A. Name: Thomas Longoria Title: Professor of Political Science

Director of Master of Public Administration

B. Educational Background

|Degree |Year |University |Major |Thesis/Dissertation |

|PhD |1994 |Texas A&M University |Political Science |Redefining Representation: Politics of the |

| | | | |Voting Rights Act of 1965 |

|BA |1989 |Pan American University |Political Science | |

C. University Experience

|Position |University |Dates |

|Associate Professor |Texas State University |2008 – Present |

|Associate Professor and Director, Center for |Texas Tech University |2004 – 2008 |

|Public Service | | |

|Associate Professor |University of Kansas |2001 – 2004 |

|Assistant Professor / Associate Professor |University of Texas at El Paso |1998 – 2001 |

|Assistant Professor |University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee |1994 - 1998 |

E. Other Professional Credentials (licensure, certification, etc.)

EPA Certified Lead Abatement Worker Training, Jan 2010

Joint EPA/HUD Lead Safe Work Practice Training Certificate, October 30, 2008, Austin, TX

Certified English as a Second Language Instructor. State of Missouri. 2003.


B. Courses Taught:


POSI 3319 Metropolitan Politics

POSI 4320 Interest Group Politics

POSI 4331 Minority Politics

POSI 4362 Government and American Business


POSI 5312 Public Sector Economics

POSI 5334 Research Methods

POSI 5335 Problems in Research Methodology

POSI 5336 Alternative Service Delivery Systems Research

POSI 5340 Problems in American Public Policy: Health Policy

POSI 5341 Seminar in the Policy Process

POSI 5361 Labor management relations

POSI 5397 Applied Research Project

C. Graduate Theses/Dissertations, Honors Theses, or Exit Committees (if supervisor, please


Supervisor for all of the following:

Fall 2013

-Robinson, Jaymen. “Creating an Ideal Type Program Model to Promote Resilience for Young African American Males.”

-Hinze, Bridget. “Explaining the Determinants of Economic Development in Small Cities.”

-Eaton, Ann. “Chapter 380 Economic Development Agreements: Describing the Employment, Investment, and Multiplier Impacts in Texas Cities.”

-Lee, Bridgett. “Teen Sexual Health: An Assessment of Perceived Barriers to Effective Sex Education for African American Teens in Harris, County Texas.”

-Fischer, Adrienne. “Cost-Benefit Analysis of Texas After School Programs.”

-Kang, Hee (Josh). “ Practical Ideal Type for Municipal Reclaimed Water Programs: Gauging Water Reclamation Initiative Program

-Moore, Robert. “Diversity In Education: A Description of Student Attitudes and Perceptions Concerning the Methods and Programs Used in Recruiting and Retaining Minorities to Institutions of Higher Learning.”

-Mays, Dana. “A Cost Benefit Analysis of State Loop 82 (Aquarena Springs Drive) Grade Separation Project in San Marcos, Texas.”

-Gomez, Sarah. “Best Practices for a case Management Program: A Case Study of Austin Children’s Shelter.”

-Teeter, William. “Effective Strategies for Poll worker Recruitment, Training and Management: a Case Study of Travis County, Texas.”

-Grisham, Michael. “Describing the Feasibility of Using Public Records to Determine a Nonprofit Organization’s Readiness to Engage in Partnerships with Government Entities.”

-Wilson, Simone. “Perspectives on the ABA Ten Principles of a Public Defense Delivery System Among Texas County Court-at-Law and District Judges.”

Spring 2013

-Bope, Flannery. “Exploring the Gender Wage Gap at State Agencies in Texas.”

-Carter, Christy. “The Negative Externalities of the U.S. Mexico Border Fence According to City and County Managers in Rio Grande Valley, Texas: A Descriptive Study.”

-Walker, Joshua. “An Exploration of Sponsor Characteristics and Attrition from the AmeriCorps*VISTA Program.”

-Peterson, Jordan. “Predicting Job Satisfaction in a Medium Sized Texas Police Department.”

-Rose, Lindsey. “City Employees and Social Media: A Descriptive Study.”

-Levario, Jacquelin. “Exploring Employee Perceptions of Supervisors Unethical Behaviors.”

