English 9 Semester 1 - Ms. Kuppe's English Class

English 10 Semester 1 Exam Review 2013

You exam will be made up of four parts totaling 100 points:

1. vocabulary (15 points)

2. grammar (15 points)

3. reading (30 points)

4. writing (40 points)

Part 1 – Vocabulary (15)

There will be 15 multiple choice questions in this section. Since you do not know which 15 vocabulary words will be on the exam, you must know each of the 30 words. Use your vocab logs and old vocab quizzes to study for this section. All of the vocab words are also available on my weebly. Here’s a list of the 30 words we covered this semester:

|diatribe |escapade |nemesis |specter |sublime |

|offal |eschew |dolt |mogul |serene |

|parley |ransack |clone |bovine |forebode |

|fray |camaraderie |carnivore |supine |bombastic |

|lambaste |iconoclast |despot |asinine |winnow |

|cataclysm |sage |courier |maritime |spawn |

Part 2 – Grammar (15)

There will be 15 multiple choice questions in this section that cover the following grammar units:

- Commas (appositives, commas in a series, coordinating adjectives)

- Quotation marks (quotes vs. underline, direct quotes)

- Apostrophes (possession, contractions)

They will be in ACT format like this:

1. a. Dogs have been called our best friends for they

b. Dogs have been called our best friends, for they

c. Dogs have been called our best friends, but they


2. a. While others guard animals and property some dogs

b. Some dogs hunt, nor others guard

c. Some dogs hunt, while others guard


Comma Study Guide


What is the definition of an appositive?

1. The student an unusual breed laughed to himself.

2. She ran out of eggs the most important ingredient.

3. Michigan State the state’s premier university is a great place to receive your education.

4. Matthew Stafford a first-round draft pick threw for four touchdowns.

5. She grew up watching Sesame Street one of the best children’s educational programs.

*Write one sentence using an appositive.

Commas in a Series:

A series can be a list of _______________ or more items.

1. She plays basketball volleyball and softball.

2. Can you bring a deck of cards a bag of chips and two folding chairs?

3. The biologist did a study of ladybugs beetles bumblebees and moths.

4. Did you sign up for English 11 Speech and Journalism?

5. My family is from Germany Italy and the United Kingdom.

*Write one sentence using commas in a series.

Coordinating Adjectives

What is the definition of coordinating adjectives?

1. Her dress was a bright paisley print.

2. The water bottle was a dull scratched mess.

3. Her old boyfriend was a lazy selfish piece of rubbish.

4. The crowd cheered loudly when the tenacious talented team took the floor.

5. The hot smelly room suffocated me.

*Write one sentence using coordinating adjectives.

Quotation Marks Study Guide

Part I: Quotation Marks or Underline?

1. short story _____________________________

2. poem _____________________________

3. TV series _____________________________

4. book _____________________________

5. magazine article _____________________________

6. painting _____________________________

7. newspaper _____________________________

8. book chapter _____________________________

9. novel _____________________________

10. song _____________________________

Part II: Add quotation marks and punctuation where necessary.

1. Your test will be tomorrow the teacher said so please don’t forget to study.

2. Why don’t you ever listen to me the exasperated girl said.

3. Please pass the rolls George Banks said.

4. Big gulps, eh? Well, see you later Lloyd said to the strangers at 7-11.

5. But Hagrid Harry said I haven’t any money.

6. Santa! I know him Buddy screamed.

7. Goonies never say die! Mikey shouted.

Apostrophes Study Guide

Part I: Possessives vs. Plurals

1. Apostrophes are used to form __________________ of nouns only.

2. You do not use an apostrophe when making the possessive of a ___________ or the _________ of a noun.

Circle the correct choice from the words in parentheses.

3. I love running on (weekends / weekend’s).

4. My (brothers / brother’s) shoes are smelly.

5. (It’s / Its) time to go!

