Imperialism - Coach J's Class

4175760-12954000The Age of Imperialism -1333526670What is Imperialism?Definition: A policy in which a strong nation seeks to __________________ other countries politically, __________________ or socially0What is Imperialism?Definition: A policy in which a strong nation seeks to __________________ other countries politically, __________________ or socially-152402539Motives for Imperialism:Loss of New World Empires:France, _________________, Spain, & Portugal all lost _______________ in the 18th – 19th centuriesEconomic:The Industrial Revolution created a higher demand for _____________ of raw materials & new _____________ for productsNationalism:Prestige, _____________________, greed, ethnocentrism“Civilizing” Missions:The desire to spread ___________cultureSpread the _________________________Belief in European __________Social ________________00Motives for Imperialism:Loss of New World Empires:France, _________________, Spain, & Portugal all lost _______________ in the 18th – 19th centuriesEconomic:The Industrial Revolution created a higher demand for _____________ of raw materials & new _____________ for productsNationalism:Prestige, _____________________, greed, ethnocentrism“Civilizing” Missions:The desire to spread ___________cultureSpread the _________________________Belief in European __________Social ________________400431021590Treatment of Native People:Enslavement: _________________Segregation: Separation of _______Assimilation: The _________ adoption of a “mainstream” _____________Problems for Natives?Loss of traditional _____________Loss of traditional _______________________________ of tribal groups Population ___________________________ of natural resources; loss of good farmland00Treatment of Native People:Enslavement: _________________Segregation: Separation of _______Assimilation: The _________ adoption of a “mainstream” _____________Problems for Natives?Loss of traditional _____________Loss of traditional _______________________________ of tribal groups Population ___________________________ of natural resources; loss of good farmlandForms of ImperialismFORMDEFINITIONEXAMPLEColonyA __________________ region that is under the ___________________ of a mother countryGoverned by a foreign powerSomaliland in East Africa was a French colonyProtectorateA foreign region in which the mother country allows _______________ to maintain their position of power, but _______________themBritain established a protectorate over the Niger River deltaSphere of InfluenceAn area in which an outside power claims _________________ investment or ________________privilegesLiberia was under the sphere of influence of the United StatesEconomic ImperialismAn independent but less-developed country controlled by private business interests rather than other governmentsThe Dole Fruit company controlled pineapple trade in Hawaii4569460-22542500 The Partition of Africa-5334063500Africa Before ImperialismHundreds of ____________ & linguistic groupsMost followed ________________beliefs, while some converted to Christianity & IslamPolitically ranged from large empires to ________________By late 1880s _______ of Africa was controlled by EuropeansBy 1914 Europeans control ____% of continent!00Africa Before ImperialismHundreds of ____________ & linguistic groupsMost followed ________________beliefs, while some converted to Christianity & IslamPolitically ranged from large empires to ________________By late 1880s _______ of Africa was controlled by EuropeansBy 1914 Europeans control ____% of continent!-51435157480Why Africa?Why were European nations so interested in colonizing Africa in the late 1800s?New marketsRaw materials & ___________________Examples: _________________________________“Duty” to _________________ AfricansMost Europeans felt that the Africans were ______________and forced western _____________ on conquered peoples______________________: social theory of the time; said the fittest for survival enjoyed wealth and success and were _____________ to othersWhy was Africa so easy to colonize during the late 1800s?Europeans had superior _________________Examples: _____________________________________________ among African tribes00Why Africa?Why were European nations so interested in colonizing Africa in the late 1800s?New marketsRaw materials & ___________________Examples: _________________________________“Duty” to _________________ AfricansMost Europeans felt that the Africans were ______________and forced western _____________ on conquered peoples______________________: social theory of the time; said the fittest for survival enjoyed wealth and success and were _____________ to othersWhy was Africa so easy to colonize during the late 1800s?Europeans had superior _________________Examples: _____________________________________________ among African tribes456962560498384238592710The Opening of Africa_________________________: Explored the African ______________ GOALS: ______________the slave trade ___________ natives to ______________________________: Reporter that was hired to search for Livingstone after he had __________________After finding Livingstone, Stanley began to __________________ for himselfLivingstone & Stanley generated ___________________________ from their travels and explorations00The Opening of Africa_________________________: Explored the African ______________ GOALS: ______________the slave trade ___________ natives to ______________________________: Reporter that was hired to search for Livingstone after he had __________________After finding Livingstone, Stanley began to __________________ for himselfLivingstone & Stanley generated ___________________________ from their travels and explorations4254544450The Berlin Conference (Berlin, Germany 1884-85)From 1880-1914 European countries carved up