vol. 10 (March): 232, 1981.

LaMar T. Empey, Juvenile Justice: The Progressive Legacy and Current Reforms for

Contemporary Sociology, Vol. 9 (May): 390-91, 1980.

Steven L. Schlossman, Love and the American Delinquent: The Theory and Practice of

“Progressive” Juvenile Justice, 1825-1920 and Harold Finestone, Victims of Change: Juvenile

Delinquents in American Society for Contemporary Sociology, Vol. 7 (July): 427-28, 1978.

John F. Galliher and James L. McCartney, Criminology: Power, Crime, and Criminal Law for

Contemporary Sociology, Vol. 7 (March): 227-28, 1978.

6. Other:


B. Works not in Print

1. Papers Presented at Professional Meetings:

“Measuring Violence and Responses to Violence: Pathways to Better Data,” presented at American Society of Criminology annual meetings, San Francisco, 2014.

“Modifying Target Suitability Following the Boston Marathon Bombing: A Routine Activities Approach,” presented at Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences annual meetings, Philadelphia, 2014.

“The Effect of the Boston Marathon Bombing on Fear of Crime Among College Students,” presented at Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences annual meetings, Philadelphia, 2014.

“As Seen in the News: Media Effects on Fear of Crime and Moral Panics,” presented at American Society of Criminology annual meetings, Atlanta, 2013.

“Connecting the Dots: Assessing the Relationship Between Fear of Crime and Moral Panics,” presented at American Society of Criminology annual meetings, Atlanta, 2013.

“Expanding the Utility of Program Evaluations,” presented at American Society of Criminology annual meetings, Atlanta, 2013.

“Could It Happen Here? Moral Panics, School Shootings, and Fear of Crime Among College Students,” presented at Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences annual meetings, Dallas, 2013.

“Researching Professionals or Professional Researchers?” presented at Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences annual meetings, Dallas, 2013.

“On Expanding Deterrence Theory,” presented at American Society of Criminology annual meetings, Chicago, 2012.

“Direct and Indirect Effects of Self-Control on Deviant Sexual Fantasies: A Comparison of Child Molesters and Non-Child Molesters,” presented at American Society of Criminology annual meetings, Washington, D.C., 2011.

“Establishing New Criminal Justice Doctoral Programs,” presented at Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences annual meetings, Toronto, 2011.

“Distinguishing Child Sex Abusers from Non-Abusers,” presented at American Society of Criminology annual meetings, San Francisco, 2010.

“A Factorial Survey of the Perceived Appropriateness of Legal Punishments for Sexual Offenders,” presented at American Society of Criminology annual meetings, San Francisco, 2010.

“The Past and Future of Deterrence Theory,” presented at Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences annual meetings, San Diego, 2010.

“The Relationship between Self-Control and Crime among Convicted Sex Offenders,” presented at American Society of Criminology annual meetings, Philadelphia, 2009.

“Gender, Religiosity, and Punitiveness: Variation in Public Perceptions of Punitiveness for Sex Offenses,” presented at American Sociological Association annual meetings, San Francisco, 2009.

“A Critique of ‘Pedophile’ as a Distinct Type of Criminal,” presented at American Society of Criminology annual meetings, St. Louis, 2008.

“Public Perceptions of Punitiveness for Sex Offenses,” presented at Society for the Study of Social Problems annual meetings, Boston, 2008.

“Causation and Criminological Theories and Policy,” presented at American Society of Criminology annual meetings, Atlanta, 2007.

“Child Molesters, Pedophilia, and Social Control,” presented at Society for the Study of Social Problems annual meetings, New York, 2007.

“Criminal Justice and Health,” presented at Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences annual meetings, Seattle, 2007.

“Religion and Delinquency in Brazil,” presented at American Society of Criminology annual meetings, Los Angeles, 2006.

“Self-Control, Impulsivity, and Compulsivity,” presented at American Society of Criminology annual meetings, Toronto, 2005.

“Need for Theoretical Specification in the Collection of Homicide Data,” presented at National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences annual meetings, Petropolis (Brazil), 2000.

“New Evidence on the Relationship Between Broken Homes and Delinquency,” presented at American Society of Criminology annual meetings, San Francisco, 2000.

“Testing a General Theory of Crime: The Relationship Between Self-Control and Violent

Causes of Death,” presented at American Sociological Association annual meetings,

Washington, D.C., 2000.

"Race and Homicide: Examining the Relationship Among States Between Racial Composition/Differentiation and Homicide Rates," presented at American Society of Criminology annual meetings, Washington, D.C, 1998.

"The Contributions of James F. Short, Jr.," presented at American Society of Criminology annual meetings, Chicago, 1996.

