San Antonio ISD

MaterialsBatteries –Person Responsible ______________________________________________ ____ I have enough batteries for calculators.____ I will need to put that on my list of supplies to pletion date: _____________________________________Calculators – Person Responsible ________________________________ The campus is in the process of acquiring calculators and will have them for testing. _____ The campus has sufficient number of calculators needed and as required._____ Calculators will be cleared, and batteries will be checked prior to distribution to ensure they are ready for pletion date: _____________________________________Clocks and/or Timers – Person Responsible ___________________________________________ Campus is in the process of acquiring or has acquired timers._____ Classroom clocks which are functional and keep accurate time are located in each test site._____ Classroom phones will be used as clocks and will be put in Do Not Disturb mode. Completion date: _____________________________________Dictionaries– Person Responsible ______________________________________ Campus is in the process of acquiring dictionaries and will have them for testing.____ The campus has a sufficient number of dictionaries needed and as required.____ A plan is in place for distribution of dictionaries needed for testing. Completion date: _____________________________________Headphones - Person Responsible ________________________________ _____ We have enough headphones for each student who needs them._____ We need to order headphones for each student who needs them._____ A plan is in place for distribution of headphones prior to the beginning of the test. Completion date: _____________________________________Highlighters – Person Responsible _______________________________________ We have plenty of highlighters to be used during the testing sessions.____ We are in the process of acquiring highlighters and will have them in time for pletion date: _____________________________________Pencils – Person Responsible _______________________________________ Only #2 pencils will be used. ____ They are/will be sharpened.____ They are ready for pletion date: _____________________________________Kleenex or other tissue – Person Responsible __________________________________________________ I have plenty of tissue to distribute during testing.____ I will put that on my list of supplies to pletion date: _____________________________________Magnets, tape or other adhesive – Person Responsible ___________________________________ ____ These or another form of adhesive will be packed with the Test Administrator’s materials so that they can post signs, notes or forms as required.____ Test Administrators have been informed to post these before students enter their test sites. Completion date: _____________________________________Need for Assistance “sign” – Person Responsible _______________________________________ We have designated a way for Test Administrators to let us know they need assistance so that help is provided as quickly as possible and TAs do not leave their test site unattended.____ We are developing this pletion date: _____________________________________Signage (i.e. Testing Do Not Disturb) – Person Responsible _____________________________ We are working on the signs.____ Plenty of signs have been printed, ready for distribution and posting: ____ Testing site/rooms ____ Entry to the main building ____ Entry to the building test sitesCompletion date: _____________________________________Snacks – Person Responsible _______________________________________ We will provide snacks for the students. ____ We will provide snack for the staff.____ We will not be providing snacks for pletion date: _____________________________________Snacks (Staff)– Person Responsible ___________________________________ I have snacks for Assessment Team members and others who are helping with pletion date: _____________________________________Ziploc or other plastic bags – Person Responsible _______________________________________ These will be used to hold student phones, electronic devices, testing supplies or for use in the event that a test becomes unusable and needs to be stored. ____ I will need to put bags on my list of supplies to pletion date: _____________________________________SecurityAlternate Campus Test Administrator Name ___________________________ Title ______________________ The Alternate CTC knows he/she is the alternate and what is required.____ Alternate has attended the training, assisted in implementing our testing program and knows what to do in the event of an emergency or if the CTC is unavailable. Completion date: _____________________________________Assessment Team Members Lead Implementation of a successful testing program is comprehensive and is not to be completed by one person.NameTitleStorage Room for Testing Materials Security – Person Responsible _______________________________________ Location: ___________________________________________________________ Accessibility limited to _________________________, _________________________Completion date: _____________________________________Keys to the secure area– Person Responsible _______________________________________ Only the CTC and authorized staff, as listed on the form, have access to the secure pletion date: _____________________________________Cover Information –Person Responsible _______________________________CTC will ensure that all of the information is returned by the deadline set by Jamie Brown. (i.e. no blanks, Campus Name on each sheet).Completion date: _____________________________________Oaths (New oaths must be signed for each new testing administration.)