CJS Victim Notification - Prosecuting Attorneys' Council ...

Service Definition Page Numbers TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u CJS Victim Notification PAGEREF _Toc494271712 \h 2CJS Victim Support & Advocacy PAGEREF _Toc494271713 \h 2CJS Explanation PAGEREF _Toc494271714 \h 3CVBOR Explanation PAGEREF _Toc494271715 \h 3CJS Restitution Assistance PAGEREF _Toc494271716 \h 4CJS Victim Impact Assistance PAGEREF _Toc494271717 \h 4Prosecution Interview Advocacy PAGEREF _Toc494271718 \h 4LE Interview Advocacy PAGEREF _Toc494271719 \h 5Individual Support PAGEREF _Toc494271720 \h 5Referral: Other VS Program PAGEREF _Toc494271721 \h 6Referral: Other Non-VS Program PAGEREF _Toc494271722 \h 6Intervention: Non-CJS Entities PAGEREF _Toc494271723 \h 7Immigration Assistance PAGEREF _Toc494271724 \h 8Crisis Coordination PAGEREF _Toc494271725 \h 8On-Scene Crisis Response PAGEREF _Toc494271726 \h 9Legal Advocacy PAGEREF _Toc494271727 \h 10Assistance with Language Access PAGEREF _Toc494271728 \h 11Assistance Applying for TANF/Social Services PAGEREF _Toc494271729 \h 11Child/Dependent Care Assistance PAGEREF _Toc494271730 \h 12Transportation Assistance PAGEREF _Toc494271731 \h 12Support Group (non-clinical) PAGEREF _Toc494271732 \h 13Therapy (licensed therapist) PAGEREF _Toc494271733 \h 13Advocacy/Accompaniment to Emergency Medical Care PAGEREF _Toc494271734 \h 13Other Services: Provided OPM PAGEREF _Toc494271735 \h 14Other Services: Other VSSR Service PAGEREF _Toc494271736 \h 15Comp: Victim Comp Notification PAGEREF _Toc494271737 \h 15Comp: Victim Comp Assistance PAGEREF _Toc494271738 \h 16Post-Adjudication: Begin Post Adjudication Services PAGEREF _Toc494271739 \h 16Post-Adjudication: GOVS Explanation PAGEREF _Toc494271740 \h 17Post-Adjudication: Interacted w/GOVS on behalf of the Victim PAGEREF _Toc494271741 \h 17Service NameService Definition, Units, and Agency-Specific ConsiderationsCJS Victim Notification Refers to communications with victims and on behalf of victims to notify them of hearings and appearances, the defendant’s release from jail, the status of the case, bond hearings, grand jury decisions, disposition options, appellate decisions, etc. Includes assisting victims in making contact with the Board of Pardons and Paroles, Georgia Department of Community Supervision, and Department of Corrections to request notification of any changes in the convicted defendant’s status.CJCC Notes: PAC Notes: Your Office Notes: Units of Service: Each encounter/interactionCJS Victim Support & AdvocacyRefers to support, assistance, accompaniment, and advocacy provided to victims at any stage of the criminal justice process, includes initial police report filing, testimony, post-sentencing services, and support.CJCC Notes: Includes communication among Task Force, MDT, SART, and other CCR teams/members.PAC Notes: Your Office Notes:Units of Service: Each encounter/interaction, including on behalf of victimsCJS ExplanationRefers to information and assistance provided to victims explaining the criminal justice process and what is happening at each stage of the case in the system. Includes explanation of legal terminology and strategy during the processing of the case, provision of courtroom orientation and pre-trial preparation to victims testifying at any stage of the criminal justice process, support, and assistance. Also, includes post-sentencing services and supports, as well as information regarding assistance with property return.CJCC Notes: See “Criminal Justice Support/Advocacy/Accompaniment.”PAC Notes: Your Office Notes:Units of Service: Each encounter/interactionCVBOR ExplanationIncludes alerting the victim either in-person, via mail, via telephone, or via email about the existence of the Georgia Crime Victims Bill of Rights.CJCC Notes: See “Non-Emergency Legal Assistance”PAC Notes: Your Office Notes: Units of Service: Each encounter/interactionCJS Restitution AssistanceRefers to assistance with information about restitution, the application process, and document collection for restitution as well as advocacy for restitution.CJCC Notes:PAC Notes:Your Office Notes: Units of Service: Each encounter/interactionCJS Victim Impact AssistanceRefers to assistance provided in the preparation of Victim Impact Statements, as well as with preparing supporting letters and registering for impact panels, facilitating participations in Victims Visitors’ Day, clemency hearings, and executions. Includes accompaniment and assistance receiving and submitting Victim Impact Statements for consideration or presentations for related proceedings.CJCC Notes:PAC Notes: Your Office Notes:Units of Service: Each encounter/interactionProsecution Interview AdvocacyRefers to emotional support and/or physical accompaniment in preparation for and/or during interviews with prosecutors or other agents for prosecutorial investigation.CJCC Notes: PAC Notes: Includes interviews with DA/SG InvestigatorsYour Office Notes: Units of Service: Each encounter/interactionLE Interview AdvocacyRefers to emotional support and/or physical accompaniment in preparation for and/or during interviews with law enforcement.CJCC Notes: PAC Notes: Your Office Notes:Units of Service: Each encounter/interactionIndividual Support Refers to providing victims with information and tools to empower them to advocate on their own behalf in securing rights, remedies, and services from other