[Pages:32]30 DAY


-Week 2-

Danette May

The 30 Day Challenge and website's content is not a substitute for direct, personal, professional medical care and diagnosis. None of the diet plans or exercises (including products and services) mentioned at , , , , and/or from Mindful Health LLC should be performed or otherwise used without clearance from your physician or health care provider. The information contained within is not intended to provide specific physical or mental health advice, or any other advice whatsoever, for any individual or company and should not be relied upon in that regard. We are not medical professionals and nothing in the 30 Day Challenge or related websites should be misconstrued to mean otherwise.

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Overall Guidelines:

*You can swap out any meals you want through out the rest of the 30 days. You can swap breakfast for breakfast, snack for snack and lunch and dinner for lunch or dinner. Do what works for you, your schedule and food preference. I encourage you to try new recipes..

you will surprise yourself.

* Drink 3/4-1 gallon ((3.7 l.) of water/day

* *Do not skip your daily meditations. The meditations help with cravings and sticking to your deeper WHY!

* *When referring to 1 scoop of protein powder or greens, understand that all protein powder scoops are different. Please refer to the back of the container for 1 serving size. Also note, not all protein powders bake the same.

For the remainder of the 27 days on this program, I recommend continuing to start your day with the detox drink:

Lemon Water with Cayenne Pepper and Apple Cider Vinegar.

This morning drink is perfect for starting each and every day.

Copyright ? 2016 Danette May and Mindful Health, LLC.




Berry Milkshake Ingredients: ? ? c. (120ml) Almond Milk ? ? c. (120ml) Water ? ? c. (120g) Plain Yogurt or Plain Kefir or

Protein Powder

? ? c. (37g) Organic Blueberries ? ? Organic Banana ? ? c. (7.5g) Organic Spinach or Kale or

1 scoop Spring of Life Greens Mix all together in blender and enjoy!


Cucumbers and Cottage Cheese Ingredients: ? ? c. (125g) Cottage Cheese ? ? c. (26g) sliced Organic Cucumber

You can mix the cucumber in the cottage cheese or you can separate them.

Copyright ? 2016 Danette May and Mindful Health, LLC.



Chicken or Shrimp Pear Salad Ingredients: ? ? c.(34g) Organic Spinach or Kale ? 1 tsp. (5g) of Extra-Virgin Olive Oil ? Juice from 1 Organic Lemon ? 1 Organic Pear, Diced ? ? c. (70g) Chopped Chicken or

? c. (162.5g) Shrimp. Vegetarian Option: Instead of chicken, use 2 tbsp. hemp or chia seeds.


Peanut Butter Bites

Makes 2 servings. Eat half and save for lunch or dinner the next day

Ingredients: ? ? c. (125g) Peanut or Almond Butter ? ? c. (85g) Raw Honey ? 1-2 Scoop Clean Protein Powder or ? c.

(30g) Almond Meal

? ? c. (60ml) Water ? 2 c. (180g) Raw Uncooked Gluten Free Oats

Mix all together and make into 1-inch (2.5cm) balls. Store in the freezer.

Copyright ? 2016 Danette May and Mindful Health, LLC.



Savory Hummus and Veggie Wrap Ingredients: ? 1 Large Romaine Leaf to make a lettuce wrap. ? ? c. (62g) Hummus, Recipe on Page 4 ? 1/3 c. (12.5g) Baby Greens ? 4 slices Organic Cucumber ? ? c. (92.5g) Cooked Quinoa ? 1 Bell Pepper color of your choice, sliced

Mix all together and place in lettuce wrap.

Hummus Dip

1 serving = ? cup (store in fridge for snacking the rest of the week)

? 1 ? c. (300g) Cooked or Canned Chickpeas ? ? c. (120ml) of the Bean Liquid or Water ? 3 Cloves of Garlic ? ? c. (34g) Sesame Tahini (available at health food stores, or in the natural food section of


? 2 tbsp. (10ml) Extra-Virgin Olive Oil ? Juice from 1 of Organic Lemon ? 1 tsp. (5g) Sea Salt ? Pinch of Cayenne Pepper

1 serving = ? c. (125g) hummus with ? c. (90g) organic veggies of choice for dipping.


