Final Project Prep – Character AnalysisSeries Title:FriendsWhy this Series: (6-8 sentences)I’ve never been too committed to watching a series in its full, but this was a very popular show among many young adults my age, so I couldn’t resist viewing it myself. I’ve discovered that I’m a big fan of TV sitcoms, even ones that had premiered years before I was born. I love to binge-watch long-running sitcoms on my days off, especially because I get to fall in love with the main character(s) and see them develop as they get themselves into a variety of tricky, goofy, or lighthearted situations in each episode. I love Friends for its comedy and relatability. Even though the show is centered around six friends in their mid-20s, trying to figure out the different aspects of their lives together (love, relationships, careers, etc.), the show lends some nostalgia to older fans who can reminisce on their own younger selves during their more vulnerable years while watching. In addition, Friends inspires younger fans who may look up to these characters’ lives in hopes of achieving a life in the big city while having fun and getting into some mischief with their closest friends. Additional Episode Title:Season 1, Episode 2- “The One with the Sonogram at the End”Additional Episode Synopsis: (2-4 sentences)In this episode, Ross is having trouble processing his ex-wife Carol’s pregnancy but attends her first sonogram along with Carol’s current girlfriend, Susan. They ask Ross to still be involved in raising his child, but they are planning to not even have the baby take his last name. While Ross is at a loss in his involvement with Carol and the baby on the way, Monica is extremely stressed while having her parents over for dinner, who both appear to always be criticizing her every move and instead favor her older brother, Ross. Following their negative comments directed towards her previous weight problem, love life, and career status, Monica forces Ross to come clean to his parents about his controversial situation with Carol.Character Name:Monica GellerWhy this character/Your connection to the character: (6-8 sentences)Out of the three leading ladies in the series, I’ve always felt most connected to Monica and her drive to succeed. She had grown up being mocked and defined by her weight, but she used this as motivation in the long run to accomplish her goals. I can strongly relate to Monica having very few friends during high school, with her primary best friend just being Rachel, in addition to her constant strive to make her parents proud. Young Monica also had a slight association with Chandler as well, with him being Ross’ best friend. Monica used the criticism she received when she was younger to shape herself into a confident, healthy woman who is pursuing a career as a chef in New York through her passion for food and cooking. Monica’s kindness, orderliness, and extreme competitiveness shines throughout the series, and I can see myself becoming more similar to her everyday as I grow older and more independent. She’s never allowed her past get in the way of her future, and she’s pushed herself to accomplish her dreams of finding love and becoming a mother yet continuing to be a hardworking head chef in a male-dominated industry.Character – Physical Description: (3-4 sentences)Monica is a white woman in her mid 20’s at the beginning of the series. She is a petite woman with dark brown/black hair that she wears in a “very 90’s” voluminous bob that brushes her shoulders. Monica has striking blue eyes and a lovely smile that catch your eye against her smooth, pale complexion. When not on the clock in her chef uniform, Monica dresses very in-trend with typical 90’s fashion, such as high waisted jeans/trousers, structured t-shirts/tops, or cozy sweaters.Character – Personality Description: (3-4 sentences)Monica is extremely kind and will always “be there for you” as a true friend, but her extreme cleanliness and orderliness, competitiveness, and bossiness can present herself as sometimes having a controlling personality. Monica finds joy in cleaning and loves to keep her apartment tidy and neat, which her friends never cease to comment on as the series progresses. Monica’s competitiveness is assumed to have stemmed from her constant attempts to make her parent’s proud of her and her strive to step outside of living in Ross’ shadow. Her bossy and particular characteristics may have developed from her strive to present herself as “perfect” behind her original insecurities from her childhood as well.Significant Moment: (4-5 sentences)One of the most significant moments in Monica’s life happened during her teenage years when she is an obese young woman who was relatively unliked by her peers because of her appearance. She met her brother’s best friend, Chandler Bing (her future husband), on Thanksgiving 1987 at her parents’ house. Monica originally had a big crush on Chandler, until she unfortunately overheard him refer to her as Ross’ “fat sister.” She turns this sudden heartbreak into motivation to lose weight and transform into her own “revenge body” to get back at Chandler the following year. This was probably the first instance that Monica channeled the negativity she received into something positive that motivated her to become her best self.Character Presentation: (4-5 sentences)Monica is first presented as a single, hardworking chef who immediately welcomes her childhood best friend, Rachel, into her home right after she walks out of her marriage. This is the kind of friend Monica is. She has a huge heart and is always willing to help her friends at the drop of a hat. There is no doubt that Monica is considered the “mother” of the group, which is where her controlling personality, yet level-headed advice comes into play during her adventures with her friends. Monica remains her true unapologetic self in all of her encounters with various jobs and relationships throughout the series. Character Inspiration (4-5 sentences)I want the character I create to be a strong, independent woman like Monica. Even though my character may have had a history of insecurities and negativity projected onto her, she doesn’t let this stop her from working to achieve her goals. At first glance, my character may appear like any other ordinary young woman, but she is constantly pushing to be her best self and channeling her energy into her passions while developing her career. I want my character to have that eagerness and Monica’s sense of motivation to take her life into her own hands, even amid the setbacks she may encounter. ................

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