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MEDICAL SEARCH ENGINE PROJECTABSTRACT: Just like Google search engine, this Medical Search Engine system will help the user to search about anything related to medical field. This client server system will help the user to find out what disease he/she might get suffered in future, due to the symptoms he/she is facing right now.Not only this but this search engine will also help the user to identify medicines that are recommended for some particular diseases. This engine will also provide list of the medicine shops available based on filter area and also the cost of medicines in the market. This engine will also inform about the best doctor or hospital known for a particular kind of disease, if any.EXISTING SYSTEM: In existing system, if you have to buy a particular medicine than you have to roam to each and every medical shop until you get that medicine. This will also happens that sometimes, the shopkeeper charge too much more than the actual rate of the medicine in the market.People ask to each other for the medicines for some common problems such as headache and cough and this will end up by consuming wrong medicine too, due to wrong advice.PROPOSED SYSTEM: This system is one of the best life savior application as this system will help to solve all the medical related issues from the smartphone only. All the details related to almost every medical diseases will be available in this system.Whenever the user search for a medicine shop nearby to his place, then this system will help the user to find the shop as soon as possible. Also, this system will help you to let know the disease name on the basis of your symptoms and some common curing ways of it. MODULES: Here are the given modules for the medical search engine project:MEDICAL STORE MODULE: All the details related to medical stores, their locations, their highlights will be shown in this module. Filtering feature is also available which helps the user to fine relevant store of their own requirement.ADVISER MODULE: An adviser module will be there where user can get expert advice related to their issues as well. On demand, adviser can meet personally as well.USER MODULE: When a user will make an account, then he or she will be going to use this module only. User can access each and everything available in this system using this module.DATABASE MODULE: All the data, information and text documents will be maintained in this module. This module will also execute queries for activating some particular kind of commands. This module maintains every information present in the system.Hardware RequirementsHard Disk – 2 GB.RAM – 1 GB.Processor – Dual Core or Above.Mouse.Keyboard.Monitor.Printer.Software RequirementsAndorid software development kit (SDK)Windows XPJava Development Kit (JDK)NotepadAndroid debug bridge ................

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