HADASSAH FOUNDATION 2020 US GRANT PROPOSALPrior to completing a grant proposal, be sure to thoroughly read the Request for Grant Proposals. Please type directly into this form and answer the following questions in their entirety.Email your completed grant proposal to hadassahfoundation@ by 12:00pm noon ET on Thursday, February 27, 2020.COVER SHEETOrganization Name: FORMTEXT ?????Program Title: FORMTEXT ?????Organization Website: FORMTEXT ?????Social Media Accounts: FORMTEXT ?????Organization Address: FORMTEXT ?????Contact Person: FORMTEXT ?????Title: FORMTEXT ?????Contact Phone: FORMTEXT ?????Contact Email: FORMTEXT ?????Executive Director (if different): FORMTEXT ?????Executive Director Phone: FORMTEXT ?????Executive Director Email: FORMTEXT ????? Funding Amount Requested for Program: (over 2 years) FORMTEXT ?????Program Budget:(over 2 years) FORMTEXT ?????Organization operating budget for current year: FORMTEXT ?????Previously applied for an HF grant? (Y/N): FORMTEXT ?????Previously received an HF grant? (Y/N) FORMTEXT ?????List year, program title and amount of each prior HF grant: FORMTEXT ?????Total number of Board Members of the Organization: FORMTEXT ?????Number of Board Members who identify as women: FORMTEXT ?????Total number of full-time staff; Total number of part-time staff: FORMTEXT ?????Number of full-time staff who identify as women; Number of part-time staff who identify as women: FORMTEXT ?????Tax Status: 501(c)3 FORMCHECKBOX Fiscal Sponsor FORMCHECKBOX U.S. Fiscal Sponsor (if applicable): FORMTEXT ????? EIN: FORMTEXT ????? Address: FORMTEXT ????? Contact Person: FORMTEXT ????? Phone Number: FORMTEXT ?????Summary of Program (one paragraph): FORMTEXT ?????NARRATIVEYou are encouraged to write brief, yet complete responses to the questions below. The word count next to each question is a guide. Please aim to be concise. Organization Mission Statement, Description and Brief History (Less than 300 words)Include your experience, current initiatives, and accomplishments. FORMTEXT ?????Description of Need (Less than 300 words)What issue and/or unmet need is being addressed by your organization and by this program?Is the program new or existing? If it is a new program, please explain the process for developing the program. If it is an existing program, please share the program history, recent successes, and if applicable, any planned changes or enhancements. Use of Funds (Less than 800 words)Describe the program activities, objectives, and goals for each program year and provide a timetable for the life of this grant. Indicate the number of individuals who will benefit from or participate in the program and their demographics. How does your strategy differ from others in the field? What are your plans for long-term sustainability of this program? Will your organization be partnering with any other organizations, institutions, or government entities? FORMTEXT ?????Program Staff (Less than 250 words)Who will be responsible for this work? Please indicate the number of staff, titles, responsibilities, and the percent of their time that will be directed toward this program. FORMTEXT ?????Achievements/Evaluation (Less than 400 words)With HF’s goals in mind, what does success look like to you? What are the anticipated short- and long-terms outcomes and how will they be measured and tracked over time? FORMTEXT ?????Social Change (Less than 250 words)How will your program help to create systemic change for women and girls? From the list of indicators of social change below, which “shift” or “shifts” best applies to your proposed program, and why?Shifts in definition and reframing of issues:The issue is defined differently in the community or larger society.Shifts in individual and community behavior:People are behaving differently in the community or larger society.Shifts in critical mass and engagement:People are more engaged. Critical mass has been reached.Shifts in institutions, systems, and policies:An institutional, organizational, or legislative policy or practice has changed.Maintaining earlier progress:Past gains have been maintained, generally in the face of opposition. FORMTEXT ?????FINANCIAL List your organization's top five current funding sources and indicate the amount next to each source. FORMTEXT ?????Please explain any items of your program budget that are not self-explanatory, what the budget items will cover, variations, or detail substantial in-kind support. FORMTEXT ?????ATTACHMENTSRequired Documents - Only proposals that contain all of the following documents will be considered: Organization operating budget for the current year. (File name: [ORG NAME] Org. Budget)Two-year program budget. Submit your program budget using the HF Program Budget Template. To access the template, click HYPERLINK "" here.(File name: [ORG NAME] Program Budget)Certificate confirming 501(c)3 status or fiscal sponsorship agreement (File name: [ORG NAME] Tax Status)Most recent audited financial statements (preferably for 2018.) (File name: [ORG NAME] Financial Statements)Optional DocumentsMemo(s) of Understanding. (File name: [ORG NAME] MOU)Additional Information: Feel free to send an additional document that may be helpful in further explaining your program. (Examples: report, study, marketing material, etc.) (File name: [ORG NAME] Add. Info) ................

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