1. Louie Introduction

User Guide of Louie Voice ControlGet Started with Louie Voice ControlWelcome to Louie, a voice solution that'll let you fully control YouTube, WhatsApp and Uber with just voice commands. Here are some key concepts to help you understand the working of Louie and guide you through common features in Louie Voice Control.? REF _Ref48559940 \h 1. ? ?Louie Introduction REF _Ref48559996 \h 2. Installation and Set Up REF _Ref48560007 \h 3. Getting Started with Louie REF _Ref48560022 \h 4. ?Make Louie Work Faster? REF _Ref48560044 \h 5. Supported Apps’ Features REF _Ref48560055 \h 6. Louie Settings REF _Ref48560097 \h 6.8. Contact Us1. ? ?Louie Introduction1.1. ? ?What is Louie all about?Want to control your favorite Apps inside-out with just voice-commands? Louie does exactly this with YouTube, WhatsApp, Uber and many more Apps are on the way...Louie is an accessibility App to allow users to fully voice control supported Apps (YouTube, Uber, WhatsApp and many more on the way). This App is meant for the use of all voice-lovers including but not limited to visually impaired, blind, motor-disabled, elderly, people with limited manual dexterity and all hands-free lovers. Louie needs accessibility permissions to operate. Louie does not require users to have any technical skills on using accessibility Apps and is very intuitive.1.2. ? ?How is Louie Different from other Voice Control Apps / Voice Assistants?Continuous two-way interaction between user and LouieMove freely within supported Apps from screen-to-screen just by voice commandsVoice control all critical functionality of all supported AppsAlexa / Google Assistant / Siri cannot do what Louie can2. Installation and Set UpInstalling and setting up Louie Voice Control on your android phone?is pretty easy. Just follow the steps below. 2.1. ? ?How do I Install Louie? Download from HYPERLINK "" \hHere Or Refer to the steps below:?Step 1. Open Play StoreStep 2. Type “Louie Voice Control” in Search BoxStep 3. Select “LOUIE VOICE CONTROL your Apps with voice commands (Early Access)” from the searched resultsStep 4. Tap on Install button?Note: Now Louie Voice Control has been successfully installed in your android device.2.2. ? How do I Set Up Louie??Follow the steps mentioned below to set up Louie on your phone:Step 1: Once the App is successfully installed tap on the Open button or tap on Louie Voice Control App icon on your phone.Step 2: Turn on Louie from Accessibility A pop up Appears giving information on how you can Turn On Louie Voice Control Service from Accessibility Settings. Tapping on the “Ok” button will take you directly to the Accessibility settings page and tapping on Louie Voice Control will take you to its service activation page from where you need to tap on the toggle button to start the service.Step 3: In the next three steps Louie will ask for 3 permissions namely Contacts permission to announce the caller details for an incoming call, Phone Calls permissions to make & manage phone calls and Record Audio permission to give voice commands to Louie. These permissions are required to operate Louie. You need to tap on the “Allow” button of the permission pop ups. Step 4: Welcome screen gives you an introduction about Louie and on the same screen tapping on “Login with Google Button” will ask you to choose your email account. Here you’ll be required to choose an account to proceed further with Louie setup.Step 5: Getting started screen provides a brief description about Louie and how it is different from other Voice Assistants. Since you’re new to Louie, it is recommended to watch Louie Demo Video by tapping on the “Watch Demo Video” button. But in case you’re in a hurry and you want to watch it later, you can skip the video by tapping on the “Skip” button. You can watch this video anytime on the Demo video section in Louie Settings. Just ensure to watch it as it will help you to controlling and commanding Louie as a PRO user.Step 6: How should Louie address you? Screen gives an option to type your name for Louie to call you by that name. After typing your name, tap on the Next button. If you don’t feel like typing a name you can change it later from Voice Control Settings. Step 7: 5 essential tips screen contains essential tips which are a must read for using Louie effectively. After reading all the tips, tap on the Next button.Step 8: Text-To-Speech Settings screen allows you to change the Text-to-Speech settings like Speech Rate or Pitch for Louie Voice Control as per your comfort. Changes made here will be Applicable for Louie only. Then tap on the Next button.Step 9: How to Call Louie screen shows 6 different ways to call Louie. You can customize some of these settings according to your convenience.Step 10: Tutorial screen gives you basic instructions to use Louie. Going through it, will enhance your understanding of using Louie.Step 11: Now you are on Louie Voice Control Settings screen.Note: Congratulations! You have successfully set up Louie on your phone after all these steps??3. Getting Started with LouieNOTE: It’s critical that one must provide Voice commands to Louie only after the "Beep Sound" as that is when it listens to you.3.1. How do I Call Louie?There are 6 different ways to call Louie:1. A quick double shake of your phone2. Say “Hey Louie” from Louie Settings Screen3. Tap on “Start a Voice Session” button placed under Notification Panel4. Tap on Louie Voice Icon5. Tap on “Start a Voice Session” button placed on top of the Louie Settings Screen6. Auto-start – Louie starts automatically when a supported App is opened. E.g. YouTube?3.2. How do I give commands to Louie?At every step of the way, Louie provides you with Applicable commands. Listen to them carefully and speak one of the commands after the Beep sound for Louie to perform your desired action. 