Study Guide – Zinn, Chapter 15, “Self-Help in Hard Times”

Study Guide – Zinn, Chapter 15, “Self-Help in Hard Times”

Begin with “The stock market crash of 1929…” (page 377)

United States History – Ms. Stang

Key Questions

• According to Zinn, how did socialist critics view the causes of the Great Depression?

• According to Zinn, “the spirit of rebellion was growing” in the early 1930s. Explain, using three specific examples.

• How does Zinn view the NRA? Why?

• What is Zinn’s view of the AAA?

• What is the thesis of Cloward and Piven’s Poor People’s Movements?

• How did the advent of World War II impact the economy?

• What did African Americans gain during the New Deal? What problems remained?

• “When the New Deal was over, capitalism remained intact. The rich still controlled the nation’s wealth, as well as its laws, courts, police, newspapers, churches, colleges. Enough help had been given to enough people to make Roosevelt a hero to millions, but the same system that had brought depression and crisis – the system of waste, of inequality, of concern for profit over human need – remained.” Do you agree with Zinn’s critique of capitalism? Why or why not? (Include specific examples in your response.)



* Bonus Army

Election of 1932

Herbert Hoover

Franklin D. Roosevelt


* Unemployed Councils

Longshoremen’s Strike (1934)

Textile Strike (1934)

Nate Shaw

Scottsboro Boys

Congress of Industrial Unions (CIO)

John Lewis

* Sit-down strikes

* Wagner Act ( National Labor Relations Board

Minimum Wage Law (1938)

TVA (regional planning)

Social Security

A. Philip Randolph


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