"Ethical Issues in Experimental Criminological Research," presented at American Society of Criminology annual meetings, Chicago, 1996.

"Assessing the Empirical Evidence for the Economic Deprivation Theory of Homicide," presented at American Society of Criminology annual meetings, Boston, 1995.

"Testing a Social Psychological Theory of Deterrence," presented at American Society of Criminology annual meetings, Boston, 1995.

"A Test of a Control Theory of Homicide," presented at American Society of Criminology annual meetings, Miami, 1994.

"Rational Choice, Deterrence, and Theoretical Integration," presented at American Society of Criminology annual meetings, Phoenix, 1993.

"Control, Control Statuses, Homicide, and Variation in Death Ages," presented at American Society of Criminology annual meetings, New Orleans, 1992.

"Relation Between Change in Marital Integration and Change in the Suicide Rate," presented at Southwestern Social Science Association annual meetings, Austin, 1992.

"Control, Disputes, Interpersonal Violence, and Homicide," presented at American Sociological Association annual meetings, Washington, D.C., 1990.

"The Influence of Delinquent Peers: What They Think or What They Do?" presented at American Society of Criminology annual meetings, Baltimore, 1990.

"Urban Theory, Urbanism, and Suburban Residence," presented at American Society of Criminology annual meetings, Baltimore, 1990.

"A Reconceptualization of General and Specific Deterrence," presented at American Society of Criminology annual meetings, Reno, 1989.

"The Use of the Satisfaction Balance Model in Assessing the Deterrent Effect of Punishments," presented at Midwest Sociological Society annual meetings, St. Louis, 1989.

"Marital Integration and Suicide: Within-Columns Tests of the Status Integration Theory," presented at American Sociological Association annual meetings, Atlanta, 1988.

"Individual and Social Choice: Punishments and Rewards," presented at Pacific Sociological Association annual meetings, Las Vegas, 1988.

"Deterrence and Opportunity: Some Theoretical and Empirical Developments," presented at Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences annual meetings, San Francisco, 1988.

"Toward a Formal Theory of General Deterrence," presented at American Society of Criminology annual meetings, Montreal, 1987.

"Modeling the Deterrent Effect of Punishment," presented at Western Social Science Association annual meetings, San Diego, 1984.

"Certainty of Punishment, Peer Influence, and Deviant Behavior," presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences annual meetings, San Antonio, 1983.

"Public Perceptions of Social Problems: A Theoretical and Empirical Study," presented at Society for the Study of Social Problems annual meetings, San Francisco, 1982.

"Differences in Perceived Seriousness of Crimes and Delinquencies: The Normative Erosion Hypothesis," presented at American Society of Criminology annual meetings, San Francisco, 1980.

"Values, Peer Associations, and Self-Reported Delinquency," presented at American Society of Criminology annual meetings, Philadelphia, 1979.

"On Explaining Perceptions of the Certainty of Legal Punishment," presented at Society for the Study of Social Problems annual meetings, Boston, 1979.

"The Validity of Measures of Crime and Delinquency: A Methodological or Theoretical Problem?" presented at Society for the Study of Social Problems annual meetings, San Francisco, 1978.

2. Invited Talks, Lectures, Presentations:

“Sex Offending,” invited talk at regional conference of Lambda Alpha Epsilon, San Marcos, 2011.

“Some Hows, Whys, and So Whats of Peers and Juvenile Crime,” invited talk at Texas Juvenile Justice Summit, Texas Juvenile Justice Commission, Austin, 2011.

“Some Hows, Whys, and So Whats of Peers and Juvenile Crime,” invited talk at annual conference of the Juvenile Justice Association of Texas, Austin, 2011.

“Causation in Criminological Theories and Research,” invited paper at Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 2006.

“The Rationality of Violence,” invited talk at Health/Medical School Seminar at Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 2006.

“U.S. Public Policies to Combat Sexual Violence,” invited talk at NEMPEM seminar at Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 2006.

“Integration of Methodologies in the Study of Crime,” invited talk at Centro de Estudos de Criminalidade e Seguranca Publica (CRISP) at Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 2006.

“Myths and Realities of Sex Offending,” invited talk at Honors Colloquium at University of Texas at Austin, 2005.

“Youth Violence,” invited talk at Honors Colloquium at University of Texas at Austin,


“Theories of Crime Causation,” invited talk at meetings of Lonestar Mensa, Austin, 2000.

“Youth Violence,” invited talk at meeting of National Advisory Council of Hogg Foundation for Mental Health, Austin, 2000.

"Gibbs' Notion of Control as a Way of Integrating Sociological Theories of Homicide ... and More," invited paper at Southern Sociological Society annual meetings, Nashville, 1998.

