Year 1 – Traditional and Fairy Tales – Spring Term Unit 3

Year 1 Non Fiction - Unit 2 - 2 weeks Autumn Term 2

|Range: |Teaching Objectives |

|Oi! Get off our Train! – John Burningham |Most children learn to: |

|Overview |1. Speaking |

|Plan to ask children to follow oral instructions which increase in length and complexity over the year. Use |Tell stories and describe incidents from their own experience in an audible voice |

|this unit to assess each child's capacity to listen to and follow single and sequences of classroom |2. Listening and responding |

|instructions. Give the children opportunities to think out instructions for others to follow (for example in |Listen with sustained concentration, building new stores of words in different contexts |

|PE, in music, in role-play); first of all single instructions and then a short sequence. Use barrier games to |Listen to and follow instructions accurately, asking for help and clarification if necessary |

|help children to formulate clear single instructions for each other and attempt to follow them. Children |3. Group discussion and interaction |

|instruct you to make or do or find something in the classroom. Respond precisely to their instructions so that |Take turns to speak, listen to others' suggestions and talk about what they are going to do |

|they can understand the importance of accuracy and precision. |Ask and answer questions, make relevant contributions, offer suggestions and take turns |

|Use written instructions in the form of labels, captions and lists to regulate activities in the classroom and |5. Word recognition: decoding (reading) and encoding (spelling) |

|as reminders about safety. Use different wording for instructions and ask the children to evaluate the |Recognise and use alternative ways of pronouncing the graphemes already taught |

|effectiveness of each. Children write instructions as labels, lists or captions for use in role-play area. |Recognise and use alternative ways of spelling the graphemes already taught |

|Carry out an activity in a foundation subject and then scribe the first two or three of a set of instructions |Identify the constituent parts of two-syllable and three-syllable words to support the application of |

|with the children contributing in shared writing, for example, for children in another class to follow. |phonic knowledge and skills |

|Children write next two consecutive instructions independently. |Recognise automatically an increasing number of familiar high frequency words |

|In shared reading, read and follow short series of instructions with the children. Give the children some short|Apply phonic knowledge and skills as the prime approach to reading and spelling unfamiliar words that |

|written instructions to follow in order to carry out, for example, a construction activity. |are not completely decodable |

|Practise order of the alphabet by chanting the alphabet through, starting at different points and continuing, |Read more challenging texts which can be decoded using their acquired phonic knowledge and skills, |

|matching the names of the alphabet to upper and lower case letters. |along with automatic recognition of high frequency words |

|With the children, read captions, pictures, posters and adverts that are trying to persuade. Discuss what they |Read and spell phonically decodable two-syllable and three-syllable words |

|are trying to do and some of the ways they manage it. Through games and role-play begin to explore with the |6. Word structure and spelling |

|children what it means to persuade or be persuaded, and what different methods might be effective and which |Spell new words using phonics as the prime approach |

|methods are unacceptable. |Segment sounds into their constituent phonemes in order to spell them correctly |

| |Recognise and use alternative ways of spelling the graphemes already taught |

|Prior Learning: |Use knowledge of common inflections in spelling, such as plurals, -ly, -er |

|Check that children can already: |Read and spell phonically decodable two-syllable and three-syllable words |

|Listen to and follow single instructions, then a series of two and three instructions. |7. Understanding and interpreting texts |

|Give oral instructions when playing. |Identify the main events and characters in stories, and find specific information in simple texts |

|Read and follow simple classroom instructions on labels with additional pictures or symbols. |Recognise the main elements that shape different texts |

|Attempt to write instructions on labels, for example in the role-play area. |8. Engaging with and responding to texts |

| |Distinguish fiction and non-fiction texts and the different purposes for reading them |

| |9. Creating and shaping texts |

| |Independently choose what to write about, plan and follow it through |

| |Convey information and ideas in simple non-narrative forms |

| |Create short simple texts on paper and on screen that combine words with images and sounds |