agencies, recovering property collected as evidence, assistance managing practical issues created by the victimization, providing follow-up contact for continued services or connection to additional resources, accompanying the victim to appointments with social service agencies to obtain services necessary for their recovery, assisting the victim with obtaining lock replacement/repairs to ensure his/her safety, and notification of victims compensation program and/or eligibility, and Assistance Placing Animals.CJCC Notes: Includes goal-setting and case management. PAC Notes: Items marked through in the definition should be counted elsewhere. See “Assistance Applying for TANF/Social Services” and “Victim Comp Notification.” Assistance Placing Animals is not include in the CJCC definition, but PAC is counting it here. Your Office Notes: Units of Service: Each encounter/interaction with a victimReferral: Other VS Program Refers to provision of information about available programs and services provided by other victim service providers, if agency is unable to provide victim with needed services and supports, or the type of crime that a victim experienced in one for which agency does not typically provide services. Includes agency referring out due to capacity, jurisdiction, or services needed that are not provided by the agency.CJCC Notes: Includes referrals to an agency which is known to specifically serve crime victims through specific program models or services. Does not include referrals between programs within the same agency. For example, a victim witness assistance program referral to a sexual assault center for a victim to receive counseling or support subsequent to a rape, etc.PAC Notes: Advocates should use their best judgement in determining if a program is a VS Program or Non-VS ProgramYour Office Notes: Units of Service: Each unique referralReferral: Other Non-VS ProgramReferral to other services, supports, and resources (includes legal, medical, faith-based organizations, address confidentiality programs, etc.). Refers to contacts with victims, during which available, supplemental, services and supports are identified. Includes assessment of service needs and provision of referrals or providing victims with information and contacts to obtain services on their own.CJCC Notes: Examples include counseling, food banks, clothing, housing, furniture banks, criminal justice agencies, attorneys etc.PAC Notes: Advocates should use their best judgement in determining if a program is a VS Program or Non-VS ProgramYour Office Notes: Units of Service: Each unique referralIntervention: Non-CJS EntitiesRefers to securing rights, remedies, and services from non-criminal justice system providers on behalf of victims. This includes responding to requests for records from other service providers, intervening with employers, school administrators, creditors, bill collectors, DFCS, and landlords on behalf of the victim. Such interventions can be regarding allowances for with employers, educators, landlords, creditors and others for court dates, absences, past due rent or bills, advocacy to amend credit reports or assist the victim with disputing false credit charges, and similar advocacy to help the victim maintain financial and academic stability in the aftermath of a victimization. Includes warm handoffs – directly connecting victims to necessary services and scheduling appointments via in-person and telephone contacts to coordinate referral completion. Does not include court or criminal justice agencies.CJCC Notes: Please see “Legal Advocacy” for legal related matters handled on behalf of the victim. Also, please see “Assistance Applying for TANF/Government Benefits” for matters handled on behalf of the victim with social service agencies. This service does not include working with the government or social service agencies.PAC Notes: In CJCC’s VSSR Guide, this service is entitled “Interagency Advocacy.” Reference to DFCS in this definition is when advocate intervenes with DFCS upon a judgment related to child welfare. Assisting victim to obtain social services provided by DFCS should be counted in “Assistance Applying for TANF/Social Services” Your Office Notes: Units of Service: Each encounter/interaction taken on behalf of victimsImmigration Assistance Refers to a non-attorney advocate assisting refugee and immigrant victims with immigration issues. Advocates who are certified through the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) and all other lay advocates assisting immigrant victims with the process of obtaining legal status should count services provided here. CJCC Notes: Examples include special visas, continued presence applications, and other immigration relief.PAC Notes: Your Office Notes: Units of Service: Each encounter/interaction with a victim or on his/her behalfCrisis Coordination Refers to the coordination of communication among professionals and victims regarding activities resulting from the victimization. Includes actions necessary to expedite a case for victim protection, initiation of legal actions needed to protect the victim such as probation revocation, etc.CJCC Notes: Includes safety planning.PAC Notes: Your Office Notes: Units of Service: Each encounter/interaction, including on behalf of victimsOn-Scene Crisis Response Refers to immediate, in-person crisis intervention, emotional support, and guidance and counseling