SBEC Disciplinary Action Report Reprimand Suspension

Last Name Abrego Adams Aguilar Aguilar Aguinaga Aguirri Alanis Alanis Alejandro Alexander Alfano Allen Allen Allen Allen Allison Almanza Alvarado Alvarez Anchondo Anderson Anderson Andrade Andrews Andrews Andrus Antoine Applewhite Archer Arcidiacono Armbruster Arnold Arredondo Arteta Ashton Atkins Atkinson Augillard Augustine Austin

SBEC Disciplinary Action Report

FY 2017-2018

Period 09/01/2017 ? 08/31/2018

First Name Jovan Michael Kevin Gloria Micaela Raul Jr. Edgar Ivann Vanessa Joseph Omar I Cristina Mercedes James D. Sr. Stephanie Dawn Kathryn Jo Stephanie D. Andrew Anh Sherwin Lisa Elaine Patrick Misty Fernando Demetrio Adrien B. Jared Rafael R. James Robert II Nicole Marie Faires Lindsay F. Rodrique Paul Robert Denney Jeremy Sr. Alfio A. John Edward Mark T. Antonio III Javier C. Gerald Tomisha Deborah Kay John III Lisa Rea Scott

Date Sanctioned 9/29/2017 3/1/2018 10/6/2017 8/24/2018 8/1/2018 3/23/2018 8/16/2018 2/9/2018 8/3/2018 7/16/2018 5/31/2018 5/1/2018 9/26/2017 2/16/2018 12/6/2017 2/16/2018 10/16/2017 8/3/2018 8/3/2018 12/14/2017 5/18/2018 9/29/2017 6/13/2018 9/11/2017 3/28/2018 8/20/2018 3/9/2018 3/2/2018 3/14/2018 4/30/2018 12/1/2017 7/17/2018 7/16/2018 2/6/2018 3/23/2018 6/11/2018 6/13/2018 8/17/2018 5/11/2018 3/28/2018

Sanction Reprimand Suspension Revocation Voluntary Surrender Voluntary Surrender Suspension Suspension Suspension Suspension Suspension Suspension Reprimand Reprimand Voluntary Surrender Voluntary Surrender Suspension Voluntary Surrender Suspension Suspension Voluntary Surrender Revocation Revocation Reprimand Voluntary Surrender Voluntary Surrender Reprimand Suspension Revocation Suspension Suspension Voluntary Surrender Voluntary Surrender Suspension Revocation Revocation Suspension Suspension Reprimand Suspension Revocation

Report Date: 11/29/2018

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Last Name Autrey Autrey Avalos Avalos Avila Avila Baker Ball Baltazar Barger Barrera Bass Bass Batts Beard Beaty Beaver Beaver Bell Bennett Bergeman Bernal Bernal Berry Besselaar Betancourt Black Black Blackmor Blake Blankenship Bloom Boerner Bonner Bowen Bowen Bower Bowie Bowser Brady

SBEC Disciplinary Action Report

FY 2017-2018

Period 09/01/2017 ? 08/31/2018

First Name Jason Mary Virginia Alfredo Judith J. John Fernando III Emily Diann Lexia B. Steven M. Jonathan Michael Cristan Ernest L. III Jonathan Jared Mallory Kendall Kevin Tara McCoy Patrick Ronald Craig Dixie Debra Janet LaRae Amanda Herman Joseph Pharisse Jr. Melody LaNell Sergio Aaron Don Jr. Matthew L. Jason Mitchell O. Joe Barton III Zackery H. Laurie G. Shannon Bradley Keith Christian John Gilbert Shabelee Erbie Lee Evan E.

