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IRT Military Application How-To GuideWelcome!Thank you for your interest in Innovative Readiness Training (IRT). IRT is a Department of Defense (DoD) military training opportunity, exclusive to the United States and its territories, that delivers joint training opportunities to increase deployment readiness. Simultaneously, IRT provides key services with lasting benefits for our American communities.The purpose of this how-to guide is to assist military applicants in navigating the IRT application process. Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Welcome! PAGEREF _Toc532422674 \h 1Step 1: Log in PAGEREF _Toc532422675 \h 1Step 2: Browse Community Applications PAGEREF _Toc532422676 \h 2Step 3: Fill out your Military Application PAGEREF _Toc532422677 \h 3Military Request for Participation in Civil-Military Training PAGEREF _Toc532422678 \h 3Section 1: Request Overview PAGEREF _Toc532422679 \h 3Section 2: Project Overview PAGEREF _Toc532422680 \h 3Section 3: Resources PAGEREF _Toc532422681 \h 4Section 4: Training Assets PAGEREF _Toc532422682 \h 5Section 5: Legal Reviews PAGEREF _Toc532422683 \h 6Section 6: Other PAGEREF _Toc532422684 \h 7Section 7: Responsibilities and Coordination PAGEREF _Toc532422685 \h 8Section 8: Approving Official PAGEREF _Toc532422686 \h 9Finalize Your Application PAGEREF _Toc532422687 \h 9What Happens Next? PAGEREF _Toc532422688 \h 10Step 1: Log inGo to irt., click “Military Member,” and then click the login button at the top right-hand corner of the screen. If it is your first time, you can create your own user account on this page. Be sure to use your .mil email address and identify your Service and Component so that your application will be routed properly for review. If you already have a military user account with a .mil email address, simply log in using your credentials. 36499801224915Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1: View community applicationsFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1: View community applications3649980109220Step 2: Browse Community ApplicationsClick “View Applications,” then “All Community Applications” from the dropdown menu. This will bring you to a page that lists all community applications in the system, excluding those for past fiscal years.Note that in the Status column, community applications in the list may be “Started” (their community application is in draft status), “Submitted” (the community has submitted their final application), or “DRO-Approved” (there is already an approved military application for that community project). Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 2: All Community Applications list-45720130810If you would like to export this list to another file type, you can click on the three horizontal buttons next to the term “Community Applications” and select the type of file you would like (see the orange circle in Figure 3.474726058420You can also filter this list by right-clicking on a row within your column of interest. So for example if you want to see only community applications from Maryland, you would right-click on “MD” in the Figure 2 example above and select “Show Matching.” If you want to filter out Maryland, you would right-click on “MD” and select “Filter Out.” 4518660161290Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 3: Export application listFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 3: Export application list160020889000349885Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 4: Search applications by keyword0Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 4: Search applications by keywordAlternatively, you can search directly for a word or term by using the keywords search bar in the top right. After each search, the keyword search will automatically reset. To view a community application in detail, click anywhere in the row of that community application. This will take you to the summary page of that community application, with attachments available at the bottom. At this point, you have the choice to “Start a Military Application” or “Print” the community application summary. To return to community applications list, simply use your browser back button.1805940304801882140134620Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 5: Begin military applicationFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 5: Begin military applicationYou are now ready to begin a corresponding military application! (see Figure 5)Step 3: Fill out your Military ApplicationThere are eight sections to the military application. The following show the text and requirements of section. At the bottom of each section, click the “Back” button to return to a previous page or “Save and Continue” to go to the next page. So long as you have clicked the “Save and Continue” button, you can log out and log back in where you left off.Military Request for Participation in Civil-Military TrainingPURPOSE: This form is to be used by the Military Services for approval to participate in civil-military training. The form shall be used to document approval of Innovative Readiness Training (IRT) authorized by 10 U.S.C. § 2012; the form may also be used to approve other civil-military training. This request must correspond to support or services requested in writing by organizations and activities outside the Department of Defense. Additional instructions are on page 4.Section 1: Request Overview Purpose of Request: [OSD-Funded or Non-OSD Funded]Role: [Lead or Participant]Component: [choose from dropdown options]Military Service: [choose from dropdown options]Project Fiscal Year (format FYXX): [insert text]Section 2: Project OverviewOSD-Assigned Project Number: [Already prefilled based on the community application you were viewing. If you wish to change this to another project, select the project number to select from a dropdown menu.]The Type of Project, Civilian Application submission date, expiration date, and civilian information are auto-populated based on the community application. Scope of Training (specify the scope of the military training, which may not be the same as the scope of the civilian application request): [text entry]The remainder of this page is as follows. Both checkboxes must be checked for the IRT mission to be approved for valid training:Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 6: Project Overview pageSection 3: ResourcesThe “Resources” section requests the following information:Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 7: Resources pageNote that dollar estimates may include numeric values ONLY. Dollar signs, commas, and periods will not work here and will generate the following warning notice: 8763001435100087630010795Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 8: Do not use symbols, letters, commas, or periods in the dollar estimatesFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 8: Do not use symbols, letters, commas, or periods in the dollar estimatesSection 4: Training AssetsUse this section, including the attachments upload, if you are requesting IRT asset management support for this mission:Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 9: Use for IRT asset management requestsSection 5: Legal ReviewsThe following subsection questions require Yes or No responses:Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 10: Legal questions457204130675Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 11: Environmental review questionsFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 11: Environmental review questions45720464820The Environmental review subsection, including an option to upload attachments, are relevant depending on your mission type:Section 6: OtherThe “Other” section is optional and provides a text box and attachments upload location for any additional information you might wish to include beyond what is required in the other sections. Section 7: Responsibilities and CoordinationThis section requests the name, rank, unit, and email of your appointed project manager. Below that, “Coordination” refers to those individuals whose names and/or signatures must appear for you military application to be valid. For any required signatures, you can check the “Signature Required” box. -45720210185-76201604645Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 12: Coordination approvalsFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 12: Coordination approvalsNote: checking the “Signature Required” box does NOT send a notification to that individual, but it does create a signature line on the next page that can be filled out by hand if printed. If you choose to collect wet signatures in this way, please feel free to upload your signatures page as an attachment in Section 6: Other.Section 8: Approving OfficialCheck the boxes if you can certify the below statements. All boxes must be checked for a military application to be valid.I certify and acknowledge that:Finalize Your ApplicationThis section provides a summary of your completed military application, as well as the summary community application below it. You can click the “Print” button to print the document. You will also see that signature lines appear on this page for anything you checked as “Signature Required” in the previous sections. You can click on the blue hyperlink title to quickly return to that specific section if you would like to do further editing. At this point, if you are military user, you may click the blue “Submit” button to submit your military application for consideration. What Happens Next?Your applicable IRT Program Manager will be notified when you have submitted your application. You may later receive an email notification that your application has been rejected, more information is being requested, or your application has been approved by your Program Manager (PM). Your military application must also be approved by your IRT Department Responsible Official (DRO), for which you will also receive a rejected or approved notification. Only when your military application has been approved at the PM, DRO, and OSD levels are you approved to begin your mission.Please note that nonprofit community organizations not on the USC 508 list must go through an OSD eligibility review to ensure that they are eligible to receive support and services from the government. Please work with your Program Manager (PM) to submit the required Organizational Eligibility package to OSD. This package is required ONLY for your applications that have already been approved by your DRO. ................

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