St. Johns County School District

Unit 5: Industrialization & Ism’s

Topic Description: This unit will focus on the significant events, figures and contributions of the age of industrialization and its impact on the movements of imperialism and nationalism.

Key Concepts: How do these main concepts connect to the overall topic?

The Industrial Revolution

▪ The agricultural and technological innovations that led to industrialization in Great Britain and its subsequent spread to continental Europe

▪ The social and economic effects of the Industrial Revolution.

▪ The 19th and early 20th century social and political reforms and reform movements and their effects in Africa, Asia, Europe, the United States, the Caribbean, and Latin America.

▪ Population growth in urban areas and the causes.

▪ The effects of migration both on the place of origin and destination, including border areas.

▪ The philosophies of capitalism, socialism, and communism as described by Adam Smith, Robert Owen, and Karl Marx.

Nationalism Triumphs in Europe

▪ The causes, key events, and effects of the unification of Italy and Germany.

The New Imperialism

▪ The causes and effects of imperialism.

▪ The major events in China during the 19th and early 20th centuries related to imperialism.

Unit Goal and Scale: What is our goal for learning and how do we measure it?

|Level |Description |Self-Assessment |

|Innovating |The student is able to evaluate the development, processes and |I completely understand industrialization and the Ism’s, and I |

|4 |consequences of industrialization, imperialism, nationalism and|can apply what I have learned about them to other world events.|

| |militarism and make connections to the way in which the world |I can help guide other students in their learning of |

| |has been shaped by them. |industrialization and the Ism’s. |

|Learning Goal |The student is able to explain the development, processes and |I understand industrialization and the Ism’s. I can remember |

|Applying |consequences of industrialization, imperialism, nationalism and|and use the information about industrialization and the Ism’s. |

|3 |militarism. | |

|Developing |The student is able to summarize some of the development, |I understand the basic ideas of industrialization and the Ism’s|

|2 |processes and consequences of industrialization, imperialism, |despite overall challenges with the more difficult material. |

| |nationalism and militarism, but is not able to relate | |

| |information together or draw conclusions. | |

|Beginning |The student, with support, is able to state some of the |I understand, with help, some of the basic ideas of |

|1 |development, processes and consequences of industrialization, |industrialization and the Ism’s but on my own I am challenged |

| |imperialism, nationalism and militarism. |with industrialization and the Ism’s overall. |

Unit Schedule: The following schedule is subject to minor revisions. All assignments are due the next class meeting unless otherwise noted.

|Day |Date |Topic |Assignment |

|18 |M |End Absolutism to Rev. Unit |Read & Complete Summary 7.1A |

| |Jan 22 | | |

|1 |T |Agricultural Revolution |Read & Complete Summary 7.1B |

| |Jan 23 |Forms of Power | |

|2 |W |Factors of Production | |

| |Jan 24 |Inventions | |

|3 |R |Domestic v. Factory System |Read & Complete Summary 7.2A |

| |Jan 25 | |Current Event |

|4 |F |Working & Living Conditions | |

| |Jan 26 |Current Events | |

| |M |No Classes – Teacher Inservice | |

| |Jan 29 | | |

|Day |Date |Topic |Assignment |

|5 |T |Child Labor |Read & Complete Section Summary 7.2B |

| |Jan 30 | | |

|6 |W |New Ways of Thinking |Read & Complete Summary 7.3B |

| |Jan 31 | | |

|7 |R |Rise of Cities |Read & Complete Summary 7.4B |

| |Feb 1 | |Current Event |

|8 |F |Industrial Age Art | |

| |Feb 2 |Current Events | |

|9 |M |Industrial Revolution Review |Study for Industrial Revolution Test |

| |Feb 5 | | |

|10 |T |Industrial Revolution Test |Read & Complete Summary 9.1 |

| |Feb 6 | | |

|11 |W |Motives for Imperialism |Read & Complete Summary 9.4 |

| |Feb 7 | | |

|12 |R |British Take Over India |Read & Complete Summary 9.5 |

| |Feb 8 | |Current Event |

|13 |F |China & the New Imperialism | |

| |Feb 9 |Current Events | |

|14 |M |Imperialism DBQ – Day 1 |Complete Daily DBQ Task |

| |Feb 12 |Hook & Background Essay | |

|15 |T |Imperialism DBQ – Day 2 |Complete Daily DBQ Task |

| |Feb 13 |Document Analysis | |

|16 |W |Imperialism DBQ – Day 3 |Complete Daily DBQ Task |

| |Feb 14 |Document Analysis & Thrash Out |Plan DBQ Essay |

|17 |R |Imperialism DBQ – Day 4 |Current Event |

| |Feb 15 |Write DBQ Essay w/ Rubric | |

|18 |F |Current Events |Work on Conversation Project |

| |Feb 16 |What is a Fan? | |

| | |Conversation Project – Day 1 | |

| |M |No School – Presidents Day | |

| |Feb 19 | | |

|19 |T |Conversation Project – Day 2 |Work on Conversation Project |

| |Feb 20 | | |

|20 |W |Conversation Project – Day 3 |Work on Conversation Project |

| |Feb 21 | | |

|21 |R |Conversation Project – Day 4 |Complete Conversation Project |

| |Feb 22 | | |

|22 |F |Present Conversation Project – Day 5 |Read & Complete Summary 10.1 |

| |Feb 23 | | |


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