Hardboiled Eggs and Berries

Hardboiled eggs with ? c. (37g) organic strawberries

Copyright ? 2016 Danette May and Mindful Health, LLC.




Southwest Scramble Ingredients: ? 2 Eggs ? ? c. (45g) Chopped Organic Peppers ? Onions ? A Pinch of Cayenne Pepper or Habanero Pepper ? ? c. (30g) Black Beans, rinsed and drained ? ? c. (17g) Organic Spinach ? ? c. (6g) Cilantro (optional) ? ? c. (37g) Strawberries ? Dollop of Plain Greek Yogurt (optional).

1. Spray skillet with coconut oil. Put veggies, peppers, spice, and spinach in skillet. Cook on medium heat until spinach is wilted, add eggs and beans. Cook until eggs are done. Top with cilantro and Plain Greek yogurt.

2. Enjoy a ? c. (37g) strawberries.


Indian Lassi Ingredients: ? ? c. (120ml) Plain Kefir mixed with 1 tsp. (5g)

Stevia or Raw Honey

? ? tsp. (2.5g) Cinnamon ? ? c. (17g) Organic Spinach or 1 scoop

Springs of Life Greens

Blend all together. Enjoy! You can add vanilla or mint extract for an extra kick of flavor.

Copyright ? 2016 Danette May and Mindful Health, LLC.



Chicken Basil Stir-Fry

Ingredients: ? 4 oz. (113g) Chicken, cubed ? 1 Small Serrano Pepper, minced ? 2 tbsp. Pad Thai Sauce ? ? c. (31g) Cubed Organic Zucchini ? ? c. (37g) Organic Red Bell Pepper

1. In pan, add 1 tsp. (5ml) extra-virgin olive oil, zucchini, red bell pepper, chicken and minced Serrano pepper. Cook until chicken browns and is fully cooked. Add pad thai sauce. You can top with fresh basil for a fresh kick.

2. Eat with ? c. (50g) fruit.

Pad Thai Sauce Ingredients: ? 1 c. coconut milk (best from the can) ? 2 tbsp. red curry sauce ? 1-2 tsp. barges aminos (soy sauce) or low sodium soy sauce ? 1 inch fresh grated ginger ? 1. In a bowl combine all ingredients and set aside until needed for your stir fry.

Vegetarian Option: Instead of using chicken, replace with red kidney beans


Eggs and Toast

Ingredients: ? 2 Broiled Eggs ? 1 slice Ezekiel bread ? 1 tbsp. (15g) of almond or peanut butter ? cinnamon

Toast or leave plain ezekiel bread. Top with butter and cinnamon and eat with the side of egg.

Copyright ? 2016 Danette May and Mindful Health, LLC.



Pasta Dish

Ingredients: ? ? c. (85g dry) Brown Rice Pasta or

Quinoa (prepared as instructed on packages)

? 3 oz. (85g) Cooked Chicken,

sliced or cubed

? 2 tbsp. (30ml) Fresh squeezed

Lemon Juice

? ?tsp.(2.5ml) Extra-Virgin Olive Oil ? ? c. (12g) Chopped Organic Basil ? ? c. (35g) Organic Mushrooms.

Saut? mushrooms, extra-virgin olive oil and chicken together until mushrooms are lightly browned. Place on top of cooked pasta and top with fresh basil and lemon juice.


Berry Delight

Ingredients: ? ? c. (120g) Plain Greek Yogurt topped w/

? c. (37g) Berries and 1 tsp. (5g) of Stevia (optional).

DAY 10


Banana Pancakes Ingredients: ? 2 Egg Whites ? ? Mashed Organic Banana ? 1 tsp. (5g) Cinnamon ? 2 tbsp. (30ml) Water ? 4 tbsp. (60g) Almond Flour ? veggies of choice

1. Mix together. Heat skillet to medium and pour mix. Heat and brown on both sides.

2. ? c. (22.5g) veggies of choice on the side (cucumbers or carrots are my favorite)

Copyright ? 2016 Danette May and Mindful Health, LLC.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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