EAGLEHAWK AND DISTRICT TENNIS ASSOCIATION PETITION RULES1.That each club may enter teams in the competition, with the objective of having as manyteams as possible play, in preference to having single teams of greater strength.a. Registration of players within the Association must be clearlyprinted or typed on the registration sheet provided by the Association. Further registration of players may be written on back of scorecard.b. Junior players to include name, age and date of birth.2. That a competition between teams of the clubs be arranged to commence on a datearranged by the delegates of the Association.3. That Senior teams comprise three (3) men and three (3) ladies. If no 3 men available, the third man can be played by a female who is deemed to be a “strong” player.4. The competition of Saturday afternoon matches use format 1 (as described below). If insufficient players are available to use format No. 1, or if it is deemed to be in the best interests of the competition, the following alternative format can be applied, for one or more grades, after consultation with each affected Club.Format No.1: Teams shall consist of three men and three women, playing the following matches: Three (3) men’s doubles, three (3) women’s doubles, three (3) mixed doubles.Format No. 2: Teams shall consist of two men and two women, playing the following matches – one (1) men’s doubles, one (1) women’s doubles and four (4) mixed doubles.In the case of format no. 2 being used, 3 new balls are to be supplied by each club, with a new set of balls used after 2 sets. a. Sets may be in any order.5 All players must play at least three (3) matches with a team to qualify for the finals. A total of four (4) matches in a higher grade disqualifies from playing a lower grade.5a. Where there is more than one team from the one Club in the one grade, a total of seven (7) games disqualifies from changing from one team to another.5b: If the first team in that club, they qualify for, doesn’t make the finals, they can’t change. 5c: A player may only play finals round matches for one team in a season6. RAIN and HEAT Rule.6.1 If at 8am, the temperature has already reached or is forecast to reach 35C-37C, the format of play for that day shall be:6.1a Play first to 6 games with no deuce points: At 40/40: the receiving team shall choose which side to receive serve from and the winner of that point will win the game. 6.1b at 5 all a revised tiebreaker rule will be in place. Tie breaker modified to first team to 7 points, with no advantage required.The decision will be made by the executive. BOM data shall be used in all instances.6.2 In the event of rain or wet courts at the start of play or up to 30 minutes thereafter, or earlier by prior agreement by the two captains, play shall be cancelled.6.3 In the event of thunder and lightning occurring 30 seconds or less apart at a match court, play at that court must be suspended and anyone present must move to a safe location.6.4 If at 8am, a code red day is declared or the temperature is forecast to be equal to or exceeding 38C, play shall be cancelled. The decision will be made by the executive. BOM data shall be used in all instances.6.5 For any team that does not play due to temperature, rain, lightning/thunder or code red declaration, no player be regarded as having qualified for those teams. 6.6 In the event that all teams do not play, no points are allotted. In the event that two or more teams play, the remaining teams divide the points evenly. 6.7 If the two captains of opposing teams mutually agree, play can be moved to a time between 1:30pm Friday prior and 11pm Sunday following the scheduled start of play. The Ladder/results coordinator must be notified of this decision in writing by 5pm Saturday and the score card must be submitted by 11:30pm Sunday.7. That where play is abandoned due to rain or lightning/thunder or mutual consent of the captains the following to apply: A team in an unassailable position take points for sets won plus two (2) points. The losing team receives points for sets won. Neither team in an unassailable position; points be allotted on the basis for every set won plus games as percentage and remaining sets unplayed will be divided evenly between the two teams, plus one (1) point each of the two (2) points for a win.8. All Senior matches must be started by 1:30pm and teams be encouraged to have hit-ups nolonger than five (5) minutes each set.9. Any team not on the courts and ready to play within fifteen (15) minutes of their appointedcommencing time shall be deemed to have forfeited the first men's set.a. Any team unable to continue play five (5) minutes of completion of the previous setshall forfeit that following set.b. Any team after forfeiting the previous set and unable to carry on shall forfeit asucceeding set every five (5) minutes until the team can continue. Unless theopposing team shall then and there agree to the contrary, or the Association shallotherwise decide upon an appeal in writing delivered to the Secretary within 48hours of the day such match should have been played.c. If any team must forfeit, then that team’s captain shall notify their opposition teamof the executive at least one (1) hour before commencement of play. Any teamfailing to notify will be penalised eleven (11) points.d. Junior teams forfeiting must notify either the opposition captain, club Secretary orAssociation Secretary at least one (1) hour before commencement of play. Any teamfailing to notify will be penalised (6) points.e. That the cut-off time for all Senior players to be at the courts ready for play, is to be60 minutes after the scheduled start of play. If any player is not there, then their sets are to be forfeited.f. In the case of a forfeit, the team that had the forfeit must lodge a scorecard toreceive points.g. If during the season the Executive Committee became aware of a rule infringementby a player or club, they may act against that player or club. Action to betaken by Executive Committee.h. Court behaviour: Abusive and/or offensive language, action to be taken by theExecutive. Racquet throwing will incur a minimum of one (1) week suspension with amaximum of three weeks if proven guilty of the offence by the Executive.10. A team entering a protest must notify the opposing captain prior to lodging the complaint withthe Association Secretary. Protests in writing are to be in the hands of the Secretary no laterthan 48 hours after the match is completed.11. The scorecard is the responsibility of the winning team and must be handed in at thenominated places by 11:30pm Sunday. The lodging places for cards are to be nominatedeach year. In the event of the winning team failing to hand in the scorecard, points to beallotted as follows: No points for the winning team. Points as won for the losing team. In theevent of the Competition Secretary being unable to ascertain the losing score, points beallotted to the losing team as follows: Four (4) sets Twenty-four (24) games for the losingteam - Seniors. Two (2) sets Twelve (12) games