-Helfrich, James. “Living in ‘Flash Flood Alley’: Describing Citizen Awareness and Satisfaction Regarding Flood Hazard Mitigation Programs in Austin, Texas.”

-Norton, Jason. “Characteristics of Driver Related Fatality Crashes In Travis County, Texas in 2008 Based on Roadway Design and Driver Characteristics.”

-Orr, Christopher. “Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning in the State of Texas.”

-Sanchez, Jesus. “Ideal Components to a Critical Incident Response Plan for Law Enforcement.”

-Spiller, Diana. “Above and Beyond Minimum Jail Standards: Gauging for a Model County Jail Operation.”

-Werner, Jared. “Alternative Service Delivery Evaluation in Medium Sized Cities in the Following Service Areas: Administrative and Support Functions, Enforcement Services and Information Technology.”

Vlahodimitropoulous, Alexandra. “A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Solar Photovoltaic Energy on Texas University – San Marcos Campus.

Fall 2012

-Crawford, Kara. “Public Nonprofit Partnerships for Dropout Prevention: A Descriptive Study of Communities in Schools of Texas.”

-Hermanson, LaToya. “The Ideal Type of Parental Involvement in the Juvenile Justice System: Setting the Standards for Services Offered in the Texas Juvenile Justice Department.”

-Hernandez-Hart, Tonya. “A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Texas House Bill 1403: An Act Relating to the Eligibility of Undocumented Students to Qualify as In-State Residents for the Purposes of Higher Education Tuition.”

-Houtman, Troy. “Park and Recreation Impact Fees: Describing the Attitudes and Current Practices of Texas Cities.”

-Koltermann, Jay. “Interactive Democracy and e-Government: Describing the Utilization of e-Government in Texas Counties.”

-Mathis, Jasmine. “Coping with Barriers to HIV Care.”

-Mazerolle, Rachel. “Andragogical Principles of Adult Learning: A Case Study of Adult Protective Services Facility Management Training.”

-Moyers, Claire. “The Promotion of Gender Equality by Women Leaders in the Nonprofit Sector: A Descriptive Study.”

-Neal, Leah. “Developing a Practical Ideal Type Gentrification Effects Mitigation Program: A Study of Austin, Texas.”

-Shaw, April. “An Economic Base Study and Shift-Share Analysis of Travis County, Texas.”

-Smiley, Roshanda. “A Practical Ideal Type of Succession Planning: City of Duluth, Minnesota.”

Spring 2012

-McNeil, Megan. MA in Political Science Oral Exam Committee.

-Davis, Jeff. “Exploring Attitudes toward Multisource Feedback in the Georgetown Fire Department.”

-Karman, Vella. “Best Practices in Integrated Mosquito Management: The Case of Harris County, Texas.”

-Starkey, Crystal. “Barriers to Sex Education Programs in the Rio Grande Valley.”

-Golech, Jenn. “Meeting Environmental Program Goals in US Public Transit Agencies.”

-Sepulveda, Gabriel. “Targeting of Health Food Initiative Grants to “Food Desert” Communities.”

-Germaine, Maureen. “The Effectiveness of the Gary Job Corps Program: The Student’s Perspective.”

-Patronella, Meghan. “Nonprofit Organization Strategies when Facing a Tax-Status Challenge.”

Fall 2011

-Crosby, Heather. “Explaining Achievement: Factors Affecting Native American College Success.”

-Delgado, Rolando. “An Ideal Use of Force Model for Law Enforcement: An Assessment of APD.”

-Juarez, Blanca. “Best Practices for University Transit Bus Programs: Identifying Strategies for Success.”

-Rendon, Ashley. “Strategies for Evaluating and Improving Latino Youth Development Organizations.”

-Thompson, Andrew. “Youth Sports Programs: A Handbook to Reduce Risks.”

-Varela, Daniella. “Factors Influencing the Percent Non-Certified Teachers in Texas School District.”

Spring 2011

-Aguirre, Valeria. “State Mandated Student Assessment Systems: Describing the Impacts of Change on High School Teachers.”

-Bellon, Patrick. “Recycling and Its Effects on Environmental Awareness: The Case of Kyle, Texas.

-Carson, Elizabeth. “Public-Private Partnerships in Early Childhood Education and Preschool Preparedness Programs.”