Africa, _______________ it among themselvesCompetition was so fierce Europe feared ______would sparkTo prevent conflict, 14 European countries met a the Berlin Conference to lay down _________ for dividing AfricaAgreed any European country could claim land by ______________ other countries of its claims & showing it could ___________ the areaNo ______________ ruler was invited to attendLittle thought or interest was given to how the _________ felt00The Berlin Conference (Berlin, Germany 1884-85)From 1880-1914 European countries carved up Africa, _______________ it among themselvesCompetition was so fierce Europe feared ______would sparkTo prevent conflict, 14 European countries met a the Berlin Conference to lay down _________ for dividing AfricaAgreed any European country could claim land by ______________ other countries of its claims & showing it could ___________ the areaNo ______________ ruler was invited to attendLittle thought or interest was given to how the _________ felt-5588013335000 A Few Examples of Imperialism in Africa170757286995The Belgian CongoLeopold II: _____________________Hired Stanley to carve out a Belgian kingdom in the ___________Leopold claimed that he wanted to ____________________ & spread Christianity in the Belgian Congo_________________!Exploited the natives by forcing them to collect sap from _________________ ________________ Congolese died under Leopold’s ruleOften viewed as the ________________ treatment of nativesAfter humanitarians demanded _____________, the Belgian government took ___________away from him in 190800The Belgian CongoLeopold II: _____________________Hired Stanley to carve out a Belgian kingdom in the ___________Leopold claimed that he wanted to ____________________ & spread Christianity in the Belgian Congo_________________!Exploited the natives by forcing them to collect sap from _________________ ________________ Congolese died under Leopold’s ruleOften viewed as the ________________ treatment of nativesAfter humanitarians demanded _____________, the Belgian government took ___________away from him in 1908-25401143000-61752-587South Africa: The British & the Boers (Dutch)Boers (Afrikaners): ______________________ who settled at the Southern tip of Africa beginning in 1652The Boers gradually ______________ the Africans’ land, established large farms & _______________the nativesIn 1815 South Africa was given to ______________________ at the Congress of ViennaConflicts between the ___________________ & the British ensuedMain Issues: ____________ and _______________The British outlawed ______________ in the 1830sResulted in the Great Trek: Boers moved slightly north & established 2 _________________ - Transvaal & Orange Free StateEventually __________________________ were found in the new Boer states…People from all over the world flooded Africa in order to make their fortunesThe Boers attempted to keep these “outsiders” out of AfricaLed to the _______________ War: Lasted 3 years & _________________ wonThe Results of GB’s Victory:The ____________________of South Africa The establishment of a __________________ controlled society – the beginnings of Apartheid!00South Africa: The British & the Boers (Dutch)Boers (Afrikaners): ______________________ who settled at the Southern tip of Africa beginning in 1652The Boers gradually ______________ the Africans’ land, established large farms & _______________the nativesIn 1815 South Africa was given to ______________________ at the Congress of ViennaConflicts between the ___________________ & the British ensuedMain Issues: ____________ and _______________The British outlawed ______________ in the 1830sResulted in the Great Trek: Boers moved slightly north & established 2 _________________ - Transvaal & Orange Free StateEventually __________________________ were found in the new Boer states…People from all over the world flooded Africa in order to make their fortunesThe Boers attempted to keep these “outsiders” out of AfricaLed to the _______________ War: Lasted 3 years & _________________ wonThe Results of GB’s Victory:The ____________________of South Africa The establishment of a __________________ controlled society – the beginnings of Apartheid!3500846112411We Ethiopians showed those Europeans who’s really superior!00We Ethiopians showed those Europeans who’s really superior!125603020320004712335000-62230121920Ethiopia: Successful Resistance!Strong leader: Emperor ___________________Built up a large arsenal of _______________________ (purchased from France & Russia)____________ tried to claim Ethiopia as a protectorateMenelik _______________ war!Ethiopian forces successfully ______________ Italians!1 of only ____countries not to fall under control of a European nation during the Age of Imperialism!00Ethiopia: Successful Resistance!Strong leader: Emperor ___________________Built up a large arsenal of _______________________ (purchased from France & Russia)____________ tried to claim Ethiopia as a protectorateMenelik _______________ war!Ethiopian forces successfully ______________ Italians!1 of only ____countries not to fall under control of a European nation during the Age of Imperialism!5486400-18669000Imperialism in Asia-7418759007INDIA00INDIA81664362865India: Jewel in the Crown1750’s Mughal Empire _______________ and British East India Company _________________________________British _______________________________ rules India until 1858Company has its ______________________ led by British __________________Army is staffed by ________________: Indian ________________Why is India Britain’s _______________________ colony (the brightest jewel in the crown!)?