GOOD!!NLEEWTSTER Forest Presbyterian Church

Living God's Heart, Hands, & Voice

Newsletter for Forest Presbyterian Church, Forest, Virginia

SNepotevmembberetr 2019

Give Thanks!

"If I partake in thankfulness, why should I be denounced because of that for which I give thanks? So whether you eat or drink, whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God."

- 1 Corinthians 10:30-31

Eucharist - it's the Greek-based word we often use to talk about the Lord's Supper. Eucharist has a simple translation Thanksgiving. When we gather at the Lord's Table, we celebrate the meal that Christ gave us as a meal of Thanksgiving to God.

Thanksgiving for the Incarnation of Jesus Christ. Thanksgiving for the suffering and death of our Lord and Savior Jesus. Thanksgiving for the Resurrection of Jesus. Thanksgiving for the new life in the Holy Spirit.

As we enter a season of Thanksgiving, let us turn our hearts toward thanking God. The joy and celebration of life flows from the many blessings that God has given us.

At Forest Presbyterian, we have many things to thank God for. We have a new set of Handbells on the way. The windows and stucco on the cupola are nearly fixed, ending seventeen years of dripping in the sanctuary. We can thank God for many other ministries and missions at Forest Presbyterian Church.

This year, we are kicking off our Stewardship campaign with Thanksgiving at our Thanksgiving Dinner on November 20th at 6 PM. Our campaign will continue into Advent, when we offer up our gifts as "Gifts for the King," to celebrate the arrival of our King Jesus. What better way could we celebrate the birth of Jesus than to give gifts, like the Magi in scripture.

Give thanks!

Yours in Faith,



Pastor's Note....................1 FYRE Youth ......................2 November Events..............2 Christian Education ...........3 November Calendar...........4 Birthdays ........................5 Missions ........................... 6 Thanksgiving Dinner..........7 Poinsettia Form.................7

A sincere thank you to everyone who contributed to our College Care Package project in October. With your generous donations we were able to send seven (7) boxes and will be scanning and emailing notes to Lindsay-in Japan. How excited they will be when they open up their box of encouragements. Thank you for supporting our college and youth group!

Sunday, November 3, 4:30 pm Regular Meeting

Sunday, November 10, 4:30 pm Regular meeting

Sunday, November 17, 4:30 pm Regular Meeting

Sunday, November 24, 4:30 pm Regular Meeting

FYRE QUESTION; Why does the Bible contradict itself?

All youth grades 6-12 come, invite your friends and find out the answer to this question and many other questions.

? Chimes Practice - Sunday's 3pm ? Chimes Practice - Wednesday's 6pm ? Choir Practice - Wednesday's 7am ? TOPS - Thursday's 9am ? Daylight Saving Time ends - Sunday, November 3 ? Disciples in ChristCare - Tuesday, November 5 & 19, 10am ? Session - Tuesday, November 5, 7pm ? Deacons - Thursday, November 7, 6pm ? Children's Music - Sunday, November 10 & 24, 2:15pm ? Newsletter Deadline - Tuesday, November 12 ? FPC Lunch Club - Thursday, November 14, 11:30am ? Thanksgiving Dinner - Wednesday, November 20, 6pm ? NO BOOK Club in November ? Two-Cents-A-Meal - Sunday, November 24 ? Thanksgiving Day - Thursday, November 28


Christian Education

A Word from CE

God said "I'll be with you..." -Exodus 3:12

We are talking about community foundations this month. We will be learning about Moses, the Exodus and the ten commandments. We usually watch a video illustrating the lesson for the week and do lots of activities, puzzles, crafts, and story time. We usually act out the bible story. We have a great time of learning, fellowship, and fun! Come join us this Sunday and each Sunday at 9:30 am and bring a friend!

The children at FPC are so much fun to teach and spend time with! Please consider volunteering to teach in Church school, lead children's chapel or help in the nursery. If you feel God is calling you to help in anyway, please talk to Meghann Cope, Angie Francis, or Stephanie Lane to learn more.

Adult Church School All adults are encouraged to join us each Sunday morning 9:30 am as Pastor Morgan continues his study in The Present Word - Responding to God's Grace. This quarter focuses on God's gift of faith and how we respond to it both personally and communally. YOU do not want to miss being a part of this amazing study on God's gift of FAITH!

The choir is looking forward to presenting Easter music


Handbell Choir

A special "THANK YOU" goes to everyone who has given to our handbell fund! We have ordered a 3-octave handbell set from Schulmerich and expect to have them sometime this month. Both choirs have been practicing handbell techniques and preparing music for the upcoming Christmas season.

In October, we started a children's music program on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month - 2:15-2:45 pm for children from K-5th grade. A team of music lovers from FPC is sharing their knowledge of and passion for music through songs, movement, and playing instruments. This program is open to the community, so invite your friends to come! November meetings are Sunday, November 10 and Sunday November 24. See Laurie Brownson with any questions.



















Daylight Saving Time Ends Communion 3p Chimes 4:30p FYRE Youth Group

6:30p Ladies Bible Study Movie Night

10a Disciples in ChristCare 7p Session

6p Chimes 7p Adult Choir

9a TOPS 6p Deacons



2:15p Kids Music Program 3p Chimes 4:30p FYRE Youth Group






Newsletter Deadline

6p Chimes 7p Adult Choir

9a TOPS 11:30a FPC Lunch Club



3p Chimes 4:30p FYRE Youth Group


10a Disciples in ChristCare


6p Thanksgiving Dinner NO Chimes 7p Adult Choir







2 Cents-A-Meal 2:15p Kids Music Program 3p Chimes 4:30p FYRE Youth Group






NO Book Club

6p Chimes 7p Adult Choir

Thanksgiving Day

ABBREVIATIONS a - am p - pm MT - Ministry Team CC - ChristCare BS - Bible Study


SUNDAY WORSHIP SCHEDULE 9:30am - Church School 10:30 am - Worship Service

WHAT: FPC Retreat Retreat-time away together! WHEN: March 20-21 2020 WHERE: WE Skelton 4H Center at Smith Mountain Lake WHO: YOU! Forest Presbyterian Church All are Welcome!

Please save and mark your calendar now watch for more details to come soon!

2 Carl Sims 4 Ben Harrison 10 Bob Langmeyer 11 Lola Kerr 11 Megan Trum 17 Kurt Heideman 25 Bob Crie

Our walking group has successfully traversed the 2,189 mile long Appalachian Trail in the past couple of months. This trail begins at Springer Mountain in GA and ends at Mt. Katahdin in ME. We are now back tracking on this trail into VT where we will leave it to reach Crown Point, NY where the North Country Trail currently begins. Legislation was been passed earlier this year to extend the trail to connect with the Appalachian in VT but the work has not yet been done. The North Country Scenic Trail (or NCT as it is commonly called) is 4,600 miles long and goes through the states of New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota and North Dakota. To join us on our trek, please call Ginny Lenz at 525-9213 for more information.

It's almost time to celebrate the birth of our Lord! The choir is working on special Christmas music and we invite you to join us as we lift our voices together to worship the Lord. New and past members are welcome come join us! We meet every Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary.



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