____ Topic covered in training ____ Signed _____ Collected ____ On file with CTC ____ No blanks____ For Test Administrators Authorized to View Secure State Assessments, they must also complete the bottom section of the oath. Completion date: _____________________________________Quality Control – Person Responsible _______________________________________ Who will be double checking your work (test administrator testing materials, books, signs, rosters, accommodations, pencils, etc…)? _______________________________Completion date: _____________________________________Reporting Irregularities – Person Responsible _______________________________________ Everyone is aware of the requirement and process for reporting suspected irregularities.____ Reporting of irregularities is a topic listed on the agenda and was covered in pletion date: _____________________________________Principal’s Approval of Testing Plans – Person Responsible _____________________________Principal’s Signature ____________________________________________ I have not reviewed and received approval of our campus testing plans from my Principal as I am still in the planning stages.____Testing plans have been approved by the Principal through 1-to-1 communication, e-mails, meetings.____ I have reviewed and received approval of our campus testing plan from my Principal and have gone over procedures and protocols. Completion date: _____________________________________Test Central/Headquarters – Person Responsible ___________________________________Location: ______________________________________________________ From this location material check-out/check-in will take place and test material storage will be stored.____ Everyone who enters must have been trained and signed an oath. This includes Central Office Staff. ____ Staff members have been informed that the area is restricted to students who are not allowed entry. ____ Students waiting to have their questions answered must wait outside this area. Completion Date: __________________________________________ Test Day LogisticsAttendance Team ready to make calls, home visits – Person Responsible ________________________________ In the process of putting together a plan to ensure students are in attendance._____ Plan is in place and lead person understands roles and responsibilities._____ Phone calls will be made. _____ Home visits will be conducted, as needed. _____ Documentation will be kept on calls made and/or visits conducted. Completion date: _____________________________________Bells – Person Responsible ________________________________ We do not ring bells at our campus once testing has begun._____ The front office staff will be notified not to ring the bells. They are on hold until notified to resume. Completion date: _____________________________________Buses – Person Responsible ______________________________________________ _____ Has transportation been contacted regarding late buses in the morning?_____ Have transportation plans been made for after school buses or a later bus run?Completion date: _____________________________________Cell phones and electronic devices notification of use/non-use - Person Responsible _______________________ Students: ____ In writing ____ Announcements _____ Parent meetings ___ Letter to parents_____ Staff: _____ In writing ____ During training ____ Announcements _____ Other____ Do you have an approved board policy regarding electronics and testing days?____ Do students, parents, and staff know the policy (or procedure) for how electronics will be handled?Completion date: _____________________________________Dismissal – Person Responsible ____________________________________________ Will dismissal be altered in any way?Completion date: _____________________________________Logistics – Person Responsible _______________________________________ I, Campus CTC, have discussed the logistics pertaining to attendance, lunches, materials management, etc... and consulted with the Administrative and Assessment Team pletion date: _____________________________________Lunch – Person Responsible ___________________________________Students – must be monitored by trained testing personnel and are not allowed to discuss any test content during lunch.____ A lunch schedule has been developed that addresses the needs of the students _____ Testing in place -> Break for Lunch -> Resume Testing ____ large group ____small group _____ Testing in place -> Break for Lunch once testing is finished ____ large group ____small group____ Locations: ____________________________________________________________________ ____ Cafeteria personnel have/will be notified of lunch arrangements during testing pletion date: _____________________________________Staff – must be provided the opportunity to eat.____ Schedule: ___________________________________________________________________ Staff has been told what their monitoring responsibilities are during the students’ lunch break. Completion date: _____________________________________Non-Testers – Person Responsible ___________________________________Schedule: ___ Modified ____ Same ____ Different on specific days in order to accommodate all testingLocation for displaced students/teachers: ___________________________________________________Form of notification to students and teachers if changes to regular schedule will take place.