-Couch, Amanda. “Describing Diversity of New Urban Developments in Austin, Texas.”

-Flores, Christian. “Best Practices for Nonprofit Charter School Accountability: A Case Study of American Youth Works.”

-Parras, Nathan. “Business Retention Programs in North Texas Cities.”

-Pedromo, Patricia. “Comanero o Adversario: Texas State Student Attitudes toward Immigration.”

-Sone, John. “E-governance in Central Texas: Patterns of e-Gov Adoption”

-Swaney, Courtney. “Describing Graduate Student Experiences in the Texas State MPA program.”

-Taylor, Loi. “A Member of the Family: Including Companion Articles in Protective Orders.”

-Todorow, Matthew. “Use of Strategies that Promote Sustainability of Business Improvement Districts.”

Fall 2010

-Dillard, Jennifer. “A Description of the Strategies that City Governments Use to Attract Brownfield Development.”

-Flores, Christian. “Best Practices for Nonprofit Charter School Accountability: A Case Study of American Youth Works.”

-Marquez, Jenny. “A Hispanic Workforce Recruitment Assessment Tool for the Texas General Land Office.”

-Pribble, Mike. “Sexual Harassment in Texas Law Enforcement Agencies.”

-Seale, LaShaundra. “Exploring the Social Construction of In Vitro Fertization (IVF) in Texas.”

-Thornton, Ruth Ann. “Texas State Agency Websites: A Descriptive Assessment of Attributes that Support Citizen Engagement.”

Spring 2010

-Bresnen, Amy. “Gaming Lobbying in Texas.”

-Campell, Brooke. “Medicaid Applications and Economic Conditions.”

-Kosub, Jeff. “Cost-benefit Analysis of Purchase of Hybrid Cars.”

-Jezari, Armin. “Performance Measurement in Bahai Chapters.”

-Lyons, Leslie. “Consolidation of Police Departments.”

-Malik, Randall. “An Assessment of Service Learning Projects.”

-Owens, Vanessa. “An Assessment of the TXDOT diversity plan.”

-Piechowski, Todd. “Nonprofit Organization Use of Social Entrepreneurship.”

-Skoviera, Ellen. “Employee support of quality improvement programs.”

-Wold, Kez. “Factors explaining employee turnover.”

D. Courses Prepared and Curriculum Development:

Worked with a Colleague on Scope of the Nonprofit Sector

E. Funded External Teaching Grants and Contracts:

City of Lubbock. 2007. Principal Investigator. Preparing Lubbock Residents to Serve on Boards and Commissions. Total Award: $2,400.

Wisconsin Humanities Council. 1998. Co-Principal Investigator. Los Primeros: The Migration and Settlement of Four Latino Families to Milwaukee, WI. Grant Award: $34,608.

Wisconsin Humanities Council. 1998. Project Director. Latino Culture Bash. Grant Award: $2,000.

G. Funded Internal Teaching Grants and Contracts:

Center for Multicultural and Gender Studies. 2011. Multicultural Curriculum Transformation Institute.

H. Submitted, but not Funded, Internal Teaching Grants and Contracts:

Grant proposal to the US State Department (with B. Fields and H. Balanoff) for $240,000 to create a Study of the US Institute program for undergraduate student leaders from Southeast Europe to be hosted a Texas State University.

I. Other:

Participant in "Civic Learning: Transforming Higher Education with the Community." American Association for Higher Education Summer Academy; July 2000; Snowbird, UT.


A. Works in Print (including works accepted, forthcoming, in press)

1. Books (if not refereed, please indicate)

a. Scholarly Monographs:

Polinard, J.P., R.D. Wrinkle, T. Longoria & N.E. Binder. 1994. Electoral Structure and Urban Policy: The Impact on Mexican American Communities. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe. (R)

d. Chapters in Books:

Longoria, T. & Lynne Manganaro. 2003. “School Crime in the United States: A Brief Analysis of Patterns and Trends.” In Policing and School Crime. William Turk, ed. Prentice Hall.

Longoria, T. & W.R. Mack. 2003. “School-Based Violent Crime in Texas.” In Policing and School Crime. William Turk, ed. Prentice Hall.