Date Sanctioned 3/2/2018 7/12/2018 10/6/2017 7/12/2018 8/17/2018 5/31/2018 6/20/2018 10/6/2017 12/8/2017 8/3/2018 4/5/2018 6/20/2018 3/20/2018 3/14/2018 10/30/2017 6/19/2018 2/14/2018 1/31/2018 4/25/2018 10/4/2017 12/18/2017 10/6/2017 8/3/2018 3/2/2018 6/5/2018 8/22/2018 10/10/2017 8/20/2018 7/25/2018 4/27/2018 11/30/2017 11/30/2017 11/10/2017 3/2/2018 5/18/2018 11/30/2017 5/18/2018 5/18/2018 11/14/2017 1/3/2018

Sanction Suspension Voluntary Surrender Revocation Voluntary Surrender Suspension Voluntary Surrender Suspension Suspension Revocation Permanent Revocation Voluntary Surrender Voluntary Surrender Voluntary Surrender Reprimand Reprimand Suspension Reprimand Voluntary Surrender Suspension Revocation Voluntary Surrender Revocation Suspension Revocation Suspension Revocation Suspension Voluntary Surrender Voluntary Surrender Voluntary Surrender Suspension Voluntary Surrender Voluntary Surrender Revocation Permanent Revocation Voluntary Surrender Suspension Suspension Revocation Reprimand

Report Date: 11/29/2018

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Last Name Brannan Brannon Brantley Breedlove Brem Brewer Bright Britton Broderick Brollier Bronson Broussard Brown Brown Brown Brown Brubaker Buenrostro Bullock Bunnell Burchfield Burton Caballero Caesar Cain Calaway Calderon Caldwell Caleb Calvillo Campbell Campbell Cantu Canty Capra Cardona-Scott Carlos Caro Carrasquillo Carrillo

SBEC Disciplinary Action Report

FY 2017-2018

Period 09/01/2017 ? 08/31/2018

First Name Traci Anne Joanna E. Linda Beth Jade Deem Jerry William Pamela Angel Amber Amber Lisa Mary A. Carl Jacob Solomon Charles A. II Roy Dahlia Leah Ann Dina Melanie Kay Tiffany Ann Kellie Matthew Wade Jessica Marie Esperanza Torres Theresa Marie Shonna Lynn Daniel Adrian Bernard Don Kenneth Joseph Mark Jason K. John Hector Deborah Ainsley Maria Jayden Erica Adriana Emmanuel

Date Sanctioned 10/6/2017 9/18/2017 6/12/2018 11/15/2017 6/28/2018 1/26/2018 10/26/2017 6/12/2018 11/21/2017 3/2/2018 8/3/2018 11/10/2017 10/6/2017 5/18/2018 8/3/2018 6/11/2018 3/2/2018 6/19/2018 3/15/2018 12/8/2017 10/30/2017 5/9/2018 8/3/2018 8/1/2018 2/14/2018 4/19/2018 9/7/2017 9/29/2017 8/13/2018 11/30/2017 5/18/2018 5/10/2018 5/29/2018 8/3/2018 6/27/2018 8/28/2018 5/18/2018 5/18/2018 7/30/2018 5/18/2018

Sanction Revocation Suspension Suspension Suspension Voluntary Surrender Suspension Suspension Voluntary Surrender Voluntary Surrender Revocation Revocation Suspension Denied / Appealed Revocation Suspension Voluntary Surrender Revocation Suspension Suspension Suspension Reprimand Voluntary Surrender Revocation Reprimand Reprimand Revocation Voluntary Surrender Reprimand Suspension Suspension Suspension Suspension Suspension Permanent Revocation Suspension Suspension Revocation Suspension Suspension Suspension

Report Date: 11/29/2018

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Last Name Carroll Carroll Carter Caruthers Carville Carwithen Casas Cassler Castillo Castillo Castillo Castro Cate Cavazos Ceron Cervantes Chalaire Challgren Chambliss Chapman Chappell Chavana Chaves Chima Christley Christy Ciau-Medina Clark Clark Cline Clough Coey Colarelli Colbert Collett Collie Collins Contento Contreras Coody

