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Multiple-Choice Questions - Chapter 321.Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique:A.celebrated the cult of female domesticityB.explained the unhappiness of so many middle-class womenC.told women how to better please their husbandsD.painted an ideal portrait of suburban livingE.argued that women should be paid high wages for housework2.By 2012, Hispanics:A.still rarely votedB.had become the country’s largest minorityC.had attained equality with whites in average income levelsD.launched their own political longer desired to speak Spanish3.The figure who most influenced Nixon’s foreign policy was:A.General Alexander HaigB.Robert McNamaraC.Henry KissingerD.William RogersE.Bob Haldeman4.In the early 1970s, angry protests began to erupt in cities outside the South over:A.integration of swimming pools and public parksB.interracial datingC.racial profiling by policeD.busingE.rising rates of crime in the inner cities5.The energy crisis of the early 1970s increased support and tourismC.environmentalismD.suburbanizationE.socialism6.Economists coined the term stagflation in the early 1970s to describe:A.a simultaneously stagnant economy with inflationary pricesB.continuing declines in stock pricesC.high oil prices along with declining profits for the petroleum industryD.the return of economic conditions similar to the DepressionE.continuing economic growth along with a growing budgetary deficit7.To punish the United States for supporting Israel during the Yom Kippur War, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC):A.expelled the United States from membershipB.flooded the American market with cheap petroleum to drive American oil producers out of businessC.threatened to cut off oil shipments to the United StatesD.nationalized American oil companies in their countriesE.announced it would deal exclusively with the Soviet Union8.Nixon’s policy of “Vietnamization” involved:A.increasing the number of young men being draftedB.launching a U.S. invasion of North VietnamC.establishing diplomatic and trade relations with North VietnamD.gradually reducing the number of American troops in VietnamE.working toward the reunification of North and South Vietnam9.Shocking events at Kent State University involved:A.a fight between anti-war students and construction workersB.the killing of four students by the National GuardC.violence when police broke up a student strikeD.several deaths when students exploded a bomb in the ROTC buildingE.student attacks upon conservative, pro-war professors10.On October 26, 1972, only a week before the U.S. presidential election, Kissinger announced:A.Nixon’s resignationB.a peace agreement for the Middle EastC.a new offensive against ChinaD.his resignationE.“Peace is at hand”11.The major motivation behind the Saturday Night Massacre was Nixon’s desire to:A.elevate his approval ratingsB.expose the corruption of the DemocratsC.avoid handing over the key White House tapesD.publicly humiliate special prosecutor Archibald CoxE.appoint a loyal attorney general12.Gerald Ford suffered terrible political damage when he:A.continued Nixon’s economic policiesB.vetoed the War Powers ActC.pardoned NixonD.sent Americans back into VietnamE.failed to achieve peace in the Middle East13.James Earl (Jimmy) Carter Jr. represented:A.the new liberal wing of the Democratic partyB.the new moderate wing of the Democratic partyC.the new moderate wing of the Republican partyD.the new liberal wing of the Republican partyE.Alabama as its senator14.Nixon’s Watergate-related resignation came with the revelation that he had:A.burned his tapes of White House conversationsB.lied to the Senate’s Ervin committeeC.authorized the use of dirty tricks against Democratic campaignsD.ordered a cover-up of the original Watergate break-inE.ordered the IRS to harass his political enemies ................

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