Spiritual Energy

20-0607 The Aquarian Age is Upon UsNotes of Atori Alo YansaThe old order – Pisces – is collapsing or decaying and in its place there’s turmoil and disarray; and in 2020 the dangerous and demanding world environment is defined by energy-events in the Aquarian Age. Pisces was a water age and we have a Segway, a transition age into Aquarius which has the water bearer. However, Aquarius is an ‘Air’ sign, in fact the highest intelligence of the Zodiac and of the air signs. ~AAY~William told us that the prophetic age of the eye was completed in the final church age and the next move in the body was to move into the ‘Intelligence’, the ‘Mind Age’. We can easily say, the ‘Aquarian Age’ since it is the highest intelligence of the Zodiac. We are in an age wherein Paul prophesied and called it the ‘Meeting in the Air’ – Air signs. Aquarius Age with Libra and Gemini contributing all the information and organization that will be needed. ~AAY~For the next 2150 years we will be in the Aquarian Age. We have been in the transition from the Piscean Age to the Aquarian Age for the last 50 years.?The official beginning of the Aquarian Age is November 11, 2011 or 11/11/11. Aquarius is the 11th house and it is evident that this people would be the people of the 11th hour. Jesus spoke of a leveling in the eleventh hour wherein all would be paid the same for their work. It makes some jealous and angry because they want a Piscean hierarchy, vertical. However, Aquarius seeks the horizontal system wherein all are one. ~AAY~A new world is being formed today through the consciousness of humanity. No man is an island unto himself. The collective consciousness,?(mind of Christ),?is our only way -RL-Astrological ages are time periods that relate to the evolution and development of society as a whole, not just an individual.? Astrologers around the world seem to agree that humankind has been through several different major phases that correspond to the 12 tropical zodiac signs. Each last’s around 2,150 years. When each of these time frames begin or end isn’t totally cut and dry because the time frame is so large.?We have entered the eleventh house and will move into the 12th house of Capricorn around the year 4150 A.D. ~AAY~We are in an Aquarian Age world, a world online, digitized, polarized, divided and fractured. Now is so different from the past. Our Aquarian Age knowledge is deleting beliefs, suppositions, religions, governments, misunderstandings and myths in rapid fashion. We are quickly coming to the understanding of who we are and what our power and authority is in humanity. ~AAY~Just for a few minutes I want to talk to you about the dark-side or the unknown instabilities of the Aquarian Age. As we discover our world of Aquarius we will continue to progress into a stable established humanity but not without trial and error and even some uncomfortable upheaval at times. We are watching some of it now as the Spirit of Aquarius is rebelling against enforcement. ~AAY~Sun – Libra’s Struggle:In the Sun section of Aquarius domination, national supremacy, big power politics, nationalism, racial superiority and imperialism are taking center stage. The immediate future belongs to the nationalists and patriots as Libra struggles in the first part of Aquarius to establish a stable atmosphere and government. Stability, order, government is the influence of Libra in the Aquarian Age. ~AAY~In 2020 there’s a race for military dominance while the vertical hierarchy and pyramid style domination is amuck. As I stated before, the financial (Libra influence) Rome is stepping forward and changing her garments as she did in Pergamos and in Nicea. Rome is backing the military powers and humanitarian order of the USA and seeks the land and position of Israel to stabilize peace in the eastern world. It will happen. Rome, Israel and USA or Jacob, Benjamin and Reuben will unite and bring the strength in the age of the Joseph ministry. It is happening. ~AAY~The big powers are moving fast to win the new space race and the race for quantum superiority. This is indicative of the Meeting in the Air and we will see the dominance become greater and greater in the Space age; satellites, smart phones, technology, surveillance, control of jet streams, weather patterns, 5G and more. ~AAY~In the Libra struggle the Aquarian feelings in a structured atmosphere relates to persecution and repression. Therefore, the protests, the world collapse, the fake news, and the extreme wealthy are using this uniting time to double down on profits and domination. In other ages the structure and influence was acceptable because of the hierarchies in vertical placement. However, it is totally unacceptable in the influence of Uranus and the Aquarian shift from vertical to horizontal structure. People