Rationale - Eagle Website - Northwest University

College of EducationNorthwest UniversityUndergrad Program Application Group Interaction GuideAs part of the application process for the NU College of Education (COE) undergraduate education program (elementary, mid-level, or secondary), we require all candidates to participate in a group interaction exercise. Typically this will happen in conjunction with the speech competency assessment. This guide outlines the rationale, process and preparation details for the exercise.RationaleClassroom teaching involves more than content knowledge or even pedagogical (teaching)understanding. Research clearly indicates that issues such as teacher-student relationship, teacher problem solving, flexibility, ‘thinking on one’s feet’, etc. are also important components to effective teaching and, thus, a positive impact on student learning. The ‘Group Interaction Experience’ is an attempt to assess these kinds of aptitudes for program applicants. This is one aspect in a series of evaluations (i.e., competency speech, reflection paper, interview, WEST-B scores, etc.) meant to evaluate candidate potential not only for the COE program, but for classroom teaching more generally.ProcessJust after all candidates in your room have given their ‘Competency Speeches’, your group willbe given a common task to complete. The task will not be communicated in advance (since we want you to think on your feet). Once the task has been distributed to the group, each group will be given 15 minutes to complete the project. One of the observers in your room will initiate the task, and then hand it over to the group to discuss, debate, interact, probe, and solve.Scoring and PreparationScoring is based on five criteria (see below); scored from 0-3 for each. A total of 15 points arepossible for the group interaction exercise; 10 points are needed to pass this entrance requirement.How might you prepare for the exercise? We’re looking for natural propensities, so advance preparation is not necessary. Five main areas will become points of evaluation (see the attached ‘scoring guide’ for specific details):Interaction – Your ability to interact socially with the members in your group; e.g., your ability to get along, ability to listen, ability to connect your thoughts with others is evaluated.Influence/Leadership – Your ability to shape the process with others, while at the same time not dominating; e.g., your ability to state your thoughts clearly, ability to connect your views with others, ability to influence how others think about the task at hand is evaluated.150546006242051 It is important to communicate that this exercise is not meant to choose extroverts over introverts. The classroom needs both personalities. So, if you talk a lot, then perhaps your greatest challenge in this exercise is to listen toProblem solving – Your ability to think clearly and creatively about the task; e.g., your ability to understand nuances surrounding the task, ability to articulate solutions or views that help in understanding the task is evaluated.Flexibility – Your ability to think on your feet, remaining responsive to the dynamics of the group process; e.g., your ability to change your response based on the response of others in the group, ability to consider where you’ve ‘missed it’ and develop a different approach in the midst of the discussion is evaluated.Contribution – Your general contribution to the group; e.g., your ability to strengthen the process by adding relevant contributions, ability to be an active participant throughout the process, ability to help the group think more clearly about the task is evaluated.RUBRICDescriptorRateExceeds Standard; aptitude/ability in component area is exemplary – candidate has strong potential as a teacher.3Meets Standard; aptitude/ability in component area is adequate – candidate has average potential as a teacher.2Approaching Standard; aptitude/ability in component area is weak – candidate has weak potential as a teacher.1Below Standard; aptitude/ability in component area is missing/unacceptable – candidate has little potential as a teacher.0Group InteractionEvaluate the following regarding the interaction components for the candidate, placing your score in the right-hand box:Score (0-3)GI 1.1Interaction: ability to interact socially with the members of the group during the task.GI 1.2Influence/Leadership: ability to shape the task process with others, while at the same time not dominating.GI 1.3Problem solving: ability to think clearly and creatively about the task.GI 1.4Flexibility: ability to think on your feet, remaining responsive to the dynamics of the conversation around solving the task.GI 1.5Contribution: ability to contribute relevantly to the group process/task.Total Score (0-15 points possible)5010150744220others and connect your input to theirs. On the other hand, if you are quieter, then perhaps your greatest challenge is to add your voice consistently throughout the discussion. ................

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