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Bernard Hodes Group

Recruitment Hub Review

in relations to


Prepared for Lowe’s Corporate

N. Wilkesboro, NC

Media Recommendation

Internet Recruiting


Hotjobs Information

is owned by Yahoo!. is now the #2 recruitment hub in the USA. Hotjobs uses a different “posting” strategy than most recruitment hubs. With , a company purchases “slots” to put positions and not actual postings themselves. Meaning that the company can change out their jobs listed on the site as many times as they wish without an increase in cost or having to post another job. Once a position is filled, replace that “posting” with a new one in the same “slot”.

Yahoo!, Hotjobs’s parent company, is the number one search engine in the world. Yahoo had 130 million unique visitors in the same month. has partnerships with 51 TV stations to run their Career Centers.  There are 36,000 local sites in the Yahoo! Get Local network.


Retail Stats: 

• Retail job seekers on HotJobs number more than 330,000 as of November 15, 2002. 

• More than 1.5 million Yahoo users have entered their profession in their Yahoo registration as retail.

Hotjob Stats:

HotJobs had 4.6 million unique visitors in the month of October (latest numbers available).


Internet usage stats:

1. 76% of job seekers are loyal to one recruitment hub website.

2. Among the top 10 recruitment domains, HotJobs & Monster have the highest composition of exclusive users.  HotJobs = 67%  Monster = 58% 

3. There is limited cross-visitation among the top 3 sites:  HotJobs, Monster, and Jobsonline.

4. Among visitors to HotJobs, 23% visited Monster.  Among visitors to Monster, 29% visited HotJobs.  

5. The overlap of job seekers is only about 25%.  This means there a 2 mostly distinct talent pools associated with Monster and HotJobs.

US % Audience Reached*

6. HotJobs = 8.6%

7. Monster = 6.7%

8. CareerBuilder/Headhunter = 4%

9. Net-Temps = 1%

10. Flipdog = 0.8%

* Excluding career channels within online networks including Yahoo!, AOL, and MSN. 



Strategic Thoughts

76% of internet job seekers are loyal to only one recruitment hub. Candidates will utilize one recruitment hub, any number of available local websites, niche websites, and print media when looking for a career.

Utilizing that information, let’s consider to top 2 recruitment hubs that are available, and .


There is a lack of overlap between Monster and HotJobs.  Many people believe they reach the same talent pool, and so why use both.  The fact is the overlap between the 2 sites is less than 25%.  HotJobs and Monster are the 2 biggest job boards, and used dually with give Lowe's access to the largest talent pool possible.


Some of Lowe’s competition uses both HotJobs and Monster to post their jobs. The competition is getting access to over 17 million job seekers using Monster and HotJobs in tandem. Using Monster alone is only accessing 9 million job seekers. 

Media Metrix conducted a study of the top 10 Job Boards. This study proves that a dual-usage strategy of using both Monster and HotJobs will almost double your access to U.S. job seekers.


Contract Options


• Company Profile Page

• Hyperlink from your Profile Page to your website

• Automatic posting of your jobs to our affiliate sites

• Job library where you can instantly add, edit or delete your jobs online

• 5 search agents per user to search the database for you 24 hours a day

• Real-time stats tracking the applicant activity your job posting has received

• Access to the Headhunter free resume database for the length of your contract

• Virtual filing cabinet to manage the correspondence with each potential employee

• Applicant Tracking System -- recruiters can review and distribute resume information

• Pre-Screening feature allows you to pre-screen resumes, leaving only quality response

Level 1

|Description |Package Value |

|20 job slots (Equivalent of 240 Monster job package) |$1410/month |

|1 password to the resume database | |

|Total |$16,920 |

Level 2

|Description |Package Value |

|30 job slots (Equivalent of 360 Monster job package) |$1830/month |

|1 password to the resume database | |

|Total |$21,960 |


In order to utilize the internet to the fullest in sourcing candidates for Lowe’s, it is a good idea to utilize both Monster and . In using the Top 2 recruitment hubs, Lowe’s will reach a broader audience.

However, I suggest only the Level 1 package. Having 20 slots on should be enough, being as you can swap out job opportunities as needed. Unless Lowe’s is planning on having more than 20 high priority positions that need to be posted per month, in which case a larger package may be warranted.

Level 1 Contract Package - $16,920 (billable per month at $1410)


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