feel persecuted, repressed and in despair as the Piscean hierarchy is dismantled and a level playing field is brought to structure. ~AAY~In 2020 the destructive power of discord is all too clearly evident. Economic stability is a need in the minds of Aquarius while Income inequality is at the highest levels ever. Materialism, disinformation, false religions and atheism keep the human mind in the dark; and materialistic science tells lies and looks for answers to difficult questions in the wrong place. Aquarian influence and Uranus guidance will change this and bring in a strong spiritual presence to all things discovered. ~AAY~Pluto period:In the Pluto period of Aquarius the world is divided; people are separated into opposing groups. This is the early stages of the Aquarian Shift because the Aquarian age is about ‘causes’ and ‘movements’ and bringing about ‘mass movement’ in every realm and world. The instinct is to track you and groups through social media, Smart phones, surveillance by the government and then misinformation by malicious fake news websites flows through the air waves and frequencies of the internet. Pluto is a Scorpio influence in Aquarius and brings a smart world as Aquarius and Scorpio are the two most intelligent Zodiac signs. ~AAY~The Aquarian age appears that it is a chaotic dark, uncertain age because of its very vivid imagination and its testing of every move that is made in the digital, national, and global world. It is an infant age at the moment and it’s humanity’s way of discovering itself. ~AAY~Saturn and Uranus:In the beginning of the Aquarian age the effects can be devastating to humanity and its goals of a greater more sensitive humanity. This is because we have two influences strong in the Aquarian beginning. The two influences of Aquarius – Saturn and Uranus – are separated.?This brings polarization as those seeking security and safety and stabilization are succumbing to the Saturn Influence while those seeking change, a level playing field, removal of the Pyramid, doing away with the vertical hierarchy of Pisces, a one world government are being influenced by Uranus. ~AAY~Saturn – has a worldview that is conservative, self-centered and insensitive.? Fear and selfishness stifles progress and exterminates the sense of altruism.As the flooding weather changes of Saturn bring havoc across the world, the death toll goes up due to mother natures tragedies. All the patterns are changing in the Air world as Jet streams are being influenced and changed due to the digital world. We are watching the misery and despair escalate in people’s minds as literally millions of species of plant and animal are at risk of extinction. Those under the influence of Saturn are those trying to bring a stabilized Libra influence – government, security, safety, and individual liberties. Bringing these into the world of an Aquarian Age is a struggle. ~AAY~ Uranus – has a worldview that’s progressive, rebellious and a higher consciousness for causes, collective thinking, group stabilization, and in many ways less stability, less government, less macro authority, seeking a destabilization of governmental Unity. Those influenced more by Uranus have an occult insight and the ability to intuit the worlds weaknesses and the body’s needs for survival. Uranus influence seeks change, it is the dominate planetary influence of the Aquarian Age. When the change process is too slow discontentment explodes into violent protest. Millions of human souls are fighting to free themselves from the yoke of political and religious tyranny. We see the ‘mass movement’ understanding happening all around us to bring in a spirituality and humanitarian government. ~AAY~And your life is enabled to the unveiling or exposing of weak humanitarian government by satellites orbiting the planet where you live. You’re living in a digital world courtesy of Uranus in the Aquarian Age. There is nothing to fear, as these things are built into us and into the world of theophany. Remember, the attribute of humanity and all of its intricacies laid in Theophany long before we opened the portal into physical earth. We held these attributes in Us and waited until this transition into and the age of Aquarius to come through the portal into the earth and express them. ~AAY~The Aquarian Age is about restructuring our perceptions and building a level playing field. During the Piscean Age, which is swiftly coming to an end, life was based on the pyramid. Every structure, from families to religions and governments, had a single being, person or deity on top, to whom all those below deferred, obeyed, revered and surrendered ourselves to. Everyone knew their place. While this provided stability, its rigidity severely restricted individual freedom and limited