Longoria, T. 1999. “Context, Identity, and Incorporation: Are Latinos in the Midwest Different?” In Minority Politics at the Millennium. Richard Keiser and Katherine Underwood, eds. Garland Publishing.

Longoria, T. 1998. "Education Politics Houston Style: The Role of Business in Education Reform." In Changing Urban Education. Clarence N. Stone, ed. University Press of Kansas.

2. Articles

a. Refereed Journal Articles:

Longoria, T. and N. Rangarajan. Measuring Public Manager Cultural Competence: The Influence of Public Sector Values. Journal of Public Management and Social Policy. Forthcoming.

Longoria, T, B. Fields, N. Rangarajan. Protective and Risk Factors and the Maintenance of Local Government ICLEI Membership. Urban Affairs Review. Forthcoming.

Longoria, T. Predicting Use and Solicitation of Payments in Lieu of Taxes. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. Forthcoming (R).

Longoria, T. & L. Manganaro. 2012. Citizen Approval of CAOs in Texas Cities: An Exploratory Analysis of Anglo and Latino Attitudes. Journal of Public Management and Social Policy. Forthcoming (R).

Longoria, T. 2013. Are We All Equal at Death? Death Competence in Municipal Cemetery Management. Death Studies.

Rocha, R.R., T. Longoria, R.D. Wrinkle, & B.R.Knoll. 2010. “Ethnic Context and Immigration Policy Preferences among Latinos and Anglos.” Social Science Quarterly, 92:1-19 (R).

Brown R.W. & T. Longoria. 2009. “Multiple risk factors for lead poisoning in Hispanic sub-populations: A Review.” Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. DOI: 10.1007/s10903-009-9245-8 (R).

Brown, R.W., C. Gonzales, M.J. Hooper, A.C. Bayat, A.M. Fornerette, T.J. McBride, T. Longoria, & H.W. Mielke. 2008. Soil lead (Pb) in residential transects through Lubbock Texas: A preliminary assessment. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 30: 541-547 (R).

Weaver, W. & T. Longoria. 2002. “Bureaucracy That Kills: Federal Sovereign Immunity and the Discretionary Function Exception.” American Political Science Review, 96:351-366 (R).

Longoria, T. 1999. “The Distribution of Public-Private Partnerships: Targeting of Voluntary Efforts to Improve Urban Education.” Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 28:315-329 (R).

Longoria, T. 1999. “The Impact of Office on Cross-Racial Voting: Evidence

From the 1996 Milwaukee Mayoral Election.” Urban Affairs Review, 34:596-603 (R).

Velez, W. & T. Longoria. 1997. "Academic Performance and Ethnic Consciousness of Latino Students at a Midwestern University." Latino Studies Journal, 8:82-96 (R).

Longoria, T. 1996. "White Attitudes toward Minority Districts." Social Science Quarterly, 77:877-87 (R).

Longoria, T. 1994. "Empirical Analysis of the City Limits Policy Typology." Urban Affairs Quarterly, 30:102-13 (R).

Longoria, T. 1993. "Congressional Caucuses in Congressional Committees." American Review of Politics, 14:381-86 (R).

Wrinkle, RW, T Longoria, JP Polinard, & K Meier. 1992. "Mexican Americans and Municipal Employment: An Analysis of Status and Pay Levels." State and Local Government Review, 24:36-42 (R).

Polinard, J.P., T. Longoria, & R.W. Wrinkle. 1991. "The Impact of District Elections on the Mexican American Community: The Electoral Perspective." Social Science

Quarterly, 72:608-614 (R).

Polinard, J.P., R.W. Wrinkle & T. Longoria. 1991. "Representation and Policy:

Appointments of Mexican Americans to Boards and Commissions." Social Science

Journal, 28:259-65 (R).

Wrinkle, R.W., J.P. Polinard & T. Longoria. 1991. "Understanding Intra-Ethnic

Attitude Variations: Mexican-Origin Population Views of Immigration." Social Science

Quarterly, 72:379-87 (R).

Polinard, J., R.W. Wrinkle & T. Longoria. 1990. "Education and Governance:

Representational Links to Second Generation Discrimination." Western Political

Quarterly, 43:631-646 (R).

