Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe


Dear Parent(s),

Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) is a program designed to prevent and respond to classroom and school discipline issues.  PBIS will support staff in their teaching and promotion of appropriate behavior in all students.  By reducing behavioral issues, PBIS helps to create and maintain safe learning environments, where teachers can teach and students can learn.  As parents of our students, you will play a vital role on our team to insure student academic and behavioral success.

In conjunction with PBIS, students will be earning Pride Paws for positive behavior.  Students have the opportunity to earn multiple paws throughout the day.  The paws will be used for weekly and monthly incentives.  In addition to individual incentives, classrooms can earn incentives.



Complete all classwork/homework Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself

Come to class prepared to learn Work and play in a safe manner

Follow directions Walk with purpose


Listen when others are speaking

Show respect for school, people, and personal property

Be responsible for my words and actions; always use kind words

Work quietly and do not disturb others

Students who choose to follow our rules will earn

1. Pride paws and other in-class reward incentives

2. Special privileges, such as extra free time and Friday Fun time

3. Praise, positive note or call home, stickers, or treats

4. Student may move their clip up our behavior chart to “Showing Pride” (blue) or “Role Model” (purple) and add a gem to their clip. When a clip is filled with gems, it will be displayed in the behavior Hall of Fame.

If a student chooses to break a rule

1. Students will start the day with their behavior clips on white. Students will receive a paw if clip stays on white all day.

2. FIRST OFFENSE-Behavior clip is moved to green, indicating a verbal warning was given. Student will not receive a paw for the day.

3. SECOND OFFENSE- Behavior clip is moved to yellow. Student fills out “Lion Reflection Log” and the teacher completes an “Office Discipline Referral” (ODR). The log is to be signed by a parent and returned the next day. Student will receive an office or classroom consequence.

4. THIRD OFFENSE- Behavior clip is moved to red. Student will fill out a second “Lion Reflection Log” and the teacher will complete a second “ODR”. The log is to be signed and returned the next day. Student will receive an office or classroom consequence.

Please feel free to contact me at sboswell@ or 687-4763 ext. 334, if you have any question or concerns.


After reading and discussing these rules with your child, please sign and return this bottom section.

____________________________________ ________________________________

parent signature student signature


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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