for losing team - Juniors.12. No teams will be accepted into the Association after the draw is finalised except in the caseof a bye.13. Each team captain shall fill in the scorecard completely prior to the commencement of thematch concerned. In the event of an incomplete scorecard being handed in neither teamshall receive points for that match. An incomplete scorecard shall be defined as follows:Incorrect or no grade, Team name or colour written down. Failure to tally scores in at leastone position allocated, Failure to sign card will mean loss of points to the offending team.The results/score Secretary to decide in consultation with the Executive.14. Umpires be supplied equally by both teams if required. First set - designated home team,remaining sets - alternating between both teams. No other person to be at the Umpiresposition.15. a. That in the finals each team captain writes his/her team down on a sheet of paper, hand thesame to the opposition captain before the start of play, who will write the team down on thescorecard. Finals matches and venues to be decided upon by the Executive.16. Clearances are required only after the current season has commenced.a. The Secretary of the club that the player is leaving mustendorse all clearance. A copy of the clearance to be sent to the AssociationSecretary within seven (7) days. Failure will incur a $10.00 fine.b. Any player not granted a clearance has the right of appeal to the Association.c. All clearances close six (6) weeks prior to finals commencing.17. That the executive, in consultation with the delegates, has the authority to grade teams in any grade or section with a minimum of four (4) teams, (except for junior grades). An eight (8) team competition being preferable.18. That a Grading Committee be appointed at the Annual Meeting to draw up competitionfixtures.19. A player, who has qualified in another Pennant Competition, will remain eligible to play in theEaglehawk and District Tennis Association finals. Provided the number of Matches played inthe Association exceeds the total number of matches played in any other competition andsubject to other final rules.20. All club affiliations must be paid to the Association in instalments as directed by theExecutive Committee.21. That the Secretary be empowered, if a team plays an ineligible player that team loses five (5)points, and three (3) sets that the ineligible player plays in be forfeited to the opposing teamand two (2) sets in the case of juniors.22. All players must be neatly dressed in correct tennis clothes.23. That the home team supply a pair of new balls for the Men's sets, the visiting team supply anew pair of balls for the Ladies sets, each team to supply one new ball for the mixed set.24. Delegates at a meeting prior to new season will decide, on what brand of ball is tobe used.25. That two (2) points be allotted for team winning most games and one (1) point be allotted foreach set won by both winning and losing teams. Nine (9) sets, fifty-four (54) games andeleven (11) points are allotted for a forfeit.26. Points for bye are determined by an equitable distribution of points for all teams in thatgrade. Senior teams are allocated 5.5 points, for A Grade Boys and Girls 4 points and B andC Grade Juniors 3 points, to be allocated at beginning of season.27. If a player is injured in the course of a final and/or home and away match, an eligiblereplacement player may play in the remaining sets, excluding any sets already commenced.Rule 28 – Central Emergency List (CEL)28.1 Any person listed as an emergency player for the EDTA will be listed on a CEL which then allows them to fill in for any EDTA affiliated Club. 28.2 All players, whether registered team players or emergency players, must be financial members of a Club affiliated with the EDTA. 28.3 Any registered player within an affiliated EDTA club is eligible to fill in for another affiliated EDTA club.Rule 29 – Finals29.1 A player who has not played in at least three home and away matches with their team, including players on the CEL, shall not be eligible to play in Finals matches.A player on the CEL is eligible to play finals for the first team they qualify for. If the first team they qualify for does not make the finals, they are eligible to play for any subsequent teams they qualified for, in order of qualification.29.2 A player may only play finals round matches for one team in a season.JUNIOR COMPETITION1. That a junior competition be conducted on Saturday mornings only.2. That a Junior "D" Grade competition be mixed for boys and/or girls and be conducted onSaturday mornings. All other rules to be the same as existing rules for juniors excepting that;Time Limit: all matches have a cut off time for each set of 30 minutes. Deuce games are tobe completed as rules state. No Finals to be played for "D" mixed competition and AllPlayers receive trophies.3. Teams shall consist of four (4) players and shall play four (4) doubles of six (6) games sets.a. A Grade play four (4) single matches and two (2) doubles matches, using two (2)courts. Single matches being played first followed by the doubles.4. In finals Junior teams are allowed five (5) players to play.5. Play shall commence by the nominated time with similar conditions as applies to Seniorpennant.a. 10:00am cut-off time for Rain including finals.6. All players to be of the age 17 years on the 3st day of December of that season.7. Junior pennant to start one (1) week later than Senior pennant at commencement of season.8. Each Junior team be accompanied by a senior person who is prepared to umpire if required.Otherwise one (1) point per set is forfeited.9. In event of a tie after completion of the fourth set of any Junior final a further six (6) game setbe commenced by any two (2) members of each team and be played until one (1) teamreaches six (6) games.10. That in Juniors each team supply two (2) tennis balls for season matches and in Finals eachteam supply two (2) new ball each.FINALS1. That in the finals, if the two (2) team captains mutually agree, a final can be played on ahome court.2. That in the finals, the starting time is 1.30pm for Seniors and 9.00am for Juniors.3. That in finals the top team call for the second set and the top team umpire the first set ifrequired.4. That in the event of a "Washout" in the finals, the higher team on the ladder to be declaredthe winner with exception of the Grand Final.5. The finals matches are to be played on the Page System and on courts decided upon by theExecutive.6. Four (4) Players can be played in Finals with the 4th Player being able to play any one set atthe discretion of the team captain.TROPHIESTrophies shall be presented at a function at the end of the season. Date and format of this function to be decided at a delegate's meeting.TOURNAMENTThe Association may conduct a tournament at a date fixed at a delegates meeting.REFEREESAny member of the executive is empowered to act as referees in the event of any dispute ................

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