| |10. Text structure and organisation |

| |Write chronological and non-chronological texts using simple structures |

| |Group written sentences together in chunks of meaning or subject |

| |11. Sentence structure and punctuation |

| |Compose and write simple sentences independently to communicate meaning |

| |Use capital letters and full stops when punctuating simple sentences |

| |12. Presentation |

| |Use the space bar and keyboard to type their name and simple texts |

| | |

|Classroom Environment | |

| | |

|Assessment Opportunities | |

|Phase 1 | |

|Write simple labels for the parts of a printer, applying phonic knowledge. | |

|Phase 2 | |

|Give one step in a sequence of instructions audibly and clearly (feedback from teacher and class). | |

|Phase 3 | |

|Write the next in a sequence of instructions, with the support of a partner (teacher feedback). | |

|Write at least two instructions in a well-rehearsed sequence independently (marking, self-assessment against | |

|agreed criteria). | |

|Key Aspects of Learning |

| |

|Enquiry |

|Children will ask questions arising from work on classroom routines and plan how to present the information effectively. |

|Reasoning |

|Children will make judgements on what is 'fact' and what is 'fiction' based on available evidence. |

|Evaluation |

|Children will discuss success criteria for their written work, give feedback to others and begin to judge the effectiveness of their own instructions. |

|Social skills |

|When developing collaborative writing children will learn about listening to and respecting other people's ideas. |

|Communication |

|Children will develop their ability to discuss as they work collaboratively in paired, group and whole-class contexts. They will communicate outcomes orally, in writing and through ICT if appropriate. |

|PHASE 1 |Phonic activities |Teaching Content |Activities |Plenary | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | |X |( |

|Week 3 |Practice sounds we know |Children to follow my instructions to draw a funny picture. (Colour independently) |Look at the pictures and | | |

|Day 1 |and the new ones from last|Children must follow instructions when moving about the hall (if possible) |discuss how even though we all | | |

| |week (air/igh) Introduce | |followed the instructions, the | | |

|Monday |‘ear’. Sing alphabet song | Use website to put |pictures turned out | | |

| |and discuss letter names. |instructions in the correct order |differently.- Instructions must| | |

| | | |be clear. | | |

| | |With Caroline – Order the Pizza instructions and stick into books. | | | |

|Day 2 – |Play sentence |Explain that we are going to be looking at how to |Children to cut out sentences from their worksheet and|Review work. How are the | | |

| |substitution. Write a |write instructions over the next 2 weeks. What are |chop off the bits of the sentence that are not needed.|sentences different now that | | |

|Tuesday |sentence from p104 (L&S) |instructions for? Why do we need them? | |they are orders? Check by | | |

| |on the board. Check it |Read Oi! Get off our Train! And where we see |B – With support, work as a guided session in 2 groups|seeing if we can wag our finger| | |

| |makes sense – rub out and |instructions, encourage ch to wag their fingers to |of 3-4 to complete sentences. |as we say them. | | |

| |replace 1 word. Does it |remind them that someone is telling someone to do |G – Shorter sentences with HFW support if needed. | | | |

| |still make sense? Teach |something. |R – Independent – sentences with HFW | | | |

| |reading word ‘all’ |Look at how an instructional sentence can be turned |Y – Longer sentences, introducing the word ‘should’. | | | |

| | |into an order. Pick out the parts of the sentence | | | | |

| | |which are telling us what to do. | | | | |

Learning outcome for Phase 1

• Children can name the parts of the printer and write simple labels independently.

|PHASE 2 |Phonic activities |Teaching Content |Activities |Plenary | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | |X |( |

|Week 3 |Play full circle with |Quickly read Oi! Get off our Train! and look at how the |Mixed groups of 3. Make sure there is 1 person in the |Split class in ½ to show | | |

|Day 1 – |sh, th, ch, & ng. |people on the train are giving an order. They are |group who can scribe. |their short scenes. Remember | | |

|Wednesday |Children have |telling someone what to do. | |to show the notice during the| | |

| |whiteboards in pairs. |Can we think of any orders like this? (Get down! Hurry |Ch to devise and act a scene where an order is given. |scene. | | |

| |I say ‘ship’ and they |up!) |They then make a sign with the order on it. | | | |