SBEC Disciplinary Action Report

FY 2017-2018

Period 09/01/2017 ? 08/31/2018

First Name Tamme Renee Melody Diane Otis E. Felecia Karol Jessica Robert Philip Priscilla Acosta Luther Scott Jr. Antonio E. Guadalupe Manuel Fernando D. Alesia Martha Leo Kevin David Aurelio, Jr. Ronald Thomas Jr. Scott Christopher Deanna C. John Kevin Heather Lorene Renaud Roman Lindsey K. Melody Ifeyinwa Timothy Adam Treasa Melissa William Brian Christopher Larry Eugene Aaron Mitchell Cylinda Colarelli Brenda Jackson Amanda B. Cleveland Jr. Cheryl F. Fred Lucinda S. Chris Jarrell

Date Sanctioned 3/5/2018 3/13/2018 5/23/2018 3/2/2018 3/27/2018 3/2/2018 3/2/2018 12/13/2017 5/31/2018 8/30/2018 1/8/2018 8/31/2018 8/3/2018 5/18/2018 3/27/2018 5/9/2018 12/18/2017 10/6/2017 2/12/2018 2/13/2018 5/24/2018 3/2/2018 1/2/2018 1/4/2018 7/16/2018 12/8/2017 8/3/2018 7/13/2018 4/30/2018 12/20/2017 3/13/2018 8/3/2018 9/29/2017 8/3/2018 10/6/2017 10/31/2017 5/15/2018 8/3/2018 3/9/2018 12/8/2017

Sanction Reprimand Suspension Voluntary Surrender Revocation Suspension Revocation Revocation Voluntary Surrender Revocation Revocation Revocation Voluntary Surrender Suspension Suspension Reprimand Voluntary Surrender Reprimand Revocation Voluntary Surrender Suspension Voluntary Surrender Revocation Suspension Certificate Denied Voluntary Surrender Revocation Suspension Reprimand Voluntary Surrender Certificate Denied Suspension Revocation Suspension Permanent Revocation Suspension Certificate Denied Voluntary Surrender Revocation Suspension Revocation

Report Date: 11/29/2018

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Last Name Cooley Coombs Cooper Coover Corporal Cortez Coryell Covarrubia Cozzitorto Crawford Crawford Creel Crosby Cuellar Cuellar Curry Curtis Dahl Danaher Danford Daniels Darling Davie Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis De La Fuente De La Garza De la Pena De Leon Deaubrey Deering

SBEC Disciplinary Action Report

FY 2017-2018

Period 09/01/2017 ? 08/31/2018

First Name Terri Dawn Sandra Gina Stephen Michael Rico Steven George A. Miguel Angel Anthony Charli K. Malcolm Douglas Patricia Best Alison A. Deborah Jaime Robert Scott Jeron E. Aroha Elizabeth Blake Drew Daniel Alexis William Juan Andrea Amber Elaine Brandon Kellie Renee Robert Todd Tyler Damian D. Jamie Rebecca Paul Tim Kennon Jonathan N. Morris Ray Javier Luis Eduardo James Noe Jr. Theodore Edward Scott Hunter

Date Sanctioned 3/2/2018 5/29/2018 5/18/2018 9/13/2017 10/2/2017 2/28/2018 4/12/2018 2/14/2018 2/21/2018 12/8/2017 11/14/2017 3/23/2018 8/3/2018 8/6/2018 1/2/2018 3/2/2018 1/3/2018 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 4/30/2018 6/29/2018 8/28/2018 1/2/2018 8/28/2018 10/6/2017 5/18/2018 11/29/2017 10/6/2017 5/18/2018 10/12/2017 10/6/2017 4/25/2018 6/11/2018 7/24/2018 3/23/2018 6/29/2018 2/22/2018 12/8/2017 1/31/2018 6/11/2018