provided by first responders and on-scene advocates. Such services must occur at the scene of a crime, immediately after a crime, or become immediately necessary due to the crime.CJCC Notes: Includes on-site visits with incarcerated victims and assisting with death notifications of families of victims.PAC Notes: Your Office Notes:Units of Service: Each encounter/interactionLegal Advocacy (EMERGENCY) Refers to assistance with civil legal issues tied to the victimization, including family law and obtaining temporary protection orders (TPO). Includes the process of filing ex parte protection orders, injunctions, requesting bond conditions and other protective orders, elder abuse petitions, and child abuse petitions. Includes assisting victims with the protection order application process and providing support at related court hearings or attending hearings on the victim’s behalf, responding to requests for records by the courts, assistance at hearings regarding temporary protection order violations, and assistance with urgent civil matters such as custody or visitation that are necessary to keep victims safe. Provider may either be a lay advocate or licensed attorney for services to count under this definition. (NON-EMERGENCY) Refers to follow-up hearings related to converting ex parte protection orders to permanent orders, legal assistance with eviction or adversarial employment actions arising from victimization, and responding to requests for records by the courts. Includes providing information and advocacy about health insurance, harassment, and related legal issues. Also, includes civil matters (e.g. custody, dependency, and juvenile court actions, etc.). Provider may either be a lay advocate or licensed attorney for services to count under this definition.CJCC Notes: PAC Notes: PAC combines both “Emergency Legal Assistance” and “Non-Emergency Legal Assistance” into one category. In the CJCC VSSR Guide, these services are separated. Your Office Notes:Units of Service: Each encounter/interactionAssistance with Language AccessRefers to provision of services in a foreign language for victims with limited English proficiency, sign language for mute, deaf or hard of hearing victims, and braille for blind or visually impaired victims. Includes ensuring the availability of an interpreter. Also, includes language line, texting, or distributing translated documents, as well as translations provided via staff/volunteers or a contract with an outside agency/service.CJCC Notes: Use of certified interpreters, especially during criminal justice proceeding, is in the best interest of victims.PAC Notes:Your Office Notes:Units of Service: Each encounter/interactionAssistance Applying for TANF/Social ServicesIncludes making victims aware of the availability of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) benefits and other government benefits, assisting the victim in completing the required forms, gathering the needed documentation, accompanying the victim to the agency, making follow-up contact with the agency on behalf of the victim, responding to requests for records, etc.CJCC Notes: Examples of government benefits include unemployment, workers’ comp, SSI, SSDI, veteran benefits, supplemental nutrition assistance program (SNAP), etc.PAC Notes: Your Office Notes:Units of Service: Each encounter/interaction, including those taken on behalf of victimsChild/Dependent Care AssistanceRefers to the reasonable coordination and/or provision of child care provided or paid for by the agency so that a victim may participate in the criminal justice process or other public proceedings arising from the crime.CJCC Notes: Does not include agency-sponsored activities per VOCA Rules and Guidelines.PAC Notes: Your Office Notes:Units of Service: (Referring Agency) – Each interaction attempt to obtain placement on a victim’s behalf until a placement happens, including on behalf of victims one is secured(Care Provider) – Each encounter/interaction where care is providedTransportation AssistanceRefers to the provision and coordination of transport service. Transportation needs arising due to victimization may include transportation assistance to ensure access to agency services, as well as attend court hearings/proceedings, medical appointments, etc. Includes staff members transporting victims, gas cards (purchased and donated), and assisting animals in distress, as well as taxis and other transportation services, such as Marta, Uber, and Lyft.CJCC Notes: Applicable assistance for victims living in residential shelters is more extensive to include job interviews, schools, local social service agencies, etc.PAC Notes: Your Office Notes:Units of Service: Each encounter/interaction/transportSupport Group (non-clinical)Refers to the facilitation of supportive group activities through a structured curriculum led by staff/volunteer, contractor, or peer. Does not include one-time only curriculum.CJCC Notes: Refer to State Standards to ensure compliance, when applicable. See “Group Therapy” for licensed professionals.PAC Notes: Your Office Notes:Units of Service: Each sessionTherapy (licensed therapist) Refers to psychological, psychiatric, and/or other counseling-related treatment for individuals, couples, and family members by a Georgia-licensed/certified and trained professional, to provide emotional support in crisis arising from the occurrence of a crime. This