Active Listening

             Active Listening

I. Keep the conversation going:

|Oh yeah? / Oh really? / Yeah. / Oh yeah. |

|Uh-huh. / Right. / Oh I see. |

II. Basic Rejoinders (相づち) :

|(Oh) That’s good. / (Oh) That’s great! / Wow! |

|Oh no! / No way! / (Oh) That’s nice / Great! / |

|Oh that’s too bad. / |

III. Repeat (to show surprise or check a word) :

|50 dollars?! / You went the wrong way?! |

|“Omikuji”? / You lost it?! |

IV. Question :

|Why? / How come? / (Oh)You did? / (Oh) It was? |

|(Oh) You were? / So what happened? / (So) how was it? |

|(So) how’d (it/that) go / (So) how’s (it/that) going? |

V. Comment : (That’s + ---(adjective)--)

|Adjective Examples: |

|That’s funny! That’s sad. That’s weird! |

|That’s interesting That’s too bad. |

|That’s cool! That’s a drag. That’s fun. |

|That’s terrible! That’s a lot! |

|That’s too many! That’s scary! |

|That’s too late! That’s fast! |

|That sounds fun. That sounds dangerous! |

|That sounds delicious! That sounds scary! |

Combine two groups:

a. [Repeat word] +

50?!! That’s a lot! A headache? Oh no! Crying? Why?

A bear?! That’s scary! 100 man?!! That’s expensive!!

b. [Repeat sentence] +

You threw up?! Oh no! You forgot your wallet?! No way!

You failed the test?! That’s a drag! He hit you?! That’s terrible!


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