Unit 2: United States History


This lesson covers the following information: ? The effects of American colonization and Manifest Destiny. ? Factors and events that led to the American Revolution and the War of 1812. ? Policy of the United States toward Native Americans.

Highlights include the following: ? The United States started with the encampment at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607 and grew to thirteen colonies by 1732. ? Virginia (1607): The first British colony was established in an encampment called Jamestown. ? Massachusetts: ? The Pilgrims came on the Mayflower in 1620 and settled the Plymouth Colony. ? New York (1624) ? Peter Minuit settled on Manhattan Island with other Dutch settlers and bought the island from the local Indians for 60 gilders ($24.) worth of goods ? Rhode Island (1636) ? Roger Williams bought land from Native Americans in what is now called Providence. This colony was a haven for those seeking religious freedom. ? Pennsylvania (1682) ? In 1763, Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon established the Mason-Dixon Line, a borderline between Maryland and Pennsylvania. ? Over the course of 125 years, the population of the thirteen colonies exploded. ? The French and Indian War was a turning point in the way that the British and colonists saw each other and themselves. ? After the French and Indian War in North America, King George III angered the American colonists by writing the Proclamation of 1763 which said colonists could not settle in the Ohio valley. ? The colonies debated England's legal power to tax them and, furthermore, did not wish to be taxed without representation. ? Colonists began to unite and work together against Great Britain. ? Bitter feelings toward King George III grew even stronger after March 5, 1770, when a small group of colonists began throwing snowballs and rocks at British troops. The troops fired their weapons on the group and killed five people. Colonists called this the Boston Massacre. ? The British passed the Tea Act in 1773, Sam Adams and the Sons of Liberty planned the Boston Tea Party. King George III was furious, and Parliament passed new laws which the colonists the Intolerable Acts. ? In June 1776, the Continental Congress moved closer to declaring the colonies independent. Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence. ? The first attempt at an American government was the Articles of Confederation. ? State governments were supreme in some matters, while the national government was supreme in other matters. The delegates called this new form of government a confederation, or alliance. ? The Articles of Confederation had several major flaws: ? There was no strong central government; Congress was too weak and couldn't force the states to do anything. ? There was no Executive branch of government.

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Unit 2: United States History

? Each state received 1 vote, regardless of size. ? Any changes in the Articles had to be unanimous. ? States were basically tiny nations acting in their own self-interest. ? Between the 18th and 19th centuries, the United States saw rapid growth in government policies, economic policies, foreign policies, industry, and innovation ? As the eastern settlers of the United States moved westward, Native Americans were treated unfairly. ? Eastern Indian tribes were violently forced out of their homelands and required to live in barren

areas. ? Native Americans were in a weakened state at this point due to loss of population from warfare

and rampant disease. ? Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin in 1793.

? Whitney's gin brought the South prosperity, and a need for more cotton that lead to the increased use of slaves on cotton plantations.

? Louisiana Purchase: President Thomas Jefferson had become very concerned about the ability of the United States to secure free trade along the Mississippi River since France controlled Louisiana. In1803, Jefferson signed a treaty agreeing to purchase Louisiana.

? The Missouri Compromise (1820) stipulated that all the Louisiana Purchase territory north of the southern boundary of the Missouri territory, would be free, except Missouri, and territory below that line would be slave territory.

Reflection Westward expansion and manifest destiny greatly impacted our nations growth and independence. This country began with thirteen colonies that were loosely organized through the Articles of Confederation.


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Crossword Puzzle

Unit 2: United States History

Across 2. To approve, confirm, or give official sanction. 4. America's duty to bring democracy and progress to the West. 7. The first set of laws in England to limit the King's powers. 9. A group of confederates, especially of states or nations, united for a common purpose; a league.

Down 1. The representative government that makes laws for Great Britain. People vote for the representatives of Parliament. 3. An order that is written by a government leader. 5. A geographical area belonging to or under the jurisdiction of a governmental authority. 6. A primitive camp where the first colonists settled. 8. A group of people who settle in a distant land but remain under the political jurisdiction of their native land.