may include the evaluation of mental health needs or the delivery of psychotherapy.CJCC Notes: “Professional” may include a student who 1) is enrolled in a related practicum or has a Master’s degree, and 2) is supervised by a trained, Georgia-licensed/certified professional. Can be either funded or direct provision. Refer to State Standards to ensure compliance, when applicable.PAC Notes: Include Group Therapy hereYour Office Notes:Units of Service: Each sessionAdvocacy/Accompaniment to Emergency Medical CareRefers to the coordination of and/or advocacy necessary for emergency medical care related to the victimization, including emotional support and physical accompaniment during care.CJCC Notes: PAC Notes: Your Office Notes:Units of Service: Each encounter/interactionOther Services: Provided OPM Refers to providing Outcome Performance Measurement (OPM) Survey to victim after he/she has substantially completed the program. This service ONLY refers to delivery of the actual survey. Any additional communication with a victim should be counted as a separate service in the category that is most appropriate.PAC Notes: This service is used for internal purposes only. Your Office Notes:Units of Service: Each OPM ProvidedOther Services: Other VSSR Service This service should be used as a last resort when no other category captures the service provided. A note should always be included. Certain services listed in the CJCC VSSR Guide that are not included in Tracker should be counted here (with a note). They are (see CJCC VSSR Guide for definitions and units of service): Advocacy or Accompaniment to Forensic Medical Exam or Forensic InterviewEmergency Financial AssistanceCrisis LineNon-Traditional Therapeutic InterventionPerformance of Forensic InterviewPerformance of Initial Forensic Medial ExamPerformance of Follow-Up Forensic Medical ExamRelocation AssistanceSafe HousingTransitional HousingPAC Notes: Always provide a note when documenting this service. Your Office Notes:Units of Service: Each encounter/interaction. Comp: Victim Comp NotificationRefers to alerting the victim of the existence of the Crime Victims Compensation Program. CJCC Notes: PAC Notes: In CJCC’s VSSR Guide, this service is incorporated into the “Individual Support” definition, however PAC counts this service separately. Your Office Notes:Units of Service: Each notificationComp: Victim Comp AssistanceRefers to helping victims complete required application/forms and gather needed documentation and fields within an application to make an application complete, submitting the application, and mailing the application on the victim’s behalf. Follow-up further includes contacting Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC) to check the victim’s application status, assisting the victim with an appeal, and responding to correspondence from the Crime Victims Compensation Program on the victim’s behalf, as needed.CJCC Notes: Examples of documentation include law enforcement reports, itemized bills, and income verification forms.PAC Notes:Your Office Notes:Units of Service: Each encounter/interactionPost-Adjudication: Begin Post Adjudication Services Although not a “service” in the traditional sense, adding this service provides a date at which the victim advocate determines that post-adjudication services begin. All services added after this service has been added will be counted as a “post-adjudication service.” For example, many services provided during the appellate phase would be categorized as “CJS Support & Advocacy,” and if the “Begin Post-Adjudication” service has been selected, the advocacy would be counted as a post-adjudication service.PAC Notes: Your Office Notes:Units of Service: Count this service one time when VWAP program determines the victim has entered the post-adjudication phase of the victimization. Post-Adjudication: GOVS ExplanationRefers to providing information to crime victims on how to register with the Georgia Office of Victims Services (GOVS) for notification purposes and explaining GOVS processes/forms. Includes providing information concerning parole steps and meaning of various GOVS notices as well as following up with victims regarding GOVS registration processes and services available. PAC Notes: Simple referrals where advocate provides GOVS contact information ONLY should be counted as “Referral to Other VS Program”Your Office Notes: Units of Service: Each encounter/interactionPost-Adjudication: Interacted w/GOVS on behalf of the VictimRefers to locating and/or contacting victim upon receipt of notification or request from GOVS for any reason (e.g. impending release of offender, Solicitation for Stakeholder Input, etc.). Also includes making contact with GOVS (DOC/PAP/DCS) on behalf of or at the request of the victim to seek additional information, for notification purposes, to begin the revocation process, etc.PAC Notes: Each individual request from a post-sentencing agency may represent many hours of work from advocates as they attempt to locate victim(s). Hours spent on each separate request may be documented in the “Short Note” field if desired.Your Office Notes:Units of Service: Each separate attempt to contact victim as a result of a request from GOVS whether in-person, by telephone, email or form letter. Each separate contact made to GOVS on behalf of a victim. ................

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