Darkness to Light (a National Exchange Club Partner)

Flags for Soldiers Project Description for Exchange Clubs

Flags for Soldiers is designed to give our clubs the opportunity to promote Americanism and honor our military heroes by displaying approximately 50 flags to promote pride in the USA and to honor individual soldiers who are being deployed or have returned from a period of service to our great country. Flags are displayed at locations throughout the community by request for one day (from approximately 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.).

Before You Start

Establish a Flags for Soldiers committee. Committee members can help budget, coordinate with family members of soldiers, act as media coordinator, and organize setup and tear down.

Make sure your club has budgeted funds for this project. The expenses incurred with this project are dependent on the scope of the project and the budget established by the club. The amount of money expended for this project can be a little or a lot depending on the current resources of the club. Some items to consider for the budget are: number of flags/rebar in the clubs possession, storage availability, printing of brochures, cost of banner, and transportation cost of flags. Flags should be on 8 foot poles and will be placed in the ground using rebar.

Step 1: Discovery

Assign chairperson of the committee and utilize committee members to prepare forms and brochures, determine how many flags will be setup each time project is completed, decide where flags and rebar will be stored when not in use, consider size of area to be included in project, setup teams of volunteers for the area (depending on size, i.e. east or west), purchase banner to be displayed with flags and purchase flags if necessary. Keep in mind the target group for this project are family/friends of an individual soldier in the USA Armed Forces.

Step 2: Contacting the Community

After all the supplies have been organized send a press release to all media outlets, military bases and local recruiting offices. Be sure to describe the project, provide contact information of the committee chairperson and explain how the community can participate in Flags for Soldiers. Encourage members to tell friends and relatives. The Flags for Soldiers project works by word of mouth. It is essential that all media outlets be utilized to make this project successful. Have a club meeting designed to explain the new project and how it will benefit the community. Invite the community and the media.

Step 3: Conducting the project

Requests from the community will be received by the committee chairperson or other designed point person. Be sure to receive the following information from the person requesting the project: name, phone number, exact address/location of display, soldier being honored (including name, rank and branch of service, general area of deployment and period of military service), date for display and requested time. Once a Flags for Soldiers request has been received contact all volunteers. Setup and tear down times will be established. Transport flags to the location and setup them up. Invite family members and friends to help in this rewarding experience. However, a member must always accompany flags and are accountable for proper handling by all who participate. Also include in the display a banner showcasing the project and identify Exchange Club as the promoter of the project. Provide the person requesting the display with: Exchange Club “One National Under God” pamphlet identifying the proper use and respect for the American Flag; Exchange Club brochure; and Invitation to join Exchange. Be sure to provide contact person with name and phone number of an Exchange Club member. At time established, return and take down flags. Return them to storage facility.

Step 4: Public Relations

Let the media know about each and every event. Include all information for the event including: exact address/location of display, soldier being honored (including name, rank and branch of service, general area of deployment and period of military service), date for display and requested time.

Step 5: Follow Up

Send a thank you note to the person who requested the display for allowing your club the chance to honor a hero. Take this opportunity to invite them to a future meeting so that they might learn more about Exchange.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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