________________________________________________________________________; 300 million people!Indians _____________ to produce raw materials for British;Forced to buy ______________________Indian __________________ with British goods was ___________________00India: Jewel in the Crown1750’s Mughal Empire _______________ and British East India Company _________________________________British _______________________________ rules India until 1858Company has its ______________________ led by British __________________Army is staffed by ________________: Indian ________________Why is India Britain’s _______________________ colony (the brightest jewel in the crown!)?________________________________________________________________________; 300 million people!Indians _____________ to produce raw materials for British;Forced to buy ______________________Indian __________________ with British goods was ___________________355727067310Negative Impact of ColonizationBritish held _____________& ______________ power_________________ Indian-owned industries Cash crops result in loss of self-sufficiency & _________________Indian culture disrupted by ________________ and _______________ attitudesIndians treated as ________________citizens00Negative Impact of ColonizationBritish held _____________& ______________ power_________________ Indian-owned industries Cash crops result in loss of self-sufficiency & _________________Indian culture disrupted by ________________ and _______________ attitudesIndians treated as ________________citizens-7418758709Positive Impact of ColonizationModernization!World’s 3rd largest _______________, modern road network, telegraph & ___________________, dams, bridges, irrigation canals__________________ and public health improved______________ and colleges were founded (but English language and Western customs taught)________________ increased00Positive Impact of ColonizationModernization!World’s 3rd largest _______________, modern road network, telegraph & ___________________, dams, bridges, irrigation canals__________________ and public health improved______________ and colleges were founded (but English language and Western customs taught)________________ increased218593330684The Sepoy RebellionCultural Conflict:New rifle ________________ being used by the Sepoys were made of ___________________To use the cartridges the soldiers had to _______________ both ends – OUTRAGE! Why?The Sepoys refused & rebelled against the BritishBritish eventually _______________rebellionIn 1858 India was placed under the _____________________ of the British _________________Queen Victoria of England was given title “____________________”00The Sepoy RebellionCultural Conflict:New rifle ________________ being used by the Sepoys were made of ___________________To use the cartridges the soldiers had to _______________ both ends – OUTRAGE! Why?The Sepoys refused & rebelled against the BritishBritish eventually _______________rebellionIn 1858 India was placed under the _____________________ of the British _________________Queen Victoria of England was given title “____________________”-134620171450081915158115Nationalism RisesIn 1800’s _____________________ movement beginsIndians _______________being 2nd class citizens in their own countryIndian National Congress forms; calls __________________________But independence won’t happen until __________!00Nationalism RisesIn 1800’s _____________________ movement beginsIndians _______________being 2nd class citizens in their own countryIndian National Congress forms; calls __________________________But independence won’t happen until __________!4204335-10033000China: Another Jewel!-3105637633China & the WestIn the late 18th century, China is ruled by an __________________ under the ____________ Dynasty.China has chosen ____________________No _____________________ with western powersChina is strong __________________because it is largely ________________________00China & the WestIn the late 18th century, China is ruled by an __________________ under the ____________ Dynasty.China has chosen ____________________No _____________________ with western powersChina is strong __________________because it is largely ________________________31343601905000-11704351993The Tea-Opium ConnectionChina had _____________________ in trading with the West, but…High demand for __________________ in Great Britain at this time The Chinese DO NOT want to ____________ with GB, nor do they want ____________________goods from GB___________________________ with the British; Only allowed to use ________ Chinese port British were determined to find a product that the Chinese would buy in large quantitiesBritish were _________________ to find a product that the Chinese would buy in _______________________Product? ______________! Great Britain _______________ China with opium from India (Why India?)1835 – _______________ Chinese addicted (What do you think the effects of this were?)The Opium War:The Qing emperor demands the trade stop, but British _________________Results in ________________________; GB _____________ outdated Chinese forcesNANKING TREATY OF 1842: The Chinese were forced to:Open _______________________ for trade____________________ the opium tradeGive ________________________ to GBAccept ___________________Extraterritoriality: British citizens living in China were ______________ to Chinese laws/courts00The Tea-Opium ConnectionChina had _____________________ in trading with the West, but…High demand for __________________ in Great Britain at this time The Chinese DO NOT want to ____________ with GB, nor do they want ____________________goods from GB___________________________ with the British; Only allowed to use ________ Chinese port British were determined to find a product that the Chinese would buy in large quantitiesBritish were _________________ to find a product that the Chinese would buy in _______________________Product? ______________! Great Britain _______________ China with opium from India (Why