3.3. How do I make Louie Repeat the Commands?Missed out on hearing commands properly or no idea what to say next? No worries! Louie guides you end-to-end throughout its supported Apps. With just two different commands you can listen to the feedback / responses you missed from Louie.1. If you want to listen to just the commands for that particular screen, say: “Commands”.2. If you want to listen to what Louie last said, say: “Repeat” and Louie will repeat the last spoken feedback.3.4. How do I Silent Louie?This can be achieved in 2 easy ways?1. Simply say the command, “Stop, shut up or Go silent”.2. Or Turn OFF your phone screen.?4. ?Make Louie Work Faster?4.1. How do I Interrupt Louie and Give Commands FasterOnce you get familiar with Louie, use the following ways to give your commands in a fast and quick manner.?1. A "two finger tap" on your phone screen, one and only the most important gesture of Louie: This will interrupt Louie and will allow you to give commands.2. A "quick double shake" to your phone: After doing this wait for the Beep sound and give your command to Louie.?4.2. How do I Control How Much Louie Speaks?Louie works as fast as you like. Don't believe it! Simply say “Talk More or Talk Less” any time on your phone screen and control how much Louie speaks. Louie works in any one of the three different modes namely Zero Verbosity, Low Verbosity or High Verbosity.??Zero Verbosity Mode: Use Louie in zero verbosity mode for a super-fast experience. In this mode, Louie speaks no commands, so make sure to give your command as soon as you hear the Beep sound. We recommend using this mode only after you get completely familiar with all voice commands of LouieLow Verbosity Mode: This is the default mode. In this mode Louie gives commands only for the first time at each and every screen.High Verbosity Mode: In high verbosity mode, Louie gives command at every step at every screen, throughout the supported Apps. NOTE: While using Louie in above three modes, if you ever get confused about which command to give, simply say, “Commands” and Louie will repeat all commands of the respective screen for you.?4.3 How do I increase or decrease TTS Speech Rate through Voice?Louie offers the ability to increase / decrease speech rate by using voice command. Simply adjust the speech rate as per your preference by saying, "Talk Fast / Talk Slow" from any phone screen while your Voice session is running.?4.4. Global Commands for AppsFor superfast action and response, Voice Commands for supported Apps can directly be spoken from anywhere on your phone, without opening of the supported App. This makes Louie work in the quickest way. Listed below are the global commands for supported Apps:1. For YouTube:Simply say, "Play followed by Video Name".Example: “Play shape of you”. 2. For Uber:Simply say, "Book an Uber followed by Destination Name"Example: "Book an Uber for Burj Khalifa"3. For WhatsApp:Multiple Global Commands are supported1. Share Location: Simply say, "Share location followed by Contact Name". After confirming the contact name, Louie will ask which location to share, Live or Current.For Live Location, Louie will confirm the duration of the location to be shared, “15 minutes, 1 hour or 8 hours.”Example: “Share location with Tom”.2. Send Voice / Text message: Simply say, "Voice Message / Text Message".Voice Message: Simply say, "Send Voice Message followed by Contact Name"Once you are done recording your message, Touch with 1 finger to send it. Else, touch with 2 fingers to cancel.Example: "Send Voice Message to Jessica"Text Message: Simply say, "Send Text Message followed by Contact Name"Example: "Send Text Message to Jessica"3. Voice / Video Call: Simply say, “Call followed by Contact Name”Louie will confirm whether you want to make Voice or Video Call, choose the one you prefer.Example: “Call Michael Jackson” 5. Supported Apps’ FeaturesLouie enables you to fully control supported Apps using just Voice Commands5.1. YouTube:With Louie - You can experience YouTube at its fastest speed. To use Louie effectively just remember one gesture: 2 finger tap on the phone screen to interrupt Louie and give commands to Louie. Use the “Repeat” command anytime to hear the last spoken sentence by Louie and say “Command or Help” whenever you want to hear all the available options for any screen.?5.1.1.How do I search and play a video?Whenever you ask Louie to open YouTube, Louie will ask you the video name which you want to play. Alternatively, you can simply say “Play followed by video name” and this command will be Applicable for inside as well as outside YouTube. Once you are inside YouTube, Louie will read out all the video results for you, for playing a video you just need to tap with 2 fingers and say “Play” after the Beep sound. Example: “Play Ed Sheeran”To navigate between search results one by one, use "Next / Previous" commands, after the Beep sound. Once you get to the video of your choice just give the command, "Play".??5.1.2.How do I browse YouTube home feed?Give the command “Browse Home” and Louie will be reading out all the videos for you one by one. Just tap with 2 fingers on any video of your choice and speak one of the options that Louie gives.5.1.3.How do I Pause YouTube Video and Give my Commands?To perform any action on YouTube video player just tap with 2 fingers and the video will be paused. Louie will speak out all the available options or you can say “Commands” anytime to hear all the commands. Just speak one of the options after the Beep sound and Louie will do the rest for you.5.1.4.How do I fast forward or rewind a video directly?Louie allows you to fast forward or rewind a video direct to the spoken time by just a command “Forward or Rewind by time”, Example: Forward by 30 seconds or Rewind by 2 minutesAlternatively, you can use the “Forward” command to fast forward a video by your default set time. Similarly, “Rewind” command can be used to rewind a video by default.5.1.5.How do I ‘Like’ or ‘Dislike’ a video?While a YouTube video is playing, if you want to like that video, just tap with 2 fingers on the video and say “Like” after the Beep sound. Similarly, if you want to dislike the video you can say “Dislike” command after the Beep sound.5.1.6.How do I comment on a video?Adding a comment on a YouTube video with Louie is super easy. You just need to tap with 2 fingers on a playing video then give the command “Comment”, Louie will ask you to speak your comment with all the available options like rewrite, continue writing or cancel. You can say “Send” to post a comment or in case you don’t want to post it, say “Cancel”. 