Longoria, T., R.W. Wrinkle, J.P. Polinard. 1990. "Mexican American Voter Registration and Turnout: Another Look." Social Science Quarterly, 71:356-361 (R).

b. Non-refereed Articles:

Longoria, T. 1997. Guest Editor, Latino Studies Journal.  Introductory essay: "Postmodern Perspectives on Latino Identity:  Toward More-Informed Quantitative Research."

6. Book Reviews:

Longoria, T. 1995. "The Latinoization of Urban Politics," Urban Affairs Quarterly 30:766-72.

7. Other Works in Print:

Longoria, T. 1998. "After the Immigrant:  Now we’re Hispanic?"  Documentary Film. 

Longoria, T. 1993. "Human Capital Investment as a Research Focus," Urban News 5:10-11.

B. Works not in Print

1. Papers Presented at Professional Meetings:

Longoria, T., B. Fields and N. Rangarajan. 2013. Protective and Risk Factors and the Maintenance of Local Government ICLEI Membership. Midwest Political Science Association.

Longoria, T. 2013 Local Opposition to globalization and Environmental Policies. 7th Transatlantic Studies Conference. Franklin Institute. Alcala, Spain.

Longoria, T. and N. Rangarajan. 2011. “Measuring Public Manager Cultural Competence.” Teaching Public Administration Conference. South Padre Island, Texas.

“Local Government Financial Manager Perceptions Associated with Payments in Lieu of Taxes: An Exploratory Study.” CenTex ASPA Conference. March 2011. Austin, Texas

“Hope and Change or Hoping for Change? The Obama Effect on Support for Foreign Policy.” A paper presented at the conference The Obama Effect: Transatlantic Perspectives, Past and Future, Roosevelt Center. October 2010, Middleburg, Netherlands.

“Local Government Institutional Reform: Lessons from the US.” Paper presented at the Kaunas University of Technology Annual Conference, October, 2010, Kaunas, Lithuania.

“Citizen Awareness of Form of Government: The Role of Ethnicity and Salience of Representation and Race and Institutional Reform in US Cities.” Paper presented at the CenTex/ASPA Conference. February 2010, San Marcos, TX

“The Role of the Social Sciences in Corporate Social Responsibility.” Paper presented at the Western Political Science Association. April 2010, San Francisco, CA

“Residential soil lead (Pb) contamination in Lubbock Texas: Preliminary results” presented at the Urban Geochemistry and Health Conference of the Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health, New Orleans, July 22-25, 2007, New Orleans, LA.

“A Profile of the Nonprofit Sector in West Texas.” Paper Presented at the West Texas Nonprofits: Challenges and Opportunities Conference; October 2007. Lubbock, TX

“Contextual Determinates of Public Opinion Toward Immigration.” Paper Presented at the American Political Science Association; August 2007; Chicago, IL. Co-author

“Ports-to-Plains Trucking Industry Survey.” Paper Presented at the Ports-to-Plains Conference; October 2006. Lubbock, TX.

“Governing Coalitions and Patterns of Employment of Minorities in Urban School Districts.” Paper presented at the American Political Science Association; September 2006; Philadelphia, PA. Co-author.

“Support of the Adoption of a City-County Consolidation: The Case of Wyandotte County” Texas American Society for Public Administration; October 2006 San Antonio, TX.

“Diffusion of Innovation or Innovation in Dilution? Institutional Changes and Minority Political Influence the Case of El Paso Texas.” Paper presented to the Western Social Science Association; March 2006; Albuquerque, NM. Co Author.

“Nonprofits on the Texas-Mexico Border: Organizational Capacity and Collaboration.” Paper presented at the Texas Association of Public Administration; October 2005; Austin, TX.

“Immigration, Social Capital, and Political Participation.” Paper presented at the Midwest Political Science Association; April 2002; Chicago, IL. Co-author.

"Third Sector Development in Mexico: Sub-national, Organizational, and Individual-Level Perspectives." Paper presented at the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action; November 2000; New Orleans, LA.

"Predicting Successful Completion of Worker Retraining Programs: The Case of NAFTA Displaced Workers." Paper presented at the Impact of NAFTA Conference; October 2000; El Paso, TX.

"PRI Primary Voters in Ciudad Juarez: A Look at Democratization in Mexico." Presented at the Rocky Mountain Council on Latin American Studies; January 2000; Santa Fe, NM.