Sanction Suspension Reprimand Revocation Suspension Suspension Revocation Voluntary Surrender Voluntary Surrender Suspension Revocation Revocation Suspension Suspension Reprimand Revocation Revocation Voluntary Surrender Suspension Voluntary Surrender Voluntary Surrender Reprimand Reprimand Reprimand Reprimand Revocation Revocation Revocation Revocation Suspension Suspension Suspension Suspension Voluntary Surrender Voluntary Surrender Voluntary Surrender Suspension Suspension Revocation Revocation Suspension

Report Date: 11/29/2018

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Last Name Delillo Denuszek Derrick Diaz Diaz Diaz Dibler Dickerson Dionne Donseroux Douglas Downing Doyle Drake D'Spain Duarte Duncan Dunn Dunn Dunn Duran Durham Durr Duvall Dykes Edney Edwards Edwards Edwards Elizondo Eller Endres English Enriquez Escalante Escalera Espino Esquivel Estrella Eubank

SBEC Disciplinary Action Report

FY 2017-2018

Period 09/01/2017 ? 08/31/2018

First Name Phillip R. Terrance Walter James Fernando III Erik Rosemary D. Jason R. Roderick K. David Paul Shanelle Nicolette Peggy Ann Stacy L. Brian Thomas Sara K. Juan Terry Darren Gregory Frank Shane D. Daniel Christopher Arthur Carl Jr. Lynda Sandra Wendy James R Toby Ellis Latonya Renee Edward (2015) Erin Marie Russell Werner Mark Allen Eric J. Saulo Eileen (Jasso) Manuel Antonio Rafael Kenneth Louis Richard Allen Jr.

Date Sanctioned 4/30/2018 6/11/2018 4/23/2018 12/13/2017 6/11/2018 3/28/2018 8/10/2018 2/6/2018 11/14/2017 8/17/2018 3/15/2018 8/23/2018 12/8/2017 5/31/2018 6/26/2018 5/31/2018 3/21/2018 4/27/2018 6/12/2018 5/18/2018 3/13/2018 5/18/2018 5/18/2018 3/22/2018 1/30/2018 2/28/2018 3/1/2018 9/29/2017 5/29/2018 3/2/2018 8/28/2018 3/14/2018 2/8/2018 4/2/2018 9/18/2017 1/2/2018 4/19/2018 12/8/2017 5/7/2018 4/25/2018

Sanction Reprimand Suspension Suspension Suspension Voluntary Surrender Voluntary Surrender Reprimand Reprimand Suspension Voluntary Surrender Suspension Suspension Suspension Voluntary Surrender Voluntary Surrender Revocation Suspension Revocation Revocation Suspension Suspension Revocation Revocation Suspension Suspension Suspension Suspension Suspension Voluntary Surrender Revocation Suspension Voluntary Surrender Suspension Suspension Reprimand Reprimand Suspension Revocation Voluntary Surrender Voluntary Surrender

Report Date: 11/29/2018

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Last Name Euglon Evans Evans Evans Fairchild Farah Farrar Faulks Ferguson Feuchter Finley Finney Fiolek Flagg Flores Flores Flowers Ford Ford Foster Foster Fowkes Fowler Fraley Francis Frausto Frazier Freeman French French Fuentes Fuller Fuller Fullerton Fulton Gaffney Galindo Gallardo Gamblin Gaona

SBEC Disciplinary Action Report

FY 2017-2018

Period 09/01/2017 ? 08/31/2018

First Name Venessa Ann Kim Jonathan R. Kenneth Robert Lynn Anthony E. Eric Winston Dale Lamonte Jason Colter Donna Donna Ruth Jennifer Ann Kandis Mekenna Jorge Emilio Vicente Antonio James D. Richard Reed Andre Lemont Kenneth Ray David A. Aaron M Christopher D. David Mark Nicole Annette Bertha Rosa Sarah Robert Troy J. Bobby Joseph Aaron James Michael Mel Alan Anne Zoeller James Arthur Dillon Angela Gustavo Taylor Glendelia Eunice