5.1.7.How do I share a video?While your video is playing, you can share your video with your contacts on WhatsApp. You just need to tap with 2 fingers on the video you’re watching then give the command “Share” and Louie will confirm if you want to share it through WhatsApp. After you say “Yes”, Louie will ask the contact name to whom you want to send the video. If you want to share with multiple contacts give the command “Add more” after selecting one contact. When you are done adding, say “Done”.5.1.8.How do I subscribe to a channel?You can subscribe to a channel by using the “Subscribe” command. You just need to tap with 2 fingers on a playing video then give the command “Subscribe” or in the same way you can use the “Unsubscribe” command to remove subscriptions for a channel. This command is Applicable for every video while it’s playing and also when you search for a particular channel, you can directly subscribe or unsubscribe from that channel by using the same commands while Louie is reading its search results.5.1.9.How do I open a channel?For opening and browsing a channel of your choice, use “Open Channel” command. This command will work on every video - on YouTube home feed and for a searched channel. You only need to tap with 2 fingers and say “Open Channel” command after the Beep sound and Louie will start reading the channel’s videos for you.5.1.10.How do I know the duration of the video?While a video is playing and at any point you want to know the time elapsed of the video say “Duration”.5.1.11.How do I watch a video in full screen mode?To watch a video in full screen or landscape mode say “Full Screen” on the video you are watching. You can switch back to the portrait mode anytime by giving the command “Exit Full Screen”.5.1.12.How do I play a video from the start?With Louie you can replay a video at any point of time while the video is playing by giving the command “Replay”. It’ll start the video from the beginning.5.1.13.How do I switch between next or previous videos?While playing a video, say “Next” command to play the next video in the list and “Previous” command to play the previous video.5.1.14.How do I play the video that I last watched?Give the command “Last watched” on any screen of YouTube and Louie will play the video that you last watched.5.1.15.How do I close YouTube?For closing YouTube at any point, give the command “Close YouTube” on any screen of YouTube and Louie will take you out from YouTube to your phone’s home screen.5.2. UberTo use Louie effectively just remember one gesture: 2 finger tap on the phone screen to perform actions and give commands to Louie.Use the “Repeat” command anytime to hear the last spoken sentence by Louie and say “Command or Help” whenever you want to hear all the available options for any screen.5.2.1. How do I book an Uber in a single command from anywhere on my phone?Unlike other voice Apps, Louie completely books an Uber ride for you with full control at each step of booking. With Louie, you can book your Uber ride in just 4 simple steps:Step 1: Start Louie and give the command “Book Uber to destination name” where destination name is the location where you want to go. For example: Book an Uber to Burj Khalifa.Step 2: Louie will search and will read out the results for your spelled location whenever you hear the location where you want to go, just tap with 2 fingers and say “Select” after the Beep sound. In case you’ve spelled the wrong destination, you can always use the command “Search Again” to search for a new destination.Step 3: In the next step Louie will be reading out all the available ride options for your selected destination in the increasing order of the fare. You just need to tap with two fingers when you hear the ride of your choice and give command “Select” and Louie will choose that ride for you. Alternatively, you can hear a particular ride by “Speaking the name of the Ride” after the Beep sound, for example: you can say “UberXL” and Louie will read details for UberXL and if you say “Select” after the Beep sound - Louie will select UberXL for you.Step 4: Louie will read out all the booking details for you like your pickup location, your destination location, your selected ride & payment type and will give you options for “Confirm or Edit”.On giving “Confirm” command; Louie will confirm your booking and will start searching the driver for you but in case you want to edit some information you can say “Edit” and Louie will give you options for editing the information and you just need to speak one of the options after the Beep sound.5.2.2. How do I book a ride with multiple stops?As soon as you open Uber App and start Louie, It’ll give you the option of adding multiple stops. Just say “Multiple Stop” and Louie will ask you to say or spell location to search.You just need to say your location name and Louie will read out the results for your spelled location. Whenever you hear the location where you want to go just tap