"Latino Descriptive and Policy Representation in the Midwest: Does the Political Resources Model Apply?" Paper presented to the American Political Science Association; September 1997; Washington, DC.

"Coalitions and Conflict in Urban Education Reform." Paper presented to the Western Political Science Association; April 1997; Tuscon, AZ.

"Migration Experience and Political Participation." Paper presented to the American Political Science Association; September 1995; Chicago, IL.

"Institutional Reforms and Civic Capacity: A Comparative Analysis of Sunbelt Cities." Paper presented to the American Political Science Association; September 1995; Chicago, IL.

"Predicting Litigation Against Congressional and State Legislative Plans: A Preliminary Analysis." Paper presented to the Southwestern Political Science Association; March 1995; Dallas, TX.

"Name that Problem: Education Reform on the Urban Agenda." Paper presented to the American Political Science Association; September 1994; New York City, NY.

"Activism and Voter Turnout." Paper presented to the Southwestern Political Science Association; March, 1991; San Antonio, TX.

Activism and Intergovernmental Aid in South Texas." Paper presented to the American Political Science Association; August, 1990; San Francisco, CA.

"Ethnicity, Roll-off, and Judicial Elections." Paper presented to the Southwestern Social Science Association; March, 1990; Fort Worth, TX; Co-Author.

"Education and Policy: Representational Links to Second Generation Discrimination." Paper presented to the Southwestern Social Science Association; March, 1989; Little Rock, AR; Co-Author.

"Family Solidarity Among Hispanic Elderly." Paper presented to the Gerontological Society of America; San Francisco, CA; November, 1988; Co-Author.

"Mexican Americans and Educational Policy: The Impact of Change to District Elections." Paper presented to the American Political Science Association; Washington, D.C.; August, 1988; Co-Author.

"Mexican American Voter Registration and Turnout: Another Look." Paper presented to the Southwestern Social Science Association; Houston, TX; March, 1988; Co-Author.

2. Invited Talks, Lectures, and Presentations:

Longoria, T. 2010. “Local Government Institutions in the United States.” Kaunas University of Technology, Kaunas, Lithuania.

Longoria, T. 2009. “Nonprofit Management.” National Association for the Mentally Ill. Houston, TX.

Longoria, T. 2008. “Nonprofit Management.” National Association for the Mentally Ill. San Antonio, TX

Longoria, T. 2006. “NAFTA and the Impact on U.S. Transportation Policy.” Center For Transatlantic Studies, Maastricht, Netherlands.

Longoria, T. 2006. “Black-Latino Relations in the US.” National Association of

Black Public Administrators Academy, Kansas City, MO.

Longoria, T. 2006. “Latino Politics and Policy in the Midwest.” Metro Area Regional Council Leadership Academy, Kansas City, MO.

Longoria, T. 2004 “Kansas City Metropolitan Political Characteristics.” Kansas Certified Public Manager Program, Overland Park, KS.

Longoria, T. 2002. “The Importance of Citizen Participation for Effective Public Policy Making.” Lecture to Costa Rican Mayors Sponsored by the US State Department, San Jose, Costa Rica.

Longoria, T. 2000. "NGO Interactions on the Border." Presented at the Center for Inter-American and Border Studies Seminar entitled Managing Separation, Interaction, and Convergence, El Paso, TX.

Longoria, T. 1999. "Texas Politics/Border Politics." Lectures for The Center for Lifelong Learning, El Paso, TX.

Longoria, T. 1997. "Benefit Distribution through Public-Private Partnerships." Invited lecture to the Martin School of Public Management, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY.

Longoria, T. 1995. "Environmental Policy." Roundtable Presentation at the School to Work Summer Institute, Milwaukee Public Schools, Milwaukee, WI.

Longoria, T. 1995. "Latino Studies." Round Table Presentation at the Symposium on Curricular, Pedagogical, and Research Issues in Racial/Ethnic Studies; UW System Institute on Race and Ethnicity, Madison, WI.

5. Other Works not in Print:

a. Works “submitted” or “under review”

Longoria, T. & N. Rangaragan. “Measuring Public Manager Cultural Competence.” Journal of Public Affairs Education. Under Review.

b. Works “in progress”

Longoria, T. The Impact of NAFTA on the Political and Economic Empowerment of Women on the US-Mexico Border.