Date Sanctioned 8/3/2018 1/31/2018 3/23/2018 11/6/2017 3/2/2018 10/30/2017 1/31/2018 5/18/2018 10/11/2017 8/17/2018 7/10/2018 10/6/2017 7/10/2018 11/30/2017 3/2/2018 5/23/2018 12/8/2017 8/20/2018 12/18/2017 9/29/2017 8/28/2018 1/12/2018 12/8/2017 9/8/2017 1/22/2018 8/3/2018 2/6/2018 10/2/2017 3/2/2018 4/10/2018 1/8/2018 3/2/2018 8/2/2018 12/18/2017 8/17/2018 6/21/2018 5/7/2018 9/21/2017 10/20/2017 12/8/2017

Sanction Permanent Revocation Reprimand Suspension Voluntary Surrender Revocation Reprimand Revocation Revocation Reprimand Voluntary Surrender Suspension Suspension Suspension Reprimand Revocation Voluntary Surrender Revocation Reprimand Voluntary Surrender Suspension Voluntary Surrender Voluntary Surrender Suspension Suspension Suspension Revocation Suspension Voluntary Surrender Revocation Voluntary Surrender Revocation Revocation Voluntary Surrender Voluntary Surrender Revocation Revocation Suspension Reprimand Suspension Suspension

Report Date: 11/29/2018

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Last Name Garcia Garcia Garcia Garcia Garcia Garcia Garcia Garza Garza Gent Gentry Gerhardt Gibson Gibson Gillispie Glass Glover Goen Goff Gomez Gon Ponce Goncalves Gonzales Gonzalez Gonzalez Gonzalez Gonzalez Rodiles Goodwin Gordon Gosar Gose Gracy Grady Graff Graham Grant Graschel Gray Gray Gray Green

SBEC Disciplinary Action Report

FY 2017-2018

Period 09/01/2017 ? 08/31/2018

First Name Rebecca J. Berenice Sergio D Clarisa Lydia Debra Ann Medardo Luis Edwardo Isiah Humberto Rene Justin Matthew Carol Ashby Timothy Shauri Clay Daniel Matthew Ryan Renita Carol Amanda Blair Lindsay C Brandon Sergio Eduardo Paul Edward Ruby A. Rebecca Lynne Ezequiel Jr. Juan Francisco Amy Towsley Phyllis Baker Frederica Buggs Nisha John William Allison E. Langston Andrew Phillip Jennifer Rachell Lynne Philip Efren Robyn Kevin Caderio Jessica Y.

Date Sanctioned 1/26/2018 5/18/2018 5/18/2018 5/4/2018 10/23/2017 1/10/2018 1/19/2018 5/18/2018 3/2/2018 5/18/2018 3/12/2018 6/12/2018 7/27/2018 8/20/2018 6/12/2018 3/28/2018 8/30/2018 12/8/2017 3/2/2018 10/26/2017 3/5/2018 6/11/2018 7/25/2018 10/11/2017 8/28/2018 10/31/2017 5/29/2018 9/18/2017 2/2/2018 4/27/2018 1/29/2018 5/18/2018 8/1/2018 10/6/2017 4/5/2018 8/6/2018 12/11/2017 2/20/2018 1/2/2018 12/8/2017

Sanction Reprimand Revocation Revocation Suspension Voluntary Surrender Voluntary Surrender Suspension Revocation Revocation Voluntary Surrender Suspension Reprimand Suspension Suspension Suspension Voluntary Surrender Suspension Suspension Reprimand Reprimand Reprimand Suspension Suspension Voluntary Surrender Voluntary Surrender Reprimand Suspension Reprimand Voluntary Surrender Revocation Reprimand Suspension Suspension Revocation Suspension Voluntary Surrender Suspension Suspension Voluntary Surrender Revocation

Report Date: 11/29/2018

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