with 2 fingers and say “Select” after the Beep sound. After you have added your first stop Louie will ask you to “Add more stops or Done” where “Add more” command will ask you to add your next stop and “Done” will proceed the booking process further.5.2.3. How do I choose a ride?While booking an Uber ride, once you’ve confirmed your destination location Louie will be reading the available rides for you one after another, to choose a ride you only need to tap with 2 fingers whenever Louie is reading that particular ride you want to choose and say “Select” after the Beep sound.Alternatively, you can hear a particular ride by speaking the name of the ride after the Beep sound, for example: you can say “UberXL” and Louie will read details for UberXL and if you say “Select” after the Beep sound UberXL will be selected for you.5.2.4. How do I change my Pickup location?While booking an Uber ride, one you’ve confirmed your destination location and ride type Louie will be reading all your booking details, that is your pickup location, your destination location , your selected ride & payment type and will give you options for “Confirm or Edit”.For changing your pickup location you can say “Edit” and say “Pickup” after the Beep sound. Alternatively, you can directly say “change pick up location”. Louie will ask you for the location you want to set as your pickup location. On saying “Select” on one of the available options will change your pickup location.5.2.5. How do I change my Payment method?While booking an Uber, on the final screen on which Louie will be reading all your booking details, that is your pickup location, your destination location , your selected ride & payment type and will give you an option to “Edit”.Say “Payment method” after the Beep sound and Louie will be reading the payment methods that you’ve added. Say “Next” or “Previous” to navigate between the available payment methods and choose one of them by saying “Select” after the Beep sound.5.2.6. How do I change my Ride type?While booking an Uber, on the final screen on which Louie will be reading all your booking details, that is your pickup location, your destination location , your selected ride & payment type and will give you an option to “Edit”.Say “Ride Type” after the Beep sound and Louie will be reading the available rides for you one after another, to choose a ride you only need to tap with 2 fingers whenever Louie is reading the ride you want to take and say “Select” after the Beep sound.5.2.7. How do I set a ride as my “Favorite”?While booking an Uber ride, when Louie is reading the available rides for you one after another, to set a ride as your Favorite you only need to tap with 2 fingers whenever Louie is reading that particular ride and say “Mark as Favorite” after the Beep sound. Henceforth your favorite ride will always be read out as the first option by Louie always.5.2.8. How do I Call or Message the driver?Once your booking has been confirmed by a driver, Louie will announce the estimated arrival time of the driver and will give you options to Call or Message the Driver, Share Trip, Change Destination or Cancel the Ride.Message the Driver: Say the command “Message Driver” and Louie will ask you to speak your message and give you send, rewrite, continue or cancel options. Once you’ve done with speaking your message to the driver, say “Send” command to send the message, use “Rewrite” and “Continue Writing” commands for editing and adding more text to the message. But if you don’t feel like sending the message, give the “Cancel” command after the Beep sound.Call the driver: Say command “Call Driver” to call the Driver, Louie will further ask whether you want to call the Driver by your phone or by Uber free call, speak one of the options after the Beep sound.5.2.9. How do I Share my trip?Once your booking has been confirmed by a driver, Louie will announce the estimated arrival time of the driver and will give you an option to share your trip. You can share your trip with your family & friends on WhatsApp, give the command “Share Trip” and Louie will confirm if you want to share it through WhatsApp. Say “Yes” there and Louie will ask for the contact name with whom you want to share your ride. Say “Select” to select the contact after the Beep sound, you can say “Add More” if you wish to share your trip with more than one contacts or say “Done” and ride will be shared.5.2.10. How do I change or add destinations after booking is confirmed?If you want to change your destination after booking is confirmed, say command “Change Destination”, Louie will ask you for your destination name, you just need to tap with 2 fingers and say “Select” to select your new destination after the Beep sound.If you want to add destination, say command “Add Destination” and Louie will ask you to say or spell your location name, you just need to tap with 2 fingers and say “Select” to select your stop after the Beep sound. If you want to add more destinations, use the command “Add More” and “Done” command to proceed further.5.2.11. How do I hear my booking details?After your booking is confirmed and you want to know your booking details, say command “Booking details” and Louie will read all the booking details for you.If you want to know your ride fare anytime just give command “Trip Fare” after the Beep sound. You can of course put Louie on silent just by saying “Go Silent” after the Beep sound.5.3. WhatsAppWith Louie, you can experience WhatsApp at its fastest speed, just remember to tap with 2 fingers on the phone screen to perform actions and give commands to Louie.You can use the “Repeat” command anytime to hear the last spoken sentence by Louie and say “Command or Help” whenever you want to hear all the available options for any screen.5.3.1.How do I Navigate through