Longoria, T., N. Rangarajan, & W. Fields. “Abandoning Sustainability? An Exploratory Study of Why Local Governments Withdraw from ICLEI Membership.”

Longoria, T. “Explaining State-Level Compliance Rates with the EPA RRP Training Program.”

Longoria, T. “The Future of the Border?” (Note: This is an update of the Sharp Report entitled “Bordering the Future” and I am writing a book proposal).

Longoria, T. “Public Sector Cemetery Management in the US.”

Longoria, T. “Negotiating PILOTs: Conflict or Cooperation?”

C. Grants and Contracts

1. Funded External Grants and Contracts:

City of Austin. 2010. Austin Cemeteries: A Comprehensive Business Analysis. Total Award: $20,222.

Environmental Protection Agency (Sub-award from Texas Tech University) 2009.  Lead (Pb) Poisoning Prevention and Reduction through Outreach and Training of Clinicians and Labor Specialists in Hispanic Communities.  Total Award:  $30,423.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2008. Co-Principal Investigator. Lead (Pb) Poisoning Prevention & Reduction through Outreach & Training of Clinicians & Labor Specialists in Hispanic Communities. Total Award: $226,250.

U.S. Department of Agriculture. 2007. Principal Investigator. Increasing Organizational Capacity of Farm Labor Housing Organizations. Total Award: $128,000.

Ports-to-Plains Corridor Coalition. 2006-2007. Principal Investigator. Survey of Trucking Firms. 2006-2007. Grant Award: $79,000.

Latin American and Border Studies. 1999-2000. Co-Principal Investigator. El Paso-Juarez Exit Poll of Voters. Grant Award: $1,700.

UTEP Research Institute. 1999-2000. Principal Investigator. Nonprofits on the Border:

Comparing Intersectoral Linkages, Organizational Capacity, and Mission. Grant Award: $3,759.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Sixteenth Street Community Health Center. 1997. Project Researcher. "Assessing Community Health Risks Associated with Hazardous Waste." Grant Award: $49,258.


A. Institutional

1. University:

Presidential Election Forum. 2012. Round Rock Chamber of Commerce. Selected Texas State University faculty representative

Bobcat Days Representative in Round Rock (2 years)

3. Department/School:

MPA Program Committee

Ph.D. Proposal Committee

MPA Curriculum Review Committee

Department Personnel Committee

Department Search Committees

B. Professional:

NASPAA external reviewer for the University of New Orleans.

Reaccreditation Site Visitor. 2012. University of Utah. National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration.

External Program Reviewer. 2011. Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi. Master of Public Administration Program.

Manuscript Reviewer: American Journal of Political Science; Social Science Quarterly, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, American Review of Politics, and many other journals.

Section Reviewer, Best Practices Workshops Panel. American Society for Public Administration, April 9-13, 2010, San Jose, CA.

Member. Nominations Committee. Southwestern Political Science Association. 2000

Member. Ted Robinson Memorial Award Committee, Southwestern Political Science Association. 1991-1992.

C. Community:

Board Member, Volunteer Center of Lubbock.

Member, Community Advisory Board, WorkSource of the South Plains

Executive Board Member, Esperanza Unida, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

D. Service Honors and Awards:

Exceptional Commitment to Diversity Award. 2011. Texas State University.

E. Service Grants and Contracts

1. Funded External Service Grants and Contracts:

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 2005-2006. Co-Principal Investigator. Kansas City, Kansas—University of Kansas Partnership Center. Grant Award: $400,000.

National Commission on Voluntarism/AmeriCorps. 2000-2001. Principal Investigator. Paso del Norte Assets for Youth. Grant Award: $1,893,089.

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 1997. Assistant Director. Forging a Partnership for Neighborhood Revitalization: The Milwaukee Community Outreach Partnership Initiative. Grant Award: $500,000.

Management Training for Local Government Administrators. Texas Certified Public Management Program: Various Sites. Over 50 seminars on topics such as: managing for quality, program evaluation, strategic planning, statistics and data analysis, information technology, leadership, and human resource management.

Updated 4/14/2014


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