ResumePower Career Insights Survey

Career Insights Survey™

|Welcome to ResumePower’s information-gathering stage, which starts with this survey. Please take your time as you work through the questions–you will get the most value |

|from our services if you are thorough in your responses. Keep in mind: |

|Spell-check and grammar-check are disabled as we would like you to focus on communicating your ideas and not worry about spelling or grammar (that’s our job). |

|You should complete this form in full, spending the most time on these 2 questions: “What were your most notable accomplishments?” and “What is your leave-behind legacy at |

|this employer, the main way you are remembered?” |

|We welcome supplemental information (e.g., performance reviews, job descriptions, etc.), but would like you to tell us in your own words how you contributed in each of your|

|positions. If you don’t want to outline your strongest accomplishments and would rather we review PowerPoints and other documents, your project will be subject to |

|additional fees. Help us help you by giving us the information we need! |

|Your résumé project will be added to our schedule once we have this completed form, answers to our follow-up questions, and receipt of the project fee. |

|Please contact us if you have any questions as you’re completing the career survey. Thank you! |

Tips: Use the “Tab” key to move to the next form field. Save the in-progress file on your system frequently to avoid data loss.


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|Name as you would like it to appear on your résumé |Email (Personal email, not an employer-owned email) |

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|Mailing Address (For privacy reasons, we suggest omitting your street address from your|Phone Number (List the number(s) you would like to include on your résumé. It’s |

|résumé, but including city, state, and zip to optimize résumé search results. Either |ideal to only include one number where you are easily reachable.) |

|way, provide the address you would like to use on your resume.) | |

| |Cell Phone:       |

|Street Address:       | |

| |Home Phone:       |

|City, State Zip:       | |

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|LinkedIn URL (If you haven’t set up your “vanity” URL, e.g., in/yourname, please do so. Instructions are here: |

|). Please use a custom URL—it looks more professional and will help you rank higher when|

|someone Googles your name.) |

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|Web Site URL (If you don’t own your domain name, e.g., , consider |Other Web Page, Blog, Twitter handle, or other social media URL (Please only list |

|registering it. Search GoDaddy for an available name.) |profiles tied to your professional brand, i.e., not a personal Facebook page.) |

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|2. |RÉSUMÉ PREFERENCES We recommend that you defer to our judgment regarding the content and design of your résumé. However, you have to be completely comfortable |

| |with and proud of the document. Understanding your expectations is crucial to creating a résumé that works for you. |

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|Do you have an opinion about how many pages your résumé should be?|What résumé style appeals to you (e.g., creative, conservative, cutting-edge, classic, modern, elegant, |

| |minimalist, content-rich)? |

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|Are you open to using color on your résumé? If so, what are your |Are you open to using graphics or industry icons on |Would you like to include a photo of yourself on |

|favorite colors? |your résumé? |your résumé? |

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|      |Yes No |Yes No |

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|What program will you be using to view, edit, and distribute your résumé? Examples include Office 365, MS Word 2016, Microsoft 365 for Mac, Apple Pages, Google Docs, and |

|OpenOffice. |

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|What 3 words should come to mind when people first view your résumé? |

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|What position will you be targeting with the résumé that we produce? Please only |Are there employers that you would love to work for? If so, list them here. |

|list one job title—the most effective résumés are highly tailored to one career | |

|goal. |1.       |

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|Are there any other positions that interest you? |2.       |

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|What is your geographic preference, if any? |Are you willing to relocate? |Are you willing to travel? |

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|Are you targeting a specific industry or employer type? |What is your expected salary for your next position? |

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|      |$       / per annum |

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|Briefly describe your current employment situation. For example, are you seeking a career change, employed but “testing the waters,” unemployed due to a layoff or |

|termination, miserable at your current job, etc.? |

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|Are you facing any challenging issues or potential barriers to employment? For example, are you concerned about job-hopping, periods of unemployment, “age” issues (too |

|young or too old), highly competitive industry, lack of local jobs, or a new career direction? Please explain so that we can develop a résumé strategy that minimizes these |

|issues. |

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|Strongest Qualifications: What are your most marketable qualifications? Why should an employer call you for an interview and not one of your competitors? What are your |

|strongest capabilities that will make you a top performer in the position you’re targeting? Please try to provide at least six of your strongest qualifications. |

