Cellular Respiration

Cellular Respiration

Respiration is a series of chemical reactions that converts glucose or other food molecules into stored energy in the form of the chemical ATP. Respiration is usually divided into three stages:

Glycolysis, Krebs’ cycle and the electron transport chain.

A) Web site name: University of Cincinnati, Clermont College

Web URL:

Read “Cellular Respiration and Fermentation”

1) What is glycolysis? _____________________________________________


2) Does glycolysis need oxygen as part of any of its chemical reactions?______

3) What color are the Nitrogen (N) atoms in the diagram? _________________

4) What is the connection between yogurt and sore muscles?


5) Which long protein molecule in bread traps the CO2 so that the bread rises? _____________________________________________________________

B) Web site name: Indiana University Biotech

Web URL:

6) What is glucose converted into during glycolysis? ____________________

7) What is the connection between glycolysis and beer? __________________ _____________________________________________________________

Click on Pathway

8) How many carbon atoms are there in fructose? ____________________

9) What is the difference in chemical structure between Dihydroxyacetone phosphate and Glyceraldehyde phosphate ? _________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

10) Which enzyme (ending is –ase) breaks Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate into two 3-carbon molecules ? __________________________

C) Web site name: University of California Muscle Physiology Lab

Web URL:

Read “Aerobic metabolism”

11) What 2-carbon molecule is pyruvate oxidized to? _____________________

12) What 6-carbon molecule is shown on the top right of the cycle? _____________________________________________________________

13) How many NADH molecules are produced for every pyruvate that enters the Krebs cycle? __________________

Click on NADHs

14) How many ATPs are actually formed from each NADH ? _______________

15) Which cells have creatine phosphate in them ? ________________________

D) Web site name: University of California Muscle Physiology Lab

Web URL:

16) What is the normal turnover rate of creatine? _________________________

17) If you eat (ingest) more creatine what happens to the amount synthesized by your body? ____________________________________________________

Many companies sell creatine as a “nutritional supplement”. One example is:

E) Web site name: Absolute Creatine

Web URL:

18) How much creatine was sold in 1998? ____________________________

19) What claims does this company make for creatine? ____________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

20) Why may some people “not be a responder to creatine”? _____________________________________________________________

21) Read the fine print at the bottom of the screen. Do you think that the Food and Drug Administration should investigate statements made by these companies ? ______________ Why ? ______________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

The reactions of the Krebs cycle and Electron Transport Chain occur inside the mitochondria. This next web site shows the structure of mitochondria:

F) Web site name: Rice University, Texas

Web URL:

22) Mitochondria are ___________-sized organelles, found in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells.

23) What is one of the richest sources of mitochondria known?


24) What is the function of “porins”? __________________________________

25) Where is the electron transport chain located? ________________________

26) Why can photos make it appear that there is more than one mitochondrion? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

G) Web site name: Florida State College at Jacksonville

Web URL:

Read “The Electron Transport Chain”

27) The proteins of the inner membrane collect electrons from which two chemicals? ______________________________________________

28) What is the purpose of oxygen in the electron transport chain? ___________ _____________________________________________________________

29) How many ATP molecules are made from each FADH2 ? _______________

One way of increasing respiration ( and “burning” food ) is to exercise.

H) Web site name: Federal Citizen Information Center

Web URL:

Look at the table of “Activity” and “Calories Burned”.

30) Which activity listed here uses the fewest calories? ____________________

31) How many calories are used when you run at 10mph? __________________

32) How many more calories are used by jogging at 7 mph compared to 51/2 mph? ___________________________

33) How many calories are burned by swimming at 50 yds/min? ____________

34) A Big Mac cheeseburger (without fries) has 704 calories. Roughly how many hours would you have to walk at 2 mph to burn these calories? ____________________


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