the chat list and open a specific chat?Once you are inside WhatsApp, Louie will be navigating the entire chat list for you automatically. Optionally, you can navigate the entire chat list using the command, "Next / Previous". For opening a chat, whenever Louie is reading the chat list, you just need to tap with 2 fingers whenever you hear the chat name you want to open and it will speak chat details like number of unread messages, time and applicable commands for the selected one. To view a chat, say the command, "Open" on currently selected chat after the Beep sound.5.3.2.How do I search for a contact?Inside WhatsApp say command "Go to followed by Contact Name" to directly go to a specific chat from anywhere within WhatsApp. Louie will search and read all the contacts for that name where you can select any of them just do a 2 fingers tap and say “Select” command after the Beep sound.Example: Go to Tom or Open chat from Tom Alternatively, you can say “Search followed by a Contact Name” while traversing the chat list.5.3.3.How do I start a new chat?Once you are inside WhatsApp and traversing the chat list, just tap with 2 fingers and say the command “New Chat'' after the Beep sound and Louie will ask you the contact name with whom you want to chat. Once you have selected a contact, you can send a new message to the contact.5.3.4.How do I send a message?Select any chat and say command, "Send Message" and Louie will ask whether you want to send a "Voice or Text message".Direct Command: Send Text Message or Send Voice MessageVoice Message: For recording a voice note, say Voice Message and start speaking your message after the Beep sound, once you are done with recording either tap with one finger to send or tap with two fingers to cancel the voice note.Text Message: For writing a text message, say “Text Message” and dictate your message and once you are done, pause for a sec and Louie will ask for the confirmation to “Send, Re-write, Continue Writing or Cancel”. You can say Send to send a message or in case you don’t feel like sending the message say “Cancel”.5.3.5.How do I edit and send long text messages?Sending a Text Message through Louie, gives you the opportunity to explore more amazing features by using, “Rewrite” and ”Continue Writing” Command:Re-write: Use this command to edit from Start or Last Added Text.Direct Command: "Re-write from start or rewrite from last added text".Continue Writing: Use this command to keep on writing with a space or a New Line. You can say “Continue with Space” or “Continue with a New Line”.Direct Command: Say command, "Space or New Line" to continue writing.5.3.6.How do I insert punctuation to a message?With Louie you can add punctuations while speaking a message by saying the punctuations you want to add like: “Full stop”, “Question Mark”, “Exclamation Mark”To add space, say “Space”, To go to a new line, say “New Line”5.3.7.How do I insert emojis to a message?While speaking a message just say "Emoji" and you'll hear the available emojis. Speak one of the options or if you don’t feel like to do so just say “Cancel”. or Directly say “Emoji Name followed by the word Emoji” like “Folded-Hands Emoji”5.3.8. How do I reply to a message?When you want to respond to a message with tagging to the original message, select any message and say the command "Reply" and Louie will ask whether you want to reply with a "Voice or Text message".Direct Command: Reply Text or Reply Voice5.3.9. How do I forward a message?Say the command “Forward” on any selected message which you want to forward. You can select a message by tapping with 2 fingers on your screen and Louie will ask the contact name to whom you want to forward the message. If you want to send it to multiple contacts give the command “Add More” after selecting one contact. When you are done adding, say “Done”5.3.10. How do I delete a chat or a message?Say the command “Delete” on any selected message or entire chat which you want to delete. You can select a message by tapping with 2 fingers on your screen and Louie will ask whether you want to delete the currently selected message or entire chat.Direct Command: Delete Message or Delete Chat Please note that Delete Chat command while traversing the chat list will permanently remove the chat icon from your chat list.5.3.11. How do I clear a chat?If you want to clear all the messages inside a chat, you can use the “Clear Chat '' command. It will clear your entire conversation. If you further want to delete the chat icon of cleared chat, you can use the “Delete Chat” Command.5.3.12. How do I place a WhatsApp call?Say the command “Call” inside any chat and Louie will ask whether you want to place a Video or Voice call to the contact. You can also directly say, “Voice Call” / “Video call”.Alternatively, Louie can place a WhatsApp call for you from your phone screen through global command, “Call Followed by the Contact Name”. Louie will search for the contact name and after selecting a contact you can either place a Voice or Video Call. This command is also Applicable on WhatsApp Chat Screen.Direct Command: Call Tom or Make a call to Alice5.3.13. How do I share location?Say the command, “Share Location” inside any chat and Louie will ask whether you want to share “Current Location or Live Location” with the Contact. Please note that for sharing location your phone’s location service has to be enabled.Alternatively, Louie can share location from your phone screen through global command, “Share Location with Contact Name”. Louie will search for the contact name and after selecting a contact you can either share current or live location. This command is also Applicable on WhatsApp Chat Screen.Direct Command: Share Location with Tom5.3.14. How do I create a Group?Once you are inside WhatsApp, just tap with 2 