PDF A - GENERAL EDUCATION CORE - 42 HOURS 020 - Mathematics - 3 hours


(Focus: EC ? 6th Grade Teacher Certification - Bilingual Education)

2018-2019 College of Education and P-16 Integration

Teaching and Learning

This program leads t o a profession w hich requires an occupat ional license as defined under Texas Occupat ions Code 58.001 This requires t hat all applicant s seeking t o become licensed must undergo a criminal background check prior t o licensure. Student s in t his program should check w it h t he College of Educat ion and P-16 Int egrat ion on t he requirement s for a criminal background check prior t o st udent t eaching.

To prepare highly skilled professionals t o assume roles and posit ions in t eaching, research, educat ional leadership, and human development t o cont ribut e t o t he educat ional achievement of children in elementary set t ings.

A ? GENERAL EDUCATION CORE ? 42 HOURS St udent s must fulfill t he General Educat ion Core requirement s. The courses list ed below sat isfy bot h degree requirement s and General Educat ion core requirement s.

Required 020 - M athematics ? 3 hours Choose t he follow ing or higher: M ATH 1314 College Algebra

050 - Creative Arts ? 3 hours ARTS 1301 Art Appreciat ion

B ? M AJOR REQUIREM ENTS ? 60 HOURS (39 advanced minimum)

1 ? Academic Content ? 30 hours minimum (15 advanced minimum) Choose one: M USI 1306 M usic Appreciat ion M USI 1313 Teaching M usic in t he Element ary School Choose one (not complet ed in General Educat ion Core): BIOL 1406 General Biology I (or BIOL 1487 Honors) BIOL 1407 General Biology II (or BIOL 1488 Honors) BIOL 3301 Biological Evolut ion BIOL 4315 Inquiry-based Science and Laborat ory Techniques (or BIOL 4387 Honors) Choose one (not complet ed in General Educat ion Core): GEOL 1403 Physical Geology ASTR 1401 Int roduct ion t o Ast ronomy I GEOG 2313 Principles of Geography Physics Element ary PSCI 3310 Planet Eart h and It s Place HIST 3301 World Hist ory St udies KINE 3355 Teaching Healt h and Wellness in t he Element ary Classroom M ATH 1350 Fundament als of M at hemat ics I M ATH 1351 Fundament als of M at hemat ics II READ 3320 Early Lit eracy Development READ 3324 Reading Comprehension and Assessment SPAN 4338 Children's Lit erat ure in Spanish

2 ? Bilingual Education Specialization ? 18 hours (18 advanced) Bilingual Specializat ion allow s t he st udent the opport unit y t o become a t eacher in t he St at e of Texas w it h EC-6 Bilingual Generalist cert ificat ion and w ork in schools w it h children in early childhood t hrough 6t h grades. Area of Cert ificat ion: Bilingual Generalist (EC-6)

SPAN 3304 Advanced Spanish for Bilingual Teachers EDBE 3322 Foundat ions of Bilingual Educat ion and ESL EDBE 3323 The Developm ent of Bilingualism EDBE 3324 Early Bilit eracy EDBE 4305 Language Art s in t he Bilingual Classroom EDBE 4306 The Bilingual Curriculum in t he Cont ent Areas

The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Program Rev. Date: 3-19-18 Catalog Date: 3-19-18


(Focus: EC ? 6th Grade Teacher Certification - Bilingual Education)

3 ? Education Support Courses ? 12 hours (6 advanced) EDUC 1301 Int roduct ion t o t he Teaching Profession EDFR 2301 Int ercult ural Cont ext of Schooling SPED 4310 Inclusion and Different iat ed Inst ruct ion in Special Educat ion EDSL 3310 Em ergent Bilingual St udent s in Schools

C ? TEACHER CERTIFICATION ? 24 HOURS (24 advanced) Choose one: EDCI 3331 Human Development and St udent Learning EPSY 3331 Human Development and St udent Learning EDCI 3332 Designing and Implement ing Inst ruct ion and Assessm ent EDCI 3333 Teaching Science t o Element ary St udent s EDCI 3334 Teaching M at hemat ics t o Elem ent ary St udent s EDCI 3335 Teaching Social St udies t o Element ary St udent s EDCI 3336 Teaching English Language Art s and Reading t o Element ary St udent s EDCI 4637 St udent Teaching for Element ary Teachers (EC-6)

2018-2019 College of Education and P-16 Integration

Teaching and Learning



Progression requirements For t eacher cert ificat ion, st udent s must apply for admission and be accept ed t o t he College of Educat ion and P-16 Int egrat ion prior t o enrolling in t eacher cert ificat ion courses, except for EDFR 2301 which is open t o all st udent s.

Graduation requirements In addit ion t o t he graduat ion requirement s list ed in t he UTRGV 2018-2019 Undergraduat e Cat alog, demonst rat ion of proficiency in a language ot her t han English is required at t he undergraduat e level equivalent t o a minimum of six credit hours. Proficiency can be demonst rat ed by a college credit exam, a placement t est approved t hrough t he UTRGV Depart ment of Writ ing and Language St udies, and/ or up t o six credit hours of college-level language co u r sew o r k.

The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Program Rev. Date: 3-19-18 Catalog Date: 3-19-18


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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