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|Anticipated Accomplishments: If you were in an interview with your “dream” employer and the interviewer asked you what you expected to accomplish within one year if offered|

|the job, what would you say? |

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|Passion: What drives you and excites you the most in your career and life? |

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|Inspirational Quote: Are there any famous (or not-so-famous) quotes that speak to you? If so, please paste the quote(s) here: |

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|5. |LINKEDIN PROFILE If you have ordered (or plan to order) content for your LinkedIn profile, please complete this section. If not, skip to Section 6: EMPLOYMENT |


|LinkedIn is a networking community, so our approach is to create content that tells your story and reveals your personality. Please respond to the following questions. Skip|

|any that you don’t want to answer or don’t want to appear on your LinkedIn profile. |

|Strongest Selling Points: What are the top three accomplishments, skills, credentials, or other information that you would want your connections to know about you? |

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|Career Path: Some people know from a young age what they want to be when they grow up, while others take a more convoluted path or accidentally stumble on their careers. |

|These details can provide compelling content for your LinkedIn summary. If you would like to share the details of your career journey, provide a brief summary here: |

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|Confidentiality of Your Job search: Do you need to hide the fact that you’re seeking a new position? If so, we’ll write the profile in a way that doesn’t indicate you are |

|job searching. Please describe any privacy concerns: |

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|Getting Personal: If you’re open to disclosing personal details on your LinkedIn profile, please respond to whatever is applicable and comfortable for you. Keep in mind |

|that although LinkedIn has privacy settings that you can customize, consider any information you post on LinkedIn as available for the world to see. All questions are |

|optional: |

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|Where were you born and/or raised? How did your upbringing help mold the person that you’ve become? |

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|Are there certain people who have impacted your life, work ethic, values, and beliefs? Please explain. |

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|Did you overcome any obstacles or challenging circumstances to get where you are today? |

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|Are you married or partnered? If so, to whom and for how long? |

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|Do you have children? If so, how many and what are their ages and genders? |

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|Do you have any pets? If so, what kind and what are their names? |

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|What causes and/or charities do you care most about? |

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|What are your hobbies and favorite things to do during your spare time? |

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|Is there a topic that people often seek your advice on? |

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|If money was not an issue and you could pursue any profession, what would you choose to do? |

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|What is the one thing you want people to remember about you? |

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|Thought-Provoking Questions: As you describe your work experiences, keep these questions in mind to trigger memories of key contributions and significant accomplishments. |

|Not all of these questions will apply to you, and you should not attempt to answer each one. These questions are intended to help you reflect on your responsibilities and |

|achievements in each of the positions you have held. |

▪ Have you or your employer received any honors or industry awards?

▪ If your employer threw a goodbye party for you, what nice things would your colleagues and supervisors be saying about your work?

▪ How have you improved or changed the organizational culture, mission, vision, or goals?

▪ What are you known for or considered an expert in by your supervisor or coworkers?

▪ Have you been able to reduce costs? How and by how much?

▪ Have you improved revenues, profit, market-share growth, and/or your employer’s visibility? How did you achieve the growth? Can the results be quantified?

▪ Did you improve customer relationships? In what ways and how did your employer and customers benefit?

▪ What was your initial challenge when you started your position? How well did you meet that challenge?

▪ What have you done to improve productivity, efficiency, and performance? Detail the specific initiatives, how long the projects took, and what the financial results were.

▪ Did you contribute to any technology improvements? What technologies did you implement and for what specific business functions? What were the results?

▪ How does your employer fare against the competition? What is your ranking in the industry? Has your ranking improved since you’ve been employed with the company?

▪ Have you resolved any major issues impacting the employer? Problems with money? Problems with staffing or management? Problems with regulatory compliance? Organizational issues?

▪ Do you chair and/or participate in any committees, Boards of Directors, or any other leadership forums?