fingers and say the command “New Group'' after the Beep sound and Louie will ask you the contact name whom you want to add to the group. You can add as many contacts as you want by saying “Select and Add More”. Once you are done with adding contacts to the group say Done and Set the name of the group and a new group is created.5.3.15. How do I make a Group Call?Once you are inside WhatsApp, just tap with 2 fingers and say the command “Group Call'' after the Beep sound and Louie will ask you the contact name whom you want to add to the group call. You can add contacts by saying “Select and Add More”. Once you are done with adding contacts to the group say “Done” then Louie will ask whether you want to place a “Group Voice Call or Video Call”.5.3.16. How do I mute notifications for a chat?Inside WhatsApp, you can mute the notifications for the Chats/Groups. Say command; “Mute” on a selected chat and Louie will ask you the duration for which you don’t want to receive notifications for the chat. Select one of the options that Louie speaks of and you’re all set with the unnecessary notification.5.3.17. How do I Pin and Unpin a chat?Inside WhatsApp, you can set your Favorite Chats/Groups on the top of your chat list. Say command “Pin”. You can pin up to three chats. Use “Unpin” command for removing the chat from the top 3 Chat List.5.3.18. How do I Archive a chat?Inside WhatsApp, if you want to hide a chat from your chat list, say the command “Archive” on the selected chat. The chat will be visible again if a new message arrives from that contact or you can search and send a new message to the chat to put it back to the list.5.3.19. How do I save a contact?Inside WhatsApp when you get a message from an unsaved number while traversing your chat list. Just tap with 2 fingers and say command “Add Contact” on the selected chat. Louie will ask you for the contact name by which you want to save the number and will give you the option of save or edit the name.Additionally, you can save the contact by opening it and then say “Add Contact”, Louie will give you all the options of editing the name, saving the contact or cancel the process.5.3.20. How do I close WhatsApp?For closing WhatsApp at any point, say the command “Close WhatsApp” on any screen of WhatsApp and Louie will take you out from WhatsApp to your phone’s Apps Screen.5.3.21. How do I play Audio/ Video attachments on WhatsApp?While navigating inside any chat Louie automatically detects the messages which contain attachments like audio, video, YouTube video, contact cards, links or documents. Whenever Louie detects that there’s an audio/ video it will ask you whether you want to play it “Yes or No?” If you say “Yes” Louie will start playing the audio or video. While audio/ video is playing and you want to pause it, just tap with 2 fingers and it’ll be paused. Also Louie will be giving available options like “Play, Forward, Next, Previous” etc. you can speak any of them after the Beep sound. Alternatively, whenever you have selected a message which contains an audio/video you can tap with 2 fingers and give the “Play” command.5.3.22. How do I save a contact card?While traversing through messages inside a chat, Louie will detect and tell you if there’s a contact card received and will ask you whether you want to save it or not? If you choose to add contact it will give you related commands like Editing the Name or Saving the Contact with the same name that is already there on the contact card.Alternatively, you can speak the “Add Contact” command whenever you have selected a message which contains a contact card and Louie will give you all the related commands.5.3.23. How do I send a contact card?Say the command, “Share Contact” inside any chat and Louie will ask you for the contact name whose contact card you want to share. You can share single or multiple contacts at a time by using the “Select” & “Add More” command and once you are done with selecting contacts say “Done” and the contact card will be shared.5.3.24. How do I block or unblock a contact?Say the command, “Block” inside any chat and Louie will ask for your confirmation if you want you to block the contact on WhatsApp. After blocking a contact you or the contact will not be able to send any messages to each other, for continuing messaging to a blocked contact. You can unblock that easily by giving “Unblock” command on the blocked contact’s chat.5.3.25. How do I exit a group?Say the command, “Exit Group” inside any chat or while traversing the chat list and Louie will ask for your confirmation for exiting a group. After exiting a group you can delete it permanently by using the “Delete Chat” command.5.3.26. How do I copy and paste?While traversing through messages inside a chat say “Copy” command on a selected message you want to copy you can paste the copied text inside any chat while speaking a new text message or replying a message with text. You just need to copy and then say “Text Message” in the desired chat then Louie will give you the option of “Paste”. Please note that Louie can paste the copied text as long as the voice session is running but if after copying the text the current voice session is closed you will not be able to paste the copied text through the paste command.5.3.27. How do I reply privately to a contact in a group chat?While traversing through messages inside a chat say “Reply Privately or Private Reply” command on a selected message of a contact whom you wish you reply in his personal chat rather than replying in the group chat.5.3.28. How do I open or read documents or links? While traversing through messages inside a chat say “Read” on the message which has a link or document in it. Louie will ask whether you want to “Read or Open” the attached link or message. Direct Command: Read link or