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Ancient Kingdoms of Africa Museum Exhibit ProjectDirections: For this project, your job will be to research and create an interactive museum exhibit that examines the history and achievements of a famous Ancient African Kingdom (political systems, leaders, art/culture, achievements, etc) . Your “exhibit” should be designed to be engaging and interactive and contain important information about the achievements of your Kingdom. This project is to be done individually or in partners. Your museum “exhibit” should be stand-alone (preferably a three sided project board, but you can be creative), creative, colorful and visually appealing. The exhibit should show that you have done extensive research on the Kingdom you have chosen, including a variety of pictures, primary sources and artifacts. You may also include media (video clips, music, PowerPoints). All components of the exhibit should be clearly sourced and labeled You will be expected to act as a museum dossent and present your museum exhibit to your classmates, teacher and anyone else who may visit class that day. You should expect to answer any questions that someone might have. Part of your grade does depend on your ability to present clear, accurate information about the person you have researched. Project Requirements;___ Exhibit should have large, clear title. ___ A map of your Kingdom, representing both ancient and modern Africa (map must be clearly labeled with a key) ___ Photographs or Paintings (at least 4)- Can be of the Kingdom itself or related___At least 5 Information Plaques about Kingdom: (Examples Below) ____Background Information: Time Period, Geography____ System(s) of Government____ Important Leaders/Dynasties (with short biography) ____ Art/Music/Culture____ Important Achievements____ Resources/Goods/Trade____ Legacy: What did the Kingdom leave behind? How is it remembered in Africa today___A timeline (text and pictures) representing at least 4 major events that occurred in your Kingdom from inception to fall ___ At least 2 student created 3-D artifacts (examples: Recreate a piece of artwork (wooden masks, hieroglyphics), a 3D model of a famous monument, a painting of a famous leader, 3D versions of famous trade objects (Gold necklaces, salt, spices etc…) At least one artifact should be related to culture (art, music, performance etc…) ___ A posted bibliography (Must be correctly cited/sourced) with at least 4 academic sources ___ Extra Credit: Include a media component (video, music, slide show): You can use a computer/tablet or add QR codes to your exhibit. ____ All components of exhibit must be clearly labeled (documents, photos and artifacts must include title and date) Harlem Renaissance Museum Exhibit Rubric4-Advanced3-Proficient2- BasicBelow BasicContent All of the requirements are completed Most of the requirements are completed Some of the requirements are completed Few of the requirements are completed Details Facts are presented with as much detail as possible and draws on additional knowledge Facts are presented with many details Facts are presented with few details and tends to generalizeFacts are presented without details or details are not historically accurate Historical AccuracyFacts and statements go beyond secondary sourced. Inferences and conclusions are made based on research and information Facts and statements are from secondary sources given by default. Few inferences or conclusions are made based on research and information Facts and statements are from secondary sources only. No inferences or conclusions are made based on researchFacts and statements seem to come from an unknown source and tend to be entirely inaccurate. There are no inferences or conclusions made Creativity & NeatnessThe project demonstrates a very high level of creativity and neatness The project demonstrates an average level of creativity and neatness The project demonstrates little creativity and neatnessThe project demonstrates no creativity and neatness. Lack of effort is apparent. Format Little to no grammatical or spelling errors Few to some grammatical or spelling errors Many grammatical or spelling errors Grammatical and/or spelling make it difficult to comprehendMultiplier (20 pts) x 6 = ______________________________________________________________/120 pts total Ancient Kingdoms of AfricaNorth AfricaAncient Egypt Ancient Kush (Kushites) West AfricaAncient Ghana MaliThe Songhai Empire Mossi Kingdoms Kingdom of Sine East and South AfricaKingdom of AskumKingdom of AzaniaSwahili Empire Bantu Empire Central and Southern AfricaKingdom of KongoGreat Zimbabwe Sahelian Kingdoms (Kingdom of Sine) Benin Empire ????????????? ................

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