___ Announcements ____ Flyers ____ OtherCompletion date: _____________________________________Quiet – Person Responsible _______________________________________ CTC has a plan in place to ensure that students have a quiet testing environment. This includes both inside and outside the building (grounds crew, work order, etc.).Completion date: _____________________________________Posting “Start” and “Stop” times on board for students, staff and monitors to see –Person Responsible _______________________________________ Importance of posting times was reviewed as part of training.____ CTC explained purpose and how to post times, including breaks and lunch.____ CTC has explained that if information is not posted, it will be noted on the District’s Monitoring Report, brought to the attention of the TA and CTC. Completion date: _____________________________________“WD-40” – Person Responsible _______________________________________ Noisy doors have not been oiled so as to not cause distractions when entering or leaving test site. Contact will be made with the custodial staff.____ Noisy doors have been taken care of and will not cause a distraction when entering or leaving test site. Completion date: _____________________________________Zen-like testing environment “…a total state of focus that incorporates a total togetherness of body and mind. – Person Responsible _______________________________________ Testing sites are quiet, well-lit and well ventilated.____ Distractions have been minimized.____ Students have ample space in which to work and not crowded or pletion date: _____________________________________Zero Tolerance – Person Responsible _______________________________________ Has your principal established a Zero Tolerance policy for testing days and are students aware of the expectations and possible consequences?Completion date: _____________________________________Juggling Make-Up Days and the regular test schedule – Person Responsible ________________________________ Have you planned your make up testing sessions?Completion date: _____________________________________Guests (unexpected) – Person Responsible _______________________________________ Have you talked with your office staff and teachers about how to handle unexpected guests?Completion date: _____________________________________Maps of testing locations – Person Responsible _______________________________________ A map of designated testing locations has been developed that will be distributed and placed in the front office for staff and district monitor.____ We are working on the map and it will be ready for testing.____ Do your custodians know where they can and can’t go during test administration?Completion date: _____________________________________Non-Testers or non-tested grade levels – Person Responsible ___________________________________Schedule: ______ Same _____ Modified Location for displaced students/teachers: _____ N/A ___________________________ Lunch: ______ Same _____ ModifiedCompletion date: _____________________________________Notification(s) to students and teachers if changes to their regular schedule will take place. ____ Announcements ____ Postings _____ Training ____OtherPlans/Activities: ____ Regular class periods ____ Special ActivitiesCompletion date: _____________________________________On-Line Preparation – Person Responsible _______________________________________ Rooms/Labs have been designated.____ Campus/district tech staff has been consulted.____ There is an adequate number of computer stations to accommodate all students testing on-line. ____ Computers have been checked to ensure they meet specifications needed to deliver exams.____ There is adequate space between each testing pletion date: _____________________________________Student and Parents awareness of test dates and times – Person Responsible __________________________ Parents awareness (R) ____ Announcements (R) _____ Written student notification (R)____ Meetings with parents (O) ____ Student rally (O) _____ Campus Newsletter (R)____ Phone Messenger/Phone Master (R) ___ Campus Website (R) _____ Marquee (R)Note: It is a requirement that students and parents are notified of testing pletion date: _____________________________________StudentsAccommodation Request Form ARF(s) – Person responsible _____________________________________________ No ARF(s) are required at this time._____ The ARF(s) has been submitted to the District Test Coordinator. Completion date: _____________________________________No Authentic Academic Response (NAAR) – Person Responsible _______________________________________ Does your campus have any STAAR ALT 2 NAARs and is the proper documentation in the ARD?Completion date: _____________________________________CDC Students ____ Yes ____ No Person(s) Responsible _______________________________________ Ensure that Justin Oxley, DAEP CTC, receives the materials in a timely manner and that communication takes pletion date: _____________________________________Accommodations – Person responsible ___________________________________________________ All accommodations are in place in the Special Pops binder(s) directly behind the testing page._____ Accommodations have been recorded in Test Hound._____ Accommodations are missing/incomplete due to pending ARDS/LPACs/504s amendments._____ Accommodations are missing/incomplete due to newly enrolled special pops students._____ Updates on accommodations have been submitted to CTC who must review with Special Pops staff to ensure in compliance with state guidelines and requirements.If missing or incomplete, what steps has the CTC taken to ensure that Special Pops staff is aware of importance of send the testing pages and accommodations to the CTC in a timely manner?