| |must write it. I will |Discuss when these orders might be given. |Act out the scene again but when the order should be | | | |

| |then say the next word| |given, just hold up the notice instead. | | | |

| |and they must change |Model writing a sign that gives an order. Discuss how | | | | |

| |some of their word |the order needs to be short – if you need to stop | | | | |

| |(ship-chip) keep |someone quickly, it’s no good saying “would you be so | | | | |

| |changing parts of the |kind as to stop, what you are doing is quite dangerous” | | | | |

| |word until we’re back |The order needs to be short and clear. | | | | |

| |to ship (ch can call | | | | | |

| |out full-circle!) | | | | | |

|Day 2 – |Practice reading and |Look at alphabet line in class; sing alphabet song as we|In mixed groups use instruction sheets to give each |Choose groups to show how to | | |

| |writing captions. Use |go along the line. Can we think of any animals that |other instructions (or make up their own) |give and follow instructions | | |

|Thursday |flipchart with |begin with those letters? Write them on post its and | |using the alphabet line. | | |

| |pictures in and decide|stick them on. Are there any letters where it’s hard to |Tell the ch I will be asking them to show me how good | | | |

| |on captions for the |think of an animal? |they are at following instructions! |Did anyone make up their own | | |

| |pics. Ch to sound out | | |instructions? | | |

| |and spell the words |Start to give instructions using the alphabet and | | | | |

| |then read through |animals (go to the 3rd letter, say the animal etc.) | | | | |

| |afterwards to ensure |Choose ch to follow instructions. | | | | |

| |it makes sense. |Go to the letter after ‘d’ say the animal. | | | | |

|Day 3 – |Play sentence |Ask ch to write their initials in different ways – |B – Follow simple instructions to write an animals |Compare children’s work. | | |

| |substitution. Write a |bubble writing, wobbly writing, spiky writing etc. |name (cat, dog, fox etc) |Discuss how easy the | | |

|Friday |sentence from p104 |Discuss using capital letters and lower case letters. | |instructions were to follow –| | |

| |(L&S) on the board. | |Follow more complex instructions to write an animals |this was because they were | | |

| |Check it makes sense –|Model giving instructions to write a name. |name in a particular way (colour, style etc.). Use the|short, clear sentences. | | |

| |rub out and replace 1 |Go to the 3rd letter. Write the letter. Go to the 1st |sheets for inspiration. | | | |

| |word. Does it still |letter. Write it. Go to the letter after s. Write it | | | | |

| |make sense? Teach |down. | | | | |

| |reading word ‘all’ | | | | | |

| | |Could we add more detail? How should we write the | | | | |

| | |letter? | | | | |

Learning outcome for Phase 2:

• Children can say whether a text is a fiction or a non-fiction text.

|PHASE 3 |Phonic activities |Teaching Content |Activities |Plenary | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | |X |( |

|Week 4 – |Practice sounds we |Write out the alphabet, singing or saying it as you do |Guided group – Write instructions – how to make a |Choose different groups to | | |

|Day 1 |know and the newer |so. Go through and attach animals to each letter. Do we |chocolate crispy bun. Write instructions ready to make |demonstrate how good they are | | |

|Monday |ones (air/igh) Recap|have one for each letter? Are there any letters where it|their bun tomorrow. |at following instructions and | | |

| |‘ear’. Sing alphabet|is hard to find an animal?! Try to find an animal for |Supported – Work with group devising instructions on how|lining up for playtime. I will | | |

| |song. |each letter! Display the animal alphabet so chn can see |to wash your hands. Discuss steps involved and start to |tell them the instructions bit | | |

| | |it. |write them. |by bit and they must follow | | |

| | |Give chn 2 instructions: |G – Ordering pizza instructions, cut out and stick in |them. | | |

| | |Go to the fifth letter. |books in the right order. | | | |

| | |Say the animal. |R – Order instructions on how to wash hands. | | | |

| | |Choose a child to follow these instructions clearly. | | | | |

| | |Choose a different child to give two new instructions in| | | | |

| | |a similar mode: (i) Go to the letter after ‘d’. (ii) Say| | | | |

| | |the animal. Can chn follow these? Repeat this. | | | | |

|Day 2 |Recap ‘all’ and |Ask chn to write their initials in different ways – e.g.|Carousel of activities |Choose a child from each group | | |

