ABBREVATIONS = Most Frequent Word list '` x''dc` e` l''f ...

ABBREVATIONS * = Most Frequent Word list


one [as a numerical letter] first letter of the alphabet

x''dc` oFW`x?d? mc?`? - the First Adam

e"` xn? F` - saying

l''f` dk?x?a? l? m?pFxk? f? Exn? `? - they said, may

their memory be a blessing

g''A h''`

alef, tet, bet, het

e''C f''B g''A h''`

alef, tet; bet, het; gimel, zayin; dalet, vav

i''` l`? x?U? i? ux?`? - the Land of Israel

l''`* Fl xn? `? - he said to him, he asked him

'n` xn? `? - he said

b''r` aB? lr? s`? - although

d''r` Of Abraham: mFlW? d? eilr? Epia? `

- our father, peace upon him

''it` ENit? `? - even

x''`* iA? x? xn? `? - Rabbi [x] said

W''x` oFrn? W? iA? x? xn? `? - Rabbi Shimon said

z''` `n? i?z? i`? - if you say

W''A z''`

device for letter permutation, Atbash


two [as a numerical letter]

? 2015 Judy Barrett and aramaiczohar.


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ABBREVATIONS * = Most Frequent Word list

Bet [second letter of the alphabet]


because, for, so that

k''bA* jM? oib? A? - since, because of this,

therefore, so

p''kdiA zq? p?M? d? ziA? - the synagogue

p''a* Wp? xA? - human being, person

x''a iA? x? xA? - son of Rabbi...

e''nkWA cr?e? m?lFrl? FzEkl? n? cFaM? mW? jExA?

- Blessed be the name of His glorious kingdom forever and ever


three [as numerical letter]

Gimmel [third letter of the alphabet]

r''b oc?r? oB? - the Garden of Eden


Dalet [fourth letter of the alphabet] four [as numerical letter]

`''c* xg?`? xa?C? - alternatively

'weC `w? e?C? - precisely


Heh [fifth letter of the alphabet] five [as numerical letter]

*Adonay: the Tetragrammeton

c''dd* aiz? k? C? `Ed `c?d? - as it is written

p''d in? ?p ik? d? - so too, so


he, pe, final tsadi

? 2015 Judy Barrett and aramaiczohar.


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ABBREVATIONS * = Most Frequent Word list

d''awd* `Ed jix?A? `W? c?Ewd?- the blessed Holy One

'?pn? x?Yd `?pn? x?Ed - decree, authority, will


Vav [sixth letter of the alphabet] six [as a numerical letter]

k''baE* jM? oib? A? E - therefore, since, so,

because of this

'Fbe?* xn? Fbe? - etc.; and so forth

h''ie oia? h? oin? Fie? - and festivals

'eke* i?lEke? - and so on; etc.

c''re* `C? lr?e? - concerning this

c''kre? `C? lM? mr? e? - nevertheless


Zayin [seventh letter of the alphabet] seven [as a numerical letter]

l''f aFh?l xEkf? - may he be remembered for good;

of blessed memory


zayin, resh: inital letters in Gen 5:1


Het [eighth letter of the alphabet] eight [as a numerical letter]

e''g mFlW? e? qg? - Heaven forbid


Tet [ninth letter of the alphabet] nine [as a numerical letter]


Yod [tenth letter of the alphabet]

? 2015 Judy Barrett and aramaiczohar.


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ABBREVATIONS * = Most Frequent Word list

ten [as a numerical letter]


yod, heh: Initial letters of the Tetragrammaton

k''dFi mix?ERM? d? mFi - Yom Kippur


pronounced Adonay; the Tetragrammaton; substitute for the holy name


Kaf [eleventh letter of the alphabet] twenty [as a numerical letter]


twenty-two [= number of letters in Hebrew alphabet]

`''ck* xn? z? `? C? dn? M? - as was said



b''dM `?pee?b? i`d?M? - similarly


Kuzu: an encoded form of the Tetragrammeton

i''M l`? x?U? i? zq? p?M? - the Assembly of Israel

M''M JM? lM? - so much, so f

W''M oM?W? lM? - all the more so, especially, certainly

'izM? aiz? M? - written Lamed [twelfth letter of the alphabet] 'l

thirty [as a numerical letter]

Mem [thirteenth letter of the alphabet] 'n

forty [as a numerical letter]


forty-two; concerns the forty-two letter divine name

? 2015 Judy Barrett and aramaiczohar.


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ABBREVATIONS * = Most Frequent Word list

W''dn zx?W? d? ik?`?l? n? - ministering angels


mem, vav

h''n `n? ?rh? i`n? - what does this mean?; why?

forty-nine [numerical value of letters]

d''lin Deut 30:12: Dn? in? W? d? Ep?l d?l?r?i in? - ''who will go for us up to Heaven?"

l''n o?l `?pn? - how do we know?

c''dln dn? FC xa?C?d? dn? l? lW? n? - A parable

to what can this be compared?


Five Hebrew letters with final forms

W''n `?pW? i`n? - what is different?

'ipzn oiz? ip?z? n? - our Mishnah


Nun [fourteenth letter of the alphabet] fifty [as numerical letter]

1`''p* `?pix?g?`? `g?q? Fp - variant reading


Samekh [fifteenth letter of the alphabet] sixty [as numerical letter]

`''q* mix?g?`? mix?t? q? - other books; other versions

`x?g?`? `x?h? q? - * the Other Side zFIz? F` ix?h? q? - Secrets of the Letters

c''q JY? r? C? `w? N? q? - did it occur to you?

1. If you're using the critical Aramaic text of Daniel Matt, this parenthetical abbreviation will not appear. Why? Because Matt compared the best variant readings to arrive at his final text. But if you're using the standard edition of Reuven Margaliot, or the links on this website, this is very frequent.

? 2015 Judy Barrett and aramaiczohar.


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