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World History Imperialism ProjectName ___________________________In the 1800s many European countries, as well as Japan and the United States, engaged in Imperialism – they gained control of weaker countries around the world. Once they had control of these weaker countries, the powerful nations encouraged their citizens to move to these colonies to work and live. This project will allow you to explore the reasons for imperialism, and the specific reasons why people moved to these colonies. You will use your textbook and online resources to conduct research on a specific colonized country, and utilize propaganda techniques to create a travel poster that could have been used in the 19th century to convince people to relocate to this colony. Project Components535114533020000Research Notes: As you are conducting online research, you will take 1-2 pages of Cornell Notes that will be submitted as a part of the overall project grade.Travel Poster: Use the examples at the right to create a poster with the following criteria:Illustrations and text that cover the entire surface of the page (must be at least 8 ? x 11, the size of a sheet of printer paper) The name of the colonized countryThe name of the colonizing (more powerful) countryAt least 5 reasons to go to the colonized country during the age of ImperialismAt least 1 persuasive propaganda techniqueYour name and class period (on the front of the poster)535305026670000You may create the poster on the computer using images from the internet, or you can create it by hand, or some combination of the two --BUT it must be your own workPoster Description: Hand-write or type a 3-paragraph description of your poster and the propaganda technique(s) you utilized.Paragraph 1 – Name the colonizing country and the colonized country, and explain how the colonizing country took control of the colonized country. Paragraph 2 – Name and explain the propaganda technique(s) you used in your poster. Explain why you felt this technique(s) would be effective in convincing people to move to this colony in the 19th century.Paragraph 3 – Explain why people in the colonized country would have been against the actions of the imperialistic nation. Use at least 3 specific examples.Project Schedule:Monday 3/18 – Take notes on propaganda techniques / Project introduction / Select country assignments (if time)Tuesday 3/19 – Complete country assignment (if needed) / Begin on line research, take Cornell NotesWednesday 3/20 – Continue online research, take Cornell NotesThursday 3/21 – Finish research and Cornell Notes / Begin posterFriday 3/22 – Finish poster (due at the end of the period)World History Imperialism Project Grading Rubric*****Evaluate yourself using this rubric before turning in your final product*****4321-0-66675976630Research Notes 2 pages of thorough Cornell Notes based on research about 19th c. imperialism & colonization. An abundance of specific details.1-2 pages of Cornell Notes based on research about 19th c. imperialism & colonization. Adequate evidence of specific details.1 page of Cornell Notes based on research about 19th c. imperialism & colonization. Little evidence of specific details. 1 page or less of Cornell Notes based on research about 19th c. imperialism & colonization No evidence of specific details.-or- MissingPoster Appearance: Illustration(s) and TextIllustrations and text that cover the entire surface of the page and are relevant to the colonizing and colonized counties. Name of colonized and colonizing countries and student’s name and class period are clear. Neat and excellent quality overall.Illustrations and text that cover most or all of the surface of the page and are relevant to the colonizing and colonized counties. Name of colonized and colonizing countries and student’s name and class period are clear. Neat and good quality overall.Illustrations and text that cover most or part of the surface of the page. Name of colonized and colonizing countries and student’s name and class period are provided. Sloppy and/or poor quality overall.Illustrations and text that cover a small portion of the page. Name of colonized and/or colonizing countries and/or student’s name and class period are missing. Very poor quality overall.-or- missingPoster Content: Reason to go to the Colonized CountryAt least 5 relevant reasons to go to the colonized country during the age of Imperialism are included4 relevant reasons to go to the colonized country during the age of Imperialism are included2-3 relevant reasons to go to the colonized country during the age of Imperialism are included0-1 relevant reasons to go to the colonized country during the age of Imperialism are included-or- reasons that are not relevant to the countries being researched-66675687070Poster Content: Propaganda Technique(s)Multiple relevant persuasive propaganda techniques are used appropriately 1 relevant persuasive propaganda technique is used appropriatelyPropaganda technique used is inappropriate or irrelevant to the countries being researchedTechnique used is not persuasive -or- missingPoster Description: Paragraph 1The colonizing country and the colonized country are named and a thorough and accurate explanation of how the colonizing country took control of the colonized country is providedThe colonizing country and the colonized country are named and an accurate explanation of how the colonizing country took control of the colonized country is providedThe colonizing country and the colonized country are not named and/or only a basic and/or inaccurate explanation of how the colonizing country took control of the colonized country is providedThe colonizing country and the colonized country are not named and/or an incomplete and/or inaccurate explanation of how the colonizing country took control of the colonized country is provided -or- missingPoster Description: Paragraph 2 The propaganda technique(s) is/are relevant and appropriately used. The technique(s) is/are thoroughly described and the relevance is thoroughly explainedThe propaganda technique is relevant and appropriately used. The technique is described and the relevance is explainedThe propaganda technique is relevant and appropriately used. The description of the technique and its relevance is incomplete or inaccurateThe technique used is not relevant or appropriate. The description of the technique and its relevance is incomplete and inaccurate -or- missingPoster Description: Paragraph 3 Thorough and detailed explanation why people in the colonized country would have been against the actions of the imperialistic nation. At least 3 specific examples are provided.An adequate explanation why people in the colonized country would have been against the actions of the imperialistic nation. 2 specific examples are provided.A basic explanation why people in the colonized country would have been against the actions of the imperialistic nation. 1 specific example is provided or multiple vague examples are provided.An inaccurate or insufficient explanation why people in the colonized country would have been against the actions of the imperialistic nation. Only vague examples are provided.-or- missing ................

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