“What Are We Going To Do About Violence?” invited talk at General Membership Meeting of St. David’s Foundation, Austin, 1997.

"Violence in the U.S. and Possible Explanations," invited talk at meeting of Texas Grantmakers in Health and Human Services, sponsored by Hogg Foundation for Mental Health, Austin, 1997.

"Disputes and the Efficacy of Control," invited paper at the Eleventh Annual Albany Conference, State University of New York at Albany, 1991.

"Rewards and Punishments in Complex Human Choices," invited paper at the Ninth Symposium on Quantitative Analyses of Behavior, Harvard University, 1986.

"Recent Deviance Research and Emerging Issues," invited paper at Idaho Sociological Association annual meetings, Moscow, 1983.

3. Consultancies:

Goodwill Industries of Central Texas, 2007-2014

Texas Council on Sex Offender Treatment, 2005-2011

Texas Department of Health, 2000-2001

Centers for Disease Control, Department of Health and Human Services, 1991

Spokane Public Schools, Spokane, Washington, 1989

Internal Revenue Service, Washington, D.C., 1985

Cochise County Juvenile Court, Bisbee Arizona, 1975-1977

4. Workshops:

Co-Organizer, Workshop on Social Control and Interpersonal Violence, American Sociological Association annual meetings, Cincinnati, 1991

5. Other:


C. Grants and Contracts

1. Funded External Grants and Contracts:

Texas Juvenile Justice Department: Evaluation of the Effectiveness of C.A.R.E.

National Science Foundation: Risk-Taking and Homicide Victimization: A Multi-Level Study

National Institute of Justice: Murder, Bereavement, and the Criminal Justice System

American Statistical Association (to create and maintain American Statistical Association’s

Guide to Abstracts and Bibliographies on Crime and Criminal Justice)

Ford Foundation Social Science Concepts in Area Studies

2. Submitted, but not Funded, External Grants and Contracts:


3. Funded Internal Grants and Contracts:

Texas State University’s Research Enhancement Program – Distinguishing Child Sexual Abusers from Non-Abusers: A Comparison of 100 Known Abusers and 100 College Students

University of Texas at Austin’s Rapoport-King Scholarship

Washington State University’s Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Program – Alcohol, Sanctions, and Risk-Taking

Washington State University’s Grand-in-Aid – Deterrence Questions, An Experimental Test

4. Submitted, but not Funded, Internal Grants and Contracts:


D. Fellowships, Awards, Honors:

Favorite Professor as Noted by the Graduate Inductees to the Alfred H. Nolle Chapter of the Alpha Chi National College Honor Society

Named Professorship Held by Professor Dan Mears at Florida State University (“Mark C. Stafford Professor of Criminology”)

Dean’s Nominee for the Presidential Award for Excellence in Service, College of Applied Arts, Texas State University, 2012

Dean’s Nominee for the Presidential Award for Excellence in Service, College of Applied Arts, Texas State University, 2011

Dean’s Nominee for the Presidential Award for Excellence in Service, College of Applied Arts, Texas State University, 2010

Chapter about my contributions to deterrence theory written by Kirk R. Williams for Encyclopedia of Criminological Theory, 2010

IEAT-FORD Chair of Criminality, Violence and Public Policy – Institute of Interdisciplinary

Advanced Studies at Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 2006

Nominated by President Smith of Washington State University for a George A. and Eliza

Gardner Howard Foundation Fellowship, 1992

Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, 1986-1987.

Financial Support from John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation for Fellowship at the

Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, 1986-1987

Summer Scholar, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University,



A. University:

Texas State University – Faculty participant in the Family Receptions for New Student Orientation, 2012-2013

Texas State University – Multi-Disciplinary Internal Research Grant (MIRG) Committee, 2013

Texas State University – University Distinguished Professor Selection Committee, 2013

Texas State University – College of Fine Arts and Communication Review Group, 2012-2013

Texas State University – University Research Committee (Chair of Applied Arts’ Subcommittee), 2011-2012, 2013-2014

Texas State University – Panel Member on Fall Faculty Development Workshop on “The Faculty Role in Guiding Graduate Students through the Thesis/Dissertation Process,” 2011

Texas State University – Panel Member on Fall Faculty Development Workshop on “Building Productive Mentoring Relationships with Graduate Students,” 2010

Texas State University – Graduate Council, 2010-Present

Texas State University – Faculty Mentor for Summer Predoctoral Fellow, 2009 and 2010

Texas State University – College of Applied Arts Review Group, 2008-2011

University of Texas at Austin – Police Oversight Committee (appointed by President Powers), 2006-2007