6. Give the cat (it’s / its) favorite food before you leave for the whole weekend.

7. That is (James’ / James’s) homework on the kitchen table.

8. That book is (hers / her’s).

9. The (teachers / teachers’) are going to a meeting after school.

10. Read me (Wednesdays / Wednesday’s) specials from the menu please.

11. (Your / You’re) socks do not match!

12. The (students’ / students) tests fell off the edge of my desk and made a mess.

Part II: Mixed Apostrophe Review On the lines provided, rewrite the words that have been punctuated incorrectly, adding or deleting apostrophes where needed. Each is worth one point.

1. ______________ Youre lucky if you have ever been to any of the countries in Europe.

2. ______________ My mom cant get her car to start.

3. ______________ Thank you for refunding the childrens’ money.

4. ______________ Her brother-in-laws chili won the blue ribbon!.

5. ______________ Mary’s and Alice’s mom is going to the grocery store.

6. ______________ Lois’ favorite book is Twilight.

7. ______________ Whose ready for spring break to get here?

8. _____________ Hel’l be watching you!

9. _____________ My friend started high school in 84.

10. _____________ Its too late to turn in the assignment.

11. ___________ Ive read that mazes are very popular in Nebraska.

12. ___________ Laurens cat is sleeping at the foot of her bed.

Part 3 – Reading (30 points)

You will be given one reading piece, “A Success Story That’s Hard to Duplicate,” to read and annotate before the exam. There will be 15 questions based upon this piece, 12 questions based upon The Great Gatsby, and 3 questions that compare the two pieces. Make sure you know about inferring, summarizing, paraphrasing, main idea/theme, symbolism. Use your The Great Gatsby unit plan and reading strategies sheet to help you study for this section. The more familiar you are with “A Success Story That’s Hard to Duplicate” and the more you annotate before the exam, the better off you will be! YOU WILL BE ABLE TO USE THIS PIECE AND YOUR COPIES OF THE GATSBY CHAPTERS ON THE EXAM, SO PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU BRING THEM WITH YOU!

Part 4 – Writing (40 points)

You will be asked to write a 5-paragraph persuasive essay utilizing all of the skills we have learned and practiced this semester. You will receive the prompt the day of exam, but please know that it will be related to The Great Gatsby. You may bring your copies of the chapters with you to use for this portion. There will be THREE options for you to choose from; you will pick one. Here is the outline for 5-paragraph persuasive essay:

I. Introduction (Paragraph #1)

A. Global Statement:

B. Background Information:

C. Thesis Statement:

II. Body Paragraph 1 (Paragraph #2)

A. Main Idea Sentence:

B. Informative Sentences:

C. Opposition Sentences:

D. Refuting Opposition Sentence:

E. Concluding Sentence:

III. Body Paragraph 2 (Paragraph #3)

A. Main Idea Sentence:

B. Informative Sentences:

C. Opposition Sentences:

D. Refuting Opposition Sentence:

E. Concluding Sentence:

IV. Body Paragraph 3 (Paragraph #4)

A. Main Idea Sentence:

B. Informative Sentences:

C. Opposition Sentences:

D. Refuting Opposition Sentence:

E. Concluding Sentence:

V. Conclusion (Paragraph #5)

A. Restated Thesis:

B. So what? Why does the reader care? How does it relate to the real world?:


What is a global statement?

What is background information?

What is a thesis statement? What must it include?

What does a main idea sentence do? What should it start with?

What do the informative sentences do? What do they need to include?

What do the opposition sentences do? What do they need to include? What should they start with?

What does the refuting opposition sentence do? What should it start with?

What does the concluding sentence do?

What shouldn’t the concluding sentence be?

What are the two parts of a conclusion?


(1) Dogs have been called our best friends but they are also good helpers. They can be used in many ways. (2) Some dogs hunt while others guard animals and property. Boxers and German shepherds are trained to lead people who are blind. A dog named Laika was the first animal in space.


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