India?)1835 – _______________ Chinese addicted (What do you think the effects of this were?)The Opium War:The Qing emperor demands the trade stop, but British _________________Results in ________________________; GB _____________ outdated Chinese forcesNANKING TREATY OF 1842: The Chinese were forced to:Open _______________________ for trade____________________ the opium tradeGive ________________________ to GBAccept ___________________Extraterritoriality: British citizens living in China were ______________ to Chinese laws/courts-3111544450Foreign Influence GrowsChina’s _________________ booms from 1790-1850; _________________widespreadSparks the _____________ Rebellion; Massive ____________________ takes control over large areas of ChinaEventually ________________ by Qing troops and outside forces BUT…Other countries _____________________ of internal unrest and ____________________Through treaties, European countries & Japan gain a ______________________________ in ChinaUS feared China would be ________________ by Europeans; Encouraged the adoption of the _____________Open Door Policy: All countries were given __________________ to trade in _____ regions of China; Led to increasing _____________ among the ChineseAnother rebellion! ___________________: Campaign against imperial rule and foreign _________________Rebellion fails, but Chinese _____________________ forces changes in China00Foreign Influence GrowsChina’s _________________ booms from 1790-1850; _________________widespreadSparks the _____________ Rebellion; Massive ____________________ takes control over large areas of ChinaEventually ________________ by Qing troops and outside forces BUT…Other countries _____________________ of internal unrest and ____________________Through treaties, European countries & Japan gain a ______________________________ in ChinaUS feared China would be ________________ by Europeans; Encouraged the adoption of the _____________Open Door Policy: All countries were given __________________ to trade in _____ regions of China; Led to increasing _____________ among the ChineseAnother rebellion! ___________________: Campaign against imperial rule and foreign _________________Rebellion fails, but Chinese _____________________ forces changes in China-74187-74187Japan: VictimJapan ______________ to European influence since 1600sCommodore Perry sent to Japan by U.S. President to demand __________________Gives _______________ – will return in 1 yearJapan forced to sign _____________________US gets ___________________ with JapanJapanese are angry shogun gave in to ______________________________00Japan: VictimJapan ______________ to European influence since 1600sCommodore Perry sent to Japan by U.S. President to demand __________________Gives _______________ – will return in 1 yearJapan forced to sign _____________________US gets ___________________ with JapanJapanese are angry shogun gave in to ______________________________4782185-7429500Japan: A Unique StoryofImperialism253809524705Japan: AggressorShogun replaced by a young emperor, ____________________Meiji Era – Meiji means “_________________________”Japan decides to _______________________ to save culture!Studied & adopted _____________ways, including ____________________By 1890, Japan had a _______________economy & was the strongest ________________ power in AsiaWanted to _____________ their empire to show they were a powerful nationJapan attacked ______________________!Takes Taiwan, Pescadores Islands, Manchuria & Korea1910 Japan officially controlled _____________Banned teaching of __________________Koreans forced to take Japanese _____________________________ forced off lands; businesses handed over to Japanese00Japan: AggressorShogun replaced by a young emperor, ____________________Meiji Era – Meiji means “_________________________”Japan decides to _______________________ to save culture!Studied & adopted _____________ways, including ____________________By 1890, Japan had a _______________economy & was the strongest ________________ power in AsiaWanted to _____________ their empire to show they were a powerful nationJapan attacked ______________________!Takes Taiwan, Pescadores Islands, Manchuria & Korea1910 Japan officially controlled _____________Banned teaching of __________________Koreans forced to take Japanese _____________________________ forced off lands; businesses handed over to Japanese54610958850042862506578604740250497738Want Bonus Points? Answer the questions from the map (hint – look in your book to see the colors for the key): OR explain how the political cartoon (to the left of Japan: Aggressor) relates to imperialism:00Want Bonus Points? Answer the questions from the map (hint – look in your book to see the colors for the key): OR explain how the political cartoon (to the left of Japan: Aggressor) relates to imperialism:-179129658100Europeans in Southeast AsiaDutch ruled whole island chain of Indonesia, called the _____________________________________________ ruled in Burma (modern Myanmar) & MalaysiaFrench ruled directly in _____________ (Laos, Cambodia, & Vietnam)The U.S. in Southeast AsiaSpanish rule in __________________ until U.S. wins Spanish-American WarU.S. promised to _______________ Philippines to nationalists, BUT kept as a ________________ 00Europeans in Southeast AsiaDutch ruled whole island chain of Indonesia, called the _____________________________________________ ruled in Burma (modern Myanmar) & MalaysiaFrench ruled directly in _____________ (Laos, Cambodia, & Vietnam)The U.S. in Southeast AsiaSpanish rule in __________________ until U.S. wins Spanish-American WarU.S. promised to _______________ Philippines to nationalists, BUT kept as a ________________ Imperialism in Southeast Asia270891013716000 ................

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