responsibility.?Aquarius is about flattening the pyramid and individuals assuming more power. ~AAY~The Age of Aquarius is about acknowledging the system is broken and not waiting for someone else to fix it. And we've certainly felt the system breaking down this year! ?Brexit, American government, Trump, terrorism, Venezuela, China, Covid 19, Racism, Law Enforcement, African Continent… the list goes on. Church, hierarchy, fivefold ministry, Book Conquerors, Hollywood and so much more. ~AAY~Let’s look at our transition into this age:We had 100 years of War through the twentieth century.Music took on a complete cultural change led by the black musicians in America. Opening of Seals ended the church domination and hierarchy and began the move to a level playing field as the religions began to fade away, Christianity, Islam and Judaism. ~AAY~The age brought the Prophet in Leo as the Lion of the tribe of Juda ripped open the seals and moved the seven sisters of Cancer into the rapture into the meeting in the Air – Aquarius age of intelligence. The Bride was in Cancer – the seven sisters of the big dipper. When the seals opened it moved Us into Aquarius. – Andromeda of Pisces is unchained by Pegasus the horse tipping the Aquarian pitcher in the hands of Aqua-man. The Swan makes it’s move into the sky, the largest bird having the ability to live in earth, water, and air. The Piscean age was swiftly ending as all the constellations of Aquarius called for a swift return of Christ, the humanitarian gospel and ministry into the earth. ~AAY~40 years transition and 2002 opens another portal on April 11 as the same astronomical configuration appears as the one in 1962 – Communion the prophet said it was the Issue of Christ coming into the earth. Issue is Seed! The Theophany world began a ‘mass movement’ in 1962 and our commission came to be in 2002. 11/11/11 – The Sun moved into Aquarius, where we moved into 50 years before and love divine began to break open to Us in phases; leaving church ages, 40 years of Judges, third testament and into love divine. By 2014 the message, the people and the sun stepped into the Aquarian age of understanding and influence. ~AAY~ 2020 – the year of perfect vision caught the ‘mass movement’, the Aquarian Age, the leveling of the playing field and we are moving rapidly forward in our vision, our understanding and bringing the Christ, the humanitarian age into reality. FEAR NOT, IT IS I, the storm will dissipate! ?The Aquarian is the highest level of thinking and frequency as it is the highest of the air signs in the Zodiac. We receive the full force of all universal change. I know how you feel right now with the changing of frequency and the change of orbit that is taking place. These great changes in feeling and uncertainty will stabilize with time as the frequencies stabilize and the earth settles into its new atmosphere. Rest in your chaotic nature right now, it is the Spirit. Peace, be still. It is I, be not afraid. ~AAY~Gemini, take your place Benjamin, and strengthen the Aquarian during this time. The Aquarian, Reuben, is weak during times of great change and needs your strength as the wolf to unite the family in loyalty and love. Benjamin the Gemini, brought Jacob, Reuben, and Joseph together again to be a family. This Aquarian dispensation needs your help Gemini. Hear me Gemini, I'm calling for you, I'm singing you to me, you're my only hope. ~AAY~This age of Aquarius removes all statues, pedestals, and martyrs, Gods, devils and places sole responsibility on you to become who you are. It is the age of ‘to be’. Notice closely what the mass movement of theophany has done in this latest protest. Those angels acted in sync to bring down the peoples about superiority and inferiority. They are destroying the martyrdom syndrome and the Piscean pyramid of hierarchy. You can’t make any of them a martyr with the public records they have, and you can’t ever look at authority in the Piscean manner that you did when it comes to law enforcement. The mass movement hard at work to remove our previous perceptions. ~AAY~There are those who have held me in too high esteem over the years and as I’m writing and talking about how my Spirit see’s these things that have happened, it has removed me from their pedestal, from their hierarchy. Some have written and told me that is how they feel towards my words and actions. I’m happy to see this happening. Now the question is, ‘Will you put up another statue, another image, on your minds pedestal, or will you finally take responsibility and take the throne that is yours and walk together with me as ‘Friends’ instead of the old Piscean hierarchy in your life. ~AAY~20-0607 The Aquarian Age is Upon UsNotes of Atori Alo Yansa ................

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