I. Opening comment:

●”I listened to your talk.”

● I thought it was a very [ADJECTIVE] story

[ADJECTIVE] = {funny/interesting/cool/surprising/scary/impressive/inspiring}

Or “I was very [moved/impressed/surprised/amused/entertained] by your story

Or “Your story was very [ADJECTIVE]”

●”You said                   “


+ (Combination #1) =


|(Oh) that’s good. |No way! |

|(Oh) that’s great! |Oh no! |

|(Oh) that’s nice. |(Oh) that’s too bad. |

|Wow! |That’s---------------- |

+Speculation Comment

|I guess you |

|I bet you |

|You must have been |

|That must have been |

|I guess that |

|I bet that |

●”You said                   “


+ (Combination #1) =


|(Oh) that’s good. |No way! |

|(Oh) that’s great! |Oh no! |

|(Oh) that’s nice. |(Oh) that’s too bad. |

|Wow! |That’s---------------- |

+Personalization Comment

|I had a similar experience. In my case |

●”You said                   “


+ (Combination #1) =


|(Oh) that’s good. |No way! |

|(Oh) that’s great! |Oh no! |

|(Oh) that’s nice. |(Oh) that’s too bad. |

|Wow! |That’s---------------- |

Generalization Comment

| is very [ADJ], isn’t it? |

|It’s (very) [ADJ] when you , huh? |

|It’s (very [ADJ] to , isn’t it? |

Then ask 2 follow-up questions

●”You said                   “

(Follow-up Question)

●”You said                   “

(Follow-up Question)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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