_____ E-mails_____ Formal meetings _____ Notification to Principal_____ Informal meetings_____ Phone calls _____ Notification to DTC if situation is not resolvedRemember: If it is not documented on the testing pages, do not provide the accommodation!Completion date: _____________________________________Homebound/Home based students – Person Responsible ________________________________________ Arrangements have been made for the testing of the student(s)._____ I will check for internet services available for on-line testing._____ Issues and/or difficulties in testing student(s) have been encountered and will notify the appropriate department: _____ Special Education ______504 Completion date: _____________________________________Late arrivals – Person Responsible _______________________________________ Plans have not been solidified and working on finalizing. ____ Plan in place: ___ Staff designated to retrieve student test materials.____ Read directions to late students. ___ Place student in original or “late arrival” test pletion date: _____________________________________New Enrollees – Person Responsible _______________________________________ Plan in place for _______________________________ to notify the CTC so that the student is tested same day if sufficient time remains and if not, I will assign to a make-up session.____ Plan in development for those who are enrolled on the day of the test.Waiver – Person Responsible _______________________________________ I am aware of the waiver and understand how ____________________will impact our testing schedule.____ I am not familiar with the contents of the pletion date: _____________________________________Special Pops Binder – Person Responsible ___________________________________Arranged by ____ Grade Level and by _____ Special Ed ____ LEP ______ 504/Dyslexia____ Updated with all student testing pages and accommodations to be used in testing.____ Binder is available for review.____ Pending updates on ARDs/amendments or newly enrolled students.____ Testing pages from the Special Pops staff are received in a timely manner.____ Testing pages from the Special Pops staff are received electronically as recommended by the DTC.____ I am concerned that I have not yet received all testing pages and will notify my Principal on the status. Completion date: _____________________________________Visually Impaired (VI) – Person Responsible _______________________________________ Do you have any VI students? If so, do you need a large print test? _____ Yes _____ No ____ Have you planned for their use of CCTV, or other devices that they will need and planned their testing environment?Completion date: _____________________________________Verification Certification of Demographic & Program Information AreasThe preprinted information on all answer documents must be verified for accuracy and completeness:NameTitleSpecial EdLEPSection 504DyslexiaXXXXCompletion date: _____________________________________Student Training Modules for STAAR Online – Person Responsible _______________________________________ Have you scheduled your online students to view the online tutorials and practice?____ In-complete ____ Completed Completion date: _____________________________________Participation Rosters Updated – Person Responsible _______________________________________ CTC is aware of all students who are enrolled and withdrawn by working with the following resources: ____ iTCCs ___ Test Hound ____ Registrar ____ CounselorsCompletion date: _____________________________________Zzzzzz Sleeping students – Person Responsible ____________________________________________________ Test administrators know what actions to take if a student falls asleep during testing.____ Parents/Students have been made aware of the need for a good night’s pletion date: _____________________________________StaffAccounts Online Testing (Staff) – Person responsible _______________________________________________ Have accounts been created for online test administrators?_____ Have users been trained how to use the online system(s)? Completion date: _____________________________________Bathroom Monitors – Person Responsible ________________________________ Bathroom monitors have been trained and understand their role and importance of their pletion date: _____________________________________Emergency/Back Up Test Administrators – Person Responsible __________________________________________ We are in the process of naming and training the back-ups in an emergency situation._____ List is in place of extra teachers to serve as test administrators and they have been pletion date: _____________________________________Helpers (RR, escorts for kids, breaks, etc) – Person Responsible _______________________________________ Have you arranged for helpers and assigned roles and clearly outlined what they can and can’t do?Completion date: _____________________________________Janitors, Maintenance, and Custodial staff – Person Responsible _______________________________________ They have been informed not to enter the testing and/or secure testing area unless specifically notified to do so under the supervision of the pletion date: _____________________________________Nurse – Person Responsible _______________________________________ The nurse has been notified not to send a student home without first checking with you as student may still be in testing mode.