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Unit 2: United States History


This lesson covers the following information: ? Events leading to the American Civil War. ? Effects of the American Civil War.

Highlights include the following: ? The American Civil War was not only about slavery; it was also about the constitutional argument over whether or not a state had a right to leave the Union ? In the early nineteenth century, slavery was seen as an economic issue first, and a moral issue second ? A series of legislative actions, most notably the Missouri Compromise of 1820, had been enacted by Congress to put limits on the spread of slavery. ? The South had an economic interest in the spread of slavery to the new territories, so new slave states could be created, and the South's political influence would remain strong. ? The North had an interest in limiting the spread of slavery into the new territories for both purposes of controlling Southern political power and support of the moral issue of slavery. ? Kansas-Nebraska eliminated the old Missouri Compromise and made it possible for slavery to be introduced in virtually any new territory. ? The concept of allowing residents of the territories to decide the slavery issue for themselves was called Popular Sovereignty. ? Tensions between the North and the South increased with the release of Uncle Tom's Cabin, the Dredd Scott court case, and the election of Abraham Lincoln. ? Harriet Beecher Stowe published Uncle Tom's Cabin. Stowe made slavery a moral issue to many northerners and forced them to look at the issue in a new light. ? Dred Scott Case o being in a free state did not make a slave free o slaves were considered property according to the Constitution o Dred Scott had no right to sue because he wasn't a citizen and he had no Constitutional rights o territories could not exclude slavery because it would be denying a person their property ? Election of 1860 o Abraham. Lincoln's victory convinced Southerners that they had lost their political power in the United States. ? The first major battle of the Civil War, Bull Run/Manassas, ? In the beginning of 1863, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation. Some mistakenly believed that this statement freed the slaves. It really stated that, "All slaves in states of rebellion are freed." This proclamation also allowed for the recruitment of federal regiments of volunteer African American volunteer soldiers. ? In two years of fighting, the death toll from the American Civil War had reached over 300,000 people. ? The South would have stood a much better chance of winning the war had they fought a war of Attrition. ? This type of warfare is designed to continue fighting until the enemy is worn out and gives up. ? The North had a three-part plan for victory: 1) to blockade Southern ports in order to keep out supplies; 2) to split the Confederacy in two at the Mississippi; 3) to capture the Confederate capital of Richmond, Virginia. This plan was called the Anaconda plan.

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Unit 2: United States History

? When the American Civil War started, women joined volunteer brigades and signed up as nurses. This was the first time in America's history that women took an active role in a war effort. ? Nearly 20,000 women worked for the Union war effort.

? Reconstruction was the period of rebuilding after the Civil War and the process of bringing the Southern states back into the nation. Reconstruction lasted from 1865 to 1877.

? Congress also passed the Civil Rights Act of 1866. The act declared that states could not enact black codes - laws that discriminated against African Americans.

? Reconstruction ended with the Compromise of 1877. Democrats allowed Hayes to become president and Republicans agreed to withdraw federal troops from the South, ending Reconstruction.

? In the 1800s, there were so many ideas and improvements; it was like a revolution - a dramatic change in the way things were.

? The lack of oversight from the laissez faire government related to living and working conditions during the Industrial Revolution led to many people working in, and living in, horrible conditions.

? Children worked in many industries, like textile mills, tobacco factories, and garment workshops. By 1900, there were close to 2 million children under the age of 15 working throughout the country.

? The railroad became very important after the Civil War. It allowed for expansion of the West. ? Many of the factories in the early 20th century operated under the philosophy of scientific management.

? The theory was that workers would definitely make mistakes, but inspectors would catch these at the end of the assembly line. Workers could then be docked for faulty workmanship. If a worker made too many mistakes, he or she could be fired.

Reflection The American Civil War divided the country between the culture of the North and the South. While the country was reconstructed after the Civil War, the differences between the two continued to divide the country socially, economically, and politically for years to come leading to the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s.


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