Open Link5.3.29. How do I go to call logs?Inside WhatsApp, say “Call logs or Call Screen” to go to WhatsApp call screen. Louie will navigate your call logs and you can select any call log by tapping with 2 fingers on the screen. You can say “Call” to make a new call there.5.3.30. How do I clear call logs?For clearing your Call Logs first, you have to go to the call logs screen and then say, “Clear Logs” and it will clear all the calls history from that screen. You can say “New Call” to make a new call from that screen.5.3.31. How do I put a text status?For putting text on your status, you have to go to the status screen by saying “Status Screen” command and then Louie will give you the option of “Post New Status”, by speaking this command Louie will further ask you for the text you want to add to your status and will give options of “Send, Rewrite, Continue Writing or Cancel”. You can add text to your status by saying out “Continue Writing” command or can edit by “Rewrite” command and “Send” command will set the spoken text to your status. Or you can cancel the process by giving “Cancel” command.5.3.32. How do I check last seen?While traversing through messages inside a chat say “Last Seen” command on any messages. Louie will read the last seen/online status of the chat.5.3.33. How do I go back to the previous screen?For going back from any screen to the previous screen simply say “Go Back” command or use “Home” command Louie will further ask if you want to go back to the WhatsApp Home or your Phone’s Home Screen.Direct Command: Go Back or WhatsApp Home5.3.34. How do I search for a message or a chat?Once you are inside WhatsApp and traversing the chat list, just tap with 2 fingers and say command “Search'' after the Beep sound and Louie will ask you the text for whom you want to search. Text can be a Contact Name, any specific Message or a Group Name. After displaying results, you can select one of them by saying “Select or Open” or you can “Search Again” for a text and also can cancel the process by “Cancel” command.5.4 Contacts and Phone Calling5.4.1 How do I Save a Contact?With Louie, you can save contacts in your phone just with voice commands. After telling Louie that you want to use contacts, just give the command “Create a New Contact”. Louie will ask you to speak the number. If Louie got the number you dictated correctly, you can say “Confirm”, otherwise you can say “Edit” to dictate the number again. Then Louie will ask by which name you would like to save the contact. After telling the name, just say “Save”.5.4.2 How do I Edit an Existing Contact?To edit a contact that already exists in your phone, just tell Louie that you want to use Contacts and then speak the name of the Contact you want to edit. Louie will start reading the Contact results found. Just tap with two fingers as soon as Louie announces the name that you want and give the command “Edit”. Louie will then ask you if you want to edit the name or the number. Choose whatever you want to edit and Louie will edit that for you.5.4.3 How do I Delete a Contact?After telling Louie that you want to use Contacts, speak the name of the Contact that you want to delete. Louie will read all the Contact results for that name. Whenever you hear the name, just tap with two fingers and give the command “Delete”. 5.4.4 How do I Block a Contact?After telling Louie that you want to use Contacts, speak the name of the Contact you want to block. While Louie is reading the Contact results for that name, as soon as you hear the Contact that you want to block, just tap with two fingers and give the command “Block”.5.4.5 How do I make a Phone Call?To make a Phone Call, just give the command “Call” followed by the Contact name for example, Call Michael. Louie will then ask if you want to make a Phone Call or a WhatsApp Call. Say “Phone Call” and then Louie will start reading the Contact results found. Tap with two fingers on the one you want to call and and say “Select”. If you want to dial a number, then you can say “Call” followed by the Contact Number.6. Louie SettingsLouie offers you various customizations, so that you can utilize its full potential to your liking. This will make your experience with Louie extremely phenomenal.6.1. Start a Voice SessionThe Pink Colored Button appears on the top of the Settings screen. Louie’s voice session gets started as soon as you tap on this button.6.2. How to Call LouieUnder the “Start a Voice Session” Button is the “How to Call Louie” tab. Tapping on this tab, will take you to the 6 Ways of Calling Louie. You can turn on/off any method of calling Louie according to your convenience.For Example, if you don’t want to use ‘Double Shake’ Feature, then you can turn it off by clicking on the toggle button and the Yellow Color will turn white, indicating that it’s turned off.6.3. Make Louie Work Amazingly FastTapping on this Button will take you to a section where you can read about how to make Louie work faster. All the important Tips and Tricks are given for you to make your experience with Louie super fast.6.4. Louie Text-to-Speech SettingThese settings help you customize the voice and speed at which Louie speaks. You can change the TTS Engine if you have other engines installed in your phone. This can also be done by saying “Change TTS/Change Voice” during a Voice Session.If you want to increase the speed at which Louie talks, tap on the “Increase Speech Rate” Button. Similarly, you can tap on the “Decrease Speech Rate” Button if you want Louie to talk slower. You can also change the speech rate of Louie by saying “Talk Fast/Talk Slow” while a Voice Session is running.Tapping on the “Increase/Decrease Pitch” Button will adjust the Pitch of Louie. You can change all the settings as per your convenience.Tapping on the “Play” Button will