____ The nurse has checked to make sure students have adequate amounts of medications. ____ Will medications be distributed the same way on testing days as regular days?Completion date: _____________________________________Oral Administration Training – Person Responsible _______________________________________ Oral admin test administrators have been selected. ____ I have reviewed the Oral/Signed Administration Guidelines and provided additional training. Completion date: _____________________________________Paraprofessional Duties – Person Responsible _______________________________________ Have you planned and trained your paraprofessionals on their responsibilities during test administrations?Completion date: _____________________________________Student Teachers – Person Responsible _______________________________________ Have you assigned non-test related tasks for any student teachers on your campus? ____ Do they know roles, responsibilities and scope of their assignment as it pertains to testing?Completion date: _____________________________________Substitutes – Person Responsible _______________________________________ None are needed. ____ Arrangements are in place and assignments have been pletion date: _____________________________________Training: Scheduled to take place or has taken place on the following dates:________Paraprofessional and Support Staff________Professionals including Principal, Administrative Team and district assigned staff________Oral Test Administrators________Make-up training will be scheduled for those that did not attend on scheduled dateCompletion date: _____________________________________Test Administrator Assignments – Person Responsible _______________________________________ In the process of finalizing the plans.____ TAs are aware of their assignments, roles and responsibilities. Completion date: _____________________________________TestsAnswer Documents – Person responsible ___________________________________________________ We are in the process of completing, reviewing and verifying information._____ The process is completed (All corrections have been gridded)_____ Answer documents are ready for packaging._____ Blank answer documents are hand-gridded with student’s name, PEIMS number, or date of pletion date: _____________________________________Campus Check-In of Materials – Person Responsible ___________________________ _____ A plan is in place to have “Runners/Subs” take over test sites so that the TA can check-in materials when finished. _____ The “Runners/Subs” know what their roles and responsibilities are once they enter the test pletion date: _____________________________________District Monitor packet of information – Person Responsible _______________________________________ A packet will be available of the testing schedule and testing locations. This packet may be picked up when the District Monitor checks in at the front office. Completion date: _____________________________________Consolidation of Testing Rooms/Student – Person Responsible _______________________________________ After a specific time (i.e. lunch) the decision to consolidate test sites will be based on number of students still testing and individual student needs. Note: If consolidating, a transfer of materials forms must be filled out and a new seating chart must be created._____ We will keep the original test sites intact and will not consolidate._____ This is a topic I will need to discuss with the Assessment Team to make a pletion date: _____________________________________Distribution of Materials – Person Responsible ___________________________________________Location of Test Central/Headquarters___________________________________________________________ Check-out Assisted by _______________________________________________________________________Distribution Time: Start ________ Materials picked up by Large group ______ Small group ______ Check-in Assisted by ________________________________________________________________________Completion date: _____________________________________Emergencies – Person Responsible __________________________________________________ Should an emergency arise that disrupts testing, a plan will be put in place that puts the safety of students first. ____ Students should leave their tests where they are and follow the school’s procedures.____ Students taking the online test should not exit their test sessions.____ Test Administrators must closely monitor their testing groups.____ Students should resume testing when instructed to do so.____ CTC should report the event to the DTC. Completion date: _____________________________________Inventory of Received Materials – Person Responsible ___________________________ I have received my materials from the Testing Department.____ I have conducted an inventory of materials: _____ Non-secure (i.e. answer documents) _____ Secure (i.e. test booklets)____ The inventory of secure materials is available through Test Hound. ____ I will contact DTC and informed them if there is a problem with the quantity reported on the inventory page(s) and what was received. ____ I have submitted a request for additional materials needed for the testing session. Completion date: _____________________________________Seating of students in the testing site - Person Responsible _______________________________________ Test administrators have been informed to use the whole room and not “cluster” students in one area____ Test administrators have been informed that they do not need to seat the students alphabetically. TAs must keep in mind the needs of the students. ____ Test Administration been informed how to prepare seat charts and their requirements. Completion date: _____________________________________Make-Up Testing – Person Responsible _______________________________________ Plans are in place for those students who were absent or who arrived late and there was insufficient time to test on the designated test date. ____ Student notification ____ Teacher notification ________ Test Administrators____ Testing sites have been determined. ____ We are in the process of developing our plans and they are not complete at this pletion date: _____________________________________Monitoring of Testing Site - Person Responsible ___________________________________ (New)____ The Campus Test Administrator will monitor each testing site.