Online_training_opportunities - RNIB

Online training opportunities for professionals working in educational settings with children and young people who are blind or partially sighted

About our online training courses

Vision is our most powerful sense, providing instant access to information and helping us to make sense of the world around us. Most teaching approaches take vision for granted, so making sure that children and young people with little or no sight achieve their full educational potential can present significant challenges.

RNIB offers two online courses for education professionals to help them to understand the implications of visual impairment for teaching and learning. Both courses were developed with the Open University to maximise the benefits of studying via an online learning environment.

Our training courses seek to challenge you to consider your current practice, share and develop this with others in the field, and apply your new understanding to your working context.

RNIB online training courses are designed to help students to:

• understand the visual system and how vision works

• understand different types of visual impairment and their functional effects

• consider the implications of visual impairment for educational and social development

• explore the range of educational provision available to meet the needs of children and young people with visual impairment

• understand key factors in providing curriculum access

• consider the importance of teamwork and good communication.

You can study at two different levels.

Understanding visual impairment in children and young people

This short course is studied online over around 50 hours at a pace of the student’s choosing.

Students receive ‘light touch’ tutorial support. Students do not need to be working with blind or partially sighted learners to complete the course.

Benefits include:

• leads to RNIB certificate

• flexible start dates

• detailed online course materials set out over two units

• structured activities including self-study activities, discussion forums and scenario based tasks

• portfolio based assessment and tutor feedback.

Entry requirements

There are no entry requirements for “Understanding visual impairment in children and young people”.

Course fee

£100 per participant (please note that course fees are subject to change).

Start date


“I now know so much more than I did at the beginning of this course about how to help my student in lessons”


Partners in Learning

Partners in Learning is an accredited BTEC course which uses a blended learning approach of face-to-face training with online study and discussion activities.

The course is designed to be studied online over 12 months with two training days.

Learning pathways

Partners in Learning follows a modular structure and enables you to specialise in one of the following pathways:

• Visual impairment: principal disability

• Visual impairment: complex needs

• Visual impairment: early years.

Benefits include:

• leads to national qualification (level 3 BTEC)

• flexible online access

• detailed timetable of activities

• extensive course materials set out over six units

• varied approaches to learning and assessment

• frequent online discussions with fellow students

• regular online contact with experienced tutor

• specialist pathways to reflect different professional contexts.

Entry requirements

You should be able to provide evidence of the following:

• education to GCSE standard, NVQ Level 2 or equivalent experience and/or qualifications

• working on a regular basis with one or more children or young people with visual impairment for the duration of the course

• regular access to broadband internet and email facilities

• employer support for the period of your training.

Course fee

£650 per participant (please note that course fees are subject to change).

Start date

Annual (February).

“Overall a very good course. Useful and easy online system…tutors very nice and knowledgeable. Would recommend this course to others”


To apply or for further information

Please contact:

Course administrator,

CYPF team,


58–72 John Bright Street,

Birmingham B1 1BN.

Telephone: 0121 665 4235

Fax: 0121 665 4201


RNIB offers practical support, advice and information to anyone with sight loss and those who work with them.

We support education professionals to work effectively with blind and partially sighted learners from birth to 25, including those with complex needs. Our goal is to ensure every child with sight loss has the best possible start in life and goes on to achieve their full potential.

For more information visit: .uk/educationprofessionals

© RNIB September 2012 Registered charity number 226227


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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