give you the example of how voice of Louie will sound like. “Reset” Button is also there for you to change back all the settings to default.6.5. Louie Settings6.5.1 Voice Control Settingsi. My Name: How I would like Louie to address meThrough this Setting, you can change the name by which Louie calls you. There is a box which has your name written, you can edit your name and tap on the “Save” Button. Then onwards, Louie will call you by the new name you entered.ii. Verbosity Mode: This setting will help you control how much Louie speaks.High Verbosity Mode (Speak commands at every step. In high verbosity mode, Louie gives commands at every step at every screen through-out the App. This mode can be used at the stage of not being familiar with Louie’s?commands.)Low Verbosity Mode (Speak commands only the first time in this mode. Louie will only tell you commands for the first time at every screen)Zero Verbosity Mode (No commands are spoken. You can use this mode to get a faster experience with Louie as Louie does not speak any commands in this mode. To hear the commands at any stage, just say, “Commands” and Louie will tell you all Applicable commands for that screen.)Please note that, you can change the verbosity setting just by saying, “Talk Less/Talk More.”iii. Starting Louie VoiceLet Louie Respond to ‘Hey Louie’:-? Calling Louie by saying “Hey Louie” Louie can be called by saying “Hey Louie”. This will work either from Louie Settings Screen or from all Phone Screens.From Louie Setting Screen only (Default option): This is the default setting and whenever you want to call Louie by saying ‘Hey Louie’, it will work only when you are on Louie Settings Screen. If you want to change this setting for Louie to respond to ‘Hey Louie’ on every phone screen, you can select the second option.From any Phone Screen: if you select this option, Louie will respond to ‘Hey Louie’ on every phone screen. Please note that selecting this option will result in the microphone not being available for other Voice Assistants or Audio/Video Recorders. That is why, Louie’s response to ‘Hey Louie’ from Settings Screen only is recommended.No Response to ‘Hey Louie’ at allIf you don’t want Louie to respond to ‘Hey Louie’, you can select this option.You can also adjust ‘Hey Louie’ sensitivity according to your desired level.Quick Double Shake: The another convenient option to call Louie is by giving a Quick Double Shake to your phone.?If you don’t want to use this method of calling Louie, you can turn it off from here.You can also adjust the shake sensitivity according to your desired motion.Tap on ‘Start Voice Session’ button on the notification panel. This will call Louie for you.?Tap on Louie Voice Icon: - Another way to call Louie is simply tap on Louie voice Icon and Louie will be there for you.??Tap on ‘Start a Voice Session’ button in Louie Settings: this button is placed on top of the Louie Voice Control Settings. To start Louie, just tap on this button.Auto Start: -?as soon as a supported App is opened, Louie starts automatically. It’s turned off by default. If you want Louie to start automatically whenever you open any App that Louie supports, you can turn the toggle button on.?iv. Supported App SettingsUber:Sort Uber rides by: Louie reads out the rides for you either in increasing order of price or time. In this setting, you can choose you want to sort Uber rides by price or time. If you choose price, Louie will read out the cheapest ride first every-time. If you choose time, the ride that will take the least time will be read out first by Louie.Skip Driver Rating: on Uber, Louie automatically skips driver rating screen as soon as it pops up. If you don’t want Louie to skip it, you can select ‘No’ option here.YouTube: YouTube Video Ad Skip Settings: Louie’s Exclusive, Louie skips YouTube Ads automatically as soon as the ‘Skip Ad’ button appears. If you want Louie to ask you every time before skipping the ad, select ‘Ask Every time’ option. If you don’t at all want Louie to skip ads for you, select ‘Do Not Skip’ option. ?6.5.2. Operating ModeYou can use Louie Voice Control with or without Screen Reader. To change to whatever Screen Reader you are comfortable with, you can select one of the following optionsUse Louie with talkback or any other existing screen reader in your phone?Use Louie with Louie’s built-in screen reader?Use Louie with no screen reader ? 6.6. Tutorials/Demo VideosYou can access “Tutorial/Demo Videos” by clicking “Tutorial/Demo Videos” button from Louie Settings Screen. Once you click it, a new screen will open with two buttons – 1. Louie Voice Control Tutorial 2. Demo Videos. Under Tutorial, you can access 6 different lessons which are self-explanatory. We recommend you to read them all. If you click Demo Videos button – you will get an access to all the “How-To” Videos on Louie at one place. This is your Go-To Section if you face any problem with any feature of Louie. We have tried to capture every single Voice Command through How-To Videos.6.7. About UsThrough “About Us” button, you can get access to our Privacy Policy, Terms of Service and Updates. You can also access two more buttons namely Share with Friends and Rate us on Play Store6.8. Contact UsYou can contact us and give your feedback/suggestions by filling up the form from Louie Voice Control Settings in the “Contact Us” section. You can also write your feedback directly to Louie Founder at his Email Id pramit@6.9. Report a ProblemWhenever you face any issue in using Louie, you can report your problem by clicking on this button. 6.10. Turn Louie service ON / OFF?This option is located at the bottom of Louie Setting screen, by tapping this button you can Turn the Louie Service either On or Off.? ................

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