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|Employment History Instructions: Place the most emphasis on your recent career, providing significant detail as far back as 15 years. Focus your efforts on the “What were |

|your most notable accomplishments” section for each position – the more we know about your accomplishments, the better your résumé will be. If you had more than one |

|position with an employer, list each position separately. |

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|NAME OF EMPLOYER #1 (start with current or most recent employer) |

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|JOB TITLE |DEPARTMENT (IF ANY) |START DATE (month/year) |END DATE (month/year) |

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|PRIMARY JOB RESPONSIBILITIES: Describe day-to-day job duties and tasks that are or were expected of you. |

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|WHAT WERE YOUR MOST NOTABLE ACCOMPLISHMENTS? Accomplishments are the tangible results of your work. Please describe challenges you faced, your actions, and the results or |

|benefits to your employers. Use specific examples and quantify your achievements wherever possible using numbers, dollar amounts, percentages, performance-to-goal metrics, |

|and before and after comparisons. |

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|After completing each Accomplishments section, please place an asterisk (*) next to the top 3 accomplishments that make you most proud. |

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|What is or will be your leave-behind legacy at this employer, the main way you are remembered? |

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|JOB TITLE |DEPARTMENT (IF ANY) |START DATE (month/year) |END DATE (month/year) |

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|PRIMARY JOB RESPONSIBILITIES: Describe day-to-day job duties and tasks that were expected of you. |

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|What is your leave-behind legacy at this employer, the main way you are remembered? |

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|JOB TITLE |DEPARTMENT (IF ANY) |START DATE (month/year) |END DATE (month/year) |

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|PRIMARY JOB RESPONSIBILITIES: Describe day-to-day job duties and tasks that were expected of you. |

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|JOB TITLE |DEPARTMENT (IF ANY) |START DATE (month/year) |END DATE (month/year) |

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|PRIMARY JOB RESPONSIBILITIES: Describe day-to-day job duties and tasks that were expected of you. |

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|PRIMARY JOB RESPONSIBILITIES: Describe day-to-day job duties and tasks that were expected of you. |

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|PRIMARY JOB RESPONSIBILITIES: Describe day-to-day job duties and tasks that were expected of you. |

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|PRIMARY JOB RESPONSIBILITIES: Describe day-to-day job duties and tasks that were expected of you. |

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|What is your leave-behind legacy at this employer, the main way you are remembered? |

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|Need space for more employers? If you need more than seven sections for employment history, open a copy of this survey from your email, give the file a new name, and fill |

|out the Employment History section with the rest of your jobs. We will be focusing on your recent work history (last 10-15 years or so), so you don’t need to provide that |

|much detail for your early career. |

|7. |EDUCATION List most recent education first |

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|Name of school or program |City, State |Month/Year to Month/Year |Degree held |

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|Major:       Minor:       |GPA       |Extracurricular activities       |

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|Recent grads, list related courses       |

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|Name of school or program |City, State |Month/Year to Month/Year |Degree held |

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|Major:       Minor:       |GPA       |Extracurricular activities       |

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|Recent grads, list related courses       |

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|Name of school or program |City, State |Month/Year to Month/Year |Degree held |

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|Major:       Minor:       |GPA       |Extracurricular activities       |

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|Recent grads, list related courses       |

|8. |TRAINING Additional training and courses not mentioned under “Education” |

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|Name of course |Sponsored by |City, State |Year completed |

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|Name of license or certification |City, State |Year achieved |

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|Name of organization |City, State |Your role |Dates involved |

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|11. |AWARDS |

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|Name of award |In recognition of? |Year achieved |

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|Article, book, patent, or presentation title |Publisher or venue |Year |

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|9.       |      |      |

|10.       |      |      |

|13. |TECHNOLOGY Only list technology / programs that you would be comfortable discussing in an interview. Please note that even if your field isn’t technology |

| |related, recruiters and employers often use computer programs as keywords when searching for applicants across many career fields. |

| | |

|Software |      |

| | |

|Operating systems |      |

| | |

|Programming languages |      |

| | |

|Hardware/networking |      |

| | |

|Social media |      |


| | |

|Language |Fluency (indicate your proficiency level for both written and verbal) |

|1.       |      |

|2.       |      |

|3.       |      |


| |

|Have you traveled to interesting places? If so, please list countries or regions that you’ve visited. For international business trips, describe your knowledge of the |

|country’s business customs and protocols. |

| |

|      |

|16. |KEYWORDS What are the most important keywords or buzzwords for your field? We will research keywords so you can skip this question if you want, but it can be |

| |helpful to hear about keywords that you feel are relevant. |

| |

|      |

|17. |COVER LETTERS The Deluxe package includes one cover letter and the Premium package includes a cover letter 3-pack. |

| |

|How should we gear your letter(s)? Please check all that apply: |

|Advertised openings (respond to job ads found on employer websites, job boards, newspapers, etc. – this |

|option will provide you with an excellent letter that you can easily customize for various job postings) |

| |

|A specific advertised opening (apply for a specific job – please forward the job posting or any information you |

|have about the opportunity) |

| |

|Recruiters/headhunters (sell your qualifications to recruitment professionals) |

| |

|“Cold” letter to employers (introduce yourself to a prospective employer when there is no advertised opening) |

| |

|Networking e-note (written in the voice of a colleague, ready for him/her to sign and easily forward your résumé) |

| |

|Other (please explain)       |

| |

|If you checked more letters than are included in your package, would you like to order additional letters? |

|Yes No (If you selected more letters than are included in your order, we’ll gear the letter to advertised openings). |

| |

|Describe any important information for your cover letter. For example, if you are applying to a specific position, provide the contact information, employer name, job |

|title, and other relevant information. |

| |

|      |

|18. |MISCELLANEOUS Is there anything else that sets you apart from the crowd? |

| |

|      |

|Contact Preferences |

| |

|What is the best way to reach you regarding our follow-up questions? Phone Email |

|If phone, what is the best number to call?       What is the best day and time to reach you?       |

|Have You Completed the Survey? |

| | |

| |Our goal is to create a dynamic résumé for you that not only knocks your socks off, but also helps you secure more interviews. The |

| |best way to accomplish this is to know as much about your career history as possible. |

| | |

| |Would you take a moment to review the survey and make sure it’s thorough? Did you place an asterisk (*) next to the top 3 |

| |accomplishments that make you most proud for each position? |

Please return your survey along with supplemental materials to info@.

Here’s a checklist of items that are helpful:

|This completed survey |

|Old résumé (if you previously sent a résumé, we have it on file) |

|Reference letters, performance reviews, or other testimonials, including informal email thank-you notes |

|2-3 sample job postings that interest you |

|Additional information (e.g., relevant information that didn’t fit on this survey, such as long lists of training, publications, etc.) |

|A photo (.jpg or .png format) if you would like your picture on your résumé. Please make sure your photo is high-resolution (not grainy-looking) – a professionally taken |

|headshot is preferred |

|Scanned signature for your cover letter. As most cover letters are emailed – not mailed through the post office – we recommend including your signature in the letter’s |

|signature block. If you would like us to add your signature and don’t have a digital copy of your signature, here are a few ways you can create the signature: |

|Scanner: On a white piece of paper, sign your name in large print using a pen or Sharpie (Ultra-Fine Point makes a nice signature). Place the paper on the scanning bed, set |

|your scanning software's image resolution to 300 (print quality), and scan. Save as a .gif, .jpg, or .png file. |

|Phone or Camera: On a white piece of paper, sign your name in large print using a pen or Sharpie (Ultra-Fine Point makes a nice signature). Take a photo of your signature |

|with your phone or camera and email it to us. Just make sure you take the photo in good light–the paper should look white. |

|Mobile App: There are apps that will create signatures on your mobile device. Examples include Adobe Acrobat Reader (iOS or Android), Evernote Scannable (iOS), iScanner |

|(iOS), and CamScanner (iOS or Android). Follow the instructions to create your signature and email to us as a .gif, .jpg, or .png. |

Thank you for the time you dedicated to this survey.

We look forward to reviewing your information!

Copyright © 1995-2021 . All rights reserved. This Career Insights Survey™ may not be

duplicated or redistributed without the express written permission of .



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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