United States History Since Reconstruction – First Semester

United States History Since Reconstruction – Second Semester

Credit by Exam Review

Preparing for the Credit by Exam:

The credit by exam will consist of sixty multiple-choice questions. One of the main problems students confront when taking a credit by examination is knowing what to study. This study guide will help you to organize the subject matter and focus on those areas of the course that will be covered on this exam.

It is not expected that you will memorize all of this information; however, it is important to understand the links on the chain of United States history events. Important events and movements are all linked by cause and effect, and are not merely a series of unrelated collections of facts.

Review of Vocabulary and Personalities

Use the glossary of your United States History textbook to review the following list. This list of people, events, and concepts is intended as a review of the key ideas, concepts, and personages for the second semester of United States History since Reconstruction. For the best effect, review this material orally rather than in writing, quizzing yourself on whether you know the terms and the most outstanding contributions of the persons.

Adolph Hitler Japanese-American Internment

Battle of Midway Joseph McCarthy

Benito Mussolini Korean War

Berlin Airlift Lend Lease

Bonus Army Martin Luther King, Jr.

Cesar Chavez Pearl Harbor

Civil Rights Movement Plessy v. Ferguson

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) rationing

Cold War Richard Nixon

Cuban Missile Crisis Securities and Exchange Commission

Domino Theory Sputnik

Douglas MacArthur suburbs

Dust Bowl totalitarianism

Dwight Eisenhower Truman Doctrine

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Vietnam War

Franklin Roosevelt Voting Rights Act of 1965

George Marshall Watergate

George Patton Winston Churchill

Great Depression Women in World War II

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution Works Progress Administration (WPA)



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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