University of Texas at Austin – Faculty Mentor in the College of Liberal Arts Freshman Orientation Program, 2001-2006

University of Texas at Austin – Invited Reader at the Liberal Arts Council’s Annual Seuss Sayers at Explore UT, 2004

B. Departmental:

Texas State University, School of Criminal Justice – Chair of Faculty Search Committee, 2014-2015

Texas State University, School of Criminal Justice – Chair of Doctoral Executive Council, 2009-2012 and 2013-Present

Texas State University, School of Criminal Justice – Chair of Senior Faculty Search Committee, 2009-2010

Texas State University, School of Criminal Justice – Member of Curriculum Committee, 2008-2012

Texas State University, School of Criminal Justice – Member of Graduate Studies Committee, 2008-2013

University of Texas at Austin, Department of Sociology – Faculty Advisor to Alpha Kappa Delta, 1995-1996, 2006-2008

University of Texas at Austin, Department of Sociology – Panel Member for Undergraduate Student Paper Competition, 2005-2006

University of Texas at Austin, Department of Sociology – Post-Tenure Review Committee, 2002-2004, 2006-2007

University of Texas at Austin, Department of Sociology – Chair of Internal Review Committee, 2001-2002

University of Texas at Austin, Department of Sociology – Executive Committee, 1996-1998, 1999-2000, 2001-2003

University of Texas at Austin, Department of Sociology – Honors Adviser, 1995-1996

C. Community:

Focus Group Member for Texas At-Risk Youth Services Project at Texas Legislative Budget Board, 2012

Co-Chair for Evidence-Based Subcommittee for Travis County Reentry Roundtable, 2005-2006

D. Professional:

Ad hoc Reviewer for American Journal of Criminal Justice, American Sociological Review, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, Criminology, Crime and Public Policy, International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology, Journal of Crime and Justice, Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Justice Quarterly, Law and Social Inquiry, Quantitative Criminology, and Social Forces, 2007-2013

Session Presenter in the Junior Faculty Professional Development Workshop at the 2013 meetings of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences

Member of Program Committee for annual meetings of Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, 2013

Chair of Awards Committee, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, 2012-2013

Member of the Fellows Award Subcommittee, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, 2011

Member of Outstanding Book Award Committee, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, 2010

Chair, Session on Capital Punishment and Deterrence, American Society of Criminology annual meetings, St. Louis, 2008

Chair, Session on Extending and Testing Learning Theories, American Society of Criminology annual meetings, St. Louis, 2008

Presider, Author Meets Critics Session on David Farrington and Brandon Welsh’s Saving Children from a Life of Crime, American Society of Criminology annual meetings, Atlanta, 2007

Evaluator of Fellowship Nominees for Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, 2004, 2008

Member of American Statistical Association Committee on Law and Justice Statistics, 1988-2003

Review Panel – Risk, Prevention, and Health Behavior Integrated Review Group, SRA for RPHB-4 Study Section, Center for Scientific Review, National Institutes of Health, 2002

Area Chair for American Society of Criminology annual meetings, San Diego, 1997

Chair, Session on Models of Crime and Delinquency, American Society of Criminology annual meetings, Boston, 1995

Discussant, Session on Social Learning Theory, American Society of Criminology annual meetings, Miami, 1994

Discussant, Session on Criminology, American Sociological Association annual meetings, Miami, 1994

Organizer/Discussant, Session on Control Theory and Violence, American Society of Criminology annual meetings, Phoenix, 1993

Chair, Session on Explaining Juvenile Delinquency, American Society of Criminology annual meetings, New Orleans, 1992

Associate Editor, Criminology, 1991-1997

Consulting editor, American Journal of Sociology, 1987-1989

Committee on Certification in Law and Social Control for American Sociological Association, 1986-1990

Discussant, Session on Criminal Sentencing and Crime Severity Scaling, American Society of Criminology annual meetings, Atlanta, 1986

Co-Chair, Session on Public Attitudes Toward Crime and Criminal Justice, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences annual meetings, Las Vegas, 1985

Discussant, Session on Drug and Vice Offenses, American Society of Criminology annual meetings, Denver, 1983

Ad hoc Reviewer for National Science Foundation, 1981, 1992

E. Organizations

1. Honorary:


2. Professional:

American Society of Criminology

Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences

F. Service Honors and Awards:

Dean’s Nominee for the Presidential Award for Excellence in Service, College of Applied Arts, Texas State University, 2012

Dean’s Nominee for the Presidential Award for Excellence in Service, College of Applied Arts, Texas State University, 2011

Dean’s Nominee for the Presidential Award for Excellence in Service, College of Applied Arts, Texas State University, 2010


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