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His Way, November 5, 2013 ~ Boldness: Acts, Chapter Four

“He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it” (I Thessalonians 5:24).

“Do not neglect the gift that is in you, which was given to you by prophecy with the laying on of the hands

of the eldership” (I Timothy 4:14).

“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you will be My witnesses . . .” (Acts 1:8).

1. You are fully armed for the work of the Kingdom! Guard against (although fully armed) retreating from

the battle. (Read about the children of Ephraim were outwardly prepared to face the enemy. But what they

lacked was something on the inside - Psalm 78:9-11.)

“Unless we are consistent to keep what God has done in our memories and conversations, a downward spiral begins to happen in our lives. The less we talk about the miraculous interventions of God, the lower our expectation to see them break out around us goes. The lower our expectation, the less we step into opportunities to minister to people. The less we minister to people, the less frequently we are exposed to the miracles of God around us. The less we’re exposed to the miraculous . . . and the spiral can continue until eventually we lack any faith to see breakthrough in our circumstances, even when we’ve seen the very same impossibilities overcome by the power of God. We end us like the children of Ephraim, being fully armed but retreating from the battle. And the people who God desired to benefit from our breakthrough, the people to whom we owe an authentic re-representation of Jesus, are robbed of their encounters.”

Bill Johnson, Release the Power of Jesus, page 122

• Get some wins under your belt and then keep in mind those wins.

2. Remember your authority, in the Name of Jesus!

• People are in need of a word of courage! They have wayward kids, health problems, financial issues, weariness . . .

"There are thousands of people held by demonic powers, witchcraft, and doctrines of devils because

they have been denied the super - natural power of God . . . every child of God should be a

channel of the supernatural energy and the divine gifts of the Holy Ghost." John Osteen

• God has put in my mouth that which can bring people into their destiny!

An excerpt from the book, The Believer’s Authority, by Kenneth Hagin (page 29):

In 1952, the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to me in a vision and talked with me for about an hour and a half about the devil, demons, and demon possession. At the end of that vision, an evil spirit began jumping up and down, crying in a shrill voice, “Yakety-yak, yakety-yak.” I couldn’t see Jesus or understand what He was saying. (Through this entire experience, Jesus was teaching me something. And if you’ll be attentive, you’ll find the answer here to many things that have troubled you.) I couldn’t understand why Jesus allowed the demon to make such a racket. I wondered why Jesus didn’t rebuke the demon so I could hear what He was saying. I waited a few moments, but Jesus didn’t take any action against the demon. Jesus was still talking, but I couldn’t understand a word He was saying – and I needed to, because He was giving instructions concerning the devil, demons and how to exercise authority. I thought to myself, “Doesn’t the Lord know I’m not hearing what He wanted me to? I need to hear that. I’m missing it! I almost panicked. I became so desperate I cried out, “In the Name of Jesus, you foul spirit, I command you to stop!” The minute I said that, the little demon hit the floor like a sack of salt, and the black cloud disappeared. The demon lay there trembling, whimpering, and whining like a whipped pup. He wouldn’t look at me. “Not only shut up, but get out of here in Jesus’ Name!” I commanded. He ran off. The Lord knew exactly what was in my mind. I was thinking, Why didn’t He do something about that? Why did He permit it? Jesus looked at me and said, “If you hadn’t done something

about that, I couldn’t have.” That came as a real shock to me - it astounded me. I replied, “Lord, I know I didn’t hear You right! You said You wouldn’t, didn’t You?”

[Then the Lord said to Kenneth:] “Not a single time in the New Testament is the church ever told to pray that God the Father or Jesus would do anything against the devil. In fact, to do so is a waste of your time. The believer is told to do something about the devil. The reason is because you have the authority to do it. The church is not to pray to God the Father about the devil; the church is to exercise the authority that belongs to it.” [The Lord went on to give Kenneth four references that prove the way in which we are to fight the devil.]

• Train my hands for war! Teach me to stand and fight back on behalf of Your righteous cause, oh Lord!

3. Jesus Christ told us that we would do greater things!

“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.” John 14:12

• The Lord commissioned us to go into our promised territory – all the world - and make disciples of the nations, displacing the influence of the kingdom of darkness and releasing the reality of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Smith Wigglesworth said: “I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel.

I am moved only by what I believe.”

• The gifts and callings of God are irrevocable but the anointing of the Lord ebbs and flows according to the relationship we have with the Holy Spirit (Romans 11:29).

• Others will have an encounter with Jesus when they encounter you (Ezekiel 46:9)!

4. Some Lists (These lists are not exhaustive!)

a. When spiritual warfare is especially heavy: (1) Fast (2) partake of the Lord’s Supper (3) put on the Armor of

light (4) Pray in the Spirit one hour (5) Worship (6) Read Revelation 4-5 out loud (7) Anoint with oil. Use the His

Way Healing card, the book, "Rules of Engagement", flags. (Properties of Oil: Food, Ointment, Light.)

b. What the devil hates: (1) The proclamation of Communion (2) Spikenard oil (3) Speaking in tongues (4) Giving

offering (giving to the poor – any kind of giving) (5) Worship in Spirit and truth.

c. What I (Linda) will not do: (1) Bolster up my case against anyone through negative thinking in my head (2)

Prop up any bad attitude through rationalization (3) Sympathize with someone who is spitting in the Lord’s face

(4) Make any deal with the devil as the only way out (lying, cheating, running away or stealing) (5) Be ashamed of

my shortcomings and mistakes (6) Fear future calamity or trouble (7) Be disloyal to God by giving thought/worry

about what other people think.

5. The Glory

A. Respecting the Presence

• Ananias and Sapphira were part of the early church on fire. But they did not reverence the Presence.

“The experience of Ananias and Sapphira makes clear what will happen to people who disregard the Spirit . . . Sin against the Spirit is dangerous. If you don’t understand the works of the Spirit, don’t talk about them; it is better to keep quiet . . . The Holy Spirit is the one who controls my meetings. In other words, He’s the boss of the service. You need to ask Him to take charge of your life too.” Benny Hinn, Good Morning, Holy Spirit, page 61

“Do not cast me away from Your presence and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.” Psalm 51:11

• A move of God is not to be controlled – it is to be yielded to.

Excerpt from Linda Anderson's Teaching for Prayer Team Training. (Pick up a Prayer Team Training Handbook at the His Way Bookstore for $10.)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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