____ The Principal will monitor each testing site. ____ A schedule or plan will be developed to ensure that monitoring pletion date: _____________________________________On-Line Student Test Tickets - Person Responsible ___________________________________ ____ Prepare test session rosters.____ Print tickets for each student who will be testing on-line. Recommendation: Day before the exam.____ Keep tickets secure until materials are distributed. These must be treated as secure materials. ____ Distribute tickets along with any other materials student has been authorized to use during the on-line administration. ____ The CTC will destroy tickets when finished with testing. Completion date: _____________________________________Room check of sites to ensure “test ready” – Person Responsible ___________________________________ Primary Testing Location ___________________________ will be checked for the following: ____ Ample student space between students____ Sufficient number of seats/chairs/tables for the number of students that are assigned to that testing site ____ Partitions/dividers in place to separate students who may be too close____ Bulletin boards and instructional displays covered____ Room temperature check (i.e. heating and air system)____ Windows on the door not covered ____ Smells and aromas that could be distracting____ Room checks conducted by __________________________________________Date________Completion date: _____________________________________Start/Stop Times – Person Responsible _______________________________________ We have not determined our start and stop times.____ Start and Stop Times have been discussed and presented to campus staff pletion date: _____________________________________Test Hound Implementation & Usage (non-negotiables) – Person Responsible _____________________________ Scanner has been connected.____ Scanner is or will be used to scan test materials.____ Inventory of materials____ Room Assignments ____ Forms are being developed through use of Test Hound. Completion date: _____________________________________Forms - Required Test Hound Documents – Person Responsible _______________________________________ Materials Control ____ Seating Charts ____ Individual Student Start/Stop Times____ Room Labels ____ Boxed booklets report ____ Accommodations RostersCompletion date: _____________________________________Forms – Locally developed ____ Monitoring Logs (door) ____ Restroom Logs ____ CTC & Administrator Monitoring Logs____ Transfer of Materials forms ____ Other: _____________________________________Completion date: _____________________________________Testing Plans Reviewed and Approved by Principal – Person Responsible _____________________________Principal’s Signature ____________________________________________ I have not reviewed and received approval of our campus testing plans from my Principal.____ They have been approved through 1-to-1 communication, e-mails, meetings.____ I have reviewed and received approval of our campus testing plan from my Principal and have gone over procedures and protocols. Completion date: _____________________________________Testing Rosters – Person Responsible ___________________________________Large group _____ Not ready; need tweaking _____ ReadySmall group _____Not ready; need tweaking _____ ReadyCompletion date: _____________________________________Updates to Accommodations, Rosters, Testing Pages – Person Responsible _______________________________ As changes are made, I am entering information in Test Hound and updating my Special Pops binder. ____ I need to work on updating my Accommodations and Special Pops binder so that it is pletion date: _____________________________________Inform DTC that campus has finished testing each day of testing____ Emailed/Called DTC____ Discuss issues or pletion date: _____________________________________Prepare for return of materials (secure and non-secure) to the Testing Dept. DTC ____ Test booklets have been accounted for and packed.____ An answer document for each student on the completed Roster unless student tested on-line.____ Bubbles are dark and completely filled (on the cover of the answer document). ____ Answer Documents have been reviewed to ensure completeness (as applicable) and accuracy:____ Test Booklet Number ____ Sex Code____ Test Taken Info____ New to Texas ____ Score Codes____ Accommodations posted____ Test Date ____ Hand gridded answer documents must also have the following:____ Last Name, First Name____ Date of Birth ____ Student ID (as used for PEIMS) ____ Local Student ID ____ For School Use Only information (Ethnicity, Race, ED, TIA, etc.) ____ District and Campus Name ____ Answer Document Counts are accurate and match counts on the rosters.____ Voided answer documents are stamped “VOID” and placed under the Voided Answer Document ID Sheet ____ Campus cover documentation information has been compiled and will be submitted for review Testing TeamPositionSignature ................

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