|Tuesday |teach tricky word |as bubble writing, as shadow writing, as graffiti, etc. | |and use their instructions to | | |

| |‘are’ |Discuss capitals and lower case letters and model |R - Guided – instructions for crispy buns |guide the groups to wash their | | |

| |Practice key words |writing a few letters in both forms. Model giving |Y - Make crispy buns |hands before lunch. | | |

| |and previous |instructions to write an animal’s name: |G – Ordering washing hands instructions | | | |

| |spellings using |Go to the 3rd letter of the alphabet |B – Pizza instructions (with Jane) | | | |

| |sound buttons. |Write this letter. | | | | |

| | |Go to the 1st letter of the alphabet | | | | |

| | |Write this letter. | | | | |

| | |Go to the 19th letter of the alphabet. | | | | |

| | |Write this letter. | | | | |

| | |Talk to the chn about how to add more specific | | | | |

| | |instructions as to how the letters should be written, | | | | |

| | |e.g. as capitals or as thick bubble letters… etc. | | | | |

|Day 3 |Reading captions |Explain that we are going to write our own set of simple|Continuing carousel |Look at a set of instructions | | |

|Wednesday |using yes/no cards. |instructions to tell someone else how to write our name!| |written by Spiderman! Discuss | | |

| | |Remind chn of features of instructions – these are |B - Guided – instructions for crispy buns |his last instruction. Could chn| | |

| |Find questions from |orders, short clear bossy sentences! We use ‘bossy’ |R - Make crispy buns |try to include something | | |

| |the sparklebox cd. |language, telling someone what to do! Explain that first|Y – Pizza instructions |similar?! | | |

| | |we will need to decide what style to write our name, |G – In pairs – give each other instructions to solve | | | |

| | |e.g. bubble writing, straight writing, shadow writing, |jigsaws and draw pictures. | | | |

| | |etc. Show some examples of different types of writing. | | | | |

| | |Discuss which types chn like and why. Model how to | | | | |

| | |produce several types, e.g. bubble writing, shadow | | | | |

| | |writing (using two colours), etc. Now write my name on | | | | |

| | |the iwb. Show how we can number each letter in the name | | | | |

| | |according to its place in the alphabet, e.g. Ruth, R is | | | | |

| | |18th, u is 21st, etc. Write the number below each letter| | | | |

| | |in my name. Now model writing the first couple of | | | | |

| | |instructions: | | | | |

| | |1. Use bubble writing. | | | | |

| | |2. Write the 18th letter as a capital. | | | | |

| | |3. Write the 21st letter… | | | | |

| | |Explain that we shall start writing our instructions | | | | |

| | |today and we shall complete these tomorrow. | | | | |

|Day 4 |Full circle using |Look how some chn have begun to write their |Continuing carousel of activities |Display and discuss some good | | |

|Thursday |2nd list of words on|instructions. Remind chn that they need to: | |instructions. | | |

| |p.90 |1. Decide the style of their letters for their name. |G - Guided – instructions | | | |

| | |2. Number their letters in the alphabet. |B - Make crispy buns | | | |

| | |3. Write clear instructions using short sentences and |R – Pizza instructions | | | |

| | |bossy language. |Y – Ordering washing hands instructions | | | |

| | |Discuss chn’s handwriting, presentation and layout of | | | | |

| | |their instructions. These need to be numbered down the | | | | |

| | |page, like a list. Make sure that chn understand how to | | | | |

| | |layout their instructions by modelling how to do this. | | | | |

| | |Stress that we must leave spaces between our words and | | | | |

| | |start each new instruction on a new line. | | | | |

|Day 5 | | |Make crispy buns | | | |

|Friday | | | | | | |

Learning outcome for Phase 3:

• Children can write the next in a sequence of instructions, with the support of a partner.

• Children can write at least three instructions in a well-rehearsed sequence independently.


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