Application for AIRS Trainer Self-Referral Service

Application for AIRS Trainer Self-Referral Service

Thank you for your interest in being listed as a trainer in the AIRS Trainer Self-Referral Service.

This listing is provided as a courtesy to AIRS members to provide access to trainers with I&R experience.

Your completed application package will be reviewed by the AIRS Training Committee to ensure that you meet the criteria to be included in this listing.

The criteria for listing inclusion are as follows:

a) Each applicant will complete this application form as fully as possible and submit it electronically as a single Word or PDF document (i.e. requirements such as previous experience must be pasted in rather than sent as separate attachments).

b) The application must include details of previous training experiences and contact information for references.

c) The information must be confirmed and updated on an annual basis.

d) For a free listing, a trainer (whether as an individual or as a member of an organization) must be a member of AIRS. If the trainer is not a member, the annual fee is $250.

e) AIRS will be in contact with I&R organizations that receive training and always reserves the right to withdraw a listing for whatever reason and without explanation.

For training obtained through AIRS, the trainer is encouraged to use the standard evaluation form supplied.

Once your application has been reviewed for relevance and if accepted by the Training Committee, your name and the application form itself, will be added to the AIRS Trainer Self-Referral Service that will be available via .

Please note:

• AIRS does not recommend any of the trainers on the self-referral service.

• AIRS has no liability or responsibility for the quality of the training.

• Contracts are only between the trainer and the organization receiving the training.

• It is expected that prospective clients will conduct further references for quality of training.

Application for AIRS Trainer Self-Referral Service

Name: Fran Spadafora Manzella

Organization Name: Human Services Coalition

Title: Call Center Manager

Address: 370 Stone Quarry Road, Ithaca, NY 14850

Phone: 607-272-9456

Email: fmanzella@

Current responsibilities/activities:

|-Helped facilitate transition of local Information & Referral Program to 2-1-1 NY Call Center. |

|-Enhanced and refined Information &Referral Specialist Training |

|-Developed I&R Specialist training manual |

|-Developed call center policy and procedure manual |

|- Instituted quality assurance and internal/external service data reporting initiatives. |

|-Achieved Information and Referral Specialist Certification |

|-Provide administrative and supervisory oversight of call center including recruiting, training, supervision, scheduling of |

|specialists, interns, etc. |

|-Monitor ongoing customer service |

|-Coordinate marketing and community relations efforts |

|-Conduct budget development, grant writing, financial management activities |

|-Assist with database monitoring and development |

|-Explore and identify potential call center or database development contract opportunities |

Number of years in current situation: 6

Previous employment/experience (Provide organizational name, final position title and years in situation for last three professional situations):

|Palisade Corporation, Latin American Division Sales Administrator: 1 year |

|Finger Lakes School of Massage, Interim Administrative Director:6 months |

|Cayuga Addiction Recovery Services, Chief Operating Officer: 4 years |

I&R experience not included in previous information:

|Though not directly I&R-related experience, these human services positions help inform my I&R work today: |

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|Deputy for Board & Volunteer Development, Pathstone Corporation (formerly Rural Opportunities, Inc., Rochester, NY: 2 years |

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|Center for Crime Victim & Sexual Assault Services, Executive Director: 4 years |

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|United State Peace Corps, Community Development work in Nicaragua and Jamaica: 3 years |

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|Mystic Valley Elder Services, Director of Programs & Development: 4 years |

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Professional certifications and memberships (include any offices held):

|Certified Information & Referral Specialist 10/26/2007-present |

|Treasurer, Diversity Consortium of Tompkins County, Ithaca, NY |

|Past member National Association of Social Workers |

|Numerous Board Memberships-former Vice President Ithaca Health Alliance |

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Educational achievements:

|MS in Social Work, Business Minor, Columbia University |

|Post Graduate Certificate in Management Boston University |

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Total years of training experience: 20+

Topics you feel qualified to train:

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|I have been conducting training on different human services topics including team building, communications skills, and |

|grassroots board development since 1984. I can also provide training on most topics related to the I&R Specialist Skill |

|Development. |

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|Most recently I have provided community training for my employer, the Human Services Coalition on Information & Referral Skills|

|for human services workers. |

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Previous trainings provided to I&R organizations (AIRS or affiliate conference workshops may be included):

|I have provided training sessions on different I&R Specialist training topics for New York State AIRS since 2008 (Effective |

|Listening, Making Effective Referrals, Effective Call Center Management) and also participated as a trainer at the National AIRS|

|Conference in Rochester, NY in 2010 (Adding Chat to Your I&R Service (Focus: Small I&R Programs), Steps in the I&R Process). |

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Trainings provided on-line or by webinars:

|Participated on a Quality Assurance Panel for an AIRS Webinar in 2008. |

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Provide two samples of learning objectives used in delivery of previous training:

|-Workshop participants will explore the art of active listening and practice and sharpen current skills to add depth to your |

|interactions with those who seek your help. |

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|-Review and practice effective assessment, 2-1-1 database navigation, and referral skills. |

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Geographic areas willing to travel to:

|Open to all areas if travel reimbursement, additional expense reimbursement provided. |

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Have you previously secured CEU requirements for training provided? If so, provide examples:

|Yes, AIRS, NYAIRS, and the human Services Coalition secured these credits for workshop participants. |

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Fees (These may be very dependent on exploring client needs, size of training groups and travel costs but any basic information might be helpful to potential training purchasers):

|To be negotiated. |

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List three references (include name, organization, phone and email) of individuals who can respond to inquiries concerning training that you have previously delivered:

|Scott Heyman, Professional Workshop Training Coordinator, Human Services Coalition, 607-273-8686, sheyman@. |

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|Norma Bergman, NYS AIRS Board Member, 607-723-8313, ext 829, info@ |

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|Bill Rusen, Cayuga Addiction Recovery Services, 607-273-5500, brusen@ |

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If you are a member of AIRS, please provide membership number: __201914_______________________

If not a member of AIRS, do you intend to apply for membership if successful in this application or would you prefer to pay a $250 annual fee for inclusion in the AIRS Trainers Self-Referral Service? N/A


Email completed application to: clivemjones@

The assessment process should be completed within 6 weeks. You will be informed by email on the results of the assessment.

All information provided above is correct and I understand that AIRS will be in contact with I&R organizations that receive training. I also understand that AIRS always reserves the right to withdraw a listing for whatever reason and without explanation.


_____________________